Misguided freemasons believe you can live forever by sexually vampirising children
I apologise that this is so horrible. But masons are doing this. We have had to pray for literally hundreds of people who are relatives of masons. (Ex mason)
Freemasons appear to be a charitable, friendly fraternity
Most people are under the impression that freemasons are charitable men who meet in their various lodges to network, play secret handshakes and pow wow about ways to make the world a better place. I thought that too. Until I became involved with a group of local artists in 2018, the final year of their unique, 4-year book project called Australian Spirit. Artists, poets and photographers teamed up with defence force veterans who shared compelling, often untold personal stories of war and peace.
Various organisations were contacted about modest sponsorship opportunities to support the grand finale, family fun day event. I was surprised and disappointed to learn that the local NSW Central Coast Freemason lodge declined to lend a humble hand and be part of honouring not just our veterans and their families, but all frontline emergency workers who were invited to participate in the Australian Spirit event. C'est la vie.
Is it true that every one of us is our own self-contained King Solomon?
In 2020, I began to research secret societies and occultism. I was curious as to whether the hocus pocus fraternity wielded any influence on governments and world affairs, which, if you recall, became decidedly weird, stupid and absurd, as did the complicit mass media propaganda machine.
The subject of freemasonry kept crossing my path, beckoning me to look deeper into the masonic wombat hole. The internet provided me with a fascinating, mixed bag of masonic beliefs, experiences and opinions, but also left me in a state of confusion. So, in 2022, I bought a book about freemasons, The Key to Solomon’s Key: Is This The Lost Symbol of Masonry? Second Edition, written by Lon Milo DuQuette, a master mason, magician, singer-songwriter, recording artist and humorist, who believes that every one of us is our own self-contained King Solomon.
It was such an insightful and entertaining read, that I wrote a review for Paranormal Daily News: Would King Solomon Approve of Modern Day Freemasonry?
Is Australian Freemasonry a Dying Craft?
‘…numbers are continuing to fall, and we are forced to consider, very seriously, whether there is a long and continuing future for the Craft. We must ensure, as individual masons, and as a Craft, that we are not among the last few generations of members.’
In Whom Do You Put Your Trust? by RW Bro Robert Searle
To be fair to freemasons who are genuinely unaware of the secret child raping, blood sucking, murderous sect within their international fraternity, they need to know about it so they can step up and put an end to it. Even if that means rewriting their archaic, blood curdling oath to allow freemasons to report alleged crimes committed by fellow masons.
Before moving into the dark side of freemasonry, I have decided to share a well meaning article from the 2018 - V50 edition of Freemason magazine: In Whom Do You Put Your Trust? (Freemason is described as The Official Journal of The United Grand Lodge of New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons.)
If you ever decide to browse through a Freemason magazine, you will find that everything appears to be respectable, thoughtful, charitable, goodly and godly. The Editorial Policy makes their intentions as clear as a bell.
In Whom Do You Put Your Trust?
By RW Bro Robert Searle
The title of this article is part of a question asked of every initiate and would be familiar to every Freemason in this jurisdiction.
Surprisingly, after 50 years of membership, and having witnessed over 300 initiations, this writer cannot recall having ever heard even one candidate being able to answer the question without requiring a prompt.
Surely this is one question that requires a truthful answer from the heart, and, if this is so, why is a prompt necessary? If a candidate cannot answer the question unassisted, should we continue the ceremony? A ‘coloured’ (his description) South African brother once told me that in his mother lodge no candidate would be allowed to proceed unless he could answer this question unaided.
The GAOTU (Great Architect of the Universe) is central to our craft. The VSL (Volume of Sacred Law) is opened at the beginning of every meeting. It remains open and many references are made to it during every meeting. The astute Freemason quickly learns that this book is central to the teachings of the Craft. A deep, and thorough, search of our Rituals will quickly convince us of this fact.
