Exposing the Broken, Patriarchal, Global Cult that is Ruining Our World
Everything I talk about that happened to me, happens on a level to the whole collective. Max Lowen, Trauma Therapist and elite SRA survivor
Every mother and father, or mother and father to be, will benefit enormously from this podcast discussion, as difficult as some of the revelations may be. Keep your family as close as you can. - Jillionaire
Pictured Rachel Fiori (left), host, Masters of Self University & Max Lowen, host, Unbroken
Max Lowen is a satanic ritual abuse (SRA) and child trafficking survivor who was born into an elite Italian luciferian cult bloodline. She somehow survived the most horrifically inhumane ordeals, eventually found her way to healing and now specialises in trauma therapy, working with both victims and perpetrators to reach resolve and healing.
Her recent interview with BS-free spiritual leader Rachel Fiori on the Masters of Self University podcast, covered important ground including Max’s deeply disturbing experiences including:
being forced to witness child sacrifice (and worse) rituals with VIPs in subterranean levels of the Vatican
being transported in a cage to child hunting parties held at wooded estates
being raped, tortured and relentlessly abused
understanding why destroying the family and mother-child bond from the womb onwards is so important to the globalist cult that ‘runs the world’
how breaking the mother child attachment is deliberate because it creates a human who is more easily manipulated and brainwashed.
why these patriarchal, cannibalistic ‘creatures’ are so psychopathic and capable of such extreme cruelty to children and adults alike
why everything Max talks about that happened to her, happens on a level to the whole collective.
how we can take back our spiritual power and our world
You came here to be the spiritual warrior that you are
Every mother and father, or mother and father to be, will benefit enormously from this podcast discussion, as difficult as some of the revelations may be. If you struggle to process some of Max’s confronting experiences, perhaps keep Rachel Fiori’s wise words in mind:
We have to be the power and the light to be the change in this world, which means, if you can’t even listen to the truth of what’s happening in the world and also what has happened to Max, then how can you be the power to change this world? You can’t… You came here to be the spiritual warrior that you are but you can’t be that if you can’t listen to things that are disturbing.
Ritual blood sacrifice in Australian hospitals
In fact, if I was pregnant, I would make arrangements for a satanic-free birth. Rachel and Max’s discussion has reminded of a confidential message I received in 2020 from an Australian birth doula and educator about a form of ‘ritual blood sacrifice’ that has crudely intercepted the natural childbirth process in many Australian hospitals.
It was in response to a comment I made about Australian states legislating full term abortions alongside New Zealand’s Ardern government/coven. Former Australian PM Julia Gillard allegedly lobbied the states with fellow mean girls but this horrific, widely unreported, luciferian/satanic, lucrative ‘ritual’ was (and is) NOT supported by the majority of Australians. Or New Zealanders.
Important Message from an Australian Doula
Medical schools teach their students to cut the umbilical cords of babies as soon as they are born. As a doula and the co-creator of an online birth preparation course, I'm always trying to educate parents that they need to protect their baby's cord from any person who tries to clamp or cut it while the cord is still pulsating.
Straight after the baby is born, between 30 and 50% of their blood is still in the placenta, waiting to be pumped into the baby. There are 3 vessels in the cord, 2 to the baby and one back to the placenta. The baby gets oxygen, blood volume, red blood cells, white blood cells, antibodies, 6 months supply of iron and priceless stem cells from his placenta after his birth.
The cord pulsates for anywhere between a few minutes and an hour, but usually by about 20 minutes, the cord has collapsed and become thin, flaccid and white. This is called physiological cord closure. Usually the cord can be cut at this point if necessary.
For the last 100 years or more, doctors and midwives have been trained to clamp and cut the cord immediately. The placenta is then "incinerated" (but is actually sold, probably without the doctor's knowledge) full of baby blood. This practice of early clamping causes a ton of complications in both mother and baby.
‘Umbilical sacrifice’ fuels an ill and disconnected society
Given that the mother’s first embrace of her newborn child is the most important contact the child has upon entry to our world, the preceding ‘umbilical sacrifice’ only adds more unwanted fuel to an already ill and disconnected society, no different to the cessation of burying umbilical cords on the land of origin.
The ancestral ritual of burying the umbilical cord on the land of origin was commonplace among original peoples across the globe, allowing the fire of heritage, strength and belonging to burn and live throughout as the seed was passed on. This eternal flame served as our primary connection to our Earth Mother of origin, ourselves and each other.
However, this flame stopped burning when the umbilical cord burial ritual ceased, hence causing a disconnection, segregation, lack of identity, lack of soil to stand on - Tūrangawaewae (Maori culture).
