A Self Healing Gift: Re-Remembering our organic Magnetic Medicine Wheels
I healed the seemingly impossible injuries in my body that I have carried since SRA and occult experiments as a child. Goz Goz, Original Royal Magyar Co-creator
Spanish Inquisition, (1478–1834), judicial institution ostensibly established to combat heresy in Spain. In practice, the Spanish Inquisition served to consolidate power in the monarchy of the newly unified Spanish kingdom, but it achieved that end through infamously brutal methods. (Britannica)
(Image source: Wiki)
(Source: Goz Goz FB page, 17 November 2024)
Our Magnetic Medicine Wheels are patiently waiting for us to re-remember and re-connect
According to Australia’s original royal Magyar co-creator Goz Goz, Magnetic Medicine Wheels knowledge was wiped from the Spanish Inquisition onwards. He has spent decades re-remembering and work it all out again.
This article includes his basic introduction about our organic, Magnetic Medicine Wheels, which exist underneath our inorganic ‘overlay’ system of spinning chakra wheels, patiently waiting for us to re-remember and re-connect. Being a perpetual student of self healing, ancient shamanic healing arts and energy medicine, when I initially read his words, they felt deeply resonant.
I was also reminded of the new age ‘love ‘n light’ programs that were earnestly rolled out in spiritually ignorant western countries from the 1990s onwards. Ancient chakras were suddenly the ‘in thing’ and many other new metaphysical belief systems were also seeded, later exploding all over the newfangled internet, where you could suddenly be, say and sell anything to anyone at any time.
Healing practitioners who have been working with the widely accepted chakra teachings for decades, may initially feel resistant to the Magnetic Medicine Wheels knowledge, a common reaction when something comes along to challenge a long held, deeply rooted belief – particularly in relation to health, healing and all things spiritual, soulful and metaphysical.
In this instance, I sincerely recommend momentarily suspending all beliefs and judgment, as it will pay generous health dividends - of the profit-free kind.
A new paradigm of advanced self healing
From what I have gleaned thus far, learning how to master our Magnetic Medicine Wheels will inevitably put the fanatical 1% depopulation trillionaires and petrochemical/Frankensteinian pharmaceutical giants out of business, whilst we all enjoy transitioning into a new, awaiting paradigm of advanced self healing.
(Sorry guys, but you have been experimenting on humanity for centuries and homo sapiens, including children, have never been so sick. While you all cash in. Now it’s our turn.)
The restoration of our health, wealth and wellbeing on all levels is entirely achievable. All we have to do to make it happen, is take responsibility and consciously commit ourselves to co-creating the real life we were born to live, where optimal health and prosperity are the norm.
I personally consider Goz Goz to be a rare gift to humankind and hope you find his long lost esoteric and healing knowledge as compelling and exciting as I do. Even illuminati members turn to Goz Goz for information about humankind's true origins, in between harassing and torturing him with heinous technologies. Which really has to stop. Grow up, please. The world is changing, with or without you.
Cult survivors who spontaneously learned to heal themselves from horrific experiments and injuries as children, will naturally understand where Goz Goz is coming from but may also gain new insights as to how they tapped into their inbuilt technology system to knit their broken bones back together and heal other horrific injuries.
Best of all, emerging information about our organic Magnetic Medicine Wheels is an inspiring revelation for all to embrace with gusto.
Original Magyar folk never worshipped anything; they be shamanic nature custodians who be nature soul scientists.
Reptoid idiots demand egotistic worship, not true Magyar soul co-creators..
Magyars give gratitude and reverence to the sun (Isten) and organic nature, but NEVER worship.