If we truly seek to become better men, through the Craft’s teachings, there is no better book to study than the VSL. We are taught from the WTs (?) the advantages of ‘knowledge and discipline’, and that knowledge must be ‘grounded on accuracy’. We are also taught to ‘regulate our lives by the unerring and unalterable law of God’s Word’ and to ‘discipline our conduct’ so that we might be acceptable to God.
Searching even deeper we find that this book contains ‘a straight and undeviating line of conduct is clearly and unmistakably laid down for our pursuit. Our WM (worshipful master) is also instructed that the VSL is given ‘as a rule and guide to his faith’. We have all been recommended to make ‘the most serious study and contemplation’ of this book and charged to ‘ever regard it as the unerring standard of Truth and Justice, and to regulate your conduct by the divine precepts it contains’. There are many more references which can be found if we but search for them.
Given that this is Sacred Law which we are all meant to follow, one could rightly expect that all Freemasons be completely familiar with its contents and be living an exemplary life which, by our very lives, would attract men in great numbers. Surely, if we were all living our lives as true Freemasons, then people every- where would be asking us ‘what it is that makes us so very different from other men, what is our secret for life?’
Sadly, this is not happening!
As a result, numbers are continuing to fall, and we are forced to consider, very seriously, whether there is a long and continuing future for the Craft. We must ensure, as individual masons, and as a Craft, that we are not among the last few generations of members.
To be able to guarantee future generations of men to be able to benefit from our teachings it requires every member of the Craft to stand up and be counted as a Freemason and not simply as a member of the organisation.
We owe it to ourselves, and to future generations, to set such an example in our living that we stand out from the crowd as being visibly different. We need to take Sacred Law as being Sacred Law and make it an integral part of our lives. When we truly begin living as Freemasons are taught, and are meant to live, can we hope to see the Craft which we love so dearly have the resurgence which we all desire.
To be able to do this effectively the teachings of the Craft, as written in the VSL, need to become second nature to us. When we do this the world will begin to stand up and take notice of us. The question ‘in whom do you put your trust’ will then become evident to all with whom we come in contact.
Australian Who’s Who of Alleged Freemasons
A January 2023 post by Den Bo entitled Schindler’s list of Australian Freemasons was an interesting read - senior health workers, police, politicians, actors, pop singers. I have cherry picked names of just a few public figures who may be able to lend a helping hand in raising awareness about their fellow masonic child rapists, vampires and murderers. (If anyone on this list is not a freemason, their name will be removed upon notification):
Kerry Chant, NSW Chief Health Officer
NSW Parliament, every Minister
QLD Parliament, every Minister
Malcolm Turnbull, former Prime Minister of Australia
Alex Hawke, Liberal Party MP
Queensland Health, Metro South Health, every Nurse Unit Manager
Reece Whitby, Energy, Environment, Climate Action Minister, WA
Jackie Lambie, Senator for Tasmania, Australia
Kylie Minogue, pop singer
David Koch, former Channel 7 Sunrise co-host
Jane Goldsmith NBN News
Paul Lobb, NBN News
Paul Murray, Reporter, Sky News Australia
Hugh Jackman, actor
Nicole Kidman, actor
Former freemason Dr Selwyn Stevens has revealed that Australia per capita, has more Freemasons than anywhere else on the planet and that many health issues in families are to do with the part of the degree that their father or grandfather was in the lodge.
The Hidden Dark Side of Freemasonry
The remainder of this article is a compilation of research notes and video links about various darker aspects of freemasonry, the worst of it being first hand accounts of masonic child sex abuse and murder that are being shared by individuals within the largely hidden and silenced community of cult survivors.
I believe that the day is coming when cult survivors will be officially acknowledged and assisted by appropriate authorities. In my view, our ultimate destination is the establishment of an international truth and reconciliation commission. Compensation will also be due but that will be a minor matter given the infinite wealth on the planet that has been hidden from its recipients, being we, the lions, who are inheriting the earth.
