Extreme religious hypocrisy, deception and abuse of millions of people must stop
Luciferian Mormon promise: You will not speak evil of the Lord's anointed even if they're pedophiles who participate in sexual rituals and satanic rituals.
I must confess that I know very little about Mormons or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS). A quick internet search revealed they prefer to use the term ‘the Church’ or ‘the Church of Jesus Christ’ instead of ‘LDS’ or ‘Mormon’ and have a worldwide membership of over 17 million people as of April 2022. The websites I glossed over look ‘goodly and godly’ enough and all remind us that ‘to follow Jesus is to love God and serve those around you.’
I learned that The Book of Mormon stands alongside the Bible as another testament of Jesus Christ and His divine mission as the Savior and Redeemer of the world, and that a covenant is a sacred promise between God and His children here on earth.
God gives the conditions for the covenant, and He gives us the choice to accept them. As we honor the promises that we have made, we can have complete faith that God will always fulfill His promises to us. (churchofjesuschrist.org)
All good.
Abuse of millions of children, women and men
My newfound interest in the Mormon church primarily stems from an earth shattering testimony of an extraordinary American woman called ‘D’, whose aristocratic European family lineage is thought to carry the bloodline of Christ.
‘D’ has spoken at length (approx 12 hours) with The Imagination Podcast host Emma Katherine about her personal Mormon Church experiences and the hidden masonic, luciferian elements. Unfortunately, ‘D’s revelations do not reflect what the ‘goodly godly’ websites are proclaiming. I am not suggesting that the entire Mormon religious institution is tainted or it is the only religion which needs urgent reform, but the information shared by ‘D’ must be acknowledged and remedied.
Here are some examples of her revelations:
Currently there are millions of children and women and men and others being actively abused in these situations and I want to stop it. And that's why we're talking.
The Mormon Church made me a witch in the temple and anybody that goes through the temple becomes a witch, according to a ritual. The Mormon Priesthood Initiation mirrors New Witches Initiation.
One of the promises is that you will not speak evil of the Lord's anointed even if they're pedophiles who participate in sexual rituals and satanic rituals. At the time I made it when I was 19, I had no problem with that. Now, I have a huge problem with that because if evil is being done, it should be spoken no matter who is doing it.
There are a lot of swingers in the Mormon church and we call this the Swinger Clause…It's a way around the rules.
The Mormon Temple ceremony is all related to Freemasonry which is another secret society based on luciferianism.
Luciferians are not allowed to admit they are luciferian because they have to keep the secrets, but they also are sworn to honor their God and they can't deny that he is their God.
Luciferians never apologise. Apologising is admitting guilt or that you did something wrong and if you're a luciferian God, then you can't do anything wrong. Gods can't do anything wrong… and that in itself proves their fault because harming others is wrong.
They believe that Lucifer made himself the God of this world, so you can become a god of your own world in your own life by taking over everything around you and that's what they do. It's very, very self- serving and egotistical. It is, I am the god, therefore everything else is mine. I can make you my possession you are my possession and you must do what I say.
There is no compassion in the luciferian religion. They believe that they are God and are establishing their own godhood. They truly don't believe that they do anything wrong. They believe that everything that they do serves the purpose of their godhood, therefore they have a right to do it.
Part of getting into one of these systems, or secret societies, is proving that you can be Lucifer enough to beguile Eve, which is why hypnotising women is such a big deal… So the whole MK Ultra hypnosis ties in really, really well with Mormon luciferianism because it comes down to, hypnotise them and make them do what you want.
Editor’s Note: The new world order - one world government club expects humanity to follow the luciferian doctrines. They can’t be serious. No consent from me.
‘D’ is not the first person to speak out and won’t be the last, I’m sure. So far, I have only had time to listen to her bonus footage from part 1 of the 3 part testimony but am sure that key points of this vital information will be presented, heard and acted upon by appropriate non-cult authorities at the forthcoming, long overdue, international truth and reconciliation commission focusing on cult crimes against humanity.