Goz Goz, September 30, 2024
(Image shared by Jay Palmer)
Magnetic Medicine Wheels Key Points of Interest
Finding and actively using the human body Magnetic Medicine Wheels enables you to manipulate your body physically, with seeming ease
Magnetic Medicine Wheels send and receive magnetism by soul feel ONLY, of which the main soul magnetic feel engine is your stomach soul centre. Your navel is the core centre of your physical anatomy
Medicine wheels can project/attract magnetism with each other or any body part/aspect so you can move flesh/bones without pain and injuring yourself - this takes a lot of practice and you also have to have a really good diet food/drink wise
Magnetic Medicine Wheel locations on your body - 28 main medicine wheels in total
You can soul/centre each individual Magnetic Medicine Wheel and feel to see/observe it in your fish eye viewing, which is higher on your forehead above your 3rd eye
Approximately 5,200 Endocannabinoid Receptors in the human body also carry magnetic energy
Chakra spiral locks can be easily removed from your Magnetic Medicine Wheels
The main central medicine wheel is the WHOLE stomach (gut, navel, solar plexus, appendix) and not just a chakra dot point below the navel
Magnetic Medicine Wheels - Basic Introduction
Goz Goz, 2 October 2024, (slightly edited)
Magnetically 'feeling to see'
You can't think or heart feel Magnetic Medicine Wheels into action. You must use your stomach <===> full body soul centre and then further magnetically gut feel connect your stomach soul centre with your fish eye at your crown, hence magnetically 'feeling to see'.
Every Magnetic Medicine Wheel sends and receives magnetism by soul feel ONLY, of which the main soul magnetic feel engine is your stomach soul centre. The heart is the motor and we need it running smoothly, so LEAVE THE HEART ALONE. The heart is not the centre of your body either.
Your navel in your whole stomach region is the core centre of your physical anatomy.
Human body medicine wheels attract/repel magnetic energy all around your body from one medicine wheel to another and so on. One has to consciously feel from one medicine wheel to another - it is amazing.
Intellectually colonised medical science would deem this impossible
I healed the seemingly impossible injuries in my body by using this; injuries that I have carried since SRA (satanic ritual abuse) and occult experiments since a child, that the illuminati 1% round table, southern hemisphere headquarters at the Manor did to me as an infant from the early 1970's.
My big breakthrough came in 2021, after 10 determined and persistent years of developing soul centreing in this life, regarding finding and actively using the human body magnetic medicine wheels that enabled me to manipulate my body physically with seeming ease. Intellectually colonised medical science would deem this impossible and label you as a psychiatric crank.
Main essential medicine wheels
Magnetic Medicine Wheel Locations
One in each foot
Behind both knees
Tailbone, under genitals
Behind solar plexus
Back of neck/head
Stomach (main medicine wheel centre)
Heart, throat, mouth, eyes, ears and top of head/crown
Armpits and hands
Chin, nose, both eyebrows
Both temples
Between upper lip and nose
28 main medicine wheels in total that also line up with the base 28 chabasite colours you see in the real fish eye astral when you are soul/body centred.
These I have found are the main essential medicine wheels and when you get good at these, you can then go on to use your teeth and all aspects of your body, really. As Bruce Lee once said, there are no limits.
Learning to view omniversal aspects of organic nature
You can soul/centre each individual Magnetic Medicine Wheel and feel to see/observe it in your fish eye viewing, which is higher on your forehead above your 3rd eye.
When you get good at this, you can also view these (wheels) through the 3rd eye once you heal the 3rd eye. It takes practice, like anything, yet when you soul/body feel to view each individual medicine wheel, once you are soul/body centred in the zone, initially from your main centre stomach/gut medicine wheel, you view various, different, omniversal aspects of organic nature.
It is quite easy once you get the knack of it, yet you need to be free of most of your trauma, first, through soul centred regression work that releases the emotional charge of trauma incidents stored in your body. And never lie to yourself, otherwise your finely tuned, overall body soul instrument won't function properly using the Magnetic Medicine Wheels.
Removal of chakra spiral locks
I also managed to take off all the chakra spiral locks the illuminati 1% put on all my medicine wheels. It is easy. You just take out the chakra spiral spin locked over each medicine wheel by pulsing and/or running down an omnivescent dandelion pollen ball in all/omni directions with each spiral lock, and boof, it breaks open and no more chakra spin, either clockwise or counterclockwise.
Moving flesh/bones without pain and injuring yourself
The Magnetic Medicine Wheels can also be used in a multitudinal variety of ways, especially as a musical instrument(s), singing through them either silently, humming or open voice, and also heal your body with sound, using your hands and fingers to press muscles etc to change the pitch of notes whilst singing a long legato note.
Try it, it is beyond mind blowing, so to speak. And then you extend it to your whole body, doing this beyond the medicine wheels. The medicine wheels can then project/attract magnetism with each other or any body part/aspect so you can move flesh/bones without pain and injuring yourself.
This takes a lot of practice and you also have to have a really good diet food/drink wise and not put/ingest any rubbish food/drink into your body. Your body needs to be tight and solid with a loose fit, so to speak, so you can heal yourself like this in a multitudinal amount of ways.