Our god given wealth and abundance on every level has been hidden by a long running, luciferian/satanic brotherhood crime cartel, some of whom you will meet in the below video if you care to watch it.
Video: Sparkle Files - Who Wants To Be A Jillionaire?
World War 3 Started in 1954
And for anyone who is living in fear of World War 3 and can’t avoid hearing online and mass media driven propaganda threats of an ‘inevitable’ third world war that will culminate in nuclear annihilation, famine and mass death on an unprecedented scale, blah blah, blah, please be aware that a 1979 top secret publication entitled Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars states that World War 3 was quietly declared upon America and ultimately the world, by the international elite at a meeting held in 1954:
Extra! Extra! Read All About It!
Free PDF Download Link (29 pages of dynamite): Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
Note the names of the usual occultic suspects: Rothschild, Rockefeller, Harvard University etc.
Pitfalls of Long Term Dark Occultism
If you wish to educate yourself about the pitfalls of long term immersion in dark occultic practices, I recommend Invisible Master - The Puppeteers Hidden Power, by ex Illuminati and Freemason whistleblower, journalist and prolific author, Leo Zagami. These passages sum up what often happens to the majority of practicing occultists:
Aleister Crowley’s teachings influence members through initiation rituals for various degrees of his order, the Ordo Templi Orientis, and other sects. They are believed to gradually and consciously distort the chakra energy, polluting them so badly and sometimes irreversibly, to facilitate the demonic control of their minions.
Unfortunately, they think they are elevating themselves to new levels of consciousness, but they are actually doing the exact opposite, falling most of the time into the abyss that Crowley described as the last impediment before illumination.
The risk of being overwhelmed by the abyss is high, even for a high level Initiate, as Crowley pointed out. Hence the famous admonition of Crowley, ‘Babe of the Abyss’ which appeared in his famous work called The Book of Lies, published in 1913…of being literally vampirized by interdimensional alien entities, something that happens to the majority of practicing occultists.
Michael Jaco, retired veteran with 35 years serving the US Government in high-risk environments, author, broadcaster, intuitive warrior/trainer, had this to say in The Nazis that are running the world are losing everywhere now and retreating like WWII
A lot of deep staters make a deal with the devil and the devil eventually takes you to the kerb and takes your soul. ‘Ok, give me your soul – you’re out. Boom. See ya.” That happens to them all the time.
Masonic Child Rape and Murder
Horrific Revelations by Rachel Vaughan
Courageous South Australian cult survivor and whistleblower Rachel Vaughan has been speaking out about her cult childhood for 17 years. One of her most shocking revelations was about being forced to stab other children by her mass murdering, freemason, pedophile, satanist, ASIO operative father Alan Maxwell McIntyre who also ran a protected, high level pedophile ring.
Rachel was regularly raped and forced to participate in child pornography and snuff films by her mass murdering father. He would use and abuse her as a blackmail honeypot and traffic her through Adelaide’s dark, dirty, maze of tunnels, and to Adelaide’s Channel 9 studios where she was filmed with a mix of willing and unwilling men and women.
Editor’s Note: The number of children who were raped and murdered in the violent snuff films, may only be known by the studio crew and owner/s of Channel 9 Adelaide in the 1970s.
Further Reading
Article: The Shadows That Haunt You Are Not Who You Are
'Our world is currently on its knees because evil people have used little children’s bodies to weaponise shame.' Rachel Vaughan
Article: Honouring Our Cult Survivors Turned New World Heroes
Armed with love, valor, resilience and wisdom, cult survivors have so much to teach us.
Freemasons love to display their faith on their jewellery
Rachel Vaughan’s Telegram Channel Post, 23 April 2023
My mother’s Freemasonic wedding ring, replete with 7 Eyes of Providence around the band.
The freemasons love to display their faith on their jewellery and mark their territory. The fact my mother wore this ring for the 21 years of their marriage alerted every mason who crossed her path that she was a mind controlled slave.
