Birthing Bloodlines Out Of The Darkness
'Every time I died, I was brought back to life through the supernatural power of the Creator...and my son was saved from Hillary.' Brooke Federline
Here She Comes - On A Whole New Mission From God
“I was supposed to track, train and recruit/mobilise Satan’s delta army for the new world order. I don't consent!” Brooke Federline
This article may be of assistance to anyone, no matter what their spiritual or religious beliefs are, and who has answered the call to start their (self) healing journey; or who has reached a point in life where they intuitively know that it’s time to tend to their long buried wounds. Particularly if you are a silenced cult survivor.
The factual information in this article is a compilation of eye opening posts that have been publicly shared by former SS MK-Ultra Delta Assassin, Illuminati Princess and cult survivor, Brooke Federline, together with some of my own research that aligns with some of Brooke’s revelations and experiences.
Born into the Stewart Merovingian generational cult bloodline, Brooke grew up in New Zealand, which she describes as the occult epicenter of the deep state cult that planned the luciferian new world order. Despite being subjected to satanic ritual abuse and many other grotesque forms of ‘standard’ cult brutality from early childhood, she also experienced powerful, supernatural intervention during her darkest hours and gradually developed an incredibly close and powerful relationship with God that continues to this day.
The more I learn about Brooke Federline’s story, the more I embrace her as a beacon of hope, love, strength and courage, not just for cult survivors, but for us all. Against all odds, she battled her way through the darkness that relentlessly tormented her from her first breath, and made it out alive.
Birthing Bloodlines Out of the Darkness
Brooke is still piecing together her full story, including the exact location of her birth, the identity of her birth mother and whether her genetic ‘father’ was Josef Mengele, known to have ‘fathered’ hundreds of children.
She is also on her healing path, which has its rollercoaster challenges along with priceless rewards, and honing her God-given gifts as a deliverer, spiritual warfare educator, author, speaker-to-be, natural born leader and new world hero.
Targeted Prayers Can Spontaneously Break Programming
This article was initially inspired by a recent message from Brooke about the healing power of targeted prayer:
“I have stories of people doing targeted prayers with me and then the next day, other survivors randomly message me about programming breaking spontaneously and the alter personalities going to Jesus and being integrated and healing happening.”
Having learned about alter personalities in recent years and the daily struggles faced by recovering cult survivors, Brooke’s revelation about alters going to Jesus and being integrated, was a symphony to my ears.
But I am also aware that survivors can often recoil at the mere mention of the words ‘God’ or ‘Jesus Christ’, because of the traumatic rituals involving dark satanic ‘gods’, a demonic entity posing as a false Jesus; and the equally false, immeasurably cruel, childhood beliefs that there is no love, no hope, no help, no healing, no light, no goodness in the world, and that nobody will ever believe their stories.
Brooke was no different. But the combination of supernatural interventions, the breakdown of her programming and ‘crazy’ surfacing memories, gradually began to open up a whole new path of healing with the loving support and guidance of Creator/God/Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ.
Healing our wounds is journey we can all choose to take; a work in progress that has challenges to to confront and push through, but with the support of an experienced trauma recovery practitioner with spiritual intelligence, occult knowledge and understanding, together with other proven, therapeutic modalities, if you are willing to put the work in, the happiness rewards really are priceless.
Deliverers and Ancestral Healing
Should you be a descendant of a generational cult bloodline who understands the significance of ancestral healing and your role as a deliverer, please be aware that Brooke was told that: He is birthing the bloodlines out of darkness to His glorious light and that she is birthing her bloodline, just as others are birthing their bloodlines. They are deliverers.
This important message about birthing bloodlines applies to all of us, as we all have ancestors who suffered through traumatic wars and other mindless, satanic acts of terror. Those of us on our healing journeys, myself included, are healing our own ancestral lines in the process.
