Helping cult survivors recover and build new lives on their terms
'Science of Torture and Trauma' is a must read for complex trauma counsellors and other dedicated health practitioners
Brooke Federline is a former Merovingian-Stewart Illuminati Princess and WEF child torture/delta assassin/MK Ultra programming cult survivor. She recently shared screenshots from a book chapter entitled Science of Torture and Trauma on her Telegram channel.
As I read (and re-read) the pages, I reflected upon Australia’s clogged, drug-centric mental health system and wondered how a cult survivor would fare in their search for effective counselling to assist them during their recovery process.
Survivor testimonials often share a common theme concerning the challenges involved in finding a professional counsellor who is not only educated about the intricate and horrific dark occult workings of the super secretive luciferian/satanic cult system, but who is not a member of the system itself.
As increasing numbers of cult ‘slave’ survivors all over the world experience the inevitable breakdown of their nefarious, extremely traumatic, childhood programming and choose to break free from these hidden, restrictive, obsessively controlled cults, the demand for highly skilled, ‘occult-savvy’, complex trauma counsellors and health support practitioners will be higher than ever. For that reason, I am sharing some key points from the Science of Torture and Trauma chapter and a link to the full version for anyone who cares to learn more.
Breaking Free From Programming and Cult Conditioning
Brooke Federline is also the author of Unplugged 101, an important book about breaking free from societal programming, something which affects all of us all on a largely subliminal level through various forms of media, entertainment and advertising methods:
“We are all programmed to some degree. This is an introduction to the societal programming we have ALL endured all the way up to cult conditioning. Touching on trauma and dissociation as well as religious programming, the aim is to enlighten the reader to experiences that may be foreign to them.
For some people this will be a familiar subject matter and no need to research further to know it is real but I aimed to provide solutions to helping those in need so it isn't just all beginner material.” Brooke Federline
Brooke has been competing with billions of other internet voices to get her vital messages out there for almost a decade and I hope his article finds its way to the right people on behalf of all cult survivors.
Connect with Brooke Federline
Note: Content contains extremely disturbing content
Mind Control - Science of Torture and Trauma
Key Points
Samples of traumas inflicted upon program slaves
a. being locked in a small confined spot, a pit or cage with spiders and snakes.
b. being forced to kill, and cut up and eat innocent victims,
c. Immersion into feces, urine and containers of blood. Then being made to eat these things. These are standard traumas.
Often a slave will experience not only all of the above but many others before they reach 4 or 5 years of age.
Traumas to split the mind are not just high voltage, or natural phobias, but encompass the full range of the emotional and spiritual being of the victim.
Mengele got a reputation in the Nazi concentration camps for using German shepherds, before he was brought over to America. He used dogs to help program American children. (The Process Church often uses German Shepherds too.) He was also skilled in abortions, and was involved in weird traumas involved with babies being born, or the simulated births of dead rats (or other gross things) from the vaginas of girls being programmed. When the Satanic cults tie their victims with wire for rituals, some of these people will lose their toes or fingers from the wire.
At times, little fingers and the top part of ring fingers are lost in Satanic cult rituals too. Many of the traumas and tortures are carried out by alters or persons who are sadistic.
How does the Network get sadistic men to torture little children? Three different respectable studies (Harrower, 1976/ Milgram, 1974/ & Gibson 1990) show that essentially all human males can be taught to engage in sadistic behavior. There may be a few exceptions, but the point is that sadistic people are not in short supply for programming. Some of the alter systems have extremely brutal sadistic alters. In fact, the Mothers of Darkness alters are an important balancing point to prevent the sadistic male programmers from killing more of the children they are working on.
These sadists get a laugh at hurting little children. The more pain, the more charge and excitement they get out of it. Sadists enjoy gaining total control over a person. In order to do this, they take charge over the little child’s basic body functions, such as sleep, eating, and pooping.
They enjoy terrorizing the little child, so Monarch slaves end up watching hours of sadistic behavior done to others before they are even 5 years old. The worse the trauma, the more the sadistic programmers enjoy it. Sensory deprivation, forced labor, poisoning, and rape of every orifice of the child are popular tortures by the programmers. The child soon learns that he is at the mercy of crazy people who can only be satisfied by total submission, and the willingness to allow someone else to think for you. The child will be made to eat faeces, blood, other disgusting things, while the programmer eats good meals.
Because of the use of electro-shock, if memories do start surfacing, they surface in pieces. Sometimes a complete memory will be held by thousands of parts who the mind must bring together to recover the full memory.
It has been discovered that memory retrieval is best when the environment is identical to when the memory took place. If we memorize numbers underwater, we will recall them better underwater.