For anyone who thinks this is just an unusual ring, and doesn’t prove my father was a mason, I am including the obituary of my father’s grandfather Joseph Wright (below) who was Grand President of the Grand Lodge. It’s a little too coincidental that the grandson of a high ranking freemason had his wife wear a masonic wedding ring, covered in the Eye of Providence.
The Wake Up - Rachel Vaughan - Bringing Evil Into the Light
Rachel Vaughan in conversation with Ben Hawkes
I have been speaking out about this for 17 years and trying to have the cult that I was brought up in, brought to justice.
But I have seen a massive shift these past 4 years. People are waking up. It’s amazing. I think we have hit the precipice, gone over the crest and are over the other side.
Rachel Vaughan
The Wake Up - Transcript Excerpt
Rachel: My great grandfather was the head of the Freemasons in my state, South Australia. His name was Joseph Wright he was the grand president of the Grand Lodge. That was on my father’s side of the family. And it goes further back than that.
We are actually part of the 13 satanic bloodlines – the Kennedy bloodline.
My father’s surname was McIntyre and that means son of a mason. His grandfather Joseph Wright – Wright also means a mason. My father’s parents were cousins … and that incestuous line just continued on. My grandmother traced back the family line to Kathryn Kennedy and she stopped. That is quite significant.
We have a lot of the satanic bloodline factors as in the centra heterochromia and we also have a lot of psychic ability on both sides of my family. The Nazis had a fascination with heterochromia and were experimenting on gypsies in the second world war. Heterochromia is a ring of colour around the pupil in comparison to the rest of the iris. The Hindus believe it allows you to have access to certain realms.
My father was giving up his children for MK Ultra mind control programming, so it wasn’t just that we were brought up in a cult. And we had to go to satanic rituals. We were also being experimented on and that included medical experimentation.
My father was an ASIO operative which is the equivalent of the CIA, MI5 or MI6. I called him Australia’s Epstein because he had cart blanche and could do whatever he wanted to and he was not going to be investigated. And he had a long line of people he was blackmailing. And he used me as the honeypot to blackmail many of them.
He was taking children off the street and torturing and murdering them with impunity because one of the people who was aware of what was going on, and helped him, was the Chief Inspector of Police. He was a very high up freemason.
My family is your typical satanic bloodline family. We have so many academics in my family. We have politicians, high media entities… people find that sort of thing difficult to understand but that’s just how it works. Basically what they do in cult families, is torture and torment children to the point of being very well mind controlled. Parents and other family members will do that and then they install them into academic positions so that they can control them.
For instance, I was gifted access to a Bachelor of Science degree when I did not have any of the studies required in the last year of high school to get into a Bachelor of Science degree. And I didn’t have a high enough mark. Even if I had a high enough mark I didn’t have the background. I didn’t do maths, physics or chemistry.
I applied but didn’t get in and was 13 percentage points too low to get in. Then my father made a phone call when he found out I didn’t get in and within a few hours, I was called and told I had a position. That’s how it worked.
Video Link: The Wake Up - Rachel Vaughan - Bringing Evil Into the Light
Ben: In the freedom movement, many people don’t understand what they are fighting and they don’t really understand the true gravity of the evil that faces us. It’s vital to talk about it because we have to understand the true nature of the evil we are facing. Unless we do that, we ain’t going to win.
I did some reading on the Australian government and their peculiar attitude to this sort of crime, particularly around how they hush things up simply by putting binding/gag orders on evidence.
Rachel: You are absolutely right. We need to be having these conversations as difficult as they are, and unpleasant…because it underpins why we are here. And why we are in the situation we are in, particularly the last 4 years but there has been decades of corruption as a result of the sorts of people I was thrown in with in childhood. And they run the world, basically.
They are a bunch of psychopaths. They have their own religion and it’s very much about selfishness – do what though wilt. Regardless of how that affects others and that is their tenet. You see that with psychopaths the world over.