Transformational Coach, Complex Trauma Trainer and Puzzle Pieces Together Podcast host Laura Worley, describes ancestral healing as ‘clearing the iniquity off your family’s bloodline at least 4 generations back. It is important because demons can have access to family because of an ancestor. You are standing as a witness for your family; past, present, and future generations and freeing your family at least 4 generations back on both your parents.’
A whole new article for another day.
Breaking Down The Programming
It is well documented that the Nazis were/are fanatical, often misled dark occultists with an obsession for world domination and conducting sadistic, Frankensteinian experiments on human beings. But it is not widely known that Adolf Hitler and Josef Mengele brought trauma based mind control to the USA and other countries like Australia and New Zealand.
Satan’s New World Order Delta Army
Brooke’s intense, Nazi MK-Ultra programming was inflicted upon her as a child in the early 1980s, alongside many other WEF Young Global Leaders (think Hitler Youth) who have come and gone on our TV screens in their tyrannical, COVID new world order leadership roles.
Brooke was ‘twinned’ with former New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern to bring in the new world order. Thankfully, her programming began to break down in 2015 and fractured memories slowly resurfaced. Despite ongoing harassment that accompanied her decision to break free from the cult, and fear of being ‘accessed’ for reprogramming, Brooke has been bravely sharing her truth publicly ever since. Piece by piece.
Her primary concern at this time is to reach as many programmed SS Delta soldiers as possible so she can help them break down their programming:
“In the… days, months and years to come, the (delta) soldiers who were programmed to report back to me when they were children (in the 80s), are to be triggered by these code words (delta), numbers and all of that, and will attempt to report back to me for their next duties, their next jobs.” Brooke Federline
Delta is a code word for programmed sleeper soldiers of the cult bloodlines who are supposed to report to Brooke, in their thousands, and deliberately cause new world order chaos so the long planned, one world government (mononation) can be forcibly installed.
(Not happening, guys).
Brooke has also clarified that between 1997 (16 years old) and 6. 6. 2016, she had no known involvement with the handlers, programmers or kids that are supposed to report to her. However, prior to 1997, the large numbers of programmed child soldiers that did report to her, all came from secret Nazi bases around the world and underground governmental military bases which go hand in hand.
COVID Origins Date Back to Hitler’s Nazi Regime
While the creators of ‘official’ war history narratives claim that Hitler’s satanic world ‘Nazification’ plans ended after WW2, and that COVID was an unexpected pandemic, Brooke has obliterated these manufactured narratives with her first hand, inside knowledge about the one world government-Fourth Reich agenda.
While the complicit mass media and doormat governments will have you believe that COVID-19 is a new and deadly ‘disease’, requiring ongoing experimental vaccinations, Brooke has revealed that the origins of the secret COVID ‘traffic light’ communication system date all the way back to Adolf Hitler’s Nazi regime. Complete with avid aristocratic supporters and financiers who attempted to enforce the Third Reich extermination regime upon humankind in the 1930s and 1940s.
Hitler’s Original SS Delta Soldier Family Plan
Hitler’s original ‘family plan’ with the SS delta soldiers involved coding through COVID communications between the luciferian/satanic governments, which are all part of the long planned new world order that is fast becoming the most unpopular and unrealistic agenda on earth.
New Zealand was the test nation to implement the new world order via a coded COVID command system called the ‘traffic light system’. The colours red, orange and green are triggers for the MK Ultra ‘sleeper soldiers’ end times programming, while delta is a code word for sleeper soldiers of the cult bloodlines.
Writes Brooke:
“Delta assassins were expected to get rid of all the adults who didn’t comply with the certificate of vaccination (COVID) plan and those who became weak through the vaccination. Then, only the children would be left and laws would be put in place to allow anything to happen to them.
Nothing would be unlawful. All the anti-humanity laws are in order to be passed by government but we must not let that happen.
Some know they were training us at the WEF (World Economic Forum) and also through military bases under projects such as MK Ultra and Project Monarch, or Manchurian Candidate. Movies are more like real life than you can imagine.”
