CIA, Google, Meta & Co secretly control people with Optogenetics
'Gene therapy' injections use flashes of light to pulse the neurons, turn cells on and off to regulate behaviours, and can 'turn on' illnesses. Lalita Karoli
Dr Reiner Fuellmich, President Călin Georgescu & Co may agree that a global class action against this optogenetic invasion of privacy is in order
If you are a fan of the CIA, Google, Meta & Co’s metaverse cyborg and wireless body area network project and are okay with being uploaded to the metaverse without your consent, then please disregard this article.
Warning: Long sentence ahead:
If you are not a fan of being controlled by unelected, draco-oligarchic, ruling club men and token women who are probably secret ‘bapho’ people (cult name for baphomet transgenders), along with their willing mad scientists, technocrazies and lawless, possibly MK Ultra’d spook folk, you, too, may feel that a global class action against this grotesque invasion of privacy is in order. Alongside the global COVID class action that the wrongfully imprisoned political prisoner Dr Reiner Fuellmich spoke of in his September 2020 video.
Here is the address to write to Reiner - last I heard, he was receiving 100 letters per day and aims to answer all of them. Let’s make it 200 letters a day until he is released in the near future:
JVA Rosdorf
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich
Am Grossen Sieke 8
37124 Rosdorf
How do we solve a problem like the emerging, not-so-secret Optogenetic control of humanity?
This article primarily shares transcript notes from videos entitled Upload and Prepare: Optogenetics are regulating behaviors.
They hail from from Lalita Karoli’s heavily shadow-banned YouTube channel (which she is in the process of dumping), and her Bitchute channel. Lalita’s detailed articles were deleted from the internet swamp a couple of years ago and I hope she kept copies of everything she wrote on an external hard drive for a future book.
Optogenetics – A biological technique to control the activity of neurons or other cell types with light. Devices are optogenetic.
Dec 24, 2024 - Runtime: 6 mins
“So we've got Elon Musk and his Neuralink, we've got Bobby Kennedy and his connection to these original neurosurgeons, we've got the big trumpet announcing the golden age in LA, and remember he built casinos, so he was part of this original CIA development of this stuff that would make you part of the wireless body area network where every time that you're on one of these computers, you're being uploaded, and when you're around anyone else that is part of that network, you're being uploaded through them.” Lalita Karoli
What the CIA Secretly Planted in Your Phone to Control You (It Happens To You Everyday)
This video from Video Advice mirrors Lalita’s research but doesn’t mention the word Optogenetics. A helpful video to share with family and friends who are unaware of the CIA and Obama Administration’s extreme invasion of personal privacy and mind control that is marketed as a ‘brain health initiative.’ In reality, it is MK Ultra 2.0.
(October 30, 2024 - Run time: 12 mins)
Controlling Human Behaviour
Upload begins with a video clip featuring neurosurgeon Dr Jack Kruse explaining the origins of a macabre CIA human control technology (stolen from the mafia) that is currently being deployed without consent.
Upload Transcript Notes
Dr Jack Kruse: For those of you who've never heard about Operation Paperclip, you think it's all conspiracy theory? At Tulane Neurology and Tulane Neurosurgery in the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s, the CIA started a program there where they would do all these crazy things to monkeys.
The CIA wanted to see how they can control things utilising different things like drugs…. But the neurosurgeons got involved, which is my clade. We would drill tops of the heads off, put wires into the thalamus, put electricity in there, and see what kind of behavioral changes we could have.
One of the guys in that program is… Professor Delgado. When he saw that we could control the behavior with the wired device, he said, what if we do it wirelessly? So he checked it in monkeys and checked it in bulls. Turned out you can do it wirelessly with RFID chips and semiconductors.
Then the CIA took it to the next level. He said, well since this is electromagnetic radiation, what if we did it through light through screens? Turns out you can and that's the reason why all your computer screens have the frequencies they have.
So why is this all important? Well, the person that set this meeting up between me and Bobby (RFK Jr) is the patent attorney who made sure that Google and Meta have those things so they can control the things that we all do.
