Is the privately owned United Nations really a Luciferian cult?
No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. David Spangler, Reflections of the Christ
If you are unaware of luciferian influences upon the world, now is a good time to learn some basics and decide if you wish to consent to their agenda or not.
Scathing review of ‘Reflections of the Christ’ by David Spangler
"Lucifer comes to give to us the final gift of wholeness. If we accept it, then he is free and we are free. This is the Luciferic initiation. It is one that many people now, and in the days ahead, will be facing, for it is an initiation into the New Age… No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless they will take a Luciferian initiation."
(Quoted from "Reflections on the Christ," 1978 ed., Chapter IV, pgs 44-45)
Is the privately owned United Nations really a Luciferian cult?
If so, who actually owns it?
Sebastian Aguanno Jr’s comprehensive article published on 4 July 2021, entitled The United Nations is a Luciferian Cult Controlled By the Knights of Malta, Jesuits, Rothschilds, and Rockefellers, opens with: No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless they will take a Luciferian initiation.
(I have to confess that upon reading those words, I immediately concluded that the New World Order will be a lonely place. Fancy forcing a manufactured religion upon the whole world like that. Billions of good people of so many different faiths. The arrogance!)
Author David Spangler also referred to as the Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations, 2012 but a search of the current United Nations website to confirm this, produced nil results.
Spangler is currently the Spiritual Director of Lorian, an organisation dedicated to exploring Incarnational Spirituality and founded by the same group of people who met as participants in the Findhorn Foundation in Scotland in 1971. I recall reading a fascinating book about Findhorn in the 90s but there was no mention of Lucifer. That belief must have come later in Spangler’s spiritual travels. Each to their own.
COVID was a multi faceted global ambush
Otherwise, the majority of information shared in Sebastian Aguanno Jr’s article mirrors my own post 2020 research about Luciferianism and the interconnected, multi faceted realities of COVID.
My most offensive discoveries to date, are that COVID was a covert, global luciferian initiation ritual designed to force the new world order - one world government upon humankind. Without any consideration given to whether or not we would choose to consent to this bully-boy slavery agenda.
Some of Sebastian's revelations also align with historical information shared by an unnamed insider who blew lid off a veritable treasure trove of top shelf international mafia crimes from the late 60s onwards, including the fledgling beginnings of the one world government and official inception of ‘phony news’. I republished most of the treasures in this article: Why Australia's Rockefeller and Murdoch Mafia Club Deserves the Boot
Power mongering, wealthy hoarders like Rupert Murdoch and whoever succeeded David Rockefeller, whose crimes remain conveniently hidden behind their mighty mass media wall where they also revel in playing with the media manipulation control button to peddle their useless news agendas, are welcome to exercise their right of reply in relation to the long list of allegations made in both articles mentioned thus far.
Therefore, the new world order is not new, but a rebirth of the old world order (or the old Holy Roman Empire). Just as Sol Invictus (Nimrod/Baal) was the official Sun “God” (false light/Lucifer) in the later Roman Empire; the Jesuits of Rome still worship Lucifer! This explains why their Order’s emblem is a sun; it represents Sol Invictus (Nimrod/Baal), Lucifer!
Excerpts from Sebastian’s article
The Rockefeller Connection With the United Nations
It is a widely-known fact, that on April 25, 1945, in New York City, the non-governmental organization, known as the United Nations came into being; but did you know that the United Nations was founded, funded, chartered, and established under the auspices of the oil and banking Rockefeller family; the very same (Luciferian) family, that funded American and Nazi eugenics programs, and is now working with the U.N. to build a one-world government?!
On October 23, 2015, Andrew Glass of Politico Magazine, reported the following facts, regarding the Rockefeller family’s connection to the founding of the United Nations. Glass stated,
“On Oct. 24, 1949, four years after the charter went into effect, the cornerstone was laid for the U.N. headquarters building near the East River in mid-Manhattan. [Pay close attention to what is written next…] Nelson Rockefeller arranged for the purchase, after an initial offer to locate it on the Rockefeller family estate in Westchester County was rejected as being too far from New York City. The $83.4 million purchase — as adjusted to reflect current dollars — was funded by Nelson Rockefeller’s father, John D. Rockefeller Jr., who donated the land to the city.
Technically, the U.N. headquarters complex in New York remains an extraterritorial site that remains beyond the jurisdictional reach of the surrounding city and state as well as the federal government….like the Vatican in Rome, London in England, and D.C. in Washington (all globalist centers of power), the United Nations (the main globalist front organization) in New York is legally shielded from any National charges of high treason!