Various Disturbing Masonic Video Clips
Grand Lodge London - Children Killing Children
A chilling video created by a masonic ritual abuse survivor and survivor/journalist, exposes the masonic ritual abuse of children in the Grand Lodge London.
Key Points:
The main form of abuse was rape but the worst way was using your hand to kill another being.
The female survivor saw a little boy being murdered by the Freemasonic group in the London Grand Lodge. There were many little boys there and they were all raped in different rooms.
A little boy was placed on an altar and they made each little boy in turn, come up and stab him with a knife in the heart to kill him.
They did that to have power over you so you didn’t speak out.
The survivors hope this video can help people identify children that are being abused in order to help those children find support and help. It’s important to watch how children play, as they often show what is happening to them – children who face extreme violence are masters at hiding what’s been done to them because their life depends on it.
Video Link: Freemason ritual abuse and murder of children in London Grand Lodge
Boy Bride Ceremonies
I experienced many ‘final straw’ moments during my occult travels, including the discovery of secret, masonic boy bride ceremonies.
Video Link: Freemason boy bride ritual
Undercover Footage of Freemason Mock Execution and Resurrection by Kyle Undercover
Video Link: Hidden Camera Mock Execution Ritual of a Freemason – Part 1
Mason: Give me the secrets of a Master Mason instantly, or I will take your life.
Initiate: I will not!
Mason: What! Still persist? Then die!
Video Link: Hidden Camera Mock Execution Ritual of a Freemason – Part 2
Masons carry the 'dead' initiate's body they just killed:
Now what shall we do?
Let us make our escape out of the kingdom
Let us hail him.
Hail captain. Hail. Hello.
...I have strict orders not to take workmen from the temple out of the country unless expressed permission from King Solomon.
...Most excellent King Solomon is missing.
Missing, how do you know him to be missing?
...the killers are ordered to be executed by King Solomon
Screams can be heard.
Video Link: Hidden Camera Masonic Mock Death Ritual - Resurrection
The resurrection is done with the various secret handshakes to indicate that only a Masters grip will raise him from the dead.
Master Mason Bible
The Master Mason Bible is alleged to have been originally compiled for the management of goyim, the useless eaters, and is allegedly the version used in many Masonic initiation rites.
Masonic initiation symbolically encourages the new initiate to make a daily advancement in Masonic knowledge and to ascend that winding staircase which leads from Darkness to Light. The Mason’s version of inverted light is connecting with the consciousness of Lucifer, the morning star, also known in its feminine form as Stella.
Some circles believe that Jesus’s teachings were hijacked by religion - the work of the Romans and early church - to enslave humanity. Today, the Luciferian Brotherhood of Freemasonry teaches the Catholic religion and tricks followers to worship the Beast.
Download the Freemason Bible here: https://archive.org/details/FreemasonBible
Source: Gabbi Choong’s Telegram Channel (Gabbi is the founder of Truth, Justice, Freedom for Children)
1891 Freemason Bible - Sacrifices as Typical Acts
Sacrifices are divided into seven classes:
50 Voices of Ritual Abuse - David
I suppose you could call it a ritual, but these parties would often happen in big houses. There was a lot of prominent people…Everyone needs to start talking about this.
At three years old, I was in a very big ritual. I was then passed on to Lucifer and passed on to the Freemasons. And then from three years old, the Freemasons took big control of my life and really took it over. And from four years old, I was being trafficked by the Freemasons. And a lot of that trafficking went to places like London…I’ve been trafficked to Germany, Belgium, Holland, Italy. I’ve been trafficked to the Vatican, and I had stuff done to me in the Vatican.
And also, I was being trafficked as a sex slave from the age of four. And that went on pretty much my whole childhood, I think till my very late teens, I was still being trafficked as a sex slave. That was another part of the whole Masonic setup. It wasn’t just ritual abuse, I was being trafficked, it was sexual abuse, and also for the making of pornographic films. I mean, from nine years old onwards, I was being used for pornographic filming.
