Did You Hear The One About 9 New Vaccine Empire Billionaires in 2021?
And (500% ROI) Billy Gates is busy selling a new 'magic' vaccine on behalf of his owners, that everyone just has to have. Of course he is.
I had never taken an interest in the history of vaccines pre 2020, but one thing led to another and here we are. Learning about his multifaceted, hotly debated an hugely profitable world has been an education I will long remember. Here are some notes.
(Source: Etymology Online)
Jonathon Jarry M.Sc. uncovers a boldfaced vaccine invention lie
(Dr. Edward) Jenner was not the first one to have introduced cowpox material into a human to induce immunity against smallpox. In 1774, Benjamin Jesty, a farmer in Dorset, had done it on his family, using a knitting needle and pus from an infected cow. A handful of others, including Peter Plett, a teacher from Kiel, also beat Jenner to it. Jenner was not a pioneer, but he documented his experiments and tried to get them published.
Then there was the opposition. Country doctors who were used to smallpox inoculation were disinclined to switch to a new intervention for which Jenner initially provided very little evidence. Moreover, this new “cowpoxing” did not give lifelong immunity to smallpox, and Jenner had also put forward the strange notion that cowpox ultimately came from an infection of the hooves of horses which would mutate when it infected cows. This whole vaccination business quickly became highly contested.
And so, a lie was born. In order to rehabilitate Edward Jenner’s reputation after his death, his first biographer, John Baron, created the milkmaid myth. He wanted to reduce the role Fewster had had in the invention of vaccination and elevate Jenner’s. This brilliant discovery—that exposure to cowpox could immunize you against smallpox—had actually been made by Jenner’s observation of beautiful milkmaids, went the story. Baron even wrote that Jenner repeated this claim on his death bed!
…Origin myths are particularly common. We want to believe that modern placebo research began when Dr. Henry Beecher ran out of morphine during World War II and injected a soldier in pain with saline, but no first-hand account of this bit of serendipity has been found. We want to believe that crafty scientists at the Hawthorne Works factory could get the female employees to work harder by just changing their environment, but the true story is filled with sloppy research and misogyny.
It wasn’t Jenner noticing the smooth complexion of the milkmaids around him. It was Fewster being told by a farmer that he’d had cowpox before. Vaccines have proven themselves over time to be a fantastic tool for public health, but they were not the creation of a single man. They were experimented with by Jenner and many of his contemporaries, building on an inoculation technique that had popped up all over the world, with yet others confirming Jenner’s findings via replication, and vaccines would go on to be refined and perfected over centuries by countless researchers. The smallpox vaccine itself would lead to the announcement in 1980 of the global eradication of smallpox, no small achievement.
Article Link: The White Lie at the Heart of Vaccine History - A milkmaid did play a role in how vaccines were born, but it’s not how you remember it
Dr Reiner Fuellmich talks to Dr Gerd Reuther
In this episode of ICIC (International Crimes Investigative Committee), Dr Reiner Fuellmich talks to Dr Gerd Reuther, medical doctor and radiologist, about the historical background of medicine and the genesis of diseases and epidemics over the centuries, from the pre-Christian era to the present day.
He points out numerous connections and parallels to so-called pandemics of antiquity and current events, i.e. the ‘Corona pandemic’. The criers of these ‘pandemics’ have always used the same methods earlier and to this day: the creation of fear and panic.
It sheds light on the role of the Church and its representatives and how far their powerful arm has reached in science, research as well as medicine at all times. These areas were entirely under the control of the Church, and even today these exercises of power continue. One could call this behaviour opportunistic, since throughout history the Church has always turned to those who were in power.
It is currently showing this pattern again, namely when it unhesitatingly fired up the Covid vaccination propaganda. Compared to then, not much has changed: It was and is about trivial monetary claims to power and ownership, manipulating people for their own benefit, keeping them in dependencies, e.g. on the pharmaceutical industry, and exerting control over life itself.
Historical events such as outbreaks of plague and cholera are analysed and examined for their truthfulness. The history of the origin of ‘vaccination’ and what the belief in its effectiveness is based on are also discussed in detail.
Since when have disease patterns and symptoms been defined and documented, and why were there no ‘civilisation diseases’ in the past? How can it be that not all people fall ill with one and the same ‘pathogen’ and what role do the improper handling of toxins and the natural immune system play?
Video Link: History shows vaccines never did anything but harm
June 3, 2021
Who’s Who of 9 New Vaccine Empire Billionaires
Collective net stash of $19.3 billion
Stéphane Bancel – CEO, Moderna - $4.3B
Ugur Sahin – CEO & Co-Founder, BioNTech - $4B
Timothy Springer, Moderna Investor - $2.2B
Noubar Afeyan, Chairman, Moderna - $1.9B
Juan-Lopez – Belmonte, Chairman, Spanish drug maker Rovi (makes ingredients for Moderna vaccines), $1.8B
Robert Langer, Moderna Founding Investor - $1.6B
Zhu Tao, co-founder CanSino Biologics - $1.3B
Dongxu Qui, co-founder CanSino Biologics - $1.2B
Mao Huihua, co-founder CanSino Biologics - $1B
Source: MEC21 Video Link (3mins) - The complete list of the 9 new Vax Billionaires
MODERNA – Modification of Endogenous RNA (via Itza Zekret)
COVID – Certification of Vaccination Identification 2019 (via Itza Zekret)
VIRUS - Virtual Integrated Repeater Unifying System (via UNN)
Tip: Follow the patents to uncover the root of COVID corruption
COVID convinces people to accept total biometric surveillance - Harari
We will never see this again
The endgame is systematic poisoning of the human biome, dumbing us down and getting us ready for this era of evil - this COVID era. Millions have taken the chemical cocktail. Right there you have treason, genocide, fraud at the highest levels. Vaccinated people are now beginning the process of shedding - the pestilence is now amongst us.
