Independent Australian media invaded by Murdochian narrative controllers
The bottom line is, they're committing financial fraud and theft. Shane Dowling, Fugitive Journalist, Kangaroo Court of Australia
“The standard rule is, the journalist writing an article based on the original journalist's work, will give credit and link back to the original article, sending traffic and readers there.” Shane Dowling, Fugitive Journalist, Kangaroo Court of Australia
Independent Fugitive Australian Journalist Shane Dowling has released one of his most important Kangaroo Court of Australia videos to date. It affects all ethical journalists and critical thinking Australians who prefer factual, objective journalism to the current mass muck propaganda on offer, particularly post 2020.
Special Note: This article does not apply to the majority of Murdoch family members but the issues raised by Shane Dowling need to be addressed.
Unfortunately, there is worse to come - historical allegations from the 1970s concerning horrific ‘afterhours productions’ in Adelaide television studios.
NACC - National Anti Corruption Commission: unfortunately this has turned out to be a Clayton’s Model i.e. the national anti-corruption commission you’re having when you’re not having a national anti-corruption commission.
Robo - Robodebt Income Compliance Program: one of the most unlawful, cruellest, gutter level government schemes in living history that targeted Australia’s most vulnerable people.
SLAPP - Strategic lawsuits against public participation
KCA - Kangaroo Court of Australia
Background to corruption matters referred in the video
NACC - Robodebt Scandal
June 9, 2024: “The NACC released a statement on 6/6/24 saying the NACC would not investigate 6 people that had been referred to the NACC for alleged corruption by the Robodebt Royal Commissioner Catherine Holmes. One of the 6 included NACC Commissioner Paul Brereton’s good friend Kathryn Campbell. It was a blatant cover-up by the NACC.”
Read the KCA Article: NACC says Commissioner Paul Brereton didn’t break the law and stands by his “recusal” claim regarding Robodebt
No Basis for Secret NACC Hearings
October 19, 2024: “For an Attorney-General to cook the books and tell lies to try and justify secret hearings at a National Anti-Corruption Commission, says he knows there is no basis for the secret hearings in the first place.
If they have to tell lies regarding how the National Anti-Corruption Commission should or shouldn’t work, how much confidence should anyone have in the National Anti-Corruption Commission once it is operational?”
Read the KCA Article: NSW ICAC Commissioner John Hatzistergos exposes the lie being told by federal Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus to justify secret hearings
Why is Shane Dowling a Fugitive Journalist?
Sep 17, 2023: “Justice Kelly Rees issued an arrest warrant, 2 years ago, for journalist Shane Dowling (me) to serve 10 months jail for contempt of court on the instructions of Kerry Strokes’ Channel Seven and its parent company, Seven West Media.
… The contempt of court was a private prosecution by the Kerry Stokes controlled Seven West Media and the Seven Network who have stalked me with multiple SLAPP Lawsuits since 2014 for exposing Kerry Stokes’ corruption.”
Read the KCA Article: Fugitive Australian journalist Shane Dowling celebrates 2 years on the run from an arrest warrant issued on the instructions of Kerry Stokes’ Seven
Note: Kerry Stokes needs to grow up and end this private persecution.
Watch the video
Rupert Murdoch trained Anthony Klan is running a News Corp style scam to rip-off Robodebt victims - Shane Dowling
Transcript Excerpts
Shane Dowling: If you think Independent Media is Independent Media, it's starting to be infiltrated by Rupert Murdoch and News Corp, with Anthony Klan running the News Corp 101 routine of trying to control a narrative of a story to rip off people. Confuse them by putting a lot of misinformation and false information out there.
… They're not confessing to the corruption or lies or deception. They're just going to ground, pretending it's not happening, which is what Rupert Murdoch does when he gets called out and exposed for his corruption. He just ignores it.
The NACC admission is in effect a confession
Any police officer will tell you the best evidence is the confession. The NACC admission is in effect a confession that Paul Brereton lied about recusing himself from the matter. Media reports since then have added value, some more than others, but that’s about it.
The so-called independent journalists Anthony Clan, Michelle Fahy and Elizabeth Minter have tried to muscle in by lying, stealing, deceiving, trying to make out they are the big- time investigative journalists that have, and are, breaking the key evidence for the story. They are doing this after the horse has already bolted.
This is an important article, not just for the NAAC Robodebt Scandal, but also because it shines a light on new media and how at least some journalists in some aspects of new media, are no better than the old media we complain about.
