Busted - Child Abusers, Australian Federal Police, Governments, Justice System, MIA Media
Why are child protectors persecuted and children returned to their abusers? 5 year, multi-million dollar tax funded case based on the AFP's fictional child trafficking syndicate, dropped.
District Court of Brisbane, Australia, Thursday, 8th February 2024: R v Pridgeon, O'Dea and Grandmother case has been discontinued against the three defendants on the two counts of ‘Conspiracy to Defeat Justice’.
Forced Removal of Australian Children is Out of Control
‘We have been fighting against insurmountable odds for a period of 5 years; a dedicated and righteous group fighting for the protection of our children and grandchildren. This is a bittersweet victory for us.
We still have a situation in this country where children are being returned to alleged abusers by the family courts for different reasons. We also have a child (alleged) protection system where children are being removed from families on a state level, often without any grounds whatsoever…the forced removal of these children is out of control.
Thanks to this small group of people that are doing their tireless work, we have all managed to fight the most incredible adversity to get to his point and the most incredible persecution to get to this point without hardly any help from anybody. We are asking you to stand and support us. And to start spreading the word about this and to get active for the sake of our children.’
Pastor Paul Robert Burton
(Image: Dr William Pridgeon (left); Patrick O’Dea (right); Source: Pastor Paul Robert Burton)
‘In essence, this matter has been pursued for over five years and the charge is not known to the law.’
Pastor Paul Robert Burton
One of the Worst Travesties of Justice on Earth
Operation Noetic (No Ethics)
In Pastor Paul Robert Burton’s Words
By day 4, the matter was discontinued against Dr Pridgeon, Patrick O’Dea and the grandmother. In essence, the charge of Conspiracy to Defeat Justice was an inappropriate charge in this case because the Family Court actually had provisions to charge people for what are called contravention or recovery orders and as a question for law, the barrister for Dr Pridgeon (Mr Robert Size) raised a simple legal argument in regards to the conspiracy charge.
In essence, this matter has been pursued for over five years and the charge is not known to the law. 4 people, including the mother who is now incarcerated, were found guilty of a charge that is not known to the law.
The charges have been discontinued against the 3 defendants, which is a good outcome for us in one sense because after 5 years of persecution, the grandmother had an ankle bracelet on for 2 and a half years. Draconian bail conditions. These people have had their lives absolutely decimated over the years. Myself and a small group of volunteers have been supporting these defendants for most of that time.
By the time we got to this trial, 21 of the 29 charges were dropped. There are still 6 remaining charges against Mr O’Dea, 3 for breaching Section 121 of the Family Law Act, which is identifying the name of someone involved in Family Law proceedings and 3 for using a carriage service to harass or offend. It is alleged that Mr O’Dea phoned one of the alleged abusers and had a conversation with them.
Mainstream journalist breached Section 121 but hasn’t been charged
The public should be raising concerns with the Judge Vicki Loury. She was furious because it became apparent on day 2 of the trial when the jury was discharged, that a journalist that was in the court on the opening day, released a syndicated article that went to numerous newspapers all over the country that identified the grandmother.
So a journalist breached Section 121 blatantly. The journalist’s name is Cheryl Goodenough. In my view, it’s not good enough. The judge was furious about this but the journalist hasn’t been charged. So here we have a situation where they are still continuing with charges against Mr O’Dea and that’s been ongoing for 5 years.
This is a gentleman who is profoundly deaf; he has 79% hearing loss. He was not allowed a McKenzie friend, being myself, or a support person in the court. However, he was allowed 10 minute intervals to come and talk to me in the breaks while myself and about 30 other people watched in the second room because we were not allowed into the open court. Patrick O’Dea also has complex PTSD because he served in the Rhodesian army and that’s why he is profoundly deaf. He survived driving over 4 landmines.
So they are still going to continue charges for breaching 121 against this man, for basically saying things on social media or allegedly assisting someone on social media. Meanwhile at the same time, a journalist can put stuff on mainstream media and not a thing is done about it.