Links to all 4 testimonials from Emma Katherine’s The Imagination Podcast are included in this article.
Part 1 Testimony Bonus Footage
12 June 2024
Luciferianism, Secret Covenants, Freemasonry & Ritual Abuse Cover-Ups in the Mormon Church
(Run time 26 mins)
Introducing ‘D’ - by Emma Katherine
I’m honored to introduce you all to Mormon MONARCH, MK ULTRA, child sex trafficking, and SRA survivor, mother, Registered Nurse and American Veteran who was on the front lines of the C19 Pandemic, writer and author, former host of local radio show ‘The Extraordinary Talk Show’, motorcycle lover, QHHT Practitioner, and inspirational rebel with a cause, ‘D’.
A little bit about ‘D’ in case you missed Part 1 of her testimony:
‘D’ was born into a multi-generational incest based Mormon family that had a rich bloodline of European aristocracy. It is theorized that her family lineage carries the bloodline of Christ - and as the 5th child of 7 in a Mormon mafia family, it’s almost certain that she was destined to be placed into MK ULTRA’s MONARCH and BETA programming since before her birth.
Ironically, ‘D’ was born in August of 1977, at the same time when the Senate was hearing discussions about MK ULTRA programming being done through the US government. ‘D’ was used as a sex slave for 41 yeas of her life and was used for her family’s own gains - sold over and over again - without her conscious understanding for over 4 decades.
Some key memories include being used in Salt Lake City at the 2002 Olympic games in Williamsburg, VA when the Queen of England visited to celebrate the centennial of the first landing, and at the 2016 NFL Draft in Chicago. She has been connected to the Mormon Mafia, the Las Vegas Mafia, the Chicago Mafia, as well as high-ranking politicians - and she has been targeted and threatened by Nevada Law Enforcement in clear and provable patterns.
‘D’ was also used, in a much less glorious fashion, to recruit, indoctrinate, and abuse others, even her own foster children. She has been on the road to recovery now for over 5 years.
The Mormon Church Amassed $100 Billion. It Was the Best-Kept Secret in the Investment World. - WSJ
Pt 1 (Bonus) Testimony Transcript Excerpts
Luciferianism, Secret Covenants, Freemasonry & Ritual Abuse Cover-Ups in the Mormon Church
‘D’: (2013) I was attending the Mormon Temple every week. I was such a good little Mormon Molly girl which is really weird because Mormons are heavily blamed and shamed for having anything like a sexual thought.
So, I would get the blame shame game in church on Sunday but everybody in church on Sunday had been at the party where I was pimped out the night before.
So, hypocrisy anyone?
…Currently there are millions of children and women and men and others being actively abused in these situations and I want to stop it.
And that's why we're talking.
You have no idea what promises you're about to make
There’s a few things they do in the Mormon Temple. The first time you go, you are required to make covenants, that is, eternal promises to others and to God. And the thing about these covenants is…in my opinion, you should get a chance to review them ahead of time before making an eternal covenant.
I think anything that you're going to commit to, if you're going to say, yeah, I agree, I have promised to do that, you should have time ahead of time to consider the promises and the consequences that you're about to make. They intentionally don't let you do that. They do not tell you any of the consequences or any of the covenants that you're going to make before you go. You have no idea what promises you're about to make before you go and very, very often, the first time you go to the temple is either before your mission, before you go on a mission or before you get married.
So, the first time I went to the temple was three days before I got married. For a lot of people, it's the day of, and they're under even more pressure than I was under. So imagine, you go to the temple and you have to make all these eternal covenants and if you don't make them, if you don't say yes to all these things, you don't get to get married that day and all your family that just flew in, has to leave, upset.
So, there's tons and tons of pressure to commit to these promises without having any idea of what they were ahead of time, or any understanding of them at the time. That's a pretty standard thing among people you don't trust, or you shouldn't trust. They will try to make you make commitments without giving you full access to understanding of the commitment you're making, or full time to make it.