Legal analyst and researcher Katherine Watt writes:
This has been going on for centuries. It's basically Globalist central bankers and lots of related organizations trying to get complete control of human beings through banking programs and through military programs and they kicked it into higher gear in 1913, with the Federal Reserve Act and then, they kick the public health aspect of it into higher gear starting in the 1930s and '40s.
So, in the mid-'60s, they got much better at inducing suicide and homicide by fraudulently labeling poisons as medicine or as vaccines or as prophylactics and telling people that submitting to that poisoning process was their civic duty. We saw that in COVID, with the shorthand for 'Do this or you're gonna kill your grandma.'
And the way that the pharmaceutical method is useful to them is primarily that plausible deniability is much easier and legal impunity is a lot easier. They can achieve the same goal of killing lots of people without their fingerprints being all over it...”
(Source: Forbidden Knowledge)
Don’t Be Fooled By SMART Cities
My extensive post 2020 research into the darkest corners of this most absurd chapter of world history, has led me to conclude that we are now seeing a rinse and repeat scenario with the attempted rise of the Fourth Reich.
As former satanic priest turned new world hero and educator Mark Passio taught me, cults can’t create - they lost this ability when they sold their souls. So, the same satanic playbook of dictatorship and mind control is repeated century after century.
I also believe that the Fourth Reich’s dystopian, transhuman agenda to enslave humankind in a digital prison, is already a fizzer.
And please be aware that whenever you see the word SMART attached to anything, such as SMART cities, SMART phones, SMART TV, SMART electric cars etc, which have been marketed to the masses with the illusion of ‘convenience’, ‘efficiency’, ‘ease’, ‘enjoyment’, ‘safety’ etc, the reality is that it’s all about 24/7 surveillance and cutting you out of their controlled, digital, heavily censored prison if they don’t like what you say about them. This ridiculous, cult driven global prison plan has been in the making for decades.
SMART is an acronym for Self Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology.
COVID-19 is an acronym for Certification of Vaccine Identification 2019 (Mass media reporting of the WHO ‘pandemic’ began with ‘coronavirus’ and then the language changed to COVID)
MODERNA is an acronym for Modification of Endogenous RNA
Be sure to say No Implied Consent to this attempted Fourth Reich tyranny out loud. Silence is interpreted as acquiescence (passive assent; agreement without protest.)
Unplugged 101 - SS Delta Soldiers, Societal Programming and Solutions
Imagine if the delta trained assassins all turned on the handlers and hunted them...I couldn't kill a fly but I know we were trained to kill with a mere paperclip.”
Brooke Federline
Brooke’s first book, Unplugged 101, needs to find its way to as many Delta sleeper soldiers as possible to help them break down their programming. The ‘normies’ need to read it too, to help break down societal programming that has been imposed on us since birth without us realising it.
Learning that Delta is a coded, COVID communication and trigger word to wake up the programmed SS Delta soldiers to carry out their end times orders, helps us understand Brooke’s sense of urgency to get her vital message out there.
An announcement about Brooke’s book and her message to programmed Delta soldiers via prime time news worldwide, would help things along but that is highly unlikely. Never mind. It will happen anyway.
About Unplugged 101
We are all programmed to some degree. This is an introduction to the societal programming we have ALL endured all the way up to cult conditioning. Touching on trauma and dissociation as well as religious programming, the aim is to enlighten the reader to experiences that may be foreign to them.
For some people this will be a familiar subject matter and have no need to research further to know it is real, but I aimed to provide solutions to helping those in need, so it isn't just all beginner material. Brooke Federline, Unplugged 101
Further Recommended Reading: The Black Awakening by Russ Didzar (2009)
Illuminati Omega End Times
The Illuminati Order was preceded in the 1500's in Spain by the 'Alumbrados', a Christian heresy started by crypto Jews called 'Marranos'. The founder of the Jesuit Order, Ignatius of Loyola, was a Marrano / Alumbrado. Thus when people today argue whether it is the Jesuits or Zionists or Illuminati who are responsible for our troubles, they are really talking about the same beast. ~ Henry Makow
As Brooke began to figure out what she needed to do to break her own programming and programmed children of the nations, she created a spreadsheet which is yet to be published. It links the different COVID strains and connects the codes, triggers and cues that were used as mind control on survivors when they were children, from the 1970s until now.