Anthony Klan publishes on his own website, The Klaxon, and sometimes has his own articles republished on other websites. Michelle Fahy and Elizabeth Minter work as freelance journalists, from what I can tell, and have their work published on numerous websites including The Klaxon. All three have worked closely on the NACC Robodebt scheme.
Dodge is part of their scheme
It’s what they haven't been reporting, not what they have been reporting, although that is dodgy as well. And their biggest mistake was to stalk my website and YouTube channel for ideas and steal my content because that put them on my radar.
(Source: Shane Dowling Kangaroo Court of Australia YouTube channel)
They failed to report key evidence because it would expose their lies
How this scheme works. This scheme is fairly simple. It is to put themselves at the front and center of reporting on NACC Robot scheme. They have done this by first knocking off my extensive, specialised work on the NACC and the NACC Robo Scandal and also by ignoring the NACC’S admissions about Commissioner Paul Brereton to The Guardian on the 15th of August 2024.
The bottom line is, they failed to report key evidence because it would expose their lies of breaking the stories they claim are exclusives. They stalk my website for content, steal content off myself and probably others and then they promote their exclusives while asking for donations.
Anthony Klan, Michelle Fahy and Elizabeth Minter are potentially putting Robo victims at risk of getting justice, and all the Robodebt 6 being held to account. And they undermine journalists such as myself trying to set justice right by reporting all the facts.
The manipulated news also aids the government, the NACC and Robo 6 by blurring the issues. Anthony Klan Has continued to promote one of his articles, even though he knows it's full of lies.
In one instance, Klan verballed the New South Wales ICAC Commissioner John Hatzistergos and then asked for donations off the back of the articles, stealing content from Kangaroo Court of Australia.
Anthony Klan, Michelle Fahy and Elizabeth Minter, taking content without giving credit is only a minor issue for this article. But it is important to take a close look. And it is powerful circumstantial evidence that supports the fact of them trying to hijack the reporting on the matter for their own self-promotion and greed.
This website (Kangaroo Court of Australia) is a judicial corruption and political corruption website, so it should be no surprise I've followed and reported the National Anti-Corruption Commission very closely. I've published some very specific and specialised articles and videos on the matter…
The bottom line is, they're committing financial fraud and theft
When another journalist rips off articles, it’s very obvious. It has happened at least a few times a year since I started publishing in January 2011. When journalists publish articles, they want other journalists to pick up on their stories because it helps promote their work. And the standard rule is, the journalist writing an article based on the original journalist's work, will give credit and link back to the original article, sending traffic and readers there.
But when journalists take work from a website and don't give accreditation, they are stealing and they do that for a number of reasons. In this situation, they are stealing work because it is a breaking story with a lot of interest. And if they gave credit as they should and reported all the facts, it would be obvious they are not the hero investigative journalist they are trying to make out they are. And it would undermine their very heavy push for donations.
The bottom line is, they're committing financial fraud and theft.
Shane Dowling is 100% crowdfunded
Please support Shane’s Patreon or PayPal account. As of Sep 17, 2024, he has 464 Patreon supporters and needs to get the 600 to be financially viable. Please donate any amount that suits your budget so Shane can continue his important work.
Perhaps there are ethical philanthropists out there who would consider making a donation. Supporting good old fashioned factual, objective, independent journalism in Australia will help hold the bastards to account and keep them honest. Again.
I worked in the corporate media industry in the 80s and early 90s. It has sadly been reduced to a weaponised cesspool of controlled narrative reporting and useless information. We now have a generation of reporters who don’t know what real journalism is and Australians are suffering on many unnecessary levels as a result.
Thank goodness for the eleventh hour rise of a new, ethical, independent news media.
Kangaroo Court of Australia Links
Website: Kangaroo Court of Australia
YouTube Channel: @KangarooCourtofAustralia
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Books by Shane Dowling
The Jerilderie Letter Part Two: Australia’s Corrupt Prime Ministers - published February 28, 2022
Australia’s Paedophile Protection Racket - published September 28, 2020
Love Letters from the Bar Table - published 2009
Love Letters review excerpt:
“… I would like to think that the ironically named ‘Love Letters’ is a marker setting a future agenda for international human rights and upholding the rules of natural justice.”
Phillip Taylor MBE LL.B PGCE Barrister-at-Law, Richmond Green Chambers, UK
Link: Kangaroo Court of Australia Books
Lachlan Murdoch explains how News Corp’s and Fox News’ lies and deception strategy works
September 29, 2024 - Run time 20 mins
Until next time.