Mormon Priesthood Initiation mirrors New Witches Initiation
Here's another fun thing… the very first time you go before you go to the group area, you go where you're alone and you have one other person with you and you do a special ritual. And during this ritual, you're naked, except you wear like a sheet over you, kind of, and then they say blessings over you and then they reach under the sheet and touch your body with blessed oil in certain places while they say a special prayer. And they call this Priesthood Initiation.
A few years ago, I picked up a book off a shelf at a friend's house and this book was called Magical Spells, or Rituals and Ceremonies. I found in that book, the exact same ceremony of being naked and being touched with, and blessed on different parts of your body, with oil or blood. And I was like, holy shit - that's the same ceremony that they did to me in the temple. But in this book, it was labeled as New Witches Initiation. The Mormons call it Priesthood Initiatory…
So the Mormon Church made me a witch in the temple and anybody that goes through the temple becomes a witch, according to a ritual. And I only found that out a few years ago. Priesthood is magick. You can use whichever word makes you feel more comfortable. It exists. And as a witch or a priest, you have more and greater access to the magical powers that are around us in the world at all times.
But if you want to accuse me of Witchcraft, blame the Mormons because they're the ones who made me a witch.
(Editors Note: A friend pointed out that they are called Wiccans not witches, and they used to be healers who knew about plants and herbs for healing. They were midwives who knew the best ways to help mothers with birthing, but male doctors didn't like the power they had and went after them.
My 4 years of research into dark occult realms has taught me that most high ranking Wiccan women are forced to use their powers to harm others and risk death if they don't comply. Most cult women are also treated like second rate sex slaves and being raped is 'normal' for them. Princess Diana and Cali Shai Bergandi are alleged to be among these silenced victims. 100% unacceptable.
Luciferian freemasons and other egotistical diehard dark occultists have huge issues with women because of their natural healing 'powers' - especially child birth. Women are also the master healers - always have been. In my view, therefore, this anti women, patriarchal cult system from top to bottom, is completely bent and horrifically abusive.
Also, the word miracle has been tainted and twisted by church and state to hoodwink the masses, particularly in the west, into believing a miracle is a rare occurrence. Natural self healing and psychic/spiritual phenomena are commonplace. Rockefeller illness system doctors will have to retrain one day. Powerful self healing testimonies from cult survivors are knockout material.)
I got to meet Adam and Eve
‘D’: Then in the temple session…they show a movie and in the movie, they show the creation of the earth and they talk about the seven days that God created the Earth and it's actually visually stunning, it's very beautiful. And then they go into the Adam and Eve story in the Garden of Eden… they have made these films for the temple a few times over the years. The first two that they used… you could tell them apart because one Eve was blonde and one Eve was brunette…
I had the opportunity at one point to meet the couple that were the brunette Eve and her husband. I actually got to meet them once. So among Mormons, that's like a little special tap on the shoulder. I got to meet Adam and Eve, ha ha. But in 2013, they came out with new… films and they didn't change anything…except they changed a few words…
If evil is being done, it should be spoken
I went one day and I had no warning that there was going to be a new movie. I was floored I was stunned. Like, oh my gosh this is so beautiful. I feel so special. God loves me so much that I got to be here and see this… I loved it but they changed one thing that I noticed and it was a big thing because part of the reason I went to the temple, was because I didn't understand why I was asked to make the covenants I was asked to make.
These covenants didn't seem to make sense to me and one thing that Mormon leader said is, if you don't understand your covenants, go back to the temple until you do. And that's part of why I went every week… I was trying to figure out why I had to make those promises because one of the promises… is that you will not speak evil of the Lord's anointed. And at the time I made it when I was 19, I had no problem with that. Now, I have a huge problem with that because if evil is being done, it should be spoken no matter who is doing it.