Author unknown, New Zealand
Watch the Interview
Masters of Self University: Surviving Satanic Ritual Abuse & Exposing the Global Cult that Runs the World
Link: https://unbroken.global/video/rachel-fiori-with-masters-of-self-university/
July 24, 2024. Run time 1 hr 17 mins
Transcript Notes
Rachel Fiori: Max, you were born into a cult… Can you share with listeners how this nightmare all started for you.
Max Lowen: I know many other SRA (satanic ritual abuse) survivors. Some were born into it, some were brought into it. I call the cult the top of the pyramid that basically runs the whole world. And that cult has sub-cults. In my case, it was the Vatican, the Jesuits. It was from the Italian side of my family on my mother’s side. It’s often the case, as in mine, that it’s generational.
Satanists, psychopaths and pedophiles
There are many family lineages. Some of them are more like ‘elite’. Anyone in the world who is in any position of fame, power or wealth, the so called bloodline families, this segment of people are all satanists, psychopaths and pedophiles. Pedophilia is part of satanism. They are all born into it too, and anyone who is in any kind of high level global agency, military or political office, they would be born into these families, groomed for their future positions. That’s the way that it works.
I came from this Italian branch. This exists everywhere in the world, in all countries. There is a substantial Italian segment. The Vatican is one of the most evil places on earth and unfortunately, I came into that reality. I was tortured, programmed and groomed from birth on, having been born into this family.
My mother was and is, very fragmented, what you might call a DID (dissociative identity disorder) or multiple, so she was already not stable, not well. She would go into either massive depression or violence, all that kind of stuff. But on top of it all, they have specific rituals to break attachment and they do it from birth on, and they do it in a variety of ways.
‘I belong to lucifer’ rituals
One example, I have a memory of being in a crib and peering through the bars. They had my uncle, who worked in conjunction with other cult members in Rome. He had my mother tied up and gagged, lots of flashing lights, very loud sounds. Then they took me and spun me from my ankles. It’s called Spinning. They basically did ritualised stuff.
Also, a little later, they did a ritual in a catholic church where my mother was sitting in the pews. He had a priest and they took a metal cross and heated it up and put it on my chest so that it burned into my flesh. Then they did some chanting and put me a little coffin on the altar, put the lid on and left me overnight. And all these rituals are to say, I belong to lucifer and all of this kind of stuff.
It did work. It did break my mother even more. My mother was abusive, I’m not going to lie. But she was also a victim. As a mother myself, thank God I broke that chain but I can’t imagine watching…she had to watch her daughter go through all these things. It’s very disturbing.
They encourage us to separate ourselves from our babies right from birth
But I do want to say that everything I talk about that happened to me, happens on a level to the whole collective. They know psychology and that attachment is the single most important thing a human being can have.
If you look at how babies are born in our world, you go to a hospital…it’s cold, it’s horrible, women are drugged and then when the babies come out, you see all the pictures of babies in bassinets behind the glass wall in the baby room. That in itself is insane.
Any mammal, as soon as the babies are born, like puppies or kittens, they are all on the mother’s boy. That’s supposed to happen and they encourage us to separate ourselves from our babies right from birth. Then, add in feminism, which has its good points but it’s a program that they ran. So now women go to work. So you give birth and a few weeks later, you go back to work and that’s another breaking of attachment with your baby.
What they did to me, on some level, they do this to all of us
The United States has actually taken a world position against breast feeding. That’s another breaking of attachment. Both parents have to work and then you put your kid in day care. You are breaking attachment at every single level of society. Then in school, kids are groomed to think their parents are stupid or they don’t need them.
In every way, shape or form, they want to break our attachment and that is very deliberate because it creates a human who is more easily manipulated and brainwashed. Because that bond is very protective. The family unit is the single most protective thing out there. That’s why they want to destroy the family. And I just want to point out that what they did to me, on some level, they do this to all of us. They do specific rituals
If people wake up for real, they begin to understand that this is really calculated
Rachel Fiori: I love that you are showing how it carries over into the collective. Part of people awakening, for real. I kind of punch people in the face with the truth – I’m not here to bullshit. I’m not here to make things like rainbows an butterflies. If you want rainbows and butterflies, connect to the power within and heal the evil in this world and then you’ll get to experience the heaven on earth that you have inside. Until then, stop avoiding what’s really happening. If people wake up for real, they begin to understand that this is really calculated. Question everything to gain wisdom.