The ones (memories) I really struggle with were the adrenochrome parties, which I used to have to attend and where they literally just brutalized babies and very, very young children to develop the adrenaline in the blood. And then I’ve seen that they kill those children and babies to get the blood. They either drank the blood or the really hardcore ones would inject the blood into them. And that is a really bad one which I struggle with.
And there was another incident which I discovered quite recently, which actually happened in the tunnels under Westminster, and it was one of their hunting games, I suppose, where they set the children off and then they hunt them down. And I remember I was in the tunnel and there was this little girl, and she was maybe two or three years younger than me, and it was one of the street girls. So, it wasn’t an SRA person who’s been developed, it’s someone they snatched off of the street or … She was so desperate for me to save her and help her, and I was holding on to her, and they came along and the dog got her and just snatched … These dogs, which they had, just pulled her out of my hand and just ripped her apart, and it was just …
Having memories like that is just heartbreaking. I should have done more, but at the time it doesn’t happen. I suppose you could call it a ritual, but these parties would often happen in big houses. There was a lot of prominent people.
I mean, I’ve seen royalty, politicians, famous people, all sorts of people. Basically, they just — it’s just a party. I mean, it’s like a drug to these people. The Satanists of this world, it is a drug to them. So, they’re getting high on it.
Everyone needs to start talking out about this. I mean, there’s a change in the world now. Awareness of something evil is starting to build. And I think SRA survivors and anyone who’s had any dealings with Satanists need to start talking out and bringing it to the light. Because that’s the only way we’re going to beat them.
David, 59 years old
Video Link: David’s 50 Voices of Ritual Abuse Testimony
Breaking the Curse on the Freemason Family Bloodline
People who have freemason family connections, may not be aware that health issues can be related to the degree that their father or grandfather was in the lodge. Helpful research by ex mason Dr Selwyn Stevens explains this reality.
Dr Selwyn Stevens has revealed that Australia per capita, has more Freemasons than anywhere else on the planet and that many health issues in families are to do with the part of the degree that their father or grandfather was in the lodge.
He explains that the particular degrees have actions that will be taken against initiates if they betray their oath of silence upon entry to that degree, such as slitting of the throat for betraying the first-degree oath of silence. The throat chakra would be obstructed by such an oath, setting up health problems in that area.
Stevens is also of the view that all illness in the physical body relates to the chakras and blockages or injuries to those energetic centres. Freemasons make energetic connections with dark entities when they take these oaths. Those dark entities 'attach' to the energetic signature/DNA of the host via the chakra portal which the oath relates to. This is how curse energy can be passed down through generations within families.
One way to break this curse energy on the Freemasonic family line is to repeat this self affirmation: 'I rescind all contracts that I have made with, or that have been placed upon me by any entity that is not for my highest good.'
Video & Article Links
Unmasking Freemasonry - Dr Selwyn Stevens
Freedom from Curse of Freemasonry Q&A with Dr. Selwyn Steven
Masonry’s Satanic Doctrine from Their Own Books
Article - Stranger Than Fiction: The Hidden Hand of the Order of the Illuminati, Freemasonry and the Occult
Masonic God Is Jahbulon
According to former cult survivor Brooke Federline, a former Stewart-Merovingian Illuminati princess, SS MK Ultra Delta assassin and leader of the satanic NWO army, freemasons have a false secret name for God. His name is JAHBULON.
Jah - Yahweh: God of the Israelites, the only true and living God
Bul - Baal: Babylonian pagan deity
On - On or Osiris: Egyptian pagan deity
Brooke also alleges that there are more than 33 degrees of freemasonry. And they are not satanists - they are luciferians.
Article: Birthing Bloodlines Out of the Darkness
This important message about birthing bloodlines applies to all of us, as we all have ancestors who suffered through traumatic wars and other mindless, luciferian/satanic cult acts of terror. Those of us on our healing journeys, myself included, are healing our own ancestral lines in the process.
