Is Assange the victim of a vicious cult war? Is Reiner Fuellmich's illegal imprisonment not newsworthy?
It really is time to set Julian and Reiner free.
(Image Source: Julian Assange Psyop, Adelaide Unveiled)
“Reiner Fuellmich has been under secret surveillance for a long time, he should be made unelectable, come hell or high water!”
Statement: Sokrates TV Hellas (6 mins)
‘The Rothschilds started grooming Julian Assange in 2008 when Wikileaks was awarded The New Economist Media Award. The Economist is the voice of the British Establishment (led by the British Rothschilds) which, for example, on balance, supported Britain’s involvement in the Iraq war.’ ~ The Julian Assange Psyop
Moral of the story: Protect your independent media business from wealthy cult controllers. ~ Society of Faeries
Julian Assange
I knew very little about Julian Assange’s childhood until recently and have since come to the conclusion that Julian may well be a cult survivor whose childhood was stolen from him at an early age. It would be interesting to read or hear about Julian’s childhood in his own words one day, along with many other seemingly ‘priveleged’ public figures who were either born into a cult bloodline or given up to a cult program at a young age.
The videos below are from a insightful occult education channel called Adelaide Unveiled. If you are only familiar with the controlled, mainstream Julian Assange narrative, I recommend that you watch at least one of these videos to broaden your horizons.
References are made to Julian’s association with the The Family also known as the Great White Brotherhood and Santiniketan Park Association.
Many Australians may be reminded of Adelaide’s insidious, satanic cult establishment, which has groomed and protected psychopathic pedophiles for too many decades. Media headlines labeled this insane cult as The Family in the roaring 80s. I hope there is no connection.
Either way, their secret world is now unravelling.
I personally feel that the Assange ‘show’ has dragged on for far too long and that Julian needs to be released without any more unnecessary controlled media fanfare. He needs to live life freely and exclusively on his own terms. Not some control freak cult leader’s.
Illegally Imprisoned Attorney Reiner Fuellmich
Meanwhile in Germany, the barbaric treatment of attorney Reiner Fuellmich, whose politically motivated, unlawful detainment in a high security Rosdorf prison, remains unreported by globalist controlled western media.
Reiner Fuellmich’s Telegram channel presented an interview with his lawyer Katja Wörmer about the shocking treatment Reiner received Friday afternoon (May 3) after being returned to the jail from the court hearing.
His jail cell was searched, and personal items were confiscated. He was stripped naked and searched from head to toe and then put into an isolation detention cell without any explanation or justification. He spent the entire weekend, which was his birthday until today in isolation.
He was denied contact with his lawyers which clearly is against German law. He was also denied contact with his wife. Being in isolation he didn’t know that many people from various countries had gathered around the jail for his (66th)birthday. This greatly perturbed Reiner but he has once again stabilized mentally and emotionally according to Katja Wörmer. He had to submit a written request to the management of the jail to look into the situation, but nobody wanted to take responsibility and take charge.
Reiner’s two lawyers Katja Wörmer and Christof Miseré are shocked by these events, questioning the condition of the German constitutional state. Today, May 7th the court hearings will proceed and we should know more later today.
It seems evident, the French text below says, that certain influential people in the judiciary system want to intimidate Reiner and keep him imprisoned illegally.
Source - Professor Anita Baxas MD: Shocking Treatment of Reiner Füellmich at the Rosdorf Jail
Recommended Viewing
Julian Assange & Anne Hamilton Byrne "The Family" Cult (3 mins)
The Julian Assange Psyop (1 hr 22 mins)
Images & Info Screenshots from The Julian Assange Psyop video
Early Life
Until next time.
It's all about humiliation. It's their favorite sport. That and mockery. Exactly like bullies act.