It also explains the Hebrew names and numbers, the definition of Alpha and Omega, as referred to in the bible and sheds a most helpful light how codes and numbers are being used for the Illuminati’s Omega end times program, which we are currently moving through.
(Jan 17, 2024) - Brooke is referring to Jacinda Ardern. They were both snared by the Nazi child MK-Ultra delta soldier/assassin new world order program in the 80s. Cults commonly use twins, triplets and quads to play various acting roles. Fact.
Let’s Talk Supernatural and Lords of Misrule
I regard Brooke Federline as an exceptional woman because, against all the odds, she has successfully crossed the finish line to this pivotal point in world history. The part where the ship of horrors finally hits the dreaded, avoidable iceberg.
Predictably, the various cults in their parallel world are still fighting to the death over who will rule the world, despite the fact that their ‘smart’ ship is sinking. With all of them on it. It’s also rumoured that there’s not enough life boats to save everyone. Confirmation is forthcoming.
Brooke’s unfolding survivor testimony is of particular interest to me primarily because of her close relationship and supernatural experiences with God and Jesus, and also because she has shone an incredibly blinding but welcome light on why our beautiful world has been so grievously misruled for such a long time.
Note: Discrediting and targeting genuine survivors who choose to speak publicly about their ordeals, is sadly commonplace. Brooke has been discredited as a ‘disinformation pusher’ and has occasionally stated that she wished she was:
“I wish I wasn’t abused by Hillary and used in rituals and witnessed murder and more murder and made to do horrific things. I wish I wasn’t electric shocked and had these patterns all over my body. I wish they didn’t make movies that align with our life and stories of what we’ve been through. I wish their whole COVID narrative didn’t run alongside MK Ultra programming. Then I wouldn’t have assumed the politicians are involved in it all, like I remember.”
Posted by Brooke, 19 Jan 2024
April 12, 2024 - Brooke Federline Telegram Channel
April 12, 2024, Brooke Federline Telegram Channel
From Intel to Supreme Godtel
The following information is from Brooke Federline’s Telegram Channel Post: 28 November 2023. Whether or not you are religious, and your tired spirit needs a lift, this will help.
The Lord is targeting “undercover” issues that are not yet seen in the natural. He is targeting them now through these new strategies so they will be foiled and a prevention of some significant attacks and unrest in nations.
Intercessors, you are being called deeper than you have ever been right now for the nations. You must follow His leading and partner with Him! For not only is the greatest move of His Spirit upon you but upon nations.
I felt the Lord saying in the Spirit right now, there is a tipping point and defining moment among the nations. That we as God’s people need to declare the opposite to “lockdown” and that being “UNLOCK”.
We are really being called to take our place and pray like never before. To follow the strategy of heaven, to follow His heart and leading, even if it is completely out of the box to what we have ever seen.
We are not only birthing in our individual lives but a birthing to affect the nations. Your baptism in the fire of His love in this season is not just for you but for the sake of the nations.
You have a part to play! Everywhere you go, release His love! Everywhere you go, ask the Spirit of God what He is doing and partner with Him! Everywhere you go, love well! Everywhere you go, PRAY and release the Kingdom.
The light and Glory of God is going to be seen brighter than ever and the nations unlocked by love, their destiny and identity awakened as the people of God arise! As WE take our place!
The destiny of nations hangs in the balance! Let’s lock arms and continue to move forward in love and prayer and push back the darkness to see the goodness of God explode all across the earth and the enemy turned on his head!