Brooke has also written and published an important book, Unplugged 101. Her primary goal is to reach as many programmed SS Delta soldiers as possible and help them break down their programming, just as she did. They have been programmed to bring about new world order chaos so the planned one world ‘UN/WEF Fourth Reich’ government can forcibly install itself and carry out its dystopian, transhumanistic plans to enslave humankind in a digital prison.
Think SMART Cities (Self Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology), SMART phones, SMART TV, SMART electric cars etc. All marketed to the masses with the illusion of ‘convenience’, ‘efficiency’, ‘ease’, ‘for your safety’ etc.
It is alleged that most Australian councils are run by Freemasons who are all compliant with this unacceptable WEF-SMART City strategy that was agreed to without our consent by former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. All WEF Agenda 21/30 agreements must and will be cancelled.
SMART Cities are simply digital prisons. Modern day gulags dreamed up by sad old cult men with trillions of dollars and nothing left to buy.
(Image: DSMP)
Testimony by Cali Shai Bergandi
Former White House sex slave Cali Shai Bergandi also had shocking childhood experiences with Freemasons. The following transcript is from her debut interview with Imagination podcast host Emma Katherine.
Video Link: Cali Shai Bergandi P1 - Occult, Child Trafficking, Epstein, NASA & SRA Survivor Exposes ALL
The Misguided Masonic Immortality Belief
‘The kind of sex magic we are talking about here, unfortunately, is the sexual violation of a little child.’ - Ex freemason turned minister
Transcript Excerpt
Former freemason turned minister talks about masonic belief that sexual violation of a child is the secret to immortality:
"In our ministry, we have had to pray for literally hundreds of people who are the relatives of masons…they have been sexually assaulted by their masonic relatives, often in masonic temples. This is why the masons believe they will live forever. Every time they defile a little child, they steal some of that child’s youth. And if you notice, children who are sexually abused, do age more rapidly because their innocence has been stolen.
Where do freemasons get their promise of immortality? The secret that (Aleister) Crowley uncovered, probably through demonic intervention, is the secret that this immortality is conveyed through tantric sex magic. And the kind of sex magic we are talking about here, unfortunately, is the sexual violation of a little child.
Crowley taught that the way you can live forever, was by vampirising little children sexually. And he personally bragged of having slaughtered personally, 150 male children in one year. This is why he was called the wickedest man in the world.
I apologise that this is so horrible. But masons are doing this. Not all masons…probably one in a hundred knows about this. But this is a significant enough problem that I feel compelled to share it with you."
Video Link: Misguided Freemasons Believe Sexual Violation of Children is the Secret to Immortality
Article Link: Masonic Find - 32 Masonic Symbols and What They Mean
Another Point of View: Meaning and Purpose of Freemasonry
Masonry means building or constructing and Freemasonry is about constructing elements in society intended for control. Masons build mind control programs involving religion, politics, philosophy, and entertainment. A Masonic program is called a temple and many temples house idols like religious leaders, teachers, politicians, and entertainers.
These temples are constructed through geometric vibration which is similar to the concept of cymatics. Words and sounds generate vibrations and vibrations have mathematical properties. A person that follows a Masonic program is absorbing these vibrations into their minds.
Masonic temples are built on deceit. Freemasons specialise in giving their deceptions structural integrity. If they can design a lie with mathematical precision then they consider that lie to be the truth. Most people in society that have influence at high levels in politics, media, education, entertainment and religion, are trained in a form of masonry or work with Freemasons that assist them in their architecturally designed deceptions.
Masonry existed before Freemasonry was officially established. Freemasonry is both an organisation and a type of sorcery. The royal knighthoods are masonic and use degrees and initiations. Jesuits are also masonic.
Source: Poul Larsen, Historian
Most of us are unaware that vaccination has been a menace to each generation since 1796
Smallpox Epidemics
One of the worst smallpox epidemics took place in England between 1870 and 1872, nearly two decades after compulsory vaccination was introduced. Leicester, with nearly 200,000 inhabitants, boasted a 95% vaccination record but suffered more deaths than less-vaccinated London.
