Had Enough of AmBushes, Nazis, NWO, Luciferians, Satanists, Cults, Lies, Crime, Sorcery, Mediocre Media, Politics etc?
Check out the World Crime Syndicate gossip pages. Hours of fun. Where have we all been, people?
World Crime Syndicate
In 2020, World Crime Syndicate blogger IzrealZeus published a comprehensive who’s who of Big Money, including family histories and voluminous allegations of their association with Big Food, Big Drugs, Big Crime, Big Terror, Big Evil and other Big Stuff that the characters in question would prefer remained a secret, I’m sure.
I don’t have any issues with Big Money unless it originates from ill gotten gains and wouldn’t mind a slice of this limitless pie myself, simply to share it around with anyone who legitimately needs financial assistance or a comfortable living wage.
George Bush – New World Order
The Bush Family
We are yet to hear about the long list of crimes and terrorist activities of the Bush family in the mass meanstream media but there is no shortage of discussions about them in the cyber media. Such as retired US veteran (35 years) Michael Jaco in his recent Rumble broadcast entitled: The Nazis that are running the world are losing everywhere now and retreating like WWII.
The Bush family is evil. They are Nazi. Their past goes all the way back to before WW2. Bush Senior was hanging out with big time Nazis. It’s very, very evil. They were part of 9/11…and that family is still out there. We have all the evidence on them.
The Clinton family. Bill Clinton is an illegitimate Rothschild boy. It goes on and on and on. We expose this stuff; we expose it to the American public but it goes nowhere.
People don’t want to believe that the election system has been completely compromised. People don’t want to believe that professional sport is completely compromised. Because they have been trained their whole lives to believe in it.
Michael Jaco coming out and saying it’s corrupt isn’t going to change your mind, right?
A lot of deep staters make a deal with the devil and the devil eventually takes you to the kerb and takes your soul. ‘Ok, give me your soul – you’re out. Boom. See ya.” That happens to them all the time.
Notes - Bush Politics, Skull & Bones, CIA & DARPA
IzrealZus describes the (Skull and Bones/Order of the Black Sun) Bush family as ‘mass murdering tyrants’ and the ‘highest level political family in the United States’, meaning that all politicians take orders from them. The Bush family dominate the Military Industrial (Entertainment) Complex and the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency).
The CIA appears to be a distinct Bush family affair. It was named after George Herbert Walker Bush and numerous relatives are involved in running it. DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is another Bush fam-fave and allegedly uses brain hacking software through electronics.
On 26 February 2024, Real Time Daily News reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin said that 95% of terrorist acts are arranged by the CIA.
(Vlad would know.)
Vannevar Bush and Big Government Funded Science
Vannevar Bush (1890-1974) ran the Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD) and played a pivotal role in ‘marrying’ government funding to scientific research.
This is how ‘big science’ experiments such as the Manhattan Project became feasible. Subsequently, this system of funding and directing scientific research through the military became known as the Pentagon system, or the military-industrial complex. Radar and the atomic bomb were just two of the many weapons developed through the OSRD (Britannica).
IzrealZus also alleges that Vannevar played a role in the establishment of Raytheon, which developed the Active Denial System, a directed energy weapon that is used by the US military to target people.
Descendants of the German House of Bussche
Bush family members are American descendants of the German House of Bussche, which had several family branches in the Holy Roman Empire. The Bussche family ruled as feudal lords in the regions of Ravensberg and Osnabruck located in Westphalia and in regions of Lower Saxony.
Count Alhard von dem Bussche-Kessell is a top member of the Von Dem Bussche family of Germany and a commander over Nazis which have infiltrated various governments and militaries. Count Alhard owns Neuenhof Castle (pictured) which was used by the Nazis for prison labor.
(Image: Flickr - Devil 9797)
The Nazi Party or National Socialist German Worker's Party was established from the Thule Society which was founded by German occultist Rudolf von Sebottendorf, a Freemason, Islamic mystic or Sufi and trained in alchemy, astrology, and numerology. He was also a writer, intelligence agent, and political activist. Alchemy is used to manipulate the human psyche and biology through chemicals.
Countess Viktoria von dem Bussche is allegedly a sadistic witch and alchemist who specializes in extracting poisons and chemicals from plants and flowers used for chemical warfare on society. The American Bush family and Medicis allegedly have a covert alliance. The Medicis were the developers of modern alchemy, owned botanical gardens in Italy and taught the Von Dem Bussches alchemy. (Alchemy is now called science.)
Axel von dem Bussche (pictured below) was a German Nazi soldier who claimed he was involved in the fake plot to assassinate Hitler. They recruited legitimate opposition against Hitler and then set them up for executions while pretending to be against Hitler. After the war, they took credit for opposing Hitler.
Declassified CIA document
More Bush Anecdotes and Allegations
Prescott Bush the grandfather of George Walker Bush was a board member of the Union Banking Corporation which was seized by the federal government under the "Trading With The Enemy Act" for its involvement in aiding the Nazis during WWII. The Trading With The Enemy Act is still active, which implies the US has been in an active war since WWII which makes sense, since the US is constantly invading foreign nations.
Steven Busch is a high level Luciferian. The Bush family are top managers of Luciferianism and Yahwehism which operates within secret societies in Christianity.
Neil Bush is the Chairman of the Points of Light which is a charity racket run by the Bush family. Points of Light is in reference to their worship of Lucifer.
Jonathan Bush Jr. is a ruthless sadist that was the CEO of Athenahealth which is a medical company. He is an alchemical tormentor and a top authority over Luciferianism.