So what they're essentially doing, is, they get you in and they're like, okay, the leaders of the church. We're going to call them the Lord's anointed. You’re never ever, ever allowed to talk bad about them, no matter what they do, even if they're pedophiles who participate in sexual rituals and satanic rituals.
They don't really fill you in on that. They just make you make the promise.
Why can't I talk to God directly?
Another one of the covenants, and this is the one that I had a big problem with, is in the temple, we promise to follow God. Except, the men make a promise to follow God and the women make a promise to follow their husbands. He follows God. And that always bothered the shit out of me.
It always bothered me severely that I was not able, according to their rules, to talk to God directly. Why should I have to go through my husband to talk to God? Why can't I talk to God directly? So that's what I wanted to understand. I wanted to know. And I kept going back to the temple to understand why, through this system, do I not get to talk to God directly and I have to go through my husband.
Without warning, the women now had the opportunity to swear to follow God directly
So this one day that they had the new films, they changed just a few simple words and they blew it off like it wasn't anything at all. But the words that they changed were that the women no longer had to promise to follow their husbands, and then God. All of a sudden, without warning, the women now had the opportunity to swear to follow God directly.
And that might not seem like a big thing but it's a huge thing. It is a huge thing and it was huge for me at the time because that was a thing that I really disagreed with. It was like, the only thing that I could put hard and fast. I have this problem with the church.
I think I should be able to talk to God directly, so when they changed it and said okay, now you can talk to God directly, I was happy at first until I realized they were trying to sweep it under the rug.
They made that huge change and didn't want anyone to know about it. If I hadn't been there and hadn't paid attention, and hadn't gone back to make sure I heard it right, I wouldn't have known that the covenant's changed. And I have a problem with that.
For one thing, if I sign any contract, if I download an app to play a game and they change their contract, they have to inform me and I have to agree that I know the contract was changed.
These people running the top of the Mormon Church tried to come in and change my covenants with God and not tell anybody about it and they have no right to do that. Those are my covenants with God. You don't get to change my covenants with God. I don't care who you are and you sure as heck don't get to do it without informing me.
So I started asking questions and I was like, what's up with this, how come women get to talk to God directly now but nobody wants to talk about that? And nobody wanted to talk about that with me and that's when I stopped going to church. That is when the Mormon religion stopped being true in my eyes. I was still being used as a sex slave.
It's very secretive and luciferian in nature
Emma: It still is difficult to find firsthand testimonies and not hearsay, so this is really important, what you're sharing, because we have to understand, you know, the luciferian backgrounds, of how a lot of the stuff gets inverted and made to look or sort of painted to be… something good, when like the underlying message or the underlying thing is actually very toxic. It's very secretive and… like I said, luciferian in nature, so I appreciate you giving us… this rare insight from your perspective.
‘D’: Thank you and I'm happy to do that and specifically because of this issue with the Mormon church and them changing the temple covenants and crushing my faith. My life changed then and then I started being open on Facebook about… what the Mormon church was doing and things that they were saying.
But things that they were doing that didn't match what they were saying. And everything that I was saying was absolutely true, so they could never get me for slander or libel. But they still came after me in whatever other ways they could and they have a lot of resources.
At that time, I kind of stopped talking to my family or at least decreased my connection with my family because my family was still very, very strong into the church and I didn't even want them to know that I was quit going. In fact, my husband was even more afraid of them finding out that we quit going because he was afraid that they would blame him.
Mormon Church Swinger Clause
Another covenant that you have to make in the temple is the Covenant of Chastity… that you will have sexual relations only with your husband or wife to whom you are legally and lawfully wed.
Now, there are a lot of swingers in the Mormon church and we call this the Swinger Clause because… when I was a Mormon swinger, I used this as my excuse… I came to this party with my husband, didn't I? Now I can have sex. It's a way around the rules but it's commonly done by Mormons because the rule says you can only have sex with your spouse. Well, he's here, he's in the room or he's in the other room, so that's how we manipulated that in our own minds to get around that. And I'm not the only Mormon who found my way around that.