Faced with this obvious evidence of the uselessness of vaccination, Leicester’s citizens rejected the program in favour of cleaning up the city. Under the leadership of James Briggs, Town Councillor and Sanitary Inspector, clean streets, clean markets and dairies, efficient garbage removal, sanitary housing and pure water supply replaced vaccination scars.
1892-1893, Leicester had 19.3 cases of smallpox per 10,000 population; similar-sized Warrington, with 99.2% vaccinated, had 123.3 cases.
1889-1908 Compulsory Vaccination in Japan Increased Case Mortality
In Japan, 1885, 13 years after compulsory vaccination, a law was passed requiring revaccination every seven years. From 1886-1892, a total of 25,474,370 revaccinations were recorded. Yet during this same period, Japan had 156,175 cases of smallpox with 38,979 deaths, a case mortality of nearly 25%.
Slow learners, the government passed another act requiring every resident to be vaccinated and revaccinated every 5 years. Between 1889-1908, the case mortality was 30%. Prior to vaccination the case mortality was about 10%.
Historical Forced Vaccinations in the Philippines Increased Death Rates
During a ruthless US campaign in the Philippines in 1905, the native population was forcibly vaccinated several times. In 1918-1919, with over 95% of the population vaccinated, the Philippines experienced the worse epidemic it had ever known.
In the Congressional Record of December 31, 1937, William Howard Hay, MD, said: “The Philippines suffered the worst attack of smallpox, the worst epidemic three times over, that had ever occurred in the history of the islands and it was almost three times as fatal. The death rate ran as high as 60% in certain areas where formerly it had been 10-15%.
Anti-Vaccination Movements
The Anti-Vaccination Society of America was founded in 1879 and was the main group opposing mandatory vaccination in the USA.
An anti-vaccination movement started in Toronto, Canada in 1919 and the main group was the Anti-Vaccination League.
In the early 2000s in the USA, vaccination critics such as Jenny McCarthy, Dr Andrew Wakefield and other doctors and celebrities were blamed by the media for starting the anti-vaccination movement. As noted above, the movement has been around since 1853.
These movements alerted the public about the dangers of vaccines. The lunatic idea of transferring animal diseases to humans to prevent diseases didn’t work. Compulsory vaccination was later repealed in every country because vaccines were found to be useless and poisonous.
Several decades later, the drug companies began their mass advertising and marketing campaigns to ‘educate’ the next generation on the benefits of vaccination. Drug companies are now one of the largest advertisers on TV, internet, newspapers and magazines.
Source: Vaccine is the Biggest Medical Fraud in History – Doctor Q’s Boom Box
Ending livestreamed dark web rape, torture, murder and ‘blood shows’
In closing, if ethical freemasons and other people of influence wish to put their money where their mouth is and instigate an official investigation into the masonic child rapist, murderer and vampire ‘immortality’ sect, this would be greatly appreciated. Of course, it would have to be an independent investigation because most governments, law enforcement and judicial systems around the world are riddled with order taking, luciferian freemasons.
An investigation also needs to be launched into the horrifying livestreamed rape, torture, murder and ‘blood shows’ on the dark web. They are facilitated by major tech companies and aided and abetted by complicit governments.
Please feel free to contact your influential brothers to discuss the best way forward in relation to exposing and extinguishing these psychopathic, murderous cult perpetrators. And the rest.
Transcript Source:
Video: Man in America: Lara Logan reveals why innocent children are vital to the elite’s sick agenda
Lara Logan is a world leading, investigative journalist and war correspondent (ex 60 Minutes). Due to her decision to valiantly expose first hand accounts of heinous crimes against our children, she is heavily discredited and slandered by the globalist information warfare controllers. Just ignore them.
Never Forget Obama
Until next time.