Australia Leads The World In Child Removals
Only through knowing the truth can we bring about the positive changes that are desperately needed for thousands of children and families. Dee McLachlan
Governments Must Stop ‘Coming For Your Children’
I first heard the chilling words: ‘They are coming for your children’, in 2020.
Then I learned from Australian journalist, filmmaker and author of The Child Protection Racket, Dee McLachlan, that Australia is a world leader in child removals.
And here we are.
The Child Protection Racket - High-level Child Trafficking in Australia
In Dee McLachlan’s words, her ground breaking book represents five years in the eye of the storm learning about the trafficking tricks and witnessing unimaginable cruelty and suffering. It documents the unwarranted, unlawful, often forced removal of children for profit, by alleged child protection agencies, condoned by secret “star chamber” style closed courts in Australia.
Be prepared for a shocking journey of discovery as a bright light shines on the darkness of what can only be called “The Child Protection Racket.”
Cruelty Imposed on Families Remains Largely Hidden
‘Although trafficking is a major global industry, Australia is a world leader in child removals. You as the reader can decide whether they are abducted, kidnapped, stolen and/or trafficked in a “cash for kids” trade.
The system fosters a dysfunctional society by destroying families, eroding love, and disrupting the sacred mother-child bond. The cruelty imposed on these families is indescribable and still today remains largely hidden from the public.
Only through knowing the truth can we bring about the positive changes that are desperately needed for thousands of children and families.
The government is a bad parent…’
Dee McLachlan, Journalist, Filmmaker and Author, The Child Protection Racket
(Dee McLachlan - Source, Linked In)
Excerpts: Foreword by Pastor Paul Robert Burton
Pastor Paul Robert Burton is an Australian paralegal, human rights advocate, minister of religion bard, environmentalist.
When Dee emailed me a first draft of her new book “The Child Protection Racket - High Level Child Trafficking In Australia” and asked if I would read it and consider providing her a foreword, I said “It would be an absolute honour”.
This book uncovers the truth of a nation so far removed from “Australia The Lucky Country” that many may not want to believe what they are reading…
This is a country where the child removal net has now grown much much wider and not only targets the indigenous but has now spread throughout our entire multicultural nation. And these child removal departments, by mid-2021, had in various capacities involved themselves in the lives of over 293,000 children nationally - that’s around 5.2% of all of our children.
It comes as no surprise that Dee has a substantive history as an accomplished film director, producer, book writer and investigative journalist, who hails from Southern Africa, having experienced the horrors of the apartheid in her youth. She has historically directed films including The Second Jungle Book, Running Wild, Deadly Chase, and was nominated and won Best Film and Script at the 2007 Inside Film Awards for her critically acclaimed film The Jammed, a film exposing human trafficking and the sex trade in Melbourne.
I hope this book by shining the bright light of truth in the darkness of pure evil can in some small way assist to bring about the substantive change we all wish to see in the world, and I commend not just Dee for this book and her efforts, but all the true spiritual warriors everywhere on this planet (recognizing this is a global issue) working so tirelessly to bring about the undeniable positive change so desperately needed at this time.
After all … “it’s all about the children and we should look upon ALL children as we do our own children.”
Link: Paul Robert Burton’s Foreword - The Child Protection Racket
(Pastor Paul Robert Burton; Source -
Gumshoe News: Malicious Prosecution Claims Many Children Unlawfully Removed by the State - Dee McLachlan, Feb 2023
No authority seems to want to deal with ‘wrongful child removals’. I rode up to Sydney to attend a Malicious Prosecution trial — Pastor Paul Robert Burton and Dr Andrew Katelaris brought a CIVIL case of “maliciously prosecution” against two top government officials Lloyd Babb and Michael Coutts Trotter. It was to go over five days, and I arrived to be there on the second day.
Dee McLachlan’s Book Link: The Child Protection Racket (Published 30 November 2023)
Gumshoe News: New Book - The Child Protection Racket
Dee McLachlan - Child Abduction Series
Unveiling the grotesque truth about child protection in Australia and across the globe.
Video 1 - Introduction and Separating Children
Thousands of children are being removed from good parents across Australia.
(11 mins)
Video 2 - Intersecting Stories and Impossible Denials
The beginning of my journey; intersecting stories and definitions. Do they believe?
(16 mins)
Video 3 - Trashing a Good Mum and Emotional Abuse by the State
My journey began when I was just trying to help one mum rescue one child and when we started publishing articles, we realized this is bigger than Ben Hur.
(18 mins)
Video 4: Cycle of "Collection" and the Courts
The Press is now the top cover-upper for elite pedophiles…one grandmom wrote: Australia has a dirty little secret. Children today are being sexually abused behind the secrecy of family law, child protection and the family law systems.