Andrew Glass, of Politico, also stated in the 2015 article, that;
“Nelson Rockefeller arranged for the purchase [of the U.N. headquarters], after an initial offer to locate it on the Rockefeller family estate in Westchester County was rejected as being too far from New York City.”
This brazen display of Rockefeller’s control over the U.N. (the Family being so arrogant, as to literally attempt to place the headquarters of the United Nations in their own backyard), should make it very clear to any critically-thinking person, who’s in control.
The United Nations has been, since its very inception, nothing more than a Jesuit-Rothschild-Rockefeller tool of global control; in short, the United Nations acts as a central banking front organization, designed and built with the sole purpose of eliminating National sovereignty, by bringing about “global governance” through global dependence.
Considering the evil past of the Rockefeller Foundation, should anyone be surprised? In 1933 (and for 20 years after that), the Rockefeller Foundation spent $1.5 million, funding the CIA’s “Operation Paperclip”; which referred to the task of identifying, finding, hiding, aiding, and assisting 10,000 Nazi scientists and “scholars” from Nazi Germany, which were to be safely relocated to U.S. universities, and other U.S. allied locations around the world. Unbelievably, ardent Nazis, such as Dr. Wernher Von Braun, and Dr. Josef Mengele, were given safe-haven!
The Rockefeller family and Foundation are still engaging in a global war against National sovereignty, and individual rights/freedoms; but why, and for who? If the United Nations was established under the auspices of the Rockefeller family, who’s in control of the Rockefellers?
To put it simply… the House of Rockefeller works under the House of Rothschild, and the House of Rothschild works under the Jesuits of Rome. Both families have been affiliated with the Jesuits, since the 1700’s!
…So you see; just as the Morgans, Roosevelts, and Rockefellers were Jesuits in 1722, Mayer Amschel Rothschild was of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (Knights of Malta), and his family considered, Imperial (Holy Roman Empire) Crown Agents, in 1800!
In truth, both the Rockefeller and Rothschild families, serve the Pope of Rome as Papal Knights; who, to this very day, continue to serve as the Papal Barons and Bankers of the new Holy Roman Empire. The official title of the House of Rothschild is the ‘Guardians of the Vatican’s Treasury‘!
Therefore, the new world order is not new, but a rebirth of the old world order (or the old Holy Roman Empire). Just as Sol Invictus (Nimrod/Baal) was the official Sun “God” (false light/Lucifer) in the later Roman Empire; the Jesuits of Rome still worship Lucifer! This explains why their Order’s emblem is a sun; it represents Sol Invictus (Nimrod/Baal), Lucifer!
The Canaanite god Baal (who is Nimrod) has always been associated with Beelzebub; and in theological sources (mostly Christian), Beelzebub is just another name for Satan! Clearly, the “new age” movement is the externalization of the elite’s “secret doctrine” of Lucifer, onto society and culture; turning the whole of global society into a U.N. Luciferian cult.
The United Nations (Jesuit-Rothschild-Rockefeller) new world order agenda, is in reality, an anti-Christian war against the Way, the Truth, and Life, Jesus Christ; and real the children of Light (God)!
The United Nations is dividing and conquering the free Nations of the world; by saying one thing, and doing another. For instance, they say they’re ambassadors of “world peace”; but they also admit to acting against the best interests of America, and other free nations around the world. Who do you think is funding the riots; promoting socialism, causing social division, poverty, and economic dependence? Never forget; you were born with God-given rights, to life, freedom, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness!
Here are three good and clear reasons, no just and free-thinking Nation should ever willingly cooperate with the United Nations; a highly treasonous, “non-governmental” organization:
The first reason being, that the main goal of the U.N. is to build a “one-world government”, which would require the speedy elimination of “National auto-determination”; meaning, the elimination of every Nation’s sovereignty, along with the elimination of every individual’s chartered rights and freedoms!
Free-thinking sovereign Nations should not co-operate with the United Nations. It is an act of treason to do so; forcing the free people of free Nations to follow the “recommendations” of an (unelected) “intellectual elite”, working for a non-governmental organization called the United Nations (which was established under the auspices of “world bankers”, like Rockefeller, etc.), while politicians, bankers, teachers, and police, etc. are ignoring the recommendations (i.e. the free will), of the Nation’s people!
“It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” – Henry Ford
The second reason being, that the United Nations promotes the idea of an inevitable “great reset”, which is really the building of a new world economy. A global stock market crash will act as the global catalyst; but, before the needed market crash occurs, the people of the world must be brainwashed with socialism/communism, to the point that they will actually (in the words of Aldous Huxley) “come to love their servitude”.