The army of the Warriors of love are now arising as they follow the One who has fire in His eyes and His heart is full of redemption and restoration. The army who is arising from the place of living FROM victory and releasing it upon the earth!
Don’t forget the end of the story… WE WIN!!!
It is part of Kabbalah law to tell you their plans for you. That is why in movies they have shown you nearly everything. Hollywood is an occult medium: “They trained us in the art of deception and reverse speech NLP programming in MK Ultra projects. I wonder what movies have the Delta MK Ultra Assassins programming triggers for the Omega End Times Programming. I know the MEDIA certainly have them!”
Deep State Cult Abusers and Handlers
When I discovered Brooke Federline in May 2022, through Rachel Vaughan’s Telegram channel, I was floored by her stories of healing, supernatural interventions and high level explosive truths, right down to Hillary ‘Hillarion’ Clinton being her handler and abuser. On the flip side, the more you learn about the horrific treatment of children by Hillary, one can only wonder who Hillary’s handlers are, and all the other public cult figures in this unfolding story.
The Light Man is just one of Brooke’s stories about Hillary’s abuse. And there are allegedly hundreds, if not thousands of other victims whose lives were reduced to slavery and destroyed by this vicious public figure and her fellow abusers. I hope this story finds them and they come forward with their testimonies.
Note: Pence is Mike Pence
Brooke also alleges that Hillary Clinton was Jacinda Ardern and Justin Trudeau’s handler.
“He (Trudeau) was abused, trafficked and drugged up like the rest of us in the projects by these sickos.” said Brooke “Yes, they were that close. Families intertwined…We were all to lead the new world order. They are still doing their part.
He (Justin) was an MK-Ultra kid and taken to rituals. We were all put through those demonic initiations. He was a little boy around a lot of evil people. As was Hunter (Biden) and Chelsea (Clinton). The family gatherings were horrific. Hillary’s fave time of year is HELLoween.”
April 14, 2024
The Value of Understanding the Principles of the Spiritual Realm
For the record, Brooke has been abducted (cult accessed) and ‘told off big time’ for talking about their (luciferian new world order cult) plans. She has been drugged, electric shocked, assaulted and suffered many other evil actions.
Despite the risks, she has continued sharing information publicly because what they wanted her to do was worse than anything they could have done to her.
Brooke also teaches people how to deal with spiritual warfare and how it is so easy and plain to see once you understand the principles of the spiritual realm.
“We need to use our authority to take back our families, towns, cities and nations. These lodges and places and statues of occult worship to Satan and Lucifer are opening portals to the Underworld and we wonder why we have such a problem in society with evil and demonic attacks and illness.
We can be watchmen and gatekeepers for our cities. It is time to take back our territory and shut the city gates to the enemy in the spiritual realm.”
God is So Much More Supernatural Than Churches and Gurus Know or Believe
As previously mentioned, Brooke Federline and other cult survivors were trained to deceive people with the false Jesus, a demonic entity. She has also revealed that anti-Christ entities are trying to deceive nations around the world in their quest to push forth a one world government and a new world order that worships Lucifer:
Brooke describes the luciferian and satanic families as being all rolled up in the political, judicial and religious sectors of society - the (unelected) ruling club of the world.
Those trained in the cults who had great theta capabilities or NLP master techniques, were the ones who made the cut and moved up in the cult ranks and into the military.
As a Delta soldier, Brooke was trained to track, train and recruit Satan’s army and release them on the public. Witches, wizards, satanists and luciferians were all supposed to do some dastardly things.
Brooke teaches that God didn't create anything for evil - nothing. The enemy counterfeit it. Lucifer has set himself up as the master of 'love ‘n light' through spiritual circles and Satan has infiltrated the churches, weakening them and their understanding of spiritual matters.
God is so much more supernatural than most churches know and believe; so much holier and more righteous than what other groups or spiritual gurus profess.
All religions, denominations and spiritual groups originate from the occult or are full of occult infiltrated information. Much of it is also triggering (within all groups) because that's what they taught Brooke and others to deceive people with.