Where did the original idea come from? That started off in MK Ultra with the CIA. You're going to be surprised when you hear (part of) this came from the mafia in Las Vegas. They wanted to build new city in a desert. They enclosed it all, blocked out the windows, invented slot machines that were blue lit and they found out that they didn't have to take a gun, stick it in your face to steal your money.
And they even got smarter. They said, let's give people free alcohol while they're doing that and they found out they got the money quicker.
And that's when the CIA got the idea to start this program. That's really how it started.
Golden Age is not what it seems
Lalita Karoli: The interesting thing about that video (excerpt) is that the screens are designed to take your money but they're actually designed to take your soul. And I noticed yesterday that the Priory of Sion Monarch presented his golden age in Las Vegas where they developed this blue light technology on screens which were the machines that you play in the casinos. He said the golden age is before us and that is because they are about to upload enormous amounts of people, and they already are.
The project that is happening in the sky right now with the glowing lights and the plasmoid beings, that's part of that. That is like searching out the correct match. So when I say optogenetics, you know you being uploaded while you're watching your screen. That's what's happening…
Notice he named RFK (Jr) which he called Bobby. There are other beings that are part of the group. JD Vance is part of this. (Vance is the co-founder of Narya Capital which has invested Amplify Bio which has announced a strategic partnership with RNAV8 to support mRNA ‘Therapeutic’ developers).
The upload is definitely happening right now
I can't say the words (re screenshot below) because they are manufacturers of the same thing within that, so this whole group of the Priory of Sion - this has been 22,000 years in the making - but the upload is definitely happening right now.
Metaverse upload is free will choice - but the ‘controllers’ have not had the decency to announce it
I had a client yesterday who was just so emotional. She was sobbing because of, again, not the 11 hour live streams that are discussing some 30 minute video of mine. So I feel obligated to let you know that that's your free will choice. You all can look at the screens forever and ever and ever and become part of the metaverse.
Google is adding its part to it today. This week, Google is going to change the way all of the phones operate so it's getting more and more dangerous to be on any of these so-called smart devices because they don't need to put wires in your brain. All you have to do is look at this screen which is why I try to make my videos very short and concise. But these players around this, everything that he said and I just showed you the photo of this person (J D Vance) who is definitely part of that whole thing.
So we've got Elon Musk and his Neuralink, we've got Bobby Kennedy and his connection to these original neurosurgeons, we've got the big trumpet announcing the golden age in LA. And remember he built casinos, so he was part of the original CIA development of this stuff that would make you part of the wireless body area network where every time that you're on one of these computers, you're being uploaded and when you're around anyone else that is part of that network, you're being uploaded through them.
I see these live streams with like 10 people talking. They're all uploading each other even though they might be arguing about some topic. So, this is my quick short on YouTube and then I'm going to start doing some more interesting Transfiguration type discussions on my Bit Chute channel where you all need to subscribe because I'm not going to continue on YouTube.
Thank you for listening and bye-bye for now.
Transhumanist SMART city blood farms and a blood economy? No thank you. That’s insane.
Prepare: Optogenetics are regulating behaviors
Optogenetics require gene therapy injections in order to use flashes of light to pulse the neurons, to turn cells on or off to control electrical impulses that regulate behaviours, create illnesses. Optogenetics is what all of these devices are.
Link to Lalita Karoli’s Prepare: Optogenetics are regulating behaviours video:
(October 25, 2024 - Run time: 14 mins)
Optogenetics Transcript notes:
Lalita has had dreams where her eyes were pulled through her body into the screen and that’s how they were going to upload us to the singularity. She has also spoken of the war of the flickering light – there are at least 3 different cameras on every device and she suggests you turn off your facial recognition and Siri. Get rid of Siri immediately. If you use a cell phone, hold it slightly to the side. Never look at it directly.
Optogenetics require gene therapy injections in order to use flashes of light to pulse the neurons, to turn cells on or off to control electrical impulses that regulate behaviours, create illnesses. Optogenetics is what all of these devices are.
It's imperative that you do not have LED bulbs and that you do not look directly into screens.
A lot of the illnesses people are having right now are part of the breeding program where they are turning on certain illnesses in people through these optogenetics.