Medicine wheels can be used as portals - totally risk free - and 3rd eye viewers can't see you in the 3rd eye astral
The Magnetic Medicine Wheels are also portals to the WHOLE omniverse where each medicine wheel you just FEEL to see in your fish eye viewer on your forehead (internally) above your 3rd eye. Or when you get good at this, also use the 3rd eye but magnetically.
Yes, you can also energetically turn your 3rd eye into a Magnetic Medicine Wheel, yet like anything, it takes practice and once you get the 'FEEL to see' knack of how to do it, it is really quite easy to do and simple, too.
With each medicine wheel, you can also use them as portals and freely roam through so many various interconnected level realms, galaxies and other areas of Arahana beyond the Earth area ice walls. Without having to astral flip out of your body to do so, as people do with 3rd eye techniques, which carries a dangerous risk because if you can't get back into your body after such 3rd eye astral travelling being outside your body, you will die.
Yet with being first soul/body centred from your gut and then connecting through any of your medicine wheels, linking them up in many unlimited, various ways, you still remain 100% safely in your physical body and can roam anywhere omniversally, totally risk free.
And 3rd eye viewers can't see you in the 3rd eye astral either because you are accessing the original, organic, magnetic astral/etheric interconnected realms risk free via your stomach <====> fish eye/crown without being able to be seen.
You can even train your non-sensory brain processor to become a medicine wheel sensibility too, and attract/repel magnetic energy around your body via the medicine wheel interconnected amalgamation.
The key to this is to stop your brain from thinking. Get your brain to focus and follow as a student, your timeless knowing gut soul centre teacher.
Approximately 5,200 Endocannabinoid Receptors also carry magnetic energy
Remember, too, that your body has an endocannabinoid receptor system with approximately 5,200 endocannabinoid receptors that ALSO carry magnetic energy. All one has to do is consciously soul centre and actually use it in combination with the inherent Magnetic Medicine Wheels.
The endocannabinoid receptor system in the human body has more receptors than ANY other human body receptor system - no wonder the reptoids left it deliberately out of pharmaceutical company indoctrinated university medical text books.
Then you can also achieve and do the original Magyar Buda knowing and connect your body consciously to the four primary elements:
Connect your water to the great oceans of water - this is how you get the force you need before you can achieve and physically put into motion a successful 'one inch' Bruce Lee punch. Consciously FEEL with your soul centre and interconnect with all the oceans' water first. The feeling is tremendous and indescribable in English/bumbli$h language.
Then you connect your air with all air by being a leaf, hence 'be leaf/beleaf' and not beLIEf.
If you be a leaf, consciously interconnecting with leaves, then you can consciously (not intellectually) hear what the wind is saying, whether it be a zephyr or a raging gale…whether the wind is whispering or raging.
It will give you such knowing when you are spontaneously in any moment of now when you are stomach <====> full body soul centred.
Then you already have the inherent burning fire (masculine/red) in your stomach soul centre that you then combine with the water (feminine/blue) to create the purple creation flame from within that you can then shine through the infra-red of your fish eye at your crown to shine light as a nature custodian throughout the omniverse.
One will only really know this EXPERIENTIALLY for yourself by actually physically doing the do, so to speak, as this can not be achieved and known intellectually. One has to lose ALL fear first, so one can RELAX and enter the soul centre conscious zone, let alone spend much alone time with yourself, consciously mapping the consciousness of your unconscious stomach soul centre teacher to the brain student.
Spontaneity created within any present moment of now/one/ván/wán/wön existent in magnetism/love is truth/tarü.
You NEVER spin Magnetic Medicine Wheels, nor need to. Spin is inorganic
Are the magnetic wheels the same places they claim the chakras to be? Is that what I be spinning?
Some Magnetic Medicine Wheels are indeed in the same areas as the chakras but the Magnetic Medicine Wheels are much bigger in surface area and depth e.g. the main central medicine wheel is the WHOLE stomach (gut, navel, solar plexus, appendix) and not just a chakra dot point below the navel.
You NEVER spin Magnetic Medicine Wheels, nor need to. SPIN is inorganic and does not naturally occur in organic nature. The fact they be magnetic means all you have to do is send and receive magnetism through them in the most basic premise, as they be also acupressure points used for healing and also musical instrument keys to resonate music through them and your organs etc and whole body. Your BELL-y is there to resonate sound through.