Love will negate any negative effect of the shedding. Don’t walk into the satanic trap.
Media, entertainment and education were all intended to be subverted. Nobody believes in mainstream media anymore. We know that mainstream media is a wicked cesspool of deception and is desperately trying to tell another story because it is their last chance to maintain their dream spell over humanity. This is also the last death rattle of media - we will never see this again - it’s a wonderful thing to uphold.
Itza Zekret (real name not used for now)
Confused? I am
Vaccine Industry’s 500% ROI
Who saw Bill Gates’ eyes light up when he was interviewed on legacy media about the vaccine industry’s 500% ROI (return on investment)? that interview did a rapid disappearing rick from the internet but I will never forget his excitement.
During a more recent interview, Bill didn’t mention the profiteering side of things, but his eyes sure lit up when he spoke about the next global vaccine that everyone ‘needs’ to stay ‘healthy’, as being ‘magic’.
It is because of Doctors that I have written such a controversial book. We will hear from plenty of doctors in this book. Jamie McIntyre
You might wonder how and why did I as a best selling author of financial and business education books such as What I Didn’t Learn At School But Wish I Had and Think and Grow Rich for the 21st Century get dragged into the vaccine debate?
Like most of us I too was once a pro-vaxxer. Of course this was before I ever questioned the safety and effectiveness of vaccines and before years of research and reading into the matter.
I also didn’t know or realize that what we were being told about vaccines being ‘the greatest medical breakthrough of our time’ and that they were based on proven medical science was a lie - and a very big lie at that.
Like most of us when I was born I was vaccinated. Not as though I had any choice as a new born to give consent. My parents who lived on a farm 6 hours above Sydney, Australia in a small town of 6000 people thought they were doing the right thing by following the doctors and government advice.
In those days no one dared question a Doctor let alone the government.
Ask my mum today if she would make the same decision re vaccinating us 6 kids and the answer would be a resounding no.
So what’s changed since 1972 when I was vaccinated to now? Not only the elder generations, but even younger ones are now openly and publicly questioning the safety and effectiveness of vaccines.
I dare say the internet has changed our thinking in regard to vaccines as have people’s awakening to the fact that, yes governments do lie, and pretty much all the time.
The western medical industry is no longer the holy grail we used to think it was. Especially now since we can access information and consider alternative medicine and alternate solutions a lot more.
We are perhaps more aware of the major short comings of the western medical system and it’s motive to mainly sell us a pill or give us a vaccine for almost anything whether we need it or not.
Or poison us to death with chemotherapy that causes more deaths then it saves lives (see my book, The Great Cancer Con).
‘Snake oils salesmen out of control’ some have labelled the industry.
According to PhRMA (the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America), the pharmaceutical industry’s trade association and powerful lobbying group: “The 271 vaccines in development span a wide array of diseases, and employ exciting new scientific strategies and technologies. These potential vaccines – all in human clinical trials or under review by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – include 137 for infectious diseases, 99 for cancer, 15 for allergies and 10 for neurological disorders.”
The western medical industry has had decades of practice covering up medical fraud and failures so it really shouldn’t surprise us that they have been engaged in wide-scale medical fraud re vaccines for a long time.
The Great Vaccine Con
Your blood will boil once you discover just how badly you and I have been lied to.
In 1972 when I was being vaccinated against my consent I received about 6 vaccines.
I could consider my self lucky as kids being born today will receive about 69 vaccines by the time they turn 18. Plus all the boosters required now for adults because the industry has known for sometime most vaccines don’t work for long or at all. So why not boost profits further by selling booster shots of largely useless vaccines?
But useless would be fine if they weren’t so dangerous as you will discover in this book just how dangerous they can be.
But Jamie you are not a doctor so how can you write a book about vaccines?
It is because of Doctors that I have written such a controversial book. We will hear from plenty of doctors in this book.
Many doctors are not only against the over use of vaccines but want you to discover the truth about vaccines and the wide scale medical fraud behind them, but risk losing their entire careers if they go public.
Jamie McIntyre, Editor, Australian National Review
Meet The 40 New Billionaires Who Got Rich Fighting Covid-19 - Giacomo Tognini
6 April 2021 - Forbes
Shortly after the World Health Organization declared Covid-19 a global pandemic on March 11, 2020, markets collapsed and economies around the world plunged into recession. At the same time, hundreds of billionaires fell from the ranks of Forbes’ World’s Billionaires list, capturing a snapshot of the pandemic’s impact on the fortunes of the world’s wealthiest people.
One year later, things couldn’t be more different: a record 493 new billionaires joined the list this year, propelled by a red-hot stock market and unprecedented economic stimulus. Among those newcomers are at least 40 new entrants who draw their fortunes from companies involved in fighting Covid-19.
Some, such as Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel and BioNTech cofounder Uğur Şahin, have become household names thanks to the vaccines they helped develop. Others got rich making everything from personal protective equipment and diagnostic tests to antibody treatments and software that helps authorities schedule vaccination campaigns, which will be essential in reopening economies and returning to normal life.
Article: Meet The 40 New Billionaires Who Got Rich Fighting Covid-19
Until next time