Macabre History of the Marshall Islands US Military Base
Marshall Islands was where my eggs were harvested. I prayed today for my stolen babies. Brooke Federline
The 24 Jan 2024 freak wave that smashed into the Marshall Islands US Army Base, immediately reminded me of Brooke Federline - former Merovingian Illuminati Princess and MK-Ultra SS Delta child soldier/assassin who was born, raised, raped and tortured in a controlled satanic hell, and somehow made it out alive.
About 48 hours before, I published an article about Brooke and one of her many shocking revelations involved the Marshall Islands US Military Base:
Brooke’s eggs were harvested at the Marshall Islands US military base. This base has Nazi and satanic connections and is used for baby farming and creating satanic sleeper soldiers. Large numbers of foot soldiers reported to Brooke and they all came from secret Nazi bases around the world and underground governmental military bases.
Post WW2, many hidden sites were used for MK Ultra programming of the satanic sleeper soldiers who were trained to implement the new world order. Brooke also alleges that many training sites around the world keep children in cages. Some are hooked up to electricity and many babies are killed in these hidden facilities.
Article Link: Birthing Bloodlines Out of Darkness
When Brooke saw the footage, she was naturally reminded of her stolen babies and posted some of her thoughts on her Telegram channel.
Buried UN Report About Marshall Islands - 1960
The Marshall Islands freak wave also reminded me of an eye opening 2022 interview entitled Oligarchs Own the UN. Attorney and ICIC founder Reiner Fuellmich and former UN Executive Director Călin Georgescu eloquently cut through the 24/7 mass media propaganda and I learned more about the inner workings of the world in one hour, than I ever did at school.
Călin shone an eye witness blowtorch on many aspects of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and United Nations (UN), including his buried UN Marshall Islands report and cancelled press conference in 1960, which led him to quit his ‘fantastic job’ out of respect for the islanders.
Prior to watching Oligarchs Own the UN, I had scant knowledge of the Marshall Islands or that this exquisite paradise had been bombed to death by the US between 1946 and 1958. These atomic atrocities happened under the watch of 33rd President Harry S Truman (1945-1953) and Dwight David Eisenhower (1953 -1961).
This article includes the Marshall Islands transcript and additional pearls of wisdom and insights from the interview, but I do highly recommend watching the video for the full catastrophe.
Vital Viewing: Oligarchs Own The UN
ICIC Interview Link (26/12/2022): Oligarchs Own the UN
The UN and WEF agenda are the same and they currently control everything. The UN was set up to keep the peace and started up as something good.
Călin Georgescu, former UN Executive Director
Note: Reiner Fuellmich was framed arrested in October 2023 and is currently being detained in the Rosdorf Prison. My view is that he was deemed guilty of for ‘truth speech crimes’.
ICIC Transcript - Marshall Islands
Călin: My last mission was in the Marshall Islands, probably the most beautiful part of the world. And I have seen the disaster made by the United States with the atomic bombs exercise in 1960, when they destroyed most of the archipelagos, the Marshall Islands.
Reiner: You told me they destroyed the entire tuna fish population.
Călin: Yes it was totally affected by the nuclear…
Reiner: By the radiation.
Călin: Exactly, by the radiation…but the most important affected was this paradise, these people. They didn’t know the second war existed; they didn’t know doctors.
Reiner: And they didn’t need any.
Călin: And the average was 180 – 200 years old…
Reiner: The average age when they died was 180 years old?
Călin: 180 – 200.
Reiner: Oh my God.
Călin: And now the average age is 40 – 45 because of the radiation…The most important part is that the moment I arrived with my report in Geneva, back from the mission. They did everything possible to stop me from presenting this report. Including cancelling my press conference.
With respect for the people who I met in the Marshall Islands, the local people, I quit. I decided to leave forever. So, it’s not a process of, let’s say, someone saying to me, or pushing me. What’s the point of consciousness? Plug out of the matrix. This was done, for me.
