Book of the Century Finalist: Synagogue of Satan by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock
'This Book Contains Some of the Most Guarded Secrets of our Time'
God Bless Writers and Their Gloriously Honest Books
Prior to 2020, I had never heard of the Synagogue of Satan. I also had no clue about Satan, Lucifer, Moloch, Hillarion or other low vibe, low IQ entities and cults that seem to attract the types of creatures who lurk within the ‘rich, powerful and famous’ realm. It was easier to write them off as fictional characters and leave it at that.
But along came 2020. The universe guided me into a wombat hole and suggested that I take the time to educate myself about the dark occult and how shadowy people in high places use heinous hocus pocus rituals, tricks, spells and curses to covertly inflict harm upon humankind and our beautiful world.
As uncomfortable, distasteful and draining as it was to begin with, I shall be forever grateful that I heeded the call because it led me to a global, parallel cult world and a largely hidden community of thousands, possibly millions, of silenced cult survivors. But their silence is breaking now, thank goodness. Little by little. Day after day.
Sparkle Files Treasure Trove
Today, whilst perusing my Sparkle Files, I came across a detailed infographic with the following information in the heading:
Rothschild Int’l Banking Dynasty (Hegelian Dialectic Skullduggery From the 1700s Onwards)
Meet the Shareholders: ROTHSCHILD, Warburg, Lehman, Kuhn Loeb, Goldman Sachs, Morgan, Lazard, Schiff, Honneig, Baruch, Oppenheimer, Bronfman
The website revealed a book called Synagogue of Satan - Updated, Expanded, and Uncensored written by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock. The author’s Introduction was such an insightful read, that I have taken the liberty of resharing it.
(Image source: Money Tree Publishing)
Synagogue of Satan - Updated, Expanded and Uncensored
The book you are about to read has a very interesting history that I would like to share with you. It started off as a timeline on Daryl Bradford Smith’s website in 2006.
I kept updating the timeline until it got too big to read as an article on a website, so I took what material I had from the timeline, and added a great deal more, which became a 60,000-word book that I entitled The Synagogue of Satan.
I had 500 copies privately printed, then set up a simple one-page website where people could purchase the book. I also sent copies out to various people who had radio shows, in the hope that they would invite me onto their show, so I could promote the book.
One of these people was the writer, broadcaster and researcher Texe Marrs. Texe was so happy with the book, he published it himself through his RiverCrest Publishing house in 2007 and added a foreword and an index to the book, but the content—which I had written—was unchanged.
I carried on my research into the group I refer to as “The Synagogue of Satan,” and in 2012, I released The Synagogue of Satan: Updated, Expanded, and Uncensored, which at 144,000 words was almost two-and-a-half times the size of the original.
In October 2013, the World Jewish Congress (WJC) put an open letter article on their website that their CEO wrote to Jeff Bezos, the chairman and CEO of, asking that he ban all books they considered “anti-Semitic.” While the WJC did not name any specific books, the only image they used was of my book and’s website.
To Bezos’s credit, he did not cave in to their demands until 9 March 2017, when I received an email from informing me that both the physical book and the Kindle version had been banned from their website, as it was “in violation of our content guidelines.”
Interestingly, 9 March 2017 was the first day of the Jewish festival of Purim, during which Jews traditionally take revenge against their enemies.
The book was now only available directly from the printer,, until 1 September 2017 when I received an email from Lulu’s “Questionable Content Team” informing me that my “Content has been reported to be in violation of the Lulu Membership Agreement” and as a result “we will remove your content from availability.”
Isn’t it interesting that while I have not had any of the content of the book challenged, and have committed no offenses in writing this book, I have had it banned at the behest of the Jews?
The content of this book is nearly identical to the one banned by and Lulu, apart from this introduction, and what I consider to be the three best articles I have ever written, which have been added as appendices at the end of the book. They include “Jewish Genocide of the White Race: Case Closed!”—Parts 1 and 2, plus “Holocaust or Holohoax? You Be the Judge!”
Book Link
If you are interested in purchasing Andrew’s book please click this link:
Synagogue of Satan - Moneytree Publishing
God bless Andrew Carrington Hitchcock and all writers and their glorious books.
Here is my Sparkle Files infographic that I previously referred to. As you can see, it’s an intricate spider’s web and may be even more expansive than we know. If you have trouble reading it, take a screenshot and enlarge the image. That worked for me.
Note the question at the bottom of the infographic: ‘Can You Find All 13 Internet Treasures?’
Until next time.
(Image: Indigenous Civilizations)