Followers of the Luciferian doctrine have flipped the Biblical Garden story on its head; seeing Lucifer as an enlightened liberator, and God as a brutal and unjust tyrant. They believed that God (Jehovah) was keeping Adam and Eve captive (as prisoners), in the Garden of Eden; and that Lucifer did not trick man into a life of sin, but freed him, with the gift of intellect. With intellect; they believe that they will subdue nature with science, conquer physical death live forever with transhumanism, and by their own will, become Gods with Luciferian gnosis.
Lucis Trust usual (globalist) suspects
The (Luciferian) sponsors of the Lucis Trust include the usual (globalist) suspects; such as:
The Rockefeller Foundation
Robert McNamara (former Secretary of Defense, one of Henry Ford’s “Whiz Kids”, former President of Ford Motor Company, and former President of the World Bank)
Henry Clausen (the former Supreme Grand Commander of Scottish Rite Freemasons)
Thomas Watson, Jr. (of IBM)
Rabbi Marc Tannenbaum (of the American Jewish Committee)
…The “new Atlantis”, the “new age”, the “new world order”, and the “great reset” all represent the same Luciferian agenda; to use the U.N., to promote the notion of a global “utopian” pseudo-Christian society of ecumenism, ruled by a, relatively unknown, Luciferian “priesthood”; a “priesthood” dedicated to the doctrine, and steady execution, of the Luciferian agenda, to rule the entire world (and seamlessly legalize evil and lawlessness). To Luciferians; “freedom of religion” and “tolerance”, mean liberty from the holy law of God!
Remember, Lucis Trust is not just the same crazy fringe group; they are in their own words, the “spiritual foundation of the United Nations”… and they don’t even bother to hide the fact that they’re Luciferians! In fact, if you visit the Lucis Trust website, you will see exactly what the “spiritual foundation of the United Nations” is promoting.
In a Lucis Trust document entitled, “Department of Religion” (notice, they are already prepared for a World “Department of Religion”), you will find proof of the obviously Luciferian (Satanic) belief system held by the United Nations. The document states that in the “New World Religion”, the whole world will acknowledge/worship Lucifer as the “Ruler of Self-consciousness”.
Still, believe there’s no “new world order” conspiracy; to build a one-world government, one-world economy, and one-world religion?! Keeping your eyes closed, is worse than being blind!
Lucis Trust has six thousand members worldwide. All members were/are globalist “insiders”, like Robert McNamara, Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Paul Volker, George Shultz, etc. The Rockefeller Foundation does not only manage the United Nations but also the “spiritual foundation of the United Nations”; that is, Lucis Trust.
The “founder” of Lucis Trust, Alice Bailey was a fellow Luciferian, that used the Lucis Press in 1924, to publish 20 or so books, written and distributed by Bailey herself. These books consisted of her own writings, and the writings of a “channeled” disembodied Tibetan she called, “Djwhal Khul”.
If that’s not crazy enough; or enough to prove the connection between Lucis Trust and Luciferian cults… Upon the death of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (leader of the Theosophical Society), Bailey assumed the leadership of the Luciferian (Satanic) Theosophical Society (remember… the U.N.‘s Lucis Trust teachings and curriculum were adopted by this same, Luciferian, Theosophical Society)!
Now, to prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the U.N., Lucis Trust, and the Theosophical Society are, in fact, Satanic. Here’s a telling quote from Helena Petrovna Blavatsky herself:
“It is Satan who is the God of our planet and the only God.” – Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Isn’t it strange, that Lucis Trust, an openly Luciferian spin-off organization of the mystical (occult) “new-age” spiritual movement of Theosophy; was one of the first NGOs to be granted “consultative” status with the U.N.? Maybe… Until you understand who’s in control!
Waking Up From the U.N. Spell of “Peace and Safety”
Face it; America, and the world at large, have been misled by a “secret cabal” of Luciferian central bankers, elitist intellectuals, corrupt politicians, greedy judges, etc.!
If the world trades the Truth for a lie then the world will be doomed… long ago, the free people of the free Nations of the world would have laid charges of treason against politicians openly cooperating with the United Nations!
It’s sad that the average American is unable to grasp the truth… that the United Nations is a Central Banker’s “globalist” tool of world domination … all the while, pretending to be wise men, ushering in a time of “global peace and safety”.
In short, the secret new world order cabal consists of an “intellectual elite” (of Luciferians). They manage the agenda for “world bankers” (such as the Rothschilds, and Rockefeller, etc.); the Houses that fund and control the new world order agenda, from behind the scenes.
Full Article
Paradigm Shyft - Sebastian Aguanno Jr: The United Nations is a Luciferian Cult Controlled By the Knights of Malta, Jesuits, Rothschilds, and Rockefellers
Until next time.
(Image: Tim Dwyer, Tim’s Truth)