(16 mins)
Video 5: Sacred Bonds Broken and Operation Noetic (Noethics)
The powers that be can get rid of the sacred feminine, the idea of the sacred mother, the divine mother, this is something that has been passed down from culture to culture, something that has been a fundamental building block of a happy, healthy and successful human life. In the mammalian model, a mother’s love is essential to any healthy species.
(16 mins)
Hannes Wessels - Something Rotten Down Under
Something Rotten Down Under tells the shocking story of what happened to Australia’s Dr William Russell Massingham Pridgeon and Patrick O’Shea when they answered the call of Professor Frida Briggs, Australia’s pre-eminent expert on child abuse. She needed help with a case involving a protective mother of two children who had allegedly suffered grotesque injuries at the hands of the biological father and others known to the father.
In return for their efforts to support the mother and her children, including the formation of the Australian Anti-Paedophile Party in 2016, with the sole aim of exposing the malfeasance of the Family Court under Parliamentary Privilege, which the press predictably ignored:
The response came five months later in the form of the Australian Federal Police when Russell and Patrick were arrested by 28 police officers in a massively publicised arrest in which they were portrayed to the world as beastly child abusers.
The Police then supplied misleading information to an unquestioning media alleging that Russell was:
The king-pin of a national and international child kidnapping ring, involving 1-200 children. Involving 30-40 child kidnappers.
That he financed the child kidnapping with his own money.
That he was paid to kidnap/steal/abduct/traffic children.
That he had bought a yacht with the intent of trafficking children to foreign countries.
The ‘Deep State’ appears alive and well in Australia.
Full article: Something Rotten Down Under
Video 6: Maggie Woodhead on Fear, Incompetence and the 'Tricked' (v2)
Those who are tricked by the skill of the perpetrator and the culture of fear in the child protection departments.
(20 mins)
Pridgeon, O’Dea & Grandmother Court Case: 5 Feb 2024
Case Details:
Video Link: Request for public assistance with accommodation costs
Pastor Paul Robert Burton gives a brief overview of the Pridgeon, O’Dea & Grandmother case, their self representation in the Brisbane District Court from Feb 5 and why public assistance with accommodation costs for 3 -5 individuals will be greatly appreciated.
Accommodation Donation Link:
Thank you.
Trading Children - Gumshoe News Report
Link: Trading Children – The Open Market in Australia and the Global Black Market by Dee McLachlan
‘The process and consequences of removing a child from a loving relationship and parent is one of the worst forms of psychological abuse to the child. Science demonstrates that it alters the child’s brain and is not only a society disruptor, but it can destroy the family and break the sacred biological bond of motherhood. …these actions can be considered calamitous and catastrophic.
There is a collective denial about child abuse and this is partly due to ignorance and apathy. It has come to light that the police PROTOCOL is to conceal child sexual abuse evidence — unless impossible to do so. When a protective parent reports sexual abuse of their child, the most likely outcome is that they lose their child.
It is obvious that some children need to be kept safe from a damaged or dangerous home, but with over 60,000 children in OOHC; the number of these children that fall into this serious at-risk category is unknown. However, many advocates and researchers estimate that maybe 50% of children in OOHC were possibly removed unwarrantedly/ unlawfully.’
Everybody Knows – Dr William Russell Massingham Pridgeon
Book Link: Everybody Knows (Published 17 April 2023)
Excerpt - Everybody Knows Foreword by Belinda ‘Binni’ Paris
About Everybody Knows
Australia’s Grotesque Pedophile Agenda
This book chronicles the latest stage of the inexorable advance of the paedophile agenda in Australia. An agenda that most Australians are completely unaware of. Ordinary decent Australians love their children, and abhor those who sexually abuse them.
Without discussion or publicity, child rape has been decriminalised. It is now effectively impossible to prosecute the crime of incest. Convictions are rare and sentences are lenient. Paedophilia has been recharacterised as a legitimate sexual preference and paedophiles may apply for disability funding in Australia.
Children are being sexualised in schools. Loved, well cared for children are being torn from their loving, caring, competent parents and given over to people who the children have identified as their abusers. This is carefully hidden by court orders and gagging orders.
Most ordinary Australians are completely unaware of this. Powerful, wealthy, highly placed people have driven this agenda which feeds the multibillion-dollar industry of child trafficking and pornography. Australians who oppose this are killed, persecuted, and forced into hiding after having their lives destroyed.
The defendants in the Operation Noetic prosecution are being prosecuted for the simple act of protecting children. This upcoming trial will be the final chapter of a masterpiece of blatant misuse of the law, and will bring the corrupt police, and the men who are identified by the children as their abusers to testify in open court.
They will all be under oath.The actions of the officers of the Law Courts will be under huge legal scrutiny, and will have to adhere strictly to the laws of Australia. The safety of all children hangs in the balance. Parents stand to lose the right to protect their children.
(Source: Book website)
Until next time
(Image: Indigenous Civilizations)