The natural way that we, especially women, the ability we have to connect to the universe, because we are the ones, if we choose, to have a child, we are the ones who create life and give birth to life. So, we have a connection to the universe that is very unique to us. Men don’t have that and that doesn’t mean that men are inferior, they just don’t have it.
Our patriarchal global cult society brainwashes everyone in the world to objectify women, abuse women, be misogynistic. So if you are treated like shit while you are pregnant, if you are abused, neglected, abandoned, instead of nurture while you are sacrificing your body to growing this life, that already begins the process of destroying that baby inside – setting that baby up to be programmed to how they want us to be programmed because they are abusing the mother.
This is oneness consciousness. That baby, that clump of cells, is an extension of the mother’s body. They are not separate. They are in oneness until that baby is birthed. And even after that baby is birthed, they are still supposed to be in oneness, baby on mother’s body.
But our patriarchal, masculine cult, that really runs this world (not healthy masculine), they have done everything to change how women intuitively know how to give birth, intuitively know what they are supposed to do for their babies, and they have taken every step….oh, you need baby formula which poisons and kills a lot of babies.
You don’t need that. You need the mother. If you choose to have a child, that’s your number one priority. An that’s also how they enslave women, to make sure that they can’t manage on their own. So you are either a slave to the system we live in, or a slave to being a mother with no help or support to be a mother.
Max Lowen: When I was pregnant, people gave me books about let the baby cry it out…that is exactly the opposite. It breaks attachment. If you respond to your baby’s every need, that’s how you create a strong, confident, balanced human being who then becomes independent at an age-appropriate time.
Everything is backwards, deliberately so. Breaking bonds between mother and child.
Psychopaths are a different species. They don’t feel anything.
Showing love and affection is considered a weakness. They are psychopaths who don’t have a connection to their heart, in fact they don’t have a connection to the higher self and divine that we connect to. We have a constant flow of life force through us but because of who they are… sometimes they actually invite demonic entities to come and take possession of their body. They have severed their connection and cannot feel remorse or compassion.
We have mirror neurons. If you watch a movie on tv that’s sad, you cry. When you see someone in distress, the human instinct is to rush over and help. They don’t have that and that’s what I think makes it so hard to believe that this stuff actually happens. These are not really people like the way we are. They are a different species. They don’t feel anything.
In fact, they enjoy inflicting terror and horror and pain. I think that’s something people really need to understand. They are not the same as us. That’s why they can rape a newborn baby, pull it to pieces, cook it and eat it. We couldn’t do that. So we can’t imagine that anyone else could. But I’m telling you – these people are not like us.
The ritual of communion is a satanic ritual. They are eating the flesh and drinking the blood of Jesus. It's satanism in disguise. People think they are worshipping God. They think they are doing the right thing. But these people are so sneaky that they will insert their dark, satanic rituals and make people unwittingly do them. And it does generate power for them. I saw it, literally, under the Vatican.
Rachel Fiori: Religions are the cults of the world.
Elite child hunting parties were terrifying
Max Lowen: What haunts me the most, is what I saw being done to other people. I was also taken to these elite parties. Some of them would be at these mansions that have grounds, woods and stuff. They would bring me and other kids in cages and sometimes they would dress us up in certain costumes or strip us naked. Then we would have to run and hide. And it was a ‘hunting party’, so they had a really good time looking for us and it was terrifying because you knew that as soon as they found you, you were going to get raped or whatever they wanted. They would be drinking and doing drugs and whooping it up and having a great time.
At one point, I witnessed… they had taken two babies and had an old fashioned long sword, and they impaled the two babies alive on the sword. And then this person was swinging it around. They were laughing – I really want to emphasise this was enjoyable to them. And we always had a feasting table and at the end of the night, they always sacrificed at least one kid. And they cooked the two babies and served them. They are cannibals and they drink children’s blood. This is a normal thing for them.
I was trafficked, given out to these people for periods of time, to do with what they wanted. Probably the most horrific one for me was the tunnels that connected the torture facilities to the subterranean levels of the Vatican where they have this big altar and they sacrifice children down there. I witnessed that. They took me there.
There would be VIP’s in attendance, candles and chanting…with well dressed people. This was a ritual to lucifer and it was a way to summon in dark, demonic entities into the room and sometimes right into the people. They would bring a baby, toddler or small child in, totally brutalise that child and would cut the child open with a special knife. They had chalices at the four corners of the alter where blood would drip in and they would pass them around to drink.
Sometimes, they would pluck the heart out and someone would eat it. This is what they do. You think the Vatican is Catholic, it’s worshipping God – no, no, no. It’s satanic and if you have eyes to see, and start looking, you will see the symbology everywhere.
Until next time.