Equality before the law - founding principle of democracy
We have a thing in this country in our open democracy called equality before the law which is a founding principle of a democratic society. You can’t apply a law to one person unfairly and not against another. But here we have a classic situation of that happening with the 121 breach. I’m outraged by that, personally. It’s insane that that can go unaddressed. In regards to the success, we are very appreciative of it.
The media abounded until Thursday (8/2/24) but the fact that the case has been discontinued has not been mentioned anywhere in any mainstream media whatsoever. That again shows you to what degree the media in this country is controlled.
Not one single article to show that this 5 and a half year case which is actually 10 years from when it was first initiated by Operation Noetic - the Australian Federal Police. Not one mention anywhere in the media of anything aside from me talking and Dee McLachlan of Gumshoe News. Not a mention anywhere that this entire matter has been dropped.
Millions and millions and millions of your taxpayer money has been spent persecuting 3 of 7 in total people who were doing nothing more than trying to protect children who clearly disclosed sexual abuse.
In one case, there were 93 independent reports by 13 different people. This isn’t just a mother or grandmother making something up. This is out of control. Their disclosures were in the briefs of evidence.
We presented them to the court by way of what we call Crown Response and we sat and watched the judge crossing out all of these things where the police had hidden these disclosures; where senior members, lawyers, a barrister and an independent children’s lawyer hid this information from the Family Court and misled the Family Court, so the children were returned to the alleged abusers.
Complicit Police, Lawyers, Barristers and Courts
So the police were complicit, the Federal police were complicit, the barristers and lawyers in the case were complicit and in my view, that the courts would even allow this to continue, like in the case of the 121, clearly shows that the courts are also complicit. Unfortunately. But that’s my position at the moment and it’s very very sad.
I was hopeful there would be some semblance of justice prevailing and I suppose by discontinuance (it has). Please understand that this is not a success story at this point because the children that raised these allegations with numerous people were returned to the abusers and are still with the abusers. Nothing has changed.
Federal police continue to fabricate charges against child protectors
The federal police that created the story about an international child trafficking syndicate…are still making those things up with other cases as we speak. The barristers that were misleading the courts are still misleading the courts and the courts that are overseeing it are not taking action against any of these people when they know damn well what they have done. These are criminal offences and they are not doing anything.
We feel very fortunate to be in this situation at this time so we can raise awareness about what is going on but this is a long, long way from over in this country. People really need to understand the importance of what we are sharing here. The work that we do.
We have all copped a huge financial burden as a consequence of this for years… people have had their lives decimated, smashed to pieces. Meanwhile, the courts condone anyone else breaking the same laws like the 121 and everything else – the injustice and hypocrisy beggars belief.
This is only the beginning
Thank you to all of you who do support us. We really appreciate it. For those of you who haven’t spoken about it but should and have the capacity to reach people, we will accept your apology. Please help us out now and start talking about what has actually happened here and educate yourself of the facts.
It’s a very difficult time globally but until we can protect our children and grandchildren and stop this intergenerational trauma, we are never going to be able to fix this as a species. We have to stop this at the root. We have to stop it from happening in the first place, when they should never be taken.
That’s the lesson in this and we are a long long way from over. This is only the beginning – what’s happened with Dr Pridgeon, Patrick O’Dea and the grandmother, is only a very humble beginning. Thanks to this small group of people that are doing their tireless work, we have all managed to fight the most incredible adversity to get to his point and the most incredible persecution to get to this point without hardly any help from anybody.
We are asking you to stand and support us. And to start spreading the word about this and to get active for the sake of our children.
Pastor Paul Robert Burton, Minister of Religion, Bard, Environmentalist, Paralegal, Human Rights Advocate
Pastor Paul Robert Burton - Image source: Vimeo
Video Link (20 mins): Pastor Burton Court Update R v Pridgeon, O’Dea & GA
Hannes Wessels - Something Rotten Down Under
Pridgeon/O’Shea/Grandmother Case Background
Something Rotten Down Under tells the shocking story of what happened to Australia’s Dr William Russell Massingham Pridgeon and Patrick O’Shea when they answered the call of Professor Frida Briggs, Australia’s pre-eminent expert on child abuse. She needed help with a case involving a protective mother of two children who had allegedly suffered grotesque injuries at the hands of the biological father and others known to the father.