They are also turning on certain behaviours.
Lalita is receiving notifications of people chopping up their own family members and have been found cooking their parts in the kitchen.
A woman northern Kentucky was recently arrested after dismembered body parts were found in the yard. She was cooking human remains in the kitchen. This can be done through those electrical impulses that change your behaviour and that’s what we’re talking about when people turn. Light is flashing all the time in towns and cities – they are using optogenetics everywhere.
Infowars video clip insert transcript
International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice and Research – At least 55 undeclared chemical elements found in COVID-19 vaccines from AstraZeneca, Cansino, Moderna, Pfizer , SinoPharm and Sputnik V, with precise ICP-MS
(Image source: Infowars via Lalita Karoli)
Injections include several toxic elements including aluminum, titanium, arsenic, lead and uranium. Researchers have deduced that the COVID gene therapy technology injections are part of a secret, worldwide, (nano) technological experimentation program. These crimes against humanity still go unanswered and we do not know what the intended outcome of it all was.
Optogenetics was selected as the method of the year in 2010 by Nature Video.
Optogenetics – A biological technique to control the activity of neurons or other cell types with light.
The COVID 19 plandemic gave these mad scientists the excuse to inject billions of humans with a mysterious cocktail of nanotech and researchers at Lakita Lacuna have pointed out the possible relationship between the injections and the invisible light which is constantly flashing from our mobile phones. We are told this is for facial recognition. How can we trust the official narrative when it’s coming from transhumanist mass murderers?
Lalita echoes the guidance of many other podcasters and writers about keeping devices in a faraday bag and staying away from crowds of people. People who walk down the street staring at their phones are completely controlled. We are seeing people turning.
Lalita has known for years that they have been testing this type of technology and also cites the Children’s Health Defence Fund (CHDF) announcement that all childhood vaccines have this nanotech in them: They are telling us now because they have to tell us because the deal is already done. Lalita knew about this a long time ago and feels CHDF and Ana Maria Mihalcea, M.D., Ph.D. are agents. CHDF used Ana to demonstrate how blood that was 8 months dead in a refrigerator, is still assembling. So I do believe they are going to do some horrific program of making the dead rise.
With regard to the breeding program, Lalita refers to a book called The Amazons by Adrienne Mayor who claims that we were once all female. Archaeological digs of many ancient gravesites revealed that they were all women.
Lalita Karoli: There was often a larger woman and a smaller woman they considered was her slave. No-one has ever given research to those graves. We’re talking about 10,000 or so years ago when we were all women, or hermaphrodites, really.
When the reptilian breeding program started, we had the first introduction of males. This is scientifically known. We were all females and reproduced from our mitochondrial DNA. If you look at Chaco Canyon, all were women. The gravesites were from one mitochondrial DNA of one matriarch. Everyone was her daughter. We were all hermaphrodites. About 50% of Lalita’s clients are what you would call homosexual and it’s because something is changing within us right now.
A lot is going on but I feel when males are no longer useful for the breeding program, optogenetics will be used to then create the hunger games scenario – horrific depopulation programs.
SMART city blood farms and blood economy (no thank you)
Lalita feels the breeding program is now over and they have created the cyborg human and that’s what all those black boxes are coming through the sun that Gina Marie Colvin Hill reported on. (I agree with Lalita about cyborg humans - if you spend time listening to satanic military program survivor testimonials, they will open your eyes to a parallel transhumanistic world that is portrayed in movies as fiction.)
Lalita Karoli: This is a new phenomenon of millions of them coming through the sun. This is possibly the harvest. So you are in a breeding program – they now have what they want and they will use the optogenetics to potentially turn people into cannibals and horrific things and get down to those smart city blood farms and a blood economy to keep the secretions going for whomever it is that is going to take over this realm.
Literally, that’s how strange it is, folks.
We are the gold of the multiverse and its time to step up into our triumphant state of power
Question: Are we really the grossest, lowest livestock creature in the multiverse…so low that there is no hope?
Lalita Karoli: Firstly, let go of hope. Hope in terms of hoping that we are going to be ok is the wrong term. We need to step into our power and authority because whatever these races are that are farming us, any creature that would be in that category of farming and genetically altering humans, through breeding programs and optogenetics, that is the lowest creature in the multiverse.
