Billionaire Jet Sect: Crazy manipulation, science, torture, violent rape, bestiality, porn
Cali Shai Bergandi was born into a cult family that practiced violent occultism and satanism. She describes herself as a born, government sex slave.
‘We cannot co-exist with people who think it is acceptable to rape our children.’
Phoenix Caspian, School of Fools
If governments continue to aid and abet cult networks and allow children to be bred and sold for the purpose of sex trafficking, breeding and ritual sacrifices, they need to be dismissed and replaced with men and women who represent and serve the people instead of themselves and unelected pedogarchs.
As award winning journalist and Aldenham school cult survivor Chris Stevens/Phoenix Kaspian aptly stated in his January 2024 article School of Fools:
‘We cannot co-exist with people who think it is acceptable to rape our children… Our collective struggle, as a society, to accept the crown's utter depravity, in the wake of the Jeffrey Epstein scandal, is holding humanity back from our next stage of evolution.’
Note: Graphic cult recollections included in this article cannot be avoided and may cause some readers distress. This is part 1 of a 3-part series from Cali’s 2022 interview ‘Occult, Child Trafficking, Epstein, NASA & SRA Survivor Exposes ALL’on The Imagination Podcast with Emma Katherine.
Introducing Cali Shai Bergandi
Cali Shai Bergandi is a living miracle who was born into a cult family that practiced violent occultism and satanism. She describes herself as a born, government sex slave; born to be sold as a small child for trafficking.
She alleges that she was trafficked to the FBI, masonry cop gangs in Florida, the White House and to the royal family. Trafficked to the White House by the FBI on Air Force One during the Bush Administration. Trafficked to Clinton. Trafficked to all of the presidents since she was born.
‘I’m like the black sheep because I have been hoodwinked for a lot of this stuff. My family has ritually abused me my entire life with a blindfold on. So everybody else watches but I don’t. When I am actually visually able to see stuff like that, I call it out and when I do, I am usually silenced by using drugs or being raped myself.’ Cali Shae Bergandi
Cali’s father was a serial killer and grave digger. He worked as an FMC (Food, Machinery and Chemicals) processor for 17 years and transported human remains for the cult. Her mother, believed to be a breeder, worked as a bank teller at the First American Bank in Vero, Florida and had a lot of mob ties. Her ‘inside’ job was to obtain account information for wealthy people and the network paid her for getting them the account information.
She grew up around women being raped by men and was raped by all of her father’s friends who had ties to the cult network. Everywhere she was taken, they knew someone. Restaurant owners, banks, bakeries. The First American Bank president would rape Cali on his office desk after hours.
The cult ‘brotherhood’ encouraged people to get into positions of power - politics, law enforcement etc. and many of them chose to own businesses so they could incorporate and launder trafficking funds through their companies:
Cali: I was trafficked to the FBI, masonry cop gangs in Florida, the White House and to the royals…the royal family. It’s a brotherhood. It’s connection. Connections through the church, connections through NASA…They meet each other at events that can easily be perceived as dinner parties.
You see in the mainstream media, all these people gathering for these events, the music awards and all this shit. It’s an occult practice. They are initiation ceremonies for people moving up. They are disguised as concerts. You are taking your children to them and they are basically rituals and ceremonies. It’s done right in plain sight. That’s what they call it.
Emma: What age were you when you started being transported and involved these experiments and going to the White House?
Cali: I was 3 when that started but they didn’t get me into the Bush administration until I was about 6. So at 6 to 7 years old, I was being raped by the president in the White House, being kept underground in tunnels. A lot of people don’t know there are tunnels underneath the White House and a whole underground system beneath the continent of the US that goes right into Mexico.
There’s underground tunnels and vaults down there that I’ve been taken to. My brother was interning at the White House back in the day. My handler. Husband. Brother. Whatever. He had access, top security clearance to these tunnels and access to the vaults… that I would be taken to as a child. In my white t-shirt. Running around the white household. Sometimes for a couple of days at a time.
They keep you heavily drugged. And they put you to sleep to and from, so you don’t really know where you are going or where you are coming from. They were using gas and stuff like that.
Editor’s Note: The current CEO’s of CBS, Viacom, Nickelodeon and other conglomerates may or may not be aware of the cult connections revealed by Cali Shai Bergandi, or whether the child porn ‘programs’ are still a hidden part of their respective businesses models.
Liquid and Powdered Human Remains are Used in Processed Foods and Juices
Cali: My father was a serial killer. He was a gravedigger and transporter of human remains for the cult. We grew up around it. He worked in packing houses in the fruit business. Grapefruit may have been a codeword for children. They would refer to it as the ‘fruit business.’
They were transporting corpses and human remains and buckets of fruit in and out of the county because rotting fruit attracts the black fly, just like rotting human remains do so it’s easier to transport without getting caught. You might be sitting next to one of these bucket trucks at a stop light and not know it.
Anything that you can liquify or make into a powder, can be sold. There’s a lot of traces of these human remains going into your processed foods, in your juices.
Emma: That is so disgusting.
Cali: It’s a cultism and they want everyone in on the practice so they put it in your food unknowingly. And that’s the part that is most upsetting – people don’t even know what they are eating half the time. What is in it, or what companies these foods are being processed through, which companies that are involved in it.