In return for their efforts to support the mother and her children, including the formation of the Australian Anti-Paedophile Party in 2016, with the sole aim of exposing the malfeasance of the Family Court under Parliamentary Privilege, which the press predictably ignored:
The response came five months later in the form of the Australian Federal Police when Russell and Patrick were arrested by 28 police officers in a massively publicised arrest in which they were portrayed to the world as beastly child abusers.
The Police then supplied misleading information to an unquestioning media alleging that Russell was:
The king-pin of a national and international child kidnapping ring, involving 1-200 children. Involving 30-40 child kidnappers.
That he financed the child kidnapping with his own money.
That he was paid to kidnap/steal/abduct/traffic children.
That he had bought a yacht with the intent of trafficking children to foreign countries.
The ‘Deep State’ appears alive and well in Australia.
Full article: Something Rotten Down Under
Essential Reading
Link: Dr William Russell Massingham Pridgeon’s book - Everybody Knows
Book Description Excerpt
Children are being sexualised in schools. Loved, well cared for children are being torn from their loving, caring, competent parents and given over to people who the children have identified as their abusers. This is carefully hidden by court orders and gagging orders.
Most ordinary Australians are completely unaware of this. Powerful, wealthy, highly placed people have driven this agenda which feeds the multibillion-dollar industry of child trafficking and pornography. Australians who oppose this are killed, persecuted, and forced into hiding after having their lives destroyed.
The defendants in the Operation Noetic prosecution are being prosecuted for the simple act of protecting children. This upcoming trial will be the final chapter of a masterpiece of blatant misuse of the law, and will bring the corrupt police, and the men who are identified by the children as their abusers to testify in open court.
They will all be under oath. The actions of the officers of the Law Courts will be under huge legal scrutiny, and will have to adhere strictly to the laws of Australia.
The safety of all children hangs in the balance. Parents stand to lose the right to protect their children.
Dee McLachlan on the Discontinued Case Court Outcome
Dee McLachlan is an Australian based Journalist, Filmmaker and Author of The Child Protection Racket
Gumshoe News - Dee McLachlan: Everybody Will Know Justice Was Served in Brisbane
Day Four
At 2:00pm were all settled. The judge entered, taking her seat, “Mr Hannebery…?” Mr Hannebery stood up and said (along these lines) “Your Honour, on the counts 1 and 2 (the conspiracy charges) we discontinue.” In less than a minute it was all over. With the s121 charges for Patrick still afoot, the judge said, “Dr Pridgeon and Ms GA, you are free to go. Leave the dock.”
It had all happened so quickly, and the Granma had not really heard what was said and called out, “But Your Honour, I’ve done nothing wrong. Judge Loury responded very loudly with, “You are free now leave. Leave!” Russell dropped to his knees in thanks (which we could not see) and the judge kept on “LEAVE…”
It was suddenly all over.
Social media will be announcing ‘victory’. BUT… there are no winners in this game.
The surveillance and building the largest brief in Australian history has cost you — the taxpayer — tens of millions of dollars.
The defendants suffered five plus years of trauma, ankle bracelets and harsh bail conditions. They have suffered tremendously.
The public servants involved in this case were discredited as were the CDPP (Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions). But the evidence of the misdeeds was not aired. At some point the misfeasance by police officers etc., will be exposed.
The real losers were/are the three children that had disclosed abuse to many — and were let down by EVERYBODY (except the protectors on trial). The abuses were not considered in family court (as is so common) — and they were ordered back to live with the very persons they disclosed sexually abused then.