Satanism became militarised through world leaders who have come into power. People regarded as ‘idols’ are witnessed by many children in rituals, orgies and personal abuse situations.
Brooke has confirmed that people in high places also run trafficking rings. Her handler Hillary Clinton was known as Evergreen and Brooke has memories of Evergreen and Unicorn (Charles Windsor) discussing children for future rituals; children that were to be saved and hidden until they were mature. Thoroughbred witches or wizards were also bred for them to personally sacrifice at the crowning ceremony of the king.
Order of the Phoenix secret society is on par or higher than 322 Skull n Bones.
Brooke alleges that her eggs were harvested at the Marshall Island US/Nazi/satanic military base which is used for baby farming and creating satanic sleeper soldiers.
Post WW2, many hidden sites were used for MK Ultra programming of the satanic sleeper soldiers who were trained to implement the new world order.
Training sites around the world keep children in cages, with some hooked up to electricity. Many babies are killed in these hidden facilities.
Gifts From God - Changing of the Guards
Message posts from Brooke Federline’s Telegram Channel
“Well, for so long, dissociation saved me. A God gift, I guess. Then God woke me up and gave me armies of angels. And Yeshua had always been the light man. He was there in the fire, and the other time I died at a ritual, and the time I walked over glass. My feet were healed when I woke up.” ❤️🙏 (March 2022)
🙏❤️ “Last week I got that it was changing of the guards. That things get broken over our bloodlines when people pass away. I prayed that over my nana as she was in hospital. I knew she was going soon, so I prayed God would clear the way but I had no idea it would be just before the 8.8. What a way to make an exit from nana! Thank you, God, for showing her the way in her last days and that she knew you were the truth the way and the life. I am glad I could intercede for our family so that our bloodline may be redeemed and blessed.
Nana believed. After I started on my wake up, she pulled me aside and she said a few things. She said, thank you for awakening her to Jesus. I knew she believed she had just been programmed like I had. She got healing and love from reading the bible.
That side of the family don't think I'm so crazy now…Aunty said nana was 77 and went today on the 7th! Wow…wow wow 77 x 7 - ain't that in scripture about forgiveness. Glory to God how amazing...God is so in the detail…
Arm yourself with the truth.” 💖🔥 (August 2022)
Brooke’s Unfolding Journey
For more information about Brooke’s unfolding story and the cult survivor realm, please read Honouring Our Cult Survivors Turned New World Heroes. The transcript from her interview with Laura Worley is, in my opinion, major mainstream news but hey, who cares about the newsless, legacy media news anymore?
Keep up to date with Brooke’s journey and revelations on her Telegram Channel.
Illuminati Mothers of Darkness Curse on Healers Worldwide
As I was nearing completion of this article, Laura Worley broadcast a message to all healers, survivors, professionals and podcasters about a harmful ritual that had been performed by Mothers of Darkness (Illuminati queens) and higher level Illuminati occultists to curse all healers. (Links to Laura’s protection prayers and other helpful ways to deal with unwarranted spiritual attacks are in the Helpful Resources section at the end of this article.)
I interpreted this to be a sign of panic in the parallel cult world because the micro managing controllers are relying heavily on programmed cult survivors to create world chaos and enable the forced installation of a one world government. Therefore, survivors must NOT break their programming. Quite the dilemma for the controllers. But not for the cult survivors who are breaking free from the cults and reclaiming their lives. Various sources are reporting an inevitable mass exodus from the cults because nobody wants to live in the planned luciferian dark ages.
I personally have no fear of these witches, warlocks and other dark occultists who still obey orders to perform potentially harmful rituals on individuals and whole populations alike. And I also take into account that most of them didn’t stand a chance from birth either, but continue to willingly or unwillingly fulfil their programmed roles as perpetrators.
To give you an idea of what happens to children in this grotesque, parallel cult world, Brooke Federline posted this screenshot from a book that outlines some of the horrifically traumatising Nazi based ritual abuses and cruelty beyond belief.