It’s kind of funny when you run into other swingers at the at swinger clubs and we're like, oh yeah, the swinger clubs and the covenants.
Mormon Relationship With Freemasonry
For those that don't know, the Mormon Temple ceremony and the stuff in it, basically the magic or priesthood that is used, it's all related to Freemasonry…People would say that to me when I was younger. They'd be like, you know that's related to Freemasonry, right? But I didn't know what Freemasonry was. Freemasonry is another secret society based on luciferianism.
In their little temples or buildings - whatever they call them - they have a story that they play out and it's similar to the film that the Mormons show of the creation of the earth and the Adam and Eve story… The story that they play out is a little bit different but the elements of the story are exactly the same, including the same hand signals that we learn. So, I've seen pictures of what the Freemason hand signals are and the Mormon hand signals are very very similar.
Evidence in scriptures written by Joseph Smith that he was a human trafficker and sex traitor
Joseph Smith (1805–1844) founder of the Latter Day Saint movement (Wiki)
As I understand it, Joseph Smith who formed the Mormon church, was a Freemason and he may have even stolen some of the Freemason… I don't know if he had permission from them to take their information and change it a little bit for this religion… or if he was acting on instruction. He could have been acting on instruction.
And Joseph Smith, from the beginning of the Mormon church… was actively a human trafficker and a sex traitor and in the scriptures that he wrote, there is evidence of it. There are scriptures that say, I'll get this girl for you if you get that girl for me. There's absolute evidence in the Doctrine and Covenants, which is Mormon scripture, that Joseph Smith was in fact a human trafficker.
And in fact, in Section 143 in the Doctrine and Covenants, it specifically says, the Lord says Joseph my servant can do this and if his wife Emma will not heed his word and do whatever he says, then she shall be destroyed. So that sentence, these men - it sounds crazy to anyone who thinks on it with any logic whatsoever. But these people are possessed by demons, largely, and they don't access logic because there's no logic to that whatsoever.
There’s so many things that come into my mind that I want to go off on all the different tangents and I have a hard time staying on the track to finish the thing I'm on…
Lucifer says, I am the God of this world and that’s when most of them stop listening
More on the luciferianism in the temple. As part of the movie, when we're watching the video of Adam and Eve, they're in the garden and…here comes Lucifer. Adam looks at him and says, who are you? And Lucifer says, I am the God of this world and that’s when most of them stop listening. So, most of the Mormons get that far and they go, oh Lucifer is the God of this world. I've got it figured out now. And that's when they become luciferians.
The new Witch's Initiatory or Priesthood Initiatory is called the first anointing. I never got to the second anointing. The second anointing is when you actually swear your soul to Lucifer. My parents have been through that and every one of my siblings has been through that. I'm the only one in my family, no matter how hard they tried - and they tried - I'm the only one who never did that.
I have in fact, taken upon myself the name of Christ, as he asked us to do, but that explains why and how a lot of Mormons are luciferians. Now, if they were to keep paying attention to the video after that, God and Jesus come down and God tells Jesus kick to kick Lucifer out. So Jesus says, Archangel Michael, get him out of here and Michael says, Lucifer, depart, Lucifer depart and Lucifer is forced to depart.
So what that told me, was that Archangel Michael is clearly higher ranked than Lucifer and Jesus who ordered Michael around, is clearly higher ranked than Michael and yet it's Father God who's ordering Jesus around. So as far as I can tell, he's the one at the top, not this Lucifer guy what are y'all talking about.
So I was always confused on how anyone could assume that Lucifer truly was the God of this world when an angel kicked him out of it. But yet, that's where the rest of them stopped and because in the temple, Lucifer comes out and says I am the God of this world, that's what many, many of them actually believe.
