Ex CIA Whistleblower Exposes MK Ultra, Satanic Hives and Child Trafficking Rings
'The Clintons both abused me sexually as an under age child and it continued into my early 20s. Bill is a bisexual, high level freemason who prefers men.' Laurel Aston
Ex CIA Whistleblower Laurel Aston exposes MK Ultra, Satanic Hives and Child Trafficking Rings, and CIA slave handler, Dr Susan Duve
Laurel has been a victim of these forces.
Dr Duve is one of the CIA’s most vicious and psychotic slave handlers. She has been involved in destroying my life and keeping me enslaved since infancy. Laurel Aston
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From her Facebook page:
“The Clintons both abused me sexually as an under age child and it continued into my early 20s. As well as later in life. Bill, like all high level freemasons is a bisexual who prefers men. Hillary, as we all know from her well publicized sex stories, with Huma Abedene and others, is a lesbian. Huma Abedene is the cover wife of Anthony Weiner. The politician famous for his sex scandal with minor teen age girls.
I was provided to both Clintons beginning in childhood. While enslaved by the C.I.A. U.S. Military in the home of a Nazi – C.I.A. goat (cover) family. Wylie Duke Nichols and Carole Jean Starkey Nichols. I was taken to Washington and the White House. I was even raped in the Oval office which was Bill’s thing.”
From her Interview with Zakaos:
Laurel: “…large numbers of people who do cross over from Mexico into the states are ‘disappeared’, as they cross the border to work, and they are just never seen or heard from again, or they go into these programs.
Children are abducted, falsely documented and used as sex slaves, typically used in horrific medical and surgical experiments, and some, who are extremity strong and extraordinary survive and are used as child soldiers.
I would venture to say the gulf cartel is nothing more than a front for US naval intelligence and CIA, and a large number of Mexican men in the gulf cartel have been subjected to heavy mind control through the US navy and CIA. The CIA runs the Gulf cartel, and a lot of the them are mind controlled, and they don’t even know.
They told me flat out, that I was an experiment they were working on
You don’t know, for the most part, when you’re under mind control. A lot of gang members and cartel members are heavily mind controlled and they are not aware of it. Of course, with someone like myself who was actually held as a child in US military bases and facilities, of course you knew that something was going on. They told me flat out, that I was an experiment they were working on. But typically you don’t know. They make sure you don’t know. They control your mind, can erase your memory at will.
Once your completely “under,” which is a huge process of rape, torture, sodomy, sleep deprivation, electric shock, drugging, but once the mind is shattered and you’re under, it’s like the flip of a switch, it’s a code, it’s a code word, it’s a trigger, an electric shock and it’s gone (your memory).
What happened in South Padre?
It was a complete setup. Dr Duve is one of the CIA’s most vicious and psychotic slave handlers. She has been involved in destroying my life and keeping me enslaved since infancy.
When we got to South Padre, I began having flashes of memory, I had been held there before as a kid, in prison there. South Padre is clearly a Satanic hive. The people are strange, inbred, they all know each other. We both encountered strange people. The strange people from McCallister.
Watch the interview
Albert Channel link: https://www.bitchute.com/video/BQxbeXoewszc
(Run time 59 mins)
Original Source: Eyes Wide Open Channel
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