The Bush banking family reside in Greenwich which is one of the wealthiest regions in the United States. His father Jonathan Bush Sr. is a member of Skull and Bones and founded the bank Bush & Co which was bought by Riggs Bank with Jonathan Bush Sr. as CEO of Riggs Investment.
Riggs Bank was involved in enabling bribes to members of the House of Saud and to supposed 9/11 hijackers which were really pay offs for allowing them to use their identities as the scapegoats for 9/11. There were no planes that hit buildings on 9/11. The planes were digitally added in and synced with the placed timed explosives. Videos slowed down show the planes passing right through the Twin Towers with no interference and then being made translucent and you can see the remnant of the digitally added plane continue to fly out the other side. Video released at the Pentagon shows that there was no plane.
The German word for Bush is Busch. Both the Bush political and banking family and Busch brewing family are related to the German Bussche family. In the Bussche's region of Osnabruck it was governed by Catholic Prince-Bishops which were given their authority by the Pope of Rome.
The movement of protesting against Roman-Papal authority rose up in Osnabruck so they brought in the Jesuits to combat the protesters of Rome. The University of Osnabruck was then turned into a Jesuit University for a short period of time.
Jeb Bush is a Roman Catholic convert and a fourth degree Knight of Columbus. Bush Sr's grandfather George Herbert Walker was Jesuit educated from Stonyhurst College. Adolphus Busch and his family are also related to the German Bussche family and he was the co-founder of the Anheuser-Busch beer company. August Busch III, August Busch IV, and Steven Busch are current members of this large and wicked family which is believed to be worth about 13 billion.
The Sons of Silence biker gang use the Anheuser-Busch logo and they have established chapters in Germany. The Bussche family of Germany are have also intermarried with German nobility like the Amsberg and Mecklenberg families.
World Crime Syndicate Happy Snaps & Commentary
Laura and George Bush
The Bush’s are satanists. Laura Bush is a ruthless and extremely dangerous child murdering witch. Under Bush Sr. and Bush Jr. their criminal actions with the Persian Gulf War, Sanctions on Iraq, and War on Iraq have caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of children.
George Bush and King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz al Saud
George Walker Bush holding hands with King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al Saud. The Bush family worked with the House of Saud to recruit and pay the "9/11 hijackers" to allow them to use their identities for the government orchestrated attack on 9/11. There were no hijackers on 9/11. The royal family of Saudi Arabia conspired with the Bush family in orchestrating 9/11.
Bush and Obama Buddies
The Bush and Obama families are close friends.
People’s Voice Video Link: Child Rape Victim Testifies 'Michelle Obama Raped Me When She Was a Man'
‘A child rape victim has blown the whistle and testified about the cult of pedophilia operating in the White House during the Obama years, alleging that both Obama and Biden raped her during their time in office.
Multiple powerful pedophiles stalked the halls of the White House during Obama’s presidency, according to Ally Carter, none more shameless than then Vice President Biden whose secret security staff have long been aware of his sick predilections.
But the culture of pederasty did not stop at the top during the Obama years. It permeated the entire system and goes much deeper than you might expect. According to …. alleges she was also raped by Michelle Obama and this is where things get really disturbing.
Presidents. Vice Presidents. Art collectors. Hollywood executives. Climate czars and pizza shop owners. Let’s face it, it’s one big depraved cult and thank god you ain’t in it.’
Barack Obama - In Peace and Harmony with Nature
Obama with a big smile posing for a photo in front of the holocaustic murals at Denver International Airport (In Peace and Harmony with Nature by Tanguma). Behind him is a mural which shows part of several scenes depicting a global holocaust.
In Peace and Harmony with Nature by Tanguma (unncovercolorado.com)
Jillionaire Article: How Do You Solve A Problem Like Obama and Friends?
Unsung military heroes who averted a catastrophic nuclear attack on US soil, were later framed and fired by Obama. Yes, Obama.
Eternal gratitude to Neil Keenan for his courageous actions that set the wheels in motion to put a stop to Obama’s extreme hate crimes against the American people. And the world:
“…In 2013, it was Neil who alerted the nation of Obama’s attempt to nuke Charleston, North Carolina in a detailed post and video. On Obama’s instructions, two nuclear bombs were (not officially signed out but) removed from their arsenal in Fort Hood, Texas and transported to a military base near Charleston from where they were to be dropped on Charleston as a “false flag” event used to start WWIII and instigate Marshal Law in the US.
When Obama and Biden emerged from their new deep underground Washington bunker they expected to see 30 million dead Americans and huge devastation.Instead, there was nothing – as an Air Force General and Navy Admiral in charge of nuclear weapons had the bombs flown 620 miles offshore and detonated them in the mid Atlantic Ocean (seismic records confirm.)
For their heroic service to the nation and the world… Obama fired them and two other Admirals on phony charges. Neil was the first to break this intelligence which has created a storm of “conspiracy bunkum” denials all over the Internet.”
Children of the World Dream of Peace
Denver International Airport mural by Tanguma entitled Children of the World Dream of Peace, depicts a soldier stabbing the dove of peace with a rainbow around his head while women are mourning and children are dead. Blogger IzrealZeus describes the mural as ‘a NWO death threat towards every person on the planet.’
Screenshots from the World Crime Syndicate Home Page
Most of the people listed on the World Crime Syndicate site have non existent mass meanstream media profiles because they tend to either live behind this increasingly lacklustre wall of manufactured news and information, or actively work behind the scenes in the Manipulation HQ.
Unfortunately for the majority of the families and individuals mentioned on this website, crime seems to play a central theme in their lavish billionaire and trillionaire lifestyle stories. The names mean nothing to me but their criminal actions that intentionally harm humanity, and the convenient lack of accountability, do.
Link: World Crime Syndicate Blogspot
Happy browsing.
Until next time.