The Magnetic Medicine Wheels be all over your body. They also are portals to the whole of the omniverse from your very own organic body/soul technology.
From what I have observed, this specific knowing resonates with original Magyar souls and their descendants and a few others but the rest be just kába hypnotised/under illusion/drugged into all this reptoid human hybrid false spirituality via the chakras and 3rd eye.
It is ok to start soul centreing, grounding the chakras with magnetism and activating the chakras from your stomach soul centre and not the 3rd eye. It is quite simple and sometimes you may need to use this in combination with the magnetic medicine wheels, depending on what the capstone idiots may be throwing at you out of their cots.
But otherwise, the Magnetic Medicine Wheels be way more powerful and there is so much more you can do as well, let alone surf the whole omniverse from them. Each Magnetic Medicine Wheel can enable one to visit various interconnected worlds/realms etc in the whole omniverse, just from your own body/soul organic technology.
Gut instinct based soul centreing
The key to soul centreing is that, simply put, it is magnetically gut instinct based, and not electrical non-sense brain intellect based, where you gut feel into living itself and living things to know 'what is and what isn't'.
Even rocks and dust be living with consciousness that you can feel into with your gut to communicate with, yet brain 'thinking' can't do so because it ain't a genuine magnetically felt sense.
We have been Satanically inverted/reverse polarised/genetically hacked in this way too, yet with gut instinct based soul centreing we can improvise and undo and/or get around the 'non-sense' genetic hack.
Goz Goz, October 2, 2024
True gut feel soul REdiscovery
Soul science is a process of deep self REdiscovery that cannot otherwise be achieved through intellectually based reflective meditation
The head to heart based connection is a spiritual inversion which stops the process of true gut feel soul REdiscovery
Get into the STOMACH and intuitively feel through life if you want to win at this game
Harley Gonzalez - Goz Goz FB Post
Learn more from Goz Goz and friends on his Facebook page
Article: Trauma Recovery, Healing, Resilience and Reclaiming Our Gifts
From Survivor to Super Soul:
“I was able to knit my bones back together. It is possible to knit broken bones back together by using our mind and body. We have incredible healing abilities through our consciousness. The day will come when we no longer need doctors because everything we need to heal ourselves, is within.” Max Lowen
“Our souls, not just our minds, are super. We are capable of so much more than we realise.” Rachel Vaughan
“Military special forces undergo no time to bleed MK-Ultra programming which enables them to take a bullet and keep going. I experienced much of that, too…I do, no time to have a cold, no time to get sick. And I don’t. I stay super, super healthy just with this mental game that I can do.” Cathy O’Brien
“I would love to see my abusers change and heal and become people who do good in the world. As souls we are here to learn and grow.” Doug McIntyre
Illuminati = Controlled False Information they want you to beLIEve in
The illuminati capstone have wiped real original Magyar tribal history of human origins and beyond worldwide, a long time ago for the most part and for a long time since.
They have controlled the information sources that people base their reality on - still a lot of people don't realise this this and that the information that the capstone make easy to access for anyone to know is the fal$e information they want people to beLIEve in; as long as they control it, they don't care what choice U make in beLIEving /and/or subscribe to.
Intellectual beLIEf is the enemy of true gut instinct soul knowing.
Goz Goz, 12/10/2024
Until next time.
The Sumerian language is identical to modern Magyar language, bar just two symbol characters. This bowl below, from the Lake Titicaca area in Bolivia, is obviously Magyar Sumerian or earlier writing inscriptions too, as the whole world used to communicate with Magyar language, being of the sounds of omniversal organic nature until the reptoid human hybrids started gradually confusing the tongues.
Not many people can decipher linguistics properly, especially the ancient stuff which is all stomach soul centred shamanic in knowing and application unlike the Satanically inverted brain intellect and 3rd eye genetic hack trap crap of today.
The real original Magyar omniversal co-creation roots history has been wiped by sulphide stinking reptoid human hybrids and the only way to piece it back together is through linguistics and geography where the capstone reptoid idiots have spilt crumbs on the table, to dot join it all back again, so to speak.
Goz Goz, September 28, 2024
(Image Source: Goz Goz)
I loved this article. Has a great perspective. I can relate to a lot of it. It was a pleasure to read.