Scientific American reports that between 1946 and 1958 the U.S. nuclear testing program drenched the Marshall Islands with firepower equaling the energy yield of 7,000 Hiroshima bombs. Cancer rates have doubled in some places, displaced people have waited decades to return to their homes, and radiation still plagues the land and waters of this Pacific island nation. The U.S. must prioritize the restoration of these islands and the resettlement of their people as a matter of human rights and environmental justice. What the U.S. has done so far is simply not enough.
The UN Building in Geneva Costs US$2.5 billion/annum
Călin: The UN could have a fantastic role but it doesn’t because it’s totally under the control of the oligarchs…I find in many cases that they talk down to the people…and nobody has the power to say no. Just yes men, everywhere.
Reiner: Are there no exceptions to this rule?
Călin: No exceptions. Do you know how much it costs each year, the United Nations building in Geneva? 2.5 billion US dollars. Just to keep this building with all the employees, all the costs. Everything.
Reiner: $2.5 billion.
Călin: $2.5 billion. You could rebuild a country in one day… this is a continuous process…it’s permanent… They replace people with other game players… It’s a dream life to be an employee of the UN.
Reiner: The fact that you work for the UN gives you other special privileges. You told me you can travel anywhere because you have a UN passport, right?
Călin: When you have the UN badge…you can travel business class everywhere, by train, plane, everywhere. And you have other privileges.
Reiner: And you don’t even have to pay for that?
Călin: No. Everything is paid for by the UN.
Reiner: So it is basically the taxpayers of the world who pay for this. Without even knowing it.
Călin: …Each member state makes a contribution. Before…I want to make this very clear…the UN made fantastic results. It was high diplomacy and I’m telling you frankly, for me it was a fantastic school. If you were to say to me, go to the …university, it’s zero compared to what I learned at the United Nations.
It’s fantastic because you can meet the top diplomatic people and have top diplomatic conversations, negotiations. The training is fantastic. I think my advantage now, for Romania and Europe, is that I know how the system runs. And it’s important to know because the future of humanity has to be free.
Reiner: Sovereign people who realise they have their own personal sovereignty.
Călin: To respect the sovereignty of the person. Of the human being.
Reiner: Because that’s where democracy starts. With the individual.
Călin: This is where it starts but it’s not. And it’s for this reason we have to reconsider that democracy happened just in Greece. A long time ago. But it doesn’t exist today.
Reiner: This is really important because what I take with me as the upshot of what you are saying is, we have the UN which could have been a great institution but it was totally captured by the oligarchs who are running the show at the World Economic Forum.
Călin: Exactly. Exactly like Club of Rome. Exactly like WWF (World Wildlife Fund). Exactly like Greenpeace…
Reiner: …So when we think they are doing whatever they are doing for the good of the people, in reality they are doing it for the oligarchs because they run the show.
Călin: …It’s a very …professional manipulation, very professional, very smart, very intelligent…very soft. When people realise their governments are owned by the oligarchs, they will disappear.
Reiner: …Once the people realise the governments are not their governments, but their governments – the oligarchs –
Călin: Not only that. They don’t understand the life. Life is not what we know today…Life is totally different. Life is how we can approach the natural (world)… How much you talk with your self. How much time you spend in one day just for you. Only you. In the moment that you spend more time with you, you are more creative, more elegant, with your family, your wife, your children. The harmony is important, exactly as in nature.
How many wars do you know in the natural world? It doesn’t exist. Wild boars from the north having a war with the wild boars of the south, doesn’t exist. Only human beings are in wars.
Ever since they started their Young Global Leaders Program, the influence of the WEF over the UN, which is now totally controlled by the WEF, which is now indistinguishable from the oligarchs, has made it possible for them to infiltrate all layers of society with their own people and their own puppets.
More Insights and Pearls of Wisdom
Oligarchs Own the UN interview notes
They Are Lying to People About Climate Change
The starting point of the UN, Club of Rome, Freemasonry was good. Mozart became a Freemason because he wanted to participate in the welfare of the community, to support human beings. They infiltrated different men to control what is good. They don’t want your life to be beautiful and in harmony. The system wants to put you in a black hole and be under total control.