(Pictured: Dee McLachlan)
Cruelty Imposed on Families Remains Largely Hidden
Additional Reading about Dee McLachlan’s Book and Great Work: The Child Protection Racket - Australia Leads The Way in Child Removals
The Government is a Bad Parent
‘Although trafficking is a major global industry, Australia is a world leader in child removals. You as the reader can decide whether they are abducted, kidnapped, stolen and/or trafficked in a “cash for kids” trade.
The system fosters a dysfunctional society by destroying families, eroding love, and disrupting the sacred mother-child bond. The cruelty imposed on these families is indescribable and still today remains largely hidden from the public.
Only through knowing the truth can we bring about the positive changes that are desperately needed for thousands of children and families.
The government is a bad parent…’
Dee McLachlan
Discontinued Case Court Outcome
More Excerpts from Pastor Burton’s video update
Do Not Believe Those Wonderful Speeches You Hear From Politicians
We haven’t yet helped one child in this case, let alone any others, from being returned to their abusers. If any parent mentions a child’s abuse, there’s a high probability that the child will be returned to the abuser. This system is not protecting our children and grandchildren. It’s putting them at much, much, much greater risk of harm.
Until such time that we address what’s happening to our children, we will not be able to fix the system in this society. It creates a form of intergenerational abuse which is what has happened to our first nations brothers and sisters, which, I might add, are still having their children ripped even today.
People don’t understand. There has been one report after another identifying these facts. For example, one in two indigenous children in this country are the subject of a risk of harm report before they are even born.
If you are indigenous in this country there is a high probability that you are going to lose your child just because of your colour. That’s where we are. We are without doubt the most racist country in the world. Do not believe those wonderful speeches you hear from politicians. They are not truthful.
This is going on now and the net is spreading much wider. They are taking more and more children all the time. We are dealing with two levels. The state level with child protection issues and the federal level with the family court. But all of this affects our children. Does that not mean anything to anyone anymore? This is a hugely important issue.
Video Link (20 mins): Pastor Burton Court Update R v Pridgeon, O’Dea & GA
Bendigo and ANZ Banks Closed Down Pastor Burton’s Accounts
Donation Link: Pridgeon, O’Shea, GA Fundraiser
‘The fundraiser I opened for these people is still open on my website. The banks closed down my accounts trying to run that fundraiser. I now have a challenge against the Bendigo and ANZ banks for closing my accounts down on a fake, alleged, dating and romance scam. When I did try to fund raise for these people to raise some semblance of money, so we could survive while we were here, I have been targeted and had my bank accounts cut down.
Someone has notified those banks and told them I am involved in a dating and romance scam which is defamatory at the least. And also very distressing for me.’
Pastor Paul Robert Burton
We just need one generation of children that don’t get sexually abused and we could pretty much stop the whole scourge of pedophilia, because a lot of pedophiles are created through child abuse.’ Frida Briggs, in conversation with Rachel Vaughan
(Frida Briggs Image: Uni SA)
UPDATE - 17 February 2024
'Once a civilisation accepts pedophilia, it falls. Quickly. That’s the way satanists have made past civilisations fall.' Daryl James – ex US Military
Latest headline from People's Voice:
EU Legalizes Child Porn As WEF Agenda To Normalize Pedophilia Accelerates - 'Minor Attracted Persons (Pedophiles) deserve equal rights.'
This is clearly the beginning of the end of the luciferian/satanic New World Order cult that is loaded with disturbed men and women from long suffering intergenerational cult abuse family bloodlines where ritual child rape and murder are 'normal'. (The EU is supposed to be the seat of the one world devil's government, with NATO as its military arm.)
This is all they knew in their traumatic childhoods and they have sadly grown up into complicit cult survivors who put wealth first. To them, child rape is normal.
Fortunately they also form part of the minority and will eventually be removed from power and dealt with. The world has to be shown this horrific, gutter level evil and heinous crimes against children in order for it to be exposed and ultimately extinguished.
People’s Voice Video Link: EU Legalizes Child Porn As WEF Agenda To Normalize Pedophilia Accelerates
Until next time.