How to Gain Natural Immunity From Illegal Mind Control Programs
'Many happy returns to my main MK Ultra programmer and childhood abuser... I have not forgotten you. I will never forget.' Rachel Vaughan, cult survivor and whistleblower
‘Have a lusciously evil Happy Birthday’
Australia’s Rachel Vaughan’s knockout ‘dedication’ to her former MK Ultra programmer and abuser, speaks for many silenced cult survivors across the globe. Her abuser’s eerie, handwritten birthday message below, says it all.
Written by Rachel Vaughan
Many happy returns to my main MK Ultra programmer and childhood abuser on this special day. I thought it apt to do for you what you did to me on so many of my special days.
I have not forgotten you.
I will never forget.
Remember this birthday card that you gave me on my 16th birthday? I have so many of your cards and letters. Including countless copies in safe places.
Why would you write such things to a minor?
“If it feels nice, just do it!”… is this how you justified what you did to me? Because it felt ‘nice’? That sounds like something Aleister Crowley would say. I know you are aware of Crowley.
Remember when you came to my house and saw that I had kept all your birthday cards? I bet you wish you hadn’t hand written them all. Remember how you tried to convince me to burn them? Your programming was already decaying at that point.
But one of your programs has stuck - I keep EVERYTHING.
I’m sure you are well aware of all the evidence I have published. The dominos are falling all around you.
Max is dead. Browny has thrown Max under the bus in regard to the Beaumont children. LKM has gone bankrupt and been forced to sell his house. Panorama has been sold. The tunnel evidence is out. The major crime dept have admitted they know Max was involved in the disappearance and murder of the Beaumont children. And you have written your signature all over that silly little FB troll page, that you and your minions have worked on for how long now? The only reason it has any following at all is because most of the people who liked the page did so because they were supporters of mine and then they couldn’t unlike the page. But you know this.
So many of your special friends have commented on that page. And it's public!! Have you ever heard of a DNS number? Silly, silly people. I'm sure you convinced them it was safe to share their vitriol there? They will not be happy.
You do realise that I have been officially acknowledged for the abuse Max perpetrated against me?
It won’t be long now.
(Source: Rachel Vaughan - Telegram channel)
Article: The Shadows That Haunt You Are Not Who You Are
'Our world is currently on its knees because evil people have used little children’s bodies to weaponise shame.' Rachel Vaughan
Immunising Ourselves from Mind Control Programs
MK Ultra is a torturous form of human programming and mind control involving drugs, psychological manipulation and traumatization techniques. A continuation of horrific human experimentation that began in Nazi concentration camps. (Some sources also cite Japanese camps.)
Unscrupulous psychopaths and self-proclaimed ‘elites’ covertly use mind control programs to hypnotise and manipulate the masses into becoming compliant, docile subjects. Unbeknownst to many, we have been increasingly influenced by subliminal mind control programs through every day television, radio, entertainment and advertising propaganda for decades. Post 2020, ‘mass programming’ has been taken to a whole, new, nefarious level.
Fortunately, health coach and self-sabotage expert Jason Christoff has been exposing historical mind control and nefarious actions by certain sects of society for years. In his interview with illegally imprisoned attorney Reiner Fuellmich, he shows us how to immunise ourselves against these mind control programs and also reveals that there are some people who cannot even be touched by such programs.
Link: Jason Christoff - Exposing Mind Control
Book: Unplugged 101, by Illuminati cult survivor Brooke Federline teaches us how to break free from societal programming, something which affects all of us all on a largely subliminal level.
Nazi Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels
‘If you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth.’
This concept was first described in a book titled ‘The Crown of Life”’ written by an anonymous author in 1869.
New Quote:
‘If you repeat the truth often enough, people begin to see it because repetitive truth plays a major role in breaking down programming.’
Society of Faeries
Highly Recommended Viewing
The Imagination Podcast with Emma Katherine
Svali Speaks: Ex Illuminati cult survivor Svali became one of the top 4 Jesuit programmers on earth.
Extreme Misuse of MK Ultra Programming
FoxBlog3 Article, June 8, 2024:
Theta Mind Control Experiment caused 1998 Moscow Hurricane demonstrates the extreme misuse of MK Ultra programming but also the collective power of the human mind, for better or worse.
Victoria, an ex mind controlled delta soldier told me “MK ULTRA victims made this. I was there when the hurricane was created in Moscow 1998.”
Russian Wikipedia writes, “In one night the amount of rain fell equivalent to a months rain. It felled 70 thousand trees, collapsed billboards and lifting cranes. 11 people died, more than 200 wounded.”
“The day after the natural disaster, Moscow authorities sharply criticized Roshydromet[8], who did not warn of a possible hurricane.”
How MK Ultra Programmed Victims Created the Hurricane
Victoria explained to me how they did it…
13 of the strongest Theta programmed Air Mages were programmed to make the hurricane. We were activated on 19 May in the West of Moscow. The electric field from our suffering created a hurricane on 20 June.