The WHO is another NGO with nominated people running it who dictate your health. How does a man who commits crimes in his own country become the chairman of the WHO? Tedros is the ‘house boy’ that does whatever he is told by his boss.
They use the ICCP (International Climate Change Partnership) to create more money out of nothing for themselves by lying to the people about climate change.
The ICCP is an organization of oil and chemical companies and trade associations from around the world working to influence international climate change legislation. (Wiki)
The founder of Greenpeace is a scientist and explained that climate change was invented so they could accuse humanity of creating the problem and keep us in fear. They created coronavirus and the plandemic to make money for the oligarchs, started the Ukraine war and invented climate change to keep the people under control.
Oligarchs are All Related to the System of Pedophilia
Ultimately, when you are saying no, you are saying no to the UN because they are the oligarchs.
When the UN talks about peace they mean war, when they talk about economic liberty for all, they mean poverty. It’s easier to control poor people. There are officially 1.2B people earning under $2 per day.
The problem is that the oligarchs are all related to the system of pedophilia. We know that there are more than 8 million children per year that disappear – this is the entire population of Austria. They disappear without any information. This is the transhumanists. This criminal act must stop. It stops at the moment the people arrive in the consciousness and understand that this is not their life.
Most countries in the world don’t have control of their natural resources. Davos (WEF) essentially controls everything alongside the UN.
Politicians are Employees of the Oligarchic System
Politicians are not leaders – they are employees of the oligarchic system instead of the people they are supposed to be working for.
How are leaders of countries controlled? They are offered money and education for their children.
The oligarchs choose who is placed in positions of power. There are no real elections anymore. They are just on paper. They know how to manipulate the minds of people to vote in exactly who they want.
WEF Young Global Leaders Program
The UN is indistinguishable from the WEF (Davos) because it is controlled by the same ideas and same oligarchs. The WEF creates their leaders who are elected by us through their Young Global Leaders Program.
You have to be 100% politically correct to qualify for the WEF Young Global Leaders Program. And smart.
They try to control you by offering a large salary and other benefits such as free access to transport, restaurants and other things. It’s like a UN badge that sets you apart from the people on the street. Exactly like in the banking system. They invest in and manipulate the minds of the people they recruit who then sell their souls and are lost forever.
We Don’t Know What Life Means
We don’t know what life means and this is exactly what they want. In normal life, such as the Marshall Islands, lawyers don’t exist because you don’t need a system of rules for justice.
We are not only human beings but co creators. So, we have to learn how to increase our consciousness and how to consciously participate with the universal consciousness. For this reason, we don’t need lawyers, doctors or politicians.
These days, most people who go into politics don’t know anything – more so the politicians who have been selected in the last 30 years.
Courage is the First Step in Expanding Consciousness
They use fear to control people’s emotions. The people don’t understand that this is not normal life. Fear does not exist in normal life. Courage is the first step in expanding consciousness.
They don’t want people to have the power to understand who they are. They don’t want people to become wise because wise people look for freedom. Being free means being a rebel and a lion. They need ducks.
We have to have the courage to change this and become involved in politics.
Fear is the ultimate instrument of control. They are currently using the plandemic and will find something else to replace it from their ‘tool box.’
Devices Disconnect Children From Parents
Devices disconnect us from life. The lockdowns were criminal acts against humanity. It kept children in particular on the computer for most of the day which also kept them dependent on the system. When they become dependent, it is like a drug. Life becomes virtual.
A mother tries to approach the child’s heart but it isn’t there. They disconnect children from their parents, some of whom give them devices to use when they are in social situations such as dinner. This is another step into transhumanism.
Post transhumanism is a catastrophe for humanity because humans will have transitioned to robots.
Be Yourself and Connect With Nature
Connect with nature instead of the UN and its puppets. Don’t believe the people who have been fooling you all along about what nature has to offer us.
Be yourself before someone tells you who you are. In order to be able to trust ourselves, we have to know who we are which means we must not allow anyone to tell us who we are.
Connect with nature instead of with people who are telling us what to do and what not to do.
ICIC Interview Link (26/12/2022): Oligarchs Own the UN
Until next time.
(Source: Indigenous Civilizations)