We are the gold of the multiverse and it’s time to step up into our triumphant state of power. So stay off the black mirrors so you are not blackmailed and your eyes are not changing into some creature that the black cubes are going to pick up.
Lalita’s Bit Chute Video Link: Black Mirror Black Mail Black Cubes (Oct 25, 2024 - 34 mins)
Cult criminals must be fully exposed and extinguished
Thanks to Lalita Karoli’s Upload video, further related research related to the Priory of Sion, which is generally debunked as a myth by the internet controllers, led me to a website called Mind Control Black Assassins.
Now I have a deeper understanding of why James Packer has experienced so many personal rollercoasters. In my biased opinion, Australia needs a massive luciferian/satanic cult shake up and clean up.
Grotesque, willing, cult criminals who ensnare wealthy men and women, and ruin the lives of many, must be fully exposed and extinguished.
A short story about Kerry Packer
1990. After semi-recovering from being persecuted, character assassinated, personally annihilated, deeply traumatised and potentially executed in the notorious city of Adelaide, South Australia, (including 2 massive silver bullets being fired through the window of 5KA Broadcasters (now Triple M) where I was having a mighty fun time), I desperately needed to escape.
My understanding is that the August/September 1989 bullet incident was never investigated and I’m sure that I wasn’t the only one to suffer from shock and trauma because of those bullets. I resigned from 5KA soon after and attempted to pick up the shattered remains of my fledgling, 27-year-old life and potential media career.
In early 1990, I wrote to Bruce Dunlop, the creative director of TCN Channel 9 in Sydney about the possibility of a job in their on-air promotions department. Having previously worked as a promo producer at NWS Channel 9 before ‘networking’ kicked in and my job became redundant in 1988, I had nothing to lose by asking. Fortunately, I was offered a job with the promotions team along with a generous, unexpected bonus of an airfare and relocation costs.
When I mentioned my new job to a Sunday Mail newspaper pal, he gave me an incredulous look and said something like, ‘How on earth did you score that? Kerry Packer has a massive pay freeze on. Nobody is being employed right now.’ I wasn’t aware of that and just shrugged my shoulders and probably said, ‘I have no idea. Must be a bit spesh.’ And we laughed. My favourite Channel 9 sports newsreader said, ‘Out of the frying pan and into the fire, hey?’ If only he knew how right he was. Ha ha.
In closing, thank you, Kerry Packer. You wouldn’t have known me if you fell over me but I will always be grateful that your executive honchos chose not to decline Bruce Dunlop’s request to employ me. Or whatever he had to do to dodge Kerry’s pay freeze. Your magnificent CEO Sam Chisolm didn’t know me either but he welcomed me like an old friend in your notorious Marble Bar upon my arrival. Too bad I can’t say the same about Sam’s successor, the now-dead David Leckie. Champagne, red wine, abusive workloads, exhaustion and undiagnosed post-traumatic stress don’t mix. Live and learn.
These days, TV just ain’t TV anymore, Kerry. It’s as boring, sanitised and irrelevant as any other straitjacket commie country and its lifeless, doormat politicians. Thanks for the memories of exciting, vibrant TV entertainment and journalism as opposed to a controlled idiot box and obedient agenda parrots. Onwards!
Until next time.
YouTube censorship guy, Neal Mohan
About Google: Our mission is to organise the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.
“We believe the metaverse will be the successor to the mobile internet. We’ll be able to feel present, like we’re right there with people, no matter how far apart we actually are. We’ll be able to express ourselves in new, joyful, completely immersive ways and that’s going to unlock a lot of amazing new experiences.” Mark Zuckerberg, Founder, Chair, CEO, Meta (Meta Connect 2021) via the Meta website.
"I am ready to burn out for God. I am ready to endure any hardship, if by any means I might save some. The longing of my heart is to make known my glorious Redeemer to those who have never heard.”
William Joseph Burns, 8th Director of the CIA, since March 19, 2021.
Source: Tribute to Cult Survivors by the Society of Fae (formerly Faeries)