Emma: Is there a way for people to find that out? Has anybody put that information out?
Cali: They can research all day long. At this point, it seems that all the big conglomerates are in on it. Kellogg’s, all of them.
Instead of doing research and trying to figure it out, just stop eating processed food. Get on the herbs. Get off pharma. I have a really good herb shop I go to for healing. Any ailment you have can be healed. Everything you need to heal your body is in the food you eat. Eat whole foods. Stop eating processed foods. That’s how you stop supporting these people.
Same applies to their cable tv, music, concerts. The mainstream is owned by all their friends in the cult and so they only push the narrative that they want you to know about. Support the independents.
There are thousands in the cult but it’s one and the same. It’s the brotherhood. It’s a satanic coming together of people with the same goal who have no regard for human life. I have told cult members that. From pure anger and animosity about what they did to me and many others.
The Root of Trafficking Issues is Occultism
Emma: How did child abuse get so embedded in these cult systems?
Cali: I think it boils down to occultism being the problem. If you look at occultism as a brotherhood, trafficking of any kind all over the world would not exist without this brotherhood. The root of trafficking issues is occultism.
Occultism became legal in the United States when the Church of Scientology became a legal church entity and tax exempt in 1978, which was right before the ritual sacrifice of Adam Walsh. They were bringing occultism into the US under the guise of a religion… and had enough people to get Scientology named as a church in the US. After that, they had free range to do what they wanted because they could hide under the Freedom of Religion Act.
If you go back and look at interviews with Jeffrey Epstein in his previous cases, that’s one of his main escapes i.e. I’m not from this country; That’s against my beliefs; That’s not what I believe. They were the kinds of excuses used to skate around the law for practicing what he practiced.
Scientology Occultists, Branson and Tucker’s Island
Cali: Occultism in the US is not legal but that’s exactly what they are doing. Freedom of religion is legal but if you look at the origins of Scientology, it clearly states it’s the occult. It’s not a religion but it’s named as a religion in America so that they can get around the law.
A lot of this was brought into the States by people like Sir Richard Branson, who was knighted by the royal family. And Ed Bosarge, who owns a private island next to Branson that I have been trafficked to my whole life.
My family lives in the Bahamas four months out of the year. They call it Tucker’s Island. Tucker Rowley comes up and stays with them in Vera. They are all connected.
Multiple Child ‘Identities’ used to Traffick Laundered Funds Offshore
Cali: I basically didn’t have parents. My mother pawned me off on various men. I was married as a child bride and taken overseas to foreign countries where it is legalised, where they don’t have laws on child marriages.
I was trafficked a lot by navy men. A lot of men in the family and the cult were associated with the navy, military and armed forces. But specifically the navy because there are no laws in international waters so they can get away with just about anything out there. And overseas.
In foreign countries, they have different laws on child marriage and child rape. They were taking me to foreign countries and marrying me to men. But I wasn’t just being used for sex. I was forced to live with them for months at a time, and their families. Their kids would get up like normal kids and go to school but I would be stuck in the room.
I wasn’t allowed to go to school for months at a time. I was in bed for days at a time, just beat and raped all day, just used for sex when I was with these men.
So I wasn’t just used for sex. I was used for my identity. Every time my identity changed, which was multiple times, I had several aliases. Some of my known aliases are Claire J Cooper, Claire J Walker and Sarah Bernhardt (because I would cry during rapes). There’s a few more – I know that there’s more than that.
They are using my identity to basically traffick funds offshore, to hide laundered trafficking funds. Various accounts in my name are being kept from me offshore in corporations, likely overseas. So they are using children not just for sexual purposes. They are using them for identity and scientific experimentation.
I Was Sold to NASA and My Cells Have Been in Space
Cali: I was sold to NASA and used in NASA programs. I was forced to stay in a simulator for weeks when they were experimenting on how different gravitational forces would affect a child. They were doing different experiments on me in these capsules.
They would probe you in your orephuses with these pure crystal rods. Like anal thermomotors they use on animals and babies. They used them to obtain cells with the crystals and things like that. And they were flying them in space capsules into space and growing them in labs and experimenting with all these different cells. So I know my cells have been in space.
Once You Are Sold, You Are Sold
Cali: I had a lot of social anxiety problems at school. Kids thought I was weird. I didn’t dress appropriately. I wasn’t being taken care of. I wasn’t allowed to say anything. They were manipulating you and being so young, I had problems identifying what was happening to me. I didn’t know it was rape so I couldn’t tell somebody I was being raped. I would tell people they were being mean to me and the teachers would downplay it.
I was always in a state of confusion, always being tossed around and wondering why this was happening to me. Why am I always in pain? I was born for trafficking and these were programs my parents put me in.
Once they sold me and signed me over, you were available to them 24/7, 7 days a week. You could be at the store with your mum, and they just turn up and take you. My brother, my handler, was also being abused.
Once you are sold, you are sold. Your parents don’t have a choice. There were times they had regrets and I remember seeing my parents cry. But they didn’t have a choice.
Watch Cali’s Full Interview on The Imagination Podcast
Cali Shai Bergandi P1 - Occult, Child Trafficking, Epstein, NASA & SRA Survivor Exposes ALL
Until next time.