… “Luckily there were the Air Mages that managed to reconnect with Ether and the hurricane stopped the next day 21 June.”
MK Ultra is an Extreme Violation Against Nature
A Mage is an extra-sensory trained person who is practised at using both brain hemisphere. “Extra sensory” is the Ethereal body, Ether is the element. A Mage works with his own energy through feelings / emotions. Ether is Prime element, it it Solar gas. The Universe comes from it. Etherial body is primal.
Sacred Trinity - Ether, Physical and Electrical. First cells comes from Ether. First cell Core - your third eye, which rules you. Core is actually three Cores at once - third eye is the Etherial and Physical and Electrical bodies which have to work at once.
MK ULTRA breaks this natural harmony. It is violation against nature. To make it work they have to separate Sacred trinity to confuse the Core.
PERCEPTION of the Third eye they mess with - a man cannot realize what is wrong with him and this is allow MK ULTRA alters system to work.
Why Create a Hurricane?
Victoria - To create chaos to scare people because they feed off the ENERGY of suffering. Hivites lack cores so all they have in their parasitic lives is ENERGY parasitism. Gavvah they called it, their life is to get gavvah.” (The word “gavvah” comes from ancient rituals of sacrifice.)
They live like that and they cannot live without MK ULTRA because healthy people cannot be controlled. Especially High IQ people like victims of MK ULTRA.
They feed off our emotions, they like it when someone suffers and dies. They cannot do that if you not agree to be their food for life.
We cannot share the planet with them. They have to be wiped out otherwise they won't stop.
There have been strange weather events all over the world recently and we know that the globalists need to try and prop up their climate change psyop which is not based upon reality.
Have they been using MK Ultra mind controlled victims to create hurricane events recently in America?
Does the cult combine natural conditions favourable to their experiment with HAARP, chemtrails /seeding and Theta programmed individuals to create extreme events?
(Editor’s Note: Cult survivors openly speak about high level black magick/witchcraft being used to illegally manipulate weather and attack/murder human beings. The western world has a lot of catching up to do about dark occult abuses and crimes. Imagine using these innate powers for good.)
Cult Experiments on Children
The cult has been experimenting on children for years in operations that eg. Human Radiation experiments ACHRE Torture-Conditioning Testimony 1995 [6].
A survivor of ritual abuse has described these experiments… [5]
Level 1 Looking Glass
Level 2 – Star Wars Now Project
Level 3 – The Voice of God Project
FoxBlog3 Link: Theta Mind Control Experiment caused 1998 Moscow Hurricane
Beware the Gifted and Talented (GATE)/Talented and Gifted (TAG) Children’s Programs
Gifted programs are very much structured like banking or Freemasonry where 95% of the program is a cover for the 5% of corruption happening.
Emma Katherine, Substack
Republished from Emma Katherine’s Substack, 10 June 2024
#GATEgate - Gifted and Talented GATE/TAG Program Conspiracies
For those of you who aren’t aware, I did a podcast a couple months ago featuring ‘Grey’ who did an absolutely amazing expose of gifted and talented programs and their connections to the NDEA (National Defense Education Act), CIA, and… MK ULTRA. This shouldn’t (and didn’t) come as a shock to too many of you, but seeing Grey’s presentation really put it into perspective and it was shocking to learn exactly how it’s all connected.
What was outlined in Grey’s video (and what has been synonymous with many of the MK ULTRA survivors on my podcast) is that there’s a direct relationship between gifted programs and MK ULTRA and, in fact, these programs (by design) were created to be ‘scouting’ programs FOR MK ULTRA.
Now, it also has to be said that this does not mean that every single gifted program and teacher is nefarious and not every single child who gets placed into these programs experienced abuse and trauma. What it does mean is that gifted programs are very much structured like banking or Freemasonry where 95% of the program is a cover for the 5% of corruption happening.
The hard pill to swallow is that these programs - at their core - were created to help assist the government to find ‘gifted’ children to experiment on and that the 95% of ‘good’ (or whatever percentage is benign in these programs) is still complicit in covering up the 5% that is ‘bad’ and that there must be exposure and truth brought to the deeper layers of why these programs exist.
If you missed Grey’s episode, you can watch it here:
Continue reading Emma’s Substack article: #GATEgate - Gifted and Talented GATE/TAG Program Conspiracies
(YT )About Grey: Former Top Tier Operator/Contractor - Now a Warrior of God Combating High Corruption, Child Trafficking and Crimes Against Humanity and the Petty Powers / Principalities They Serve / Founder of ‘Organize Safety’/ Born into a multi-generational occult bloodline family, became a top tier skilled assassin and operator through MONARCH and other mind control experimentation projects funded by the CIA
YouTube: @greyareaoperator
Twitter: @greyareamonarch
Reddit: @greyareaoperator
Until next time.
Image - Indigenous Civilisations