Luciferians can't admit it but they can't deny it
One thing about luciferians is, they can't admit it but they can't deny it. They're not allowed to admit it because they have to keep the secrets, right, but they also are sworn to honor their God and they can't deny that he's their God.
So, what you do is, you say, anyone in this room, who is not a luciferian, please raise your hand. Because anyone who's not a luciferian will raise their hand. Anyone who is a luciferian is not allowed to admit it and yet also not allowed to deny it and they'll probably run for the door or act weird.
Luciferians believe I am the god, therefore everything else is mine
Another way to pick them out is they never apologise. Part of the luciferian ideology is they believe that Lucifer made himself the God of this world and so each of them or us, anybody can make themselves the God of this world. And you can become a god of your own world in your own life by taking over everything around you, and that's what they do.
It's very, very self- serving. It's very egotistical. It is, I am the god, therefore everything else is mine. If I can make you my possession, you are my possession and you must do what I say. It's very self-serving.
There is no compassion in that religion but also because they believe that they are God who are establishing their own godhood. They truly don't believe that they do anything wrong and they believe that everything that they do serves the purpose of their godhood, therefore they have a right to do it.
Luciferians never apologise - apologising is admitting guilt or that you did something wrong
Therefore, they never ever say sorry. They never apologise. You can pick out a luciferian because they will never apologize. Apologising is admitting guilt or that you did something wrong and if you're a luciferian God, then you can't do anything wrong, right?
Gods can't do anything wrong… and that in itself proves their fault because harming others is wrong.
I don't care who you are. And it does not prove your godhood that you have the ability to harm others. It proves your godhood that you have the ability to save life. So I respect their godhood not at all. But you can see how they get there…
My mother was the Relief Society president not once but twice
I've been forced to study defense against the dark arts because my entire life has been surrounded by the dark arts. Obviously, both of my parents are deep in this structure and my family is deep in the Mormon structure. For anybody who's Mormon, they'll understand when I say my mother was the Relief Society president not once but twice.
It's a big deal to be Relief Society president once. You rarely hear of anybody being Relief Society president twice and that tells you that my mom is deep in there but you should also know that my mom is a luciferian. So it's incredibly devastating and sad to me to find out that the people that I thought were good people, weren’t.
Luciferians believe Lucifer should get all the credit
One other thing that is key to their belief system is that Adam and Eve were in the plan… God put them on the earth and put them in the garden and put them with contradictory rules and in that way, there was no way they could ever succeed. So, the luciferians are like, well, that wasn't fair of God to do in the first place.
And then, Lucifer came in and he convinced Eve to eat the fruits, thereby pushing the plan forward. And Adam and Eve got kicked out of the garden and thus could have children and the whole Plan of Salvation could go on. So the way they see it, if Lucifer had never come to the garden and beguiled Eve and gotten them kicked out, that the plan wouldn't have been started anyway, so therefore he should get all the credit.
Proving that you can be Lucifer enough to beguile Eve
But again like I mentioned, in order to enter into one of these systems, into one these secret societies, if it is one of these that follows the same luciferian idea, part of getting in is proving that you can be Lucifer enough to beguile Eve, which is why hypnotising women is such a big deal…
So the whole MK Ultra hypnosis ties in really really well with Mormon luciferianism because it comes down to, hypnotise them and make them do what you want.
Full Testimony - Part 1
27 May 2024
'D': Ex-MONARCH Sex Slave Sold by Mormon Mafia to the Queen of England, NFL Draft & Olympics
(Run time: 4 hrs 15 mins)
Testimony Part 2
31 May 2024
'D' - MK ULTRA Survivor on Being Sex Trafficked in Las Vegas, Swinger Parties, & LV Mafia
(Run time: 3 hrs 18 mins)
Testimony Part 3
14 June 2024
'D' - Targeted Individual Tactics, Police, & MK ULTRA, & Being Sex Trafficked at Top Tier
(Run time 4 hrs 3 mins)
Until next time.