Another thing discovered about trauma memories is that they are stored in the sensory motor processes, rather than just in the normal memory sites of the brain. These memories are called body memories, and they do not lie.
The False Memory Spindrome is way off base on their attacks, but then all of us who know the real story realize that they are just a coverup damage control scheme of the CIA.
Bohemian Grove
The airport used for the Bohemian Grove visitors is north of Santa Rosa on hwy 101, the Sonoma County Airport. United Express and American Eagle (which flies to and from San Jose) fly into this airport, which has a control tower. In 1964, the airport was reported to have also carried about 600 military operations (either a takeoff or landing) per year. It was around this time that the Federal government made an agreement with Sonoma County Airport to help pay for the runway to be extended, the runway to be strengthened and the airport to be upgraded in numerous ways.
The elite from around the world fly into here to go to the Bohemian Grove, which is in the Monte Rio area. Monarch slaves are regularly abused at the Grove for the entertainment of Bohemian Grove members in kinky sex theme rooms, such as the dark room and the necrophilia room. Secret NWO order business is conducted in the small, dark lounge with a wooden sign naming it U.N.DERGROUND.
Slaves are hunted in the woods for sport, and occult rituals, including infant sacrifice, are held outdoors in the Grove.
These airfields are described in detail so that the reader can begin to catch on to the network of small planes and airfields the Monarch system uses to transport children. The children are trickled in from various collection points to China Lake.
Monarch slaves, many of them children themselves are used in this extensive child procurement system. Children are also used to entice and kidnap other children. Teenage slaves are used to escort and transport little children on trains, buses, and planes.
The triangular-shaped airfield at China Lake… has traditionally begun very early in the morning with lots of activity. The night flights from FEMA’s Santa Rosa airfield being an example of incoming flights. The airfield connects to the main base area via Sandquist Road. Children are landed at this field, while others are driven through the gates guarded by marines, and others come through via the east-west rail line.
The fact that children are driving through the gates is not alarming because inside the military perimeter is a high school, a junior high school and 3 other schools. Some of the adults of the children being programmed stay in military barracks (Quonset huts and one story buildings) while they wait.
Charles Manson, a programmed Monarch slave who received initial programming at China Lake, lived with his cult only 45 miles north-west of China Lake at the remote Myers and Barker ranches.
Programming Illuminati Children
As a child of the Illuminati progressed* through its programming, three people had oversight over its programming: its Grande Mother, its Grande Dame, and the Programmer.
* Programming still happens to this day
The Illuminati functions off a chain of command similar to the military. (In fact a big secret is that Satan’s realm actually served as the model for military and political structures.)
As a child begins its programming, it is monitored in a fashion similar to hospitals where charts are filled and then these charts are filed. Tests and evaluations are done regularly. Goals are set which are six month programming goals. These will say in effect, we need to accomplish this by doing a, b, c, d in the next six months. This is somewhat similar to an I.E.P. (individual education plan) which the special-ed teachers in Oregon set up for each student.
At some point, the strong points and the weaknesses of the child will be identified, and then a decision will be made as to what occupation the Illuminati want to program the person to become. If the young boy is aggressive and has sadistic tendencies, the Illuminati call it “a war monger” and label its chart “This child will be a general.”
Then they proceed to program it to become a general. Nurses, teachers, and child physicians must be programmed with a gentleness to their System. Other occupations, such as lawyers can be allowed to be ruthless.
Many of the children have religious fronts labelled for their programming, and a very popular occupation for Illuminati men is to become clergymen. Religious leaders make up the majority of fathers of Monarch survivors that have sought help. Most Illuminati victims have parents who are important religious leaders, many of them top clergymen in the established churches.
As the reader might expect, some tortures require that the child victim’s temperature, respiration, pulse and blood pressure be closely monitored.
What Trauma Does
In recent times, the military and the science of psychology is paying attention to what they call PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). PTSD are the psycho-pathic debilitating effects of trauma and chronic nature of reactions to trauma. Intrusive flashbacks of the trauma will occur if the mind doesn’t protect itself from reminders of the trauma. The mind creates avoidance patterns to protect itself from thinking about the trauma. Panic symptoms occur when the person undergoes physiological arousal to traumatic cues.
A trauma will create a certain “shatteredness” within the victim. The victim will develop life assumptions about being vulnerable, about having little personal worth, and that life is not fair. They may develop phobias to constantly check their environment for safety and constantly monitor others to make sure they are not mistreated.
