Did you hear the one about the Mafia Corporation and Australia’s STOLEN Land Titles?
Or PM Paul Keating’s secret Planetary Depopulation Genocide/Vax Program and PM Turnbull/Morrison’s Australian New World Government? Probably not.
The Worst Betrayal in Australian History
Have Australians been lumped with some of the weakest, deceptive and criminally complicit politicians on earth? Yes.
1993-95, PM Paul Keating signed off on the Agenda 21-30 secret Planetary Depopulation Genocide /Vax Program
2018, PM Turnbull or PM Scott Morrison signed over the Australian government to a ‘foreign jurisdictional power’.
What is ‘Australian New World Government’ PM Anthony Norman Albanese up to?
Heavens to Murgatroyd.
don’t know what journalism is anymore. Time for Australia’s infantile corporate media to grow up and start asking some serious questions and demand honest answers.
(The original creator of his updated infographic is unknown)
‘Treason Season’ Notes
Source: Graeme Turner, direct democracy advocate - QMS group (2021)
Why the 2 Party Preferred system is Unlawful
‘We have a Lawful Indissoluble Commonwealth of Australia Constitution passed into Law on the 1st January 1901 as Our Supreme Rule of Law.
In 1908, the then political parties and Parliament created the 2 party preferred voting system, literally creating a duopoly and pseudo Republic which removed Our democratic right to vote for the candidate most suitable to govern at Our Will. They did this without the required referendum as per S128 of Our Lawful Constitution.
That makes the 2 Party Preferred system Unlawful and any person or entity within it Unlawful, Unconstitutional and Treasonous.
Add to that the Whitlam government in 1973, set aside Our Lawful Indissoluble Commonwealth of Australia Constitution when he and they created the Australian Government Corporation and the fictional Queen of Australia to which all oaths of Allegiance sworn in Australia since, Invalid Unlawful, Unconstitutional and Treasonous.
That also makes the Australian political systems, everyone in it or who joins it Unlawful, Unconstitutional and guilty of Treason.’
Question for anyone planning to form a political party in Australia:
How can you stand for the People of Australia when you commit Treason by joining the Australian Government Corporation under the terms and conditions of the AEC, which includes a Party specific Constitution, a corporate division of the Australian Government Corporation?
Australians Welcome the People First Party
Kudos to Australian Senator Gerard Rennick for quitting the Liberal (UNi) Party and setting up his own People First party.
But first and foremost, we must sort out this historical, ongoing political crime plague so we can all vote without committing Treason at the next election.
Senator Gerard Rennick: We need to reform our financial system - Senate 14.08.24
Compelling and Vital Viewing
Freedom Train International
Breaking Exclusive: Australians have been robbed by their own Government!
Actress and Neighbours star Nicola Charles blows the lid off the Globalist government in Australia and the theft of everyone's homes and property.
"this is the biggest heist, the theft, of other people’s property I have even seen"
"everyone's homes and properties have been stolen in Australia"
"they recently changed all of the paper title deeds, the parchment paper title deeds owned by home owners"
Share this with your nearest Australian politician who may not be aware of the brazen theft of Land Titles. Aided and abetted by criminal state premiers and prime ministers.
‘Freedom Train International is the fastest growing freedom movement in the world and we are informing and educating our members and teaching them to prepare in sensible ways and giving step by step guides even if you are a complete beginner.
Building a community of like minded people is incredibly important and Freedom Train International is doing exactly this all around the world.’
Well worth subscribing to.
The structure of fascism is corporatism
Corporatism: A pathological pursuit of power, greed and control against the will, wish, consent or knowledge of the Australian people.
A merger or gradualism of corporate power with governmental power to falsely deceive the masses. A corporate take-over via stealth.
The structure of fascism is corporatism, or the corporate state. The structure of fascism is the union, marriage, merger or fusion of corporate economic power with governmental power.
Source: ‘The Illusion of Government’ - Author Unknown
And nobody bothered to consult the people who pay their exorbitant wages. The Australian people. The political arrogance and criminality involve in this potential blockbuster movie, is unprecedented.
‘Once the mask is ripped off, they are finished.’ Josephine Cashman
All roads lead back to Charles Windsor and his depopulation crime cartel.
Time to boot them out.
‘The Royal family is the biggest non-institutional shareholder of the [Anglo-Australian mining company] Rio Tinto.
Muriel Demarcus wife of the former Rio Tinto CEO told me how they were threatened with beheading to keep their mouths shut over the Rio Tinto false flag. She is an Australian citizen.
… A false flag was performed in the Australian Parliament used to bring in the UN Heritage Act to destroy the agricultural industry and our economy for the terra-king’s depopulation agenda. Deliberately designed to lead to the mass murder of everyday Australians. To shut down Australia and then the world.’
Once the mask is ripped off, they are finished.
Josephine Cashman, Lawyer & Wisdom Keeper
Until next time.
Source: Quiet Weapons for Silent Wars
Check it out: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars - Birth of the Genetic Bioweapons Industry
Time to shuffle on the psychopathic tycoons and political hit men who strive for societal control, slavery and genocide - Jillionaire