Anyone who opposes the call for an international truth and reconciliation inquiry to formally acknowledge and compensate all genuine cult survivors who wish to provide a written testimony and/or present their testimony in person, and have their perpetrators investigated and brought to justice where possible, will struggle to find a convincing argument against it.
This parallel cult world is run by top shelf, gutter level, psychopathic filth that must be fully exposed and extinguished.
Helpful Resources for Survivors and Supporters
Kate Fishing - Substack
List of Do's for Support Persons in a Survivor's Life
2. Do have your eyes and face light up when you see her. Survivors do not have much of a joy center in their brain. It is very hard for them to find joy and return to joy after an upset or crisis. Their eyes need to see that you are happy to be with them, no matter how much they are struggling.
Laura Worley
Laura Worley is a former cult survivor whose healing journey opened up her new path to becoming a successful Transformational Coach, Complex Trauma Trainer, Author, Speaker and Broadcaster.
Puzzle Pieces Together Podcast Links
Laura is also well versed in protection prayers and other things you can do to protect yourself from curses, spells and other harmful cult crimes. She has provided details in the comments section of her 19 January update about the curse cast upon healers by the Illuminati mothers of darkness (MoDs).
Podcast Link: Important Update - All Healers Worldwide
Laura’s original message about the unprecedented level of evil we are dealing with:
Podcast Link (8/1/2024) - Urgent Message to Professionals, Survivors, Podcasters
Article: Notes and link to Laura Worley’s update that followed her original Urgent Message (15/1/2024) - OOPS! I have pissed off some people with last week’s podcast
Keep Strengthening and Expanding Your Inner Light
During my studies about ancient shamanic healing arts with Peruvian born kamasqa curandero (healer) don Oscar Miro Quesada, some students reported experiencing interferences with dark entities and other unwanted ‘characters’.
don Oscar’s response was to keep working on strengthening and expanding our inner light and raising our personal frequency. Then we will eventually reach a place where the lower world dark forces are unable to access your frequency and harm you in any way.
I personally have no interest or experience in witchcraft or other occult practices that are used to harm and kill others, but have been spiritually attacked in the astral many times post 2020. The most recent attack involved a soldier wearing a black, sci-fi styled suit and helmet. He pointed his intimidating weapon directly at me from close range - it looked like a futuristic machine gun that fired frequencies instead of bullets. He shot me at least six times but thankfully, nothing happened to me and he left the scene.
Somebody said that I was protected by ‘God’s armour’ which was a new concept for me but gratefully accepted.
This astral attack also reminded me of 1989 when I dealt with real bullets that were fired through the window of 5KA Broadcasters in Adelaide, South Australia, complete with character assassination and a ridiculous attempt to imprison me on false charges. When you are oblivious to the parallel cult world and don’t have any training or experience with guns and bullets, that alone is enough to send you into a near fatal tail spin. But that’s another story.
Illuminati - Brief Background
“Many, if not most, of these people are completely unaware of the great evil that they are involved in, during the night.” Svali, former head cult programmer, Jesuit Order
Misguided ‘spiritual seekers’ may find themselves drawn to the Illuminati because of the magic, mystique that seems to emanate from this group. and popularity across the ‘fame game’ industry.
To share a little more insight about the Illuminati, nothing comes close to the experiences and knowledge of Svali, a former head cult programmer for the Jesuit Order which oversees the Illuminati and other cult orders. In conjunction with Brooke Federline and Laura Worley, this ‘holy trinity’ of healers and educators serve as bright beacons of hope and guidance for cult survivors and curious seekers alike.
Svali’s Petri Dish Beginnings
The following passages provide a brief overview of Svali’s ‘petri dish’ beginnings and the inner workings of the Illuminati:
Conceived in a petri dish in a Swiss genetics lab in the 1950s, Svali’s genetic father was Josef Mengele but her birth mother, who suffered incomprehensible forms of torture during her pregnancy, was not her genetic mother.
