Australian Crime, Corruption Injustice & Unruly Politician News
'Our focus is on those who use their position to cause or cover up injustices against members of the public, because at the moment they get away with it.' Justice Matters
Latest News from Justice Matters
Every video in this list is under 3 minutes long.
Corrupt magistrate quits to protect herself from prosecution
(49 secs)
Lawyers attempt to stop Dan Andrews crash victim talking to his dad!
(53 secs)
Qld cop charged over child SA material
Note: SA means sexual abuse. YouTube is demonstrating its support for child predators instead of child victims by deleting channels which openly stand up for children.
(36 secs)
Shock: 85 year old grandmother dies after nurse ‘Googled’ procedure
(1 min 45)
Why do politicians assume parents can't control their own kids?
(1 min 01)
Our mental health system: One woman's horror story
(2 mins 27)
What do our political leaders know about the real world?
(1 min 21)
Why Karen Webb is responsible for NSW police' toxic culture
(1 min 58)
Why Australia is being run by criminals!
(1 min 08)
How Justice Matters can put an end to corruption
(1 min 08)
Are you a computer programmer or an outbound email campaigner?
(36 secs)
Links to Shorts
Why did judge suppress 28 names?
Isn’t the ICAC Commissioner also corrupt?
Daniel Andrews to head mental health organisation - this can’t be serious
Corrupt Victorian mayor traded council favours for drugs
When exposing a crime is a crime - we’re being run by criminals
About Justice Matters
(Via their YouTube Channel)
Justice Matters is a pro-government, pro-police, community campaign that takes a moderate approach to advocating for justice. Our focus is on those who use their position to cause or cover up injustices against members of the public, because at the moment they get away with it.
Justice Matters will advocate:
(1) for the prosecution of any politician, police officer or community leader involved in corruption, impropriety, or a cover up.
(2) to get rid of gaslighters, because we deserve honest politicians, police officers and community leaders.
(3) to ensure that regulatory bodies treat complaints fairly, and that officials within regulatory bodies are held accountable when they make an unjust decision, especially the officials who handle appeals.
(4) to eliminate the pervasive cover up culture that exists throughout our justice system.
Until next time.