For centuries warfare has taken place, and military men have experienced PTSD. However, a full description and investigation into the disorder has been done only in recent history. The U.S. military has prevented any serious counseling for their troops suffering from this. Peer “counselors” and rap groups were allowed, and misled by the army to believe that they would be adequate.
PTSD will often lead to outbursts of rage, chronic depression, or borderline dysfunctions. The PTSD in Monarch victims is masked by the MPD/DID and the programming. Then in turn, the programming masks the MPD. When the programming is complete, front alters have been created which can function with smiles and cheerful attitudes, while underneath, the mind is full of shattered hurting alters, who the slave is unaware of.
However, the Programmers/abusers know that it is important to keep the slave away from safety. To this end, the Programmers employ people externally to monitor slaves, and internal alters in the victim’s mind to be monitoring alters and reporting alters. Reporting alters can always reach the Network of abusers via 1-800 telephone numbers which change every 2 weeks. They can also call their handler.
Reporting alters are very unemotional and serve as tape recorders which mechanically report any developments that might threaten the programming to their handler.
Monarch Suicide Programming
Alters programmed to commit suicide are also built into the Systems. For instance, for a system hacker--an outsider-- to work with the alters of an internal Grand Druid Council (aka Executive committee alters, or judge alters) or a System almost insures 99% of the time suicide of the Monarch slave.
In at least 99% of the cases where Monarchs who have come in for therapy, they still lack safety, which is a higher need than trying to go against their programming. This is why so few people have really gotten free.
To undo the programming, the victim needs safety. The programmers know this, and have set up almost fail safe methods where the victim is not even safe from their own system of alters, let alone Big Brother.
Therapists call their Monarch victims “survivors” a misnomer, because in reality they are still in the middle of ongoing abuse. Some therapists may mistakenly think that it is helpful to tell the victim, “These fears you are having are from the past.” Deliverance ministries may also try to stop the victim’s fears, without understanding the reasons behind the ongoing fear.
All the programming of each & every slave is anchored upon some type of trauma. One of the first fundamental traumas will be watched, filmed, coded & used as an anchor. For instance, the most brutal rape of a girl by her father will be used as an anchor upon which to build the Beta programming.
Incest Creates Extreme Psychosis
…the primary severing of the core was incest. Extreme psychosis is created within a child trying to deal with the issues created by the incest from the child’s most important figure--their father figure. In Moriah’s slaves, this is the standard method to sever the core, & create an anchoring trauma.
When Mayer Amschel Rothschild (orig. named Bauer) was on his deathbed, he demanded from his sons, that they protect the power of the House of Rothschild through incest. Electroshock can cause pain, but this is nothing compared to the confusion in the mind caused by incest issues.
Entire worlds of loyal alters whose only function is loyalty to the biological incestual father are created in the slave. This world of loyal alters may be the Daisy world. The hardest bonding to break within Illuminati slaves is this bond to their incestual father. Non-Illuminati mind-controlled slaves are bonded to other people--the cult leader or programmer.
Ritual Magic
Blood and perfume have been linked together in magic for thousands of years. The magical writing are full of the different concoctions created for ritual smells. Some of these over the centuries were smells which were discovered caused people to go into trance or dissociate.
A common wretched smell at Satanic/Illuminati rituals is the smell of human flesh, as flesh is heated to make candles in wooden ritual cups. It is reported that the stench of human flesh burning can cause dissociation. The power of scents was noticed in ancient China by Li Po. The alchemists studied scents very carefully.
Trauma Induced Autism
According to someone who has helped with the programming and Moon Child ceremonies, occasionally the child while in the womb when traumatized by the Moon Child rituals, retreats into its mind like a cocoon, and develops autism. Autism is an emotional problem where the child withdraws from reality and goes into its own private world of altered states.
The programmers for many years did not know why some children developed autism from the trauma rather MPD (DID), but in some cases it seems related to high 1.0. and genetics. The programmers are not able to reach such children, and essentially all were discarded into mental hospitals or used in rituals, until about 20 years ago when more and more of them were allowed to survive in public.
Ancient Mystery Religions
Illuminati rituals are based upon the most ancient Mystery religions. The Rothschilds like the ancient Canaanite Mystery rituals, and use Akkadian-Hittite-Canaanite-Babylonian rituals. The rituals from ancient Egypt are also heavily used by the Illuminati. T
The Collins-Sinclairs-type Illuminati bloodlines and some of the other Illuminati families with a northern European/celtic background, are very much into Druid rituals. Understand that historically, the Druids gave up paganism for the truth of Christ, but that now neo-paganism would have people return to what the Celtic leadership gave up about two thousand years ago.
Full document link:
Until next time.
(Source: Brooke Federline Telegram Channel)