Svali was considered the ‘third generation’ (G3) of genetic enhancements. The first two generations were prototypes for physical beauty. By G3, the gene for intelligence had been discovered, as well as for improved muscle strength and healing capability. Later generations improved upon these foundations as genes for even greater intelligence, theta skills and other abilities were developed.
Little known experiments on pregnant women conducted by Mengele had proven that programming begun in the womb, lasts longer and is more difficult to break than programming that occurs after birth, when the infant has the opportunity to interact with the outside world.
Svali’s grew up to become the head programmer for the Jesuit Order that stands behind the Illuminati, Knights Templar, Opus Dei and the other 12 international occultic organizations. She also ran the programming labs for this organization after Mengele died, being second in line to receive the ‘torch’.
She no longer works for that group many years ago and has been on her healing journey for close to 30 years.
In Svali’s Words – The Illuminati
The following passages partially shed light upon how and why the Illuminati are such skillful illusionists and the dangers of being part of a secretive organization that only tells you what you need to know, no matter what position you hold in the heirarchy.
If you met them in person, you would probably instantly like any of these intelligent, verbal, likeable, even charismatic people. This is their greatest cover…
None of the Illuminists that I have known, had unkind, or evil appearing, persona in their daytime lives, although some were dysfunctional, such as being alcoholics.
The dissociation that drives the Illuminists is their greatest cover for being undetected at this time. Many, if not most, of these people are completely unaware of the great evil that they are involved in, during the night.
There are other groups which are not actually part of the Illuminati, but the Illuminati are aware of them. The Illuminati are not the only group that follows esoteric practices, or worships ancient deities or demons. They encourage divisiveness between different groups (divide and conquer is one of their ruling principles), and are not concerned about other groups.
Instead, they will often welcome them into their umbrella, if possible. This has been happening more and more in recent years, as the Illuminati trade teaching their training principles, which are considered the best by most secretive groups, in exchange for loyalty to the Illuminati. They will send their trainers to these groups, and the trainers will report to the local regional council.
In the political arena, the Illuminists will fund both sides of a race, because their greatest maxim is that "out of chaos comes order", or the discipline of anarchy.
Deliverance with a Trauma Informed Approach Go Hand In Hand
Svali has also been through the process of deliverance but does not personally believe that deliverance without a trauma informed approach to healing works:
“I have seen people go through deliverance and then 10 years down the road they go, ‘Oh, I had all this trauma and it was never really resolved, it just went underground.’
People need both. The energies are nasty and their intent is to destroy. Thank goodness there is a loving God who created the universe and whose intent was to heal and love us and to bring us back from these things.”
Website Link
‘Mizpah is Hebrew for “lord watch over me” and is the name for my ministry to educate others about ritual abuse and mind control. For years, I chose to heal privately, and this site reflects what I have learned in the past ten years.’ Svali
Interview Links
Emma Katherine - The Imagination Podcast (14/2/2022): Svali Speaks: Ex-Programmer and Cult Survivor Speaks on Secret Societies and Mind Control
Gabbi Choong (15/10/2023): Svali on the Truth About Child Trafficking
Website Link: Heart of the Healer - don Oscar Miro Quesada
Book Recommendation: Uncrossing by Katrina Rasbold
‘Negative energies initiated by others can have a strong influence on vitality, relationships, and prosperity. With Katrina's guidance, you can uncross yourself from intentional psychic attacks and incidental entity infiltrations, past and current traumas, unhealthy relationships, and destructive habits that create obstacles to your success. Whether you are suffering from a curse, hex, or even an accidental self-crossing, this book is a powerful guide to healing and recovery.’
"The goal of Communism and the New World Order always has been the destruction of family. This forces people to get their sense of belonging from the elite-run media, political causes or products."
~ Henry Makow
Until next time.
(Image: Indigenous Civilizations)