54th World Economic Racket Ends With a Bang and Disease X is Dead
Thank you to all the 'Fixers, Operatives and Freelancers' who have seen humankind's proverbial light and jumped ship
Who we are now is not who we were - for better or for worse.
Society of Faeries
Bless Berlin And All Liberty Lovers Around The World
(Video source - Stranger Than Fiction)
Exciting Changes Abound!
To celebrate the exciting ‘people power’ activities that are blossoming all over the world (but predictably avoided like the plague by the dying legacy mass media controllers), I have been inspired to share some timely passages from Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, a secret ‘introductory programing manual’ published in May 1979.
It marked the 25th anniversary of the Third World War aka Quiet War that was declared by the international elite creatures at a meeting in 1954. They would conduct their war with subjective, biological warfare (and spiritual warfare), fought with ‘silent weapons.’ Although the silent weapons system was nearly exposed 13 years later, the evolution of the new weapon system has never suffered any major setbacks. (Until now, perhaps.)
This, too, remained conveniently unreported by the complicit legacy media all those decades ago. Same old story. Round and round in circles the usual suspects go. Cheers to the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Harvard University, media moguls and other silent, psychopathic players for covertly inflicting your despicable and harmful strategies upon Americans, Australians and the world at large.
The Harvard Economic Research Project (1948 -) was an extension of WW2 Operations. Its purpose was to discover the science of controlling an economy: at first the American economy and then the world economy.
It was felt that with sufficient mathematical foundation and data, it would be nearly as easy to predict and control the trend or an economy as to predict and control the trajectory of a projectile. Such has proven to be the case. Moreover, the economy has been transformed into a guided missile on target.
…The immediate aim of the Harvard project was to discover the economic structure, what forces change the structure, how the behaviour of the structure can be predicted and how it can be manipulated.
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
Short List of Outputs
Tip: Control freaks are bullying cowards who are driven by fear.
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars - Excerpt
Political Introduction
In 1954 it was well recognized by those in positions of authority that it was only a matter of time, only a few decades, before the general public would be able to grasp and upset the cradle of power, for the very elements of the new silent weapon technology were as accessible for a public utopia as they were for providing a private utopia.
The issue of primary concern, that of dominance, revolved around the subject of the energy sciences.
Again, most people want to be free to do things (to explore, etc.) but they are afraid to fail. The fear of failure is manifested in irresponsibility, and especially in delegating those personal responsibilities to others where success uncertain or carries possible or created liabilities (law) which the person is not prepared to accept.
They want authority (root word - 'author'), but will not accept responsibility or liability. So they hire politicians to face reality for them.
The people know that they have created this farce and financed it with their own taxes (consent), but they would rather knuckle under than be the hypocrite.
The people hire the politicians so that the people can:
(1) obtain security without managing it.
(2) obtain action without thinking about it.
(3) inflict theft, injury, and death upon others without having to contemplate either life
- or death.
(4) avoid responsibility for their own intentions
(5) obtain the benefits of reality and science without exerting themselves in the discipline of facing or learning either of these things.
They give the politicians the power to create and manage a war machine to:
(1) provide for the survival of the NATION/WOMB.
(2) prevent encroachment of anything upon the NATION/WOMB.
(3) destroy the enemy who threatens the NATION/WOMB.
(4) destroy those citizens of their own country who do not conform for the sake of stability of the NATION/WOMB.
Politicians hold many quasi-military jobs, the lowest being the police which are soldiers, the attorneys and the C.P.A.s next, who are spies and saboteurs (licensed), and the judges who shout the orders and run the closed union military shop for whatever the market will bear.
The generals are industrialists. The ‘presidential’ level of commander- in-chief is shared by the international bankers.
The people know that they have created this farce and financed it with their own taxes (consent), but they would rather knuckle under than be the hypocrite.
Thus, a nation becomes divided into two very distinct parts, a DOCILE SUB-NATION and a POLITICAL SUB-NATION. The political sub-nation remains attached to the docile sub-nation, tolerates it and leaches its substance until it grows strong enough to detach itself and devour its parent.
(CPA – Certified Public Accountant)
Editor’s Note: I guess this means that most politicians will be out of a job in time to come but, to be fair, they are being given plenty of notice before the tax dollars stop appearing in their bank accounts.
Diversion Tactics
Media Subversion
Free Download Link: Quiet Weapons for Silent Wars
Until next time.
(Image: Indigenous Civilizations)