Oedipus Theory Is A Freudian Lie Spun By An Elitist Backlash
Freud unwittingly exposed what elite families did to their children and was forced to lie about the damage inflicted upon children by pedophilia
During a discussion about how shame makes the world go round, and controls governments and powerful people, Australian (extreme) cult survivor Rachel Vaughan recalled her father saying that a psychologist told him it’s normal for a father to be attracted to their daughter.
American (extreme) cult survivor Max Lowen responded with this little known fact:
Few people are aware that this idea originated from Sigmund Freud in the late 1800s when they started to study women. His original paper theorized that the reason for female hysteria was connected to the uterus. But then he started to talk to women and learned that women were having issues because they were being sexually abused in their own families. He called it the ideology of hysteria.
Freud was living in Austria at the time and the backlash was harsh because he was unwittingly exposing what elite families did to their children. Then he recanted and put out the Oedipus theory and said children fantasized about having sex with a parent of the opposite sex.
He did such a disservice to humanity from that day. That lie is the basis for pedophilia today. There couldn’t be a bigger lie that children want to be sexually active with adults.
Notebombs - Max Lowen and Rachel Vaughan
Snuffing Out Pedophilia and Satanic Cabal Tactics
The satanic cabal have either coerced or bribed every country on earth to lower the age of consent. It went from 18, to 16, to 12. Then they put out studies saying that pedophilia has declined.
When Rachel Vaughan was a child, her protected psychopathic, pedophile, serial killer, ASIO operative father forced her to participate in child rape movies with complicit and drugged men and women, enabling the perpetrators to blackmail them and gain control of their lives.
This is a cabal tactic. High level people obey psychopathic masters because of these situations. The masters have material on them. That’s how they operate.
When Max Lowen was a child, she was taken to elite parties. Sometimes her mother was tortured with her. When she was 5, she went to a party in Rome, dressed in beautiful clothing. Children were lined up for adults to rape. She was taken with her (disassociated) mother to a room with her uncle and two other men. Her uncle said they could either rape her or her mother, so she told them to rape her. Afterwards, her uncle drilled into her head that she asked for it. He taped her and played it back to her. When you are 5, you believe it.
Not Every Survivor Has To Speak Out
During therapy, Max thought she was going to die when she had to articulate what happened to her but the shame became less and less and less.
Some survivors feel shame for not speaking out but there is no need for this whatsoever. Max and Rachel both share the view that if it is in your life purpose to speak out, you will do it. Do it when you are ready. Not everybody has to speak out.
It’s Not Just About Pedophilia - It’s About Control
Shame makes the world go round. Shame controls governments and very powerful people. They are often born into families like Max and Rachel’s and shamed and compromised in certain ways to be controllable. It’s one of the most powerful emotional forces in human life. Shame can qualify as a pandemic.
If you allow yourself to be controlled by that, you are under the control of other dark forces and energies that you don’t want to be a part of. The Ghislaine Maxwell trial is a perfect example of this.
The whole honeypot operation is so clever and well-orchestrated. It’s everywhere, and a small part of a larger intelligence operation. They use little children’s bodies to blackmail. Children’s bodies are a currency. This is why we see child trafficking and children being taken. It’s not just about pedophilia. It’s about control.
Entities who sell their souls are obsessed with sex because that’s the closest they will get to their god selves. Epstein needed sex two to three times a day.
Most sociopaths and psychopaths are driven by the two lowest chakras ie base and sacral. They only have base experiences and never get to the point of having any experiences of enlightenment.
Grooming the Population to Accept Pedophilia and Engineering Babies in Labs
The cabal plan was to have full totalitarian control by now, an unelected one world government and reduce the world population by 90-95%.
The cabal takes anything and everything and turns it around to further the pedophile satanic agenda.
They want an easy supply of children to rape and no problem with it.
They have been grooming the population to accept pedophilia in a variety of ways over time. They figure that they are at the end of their plan, and if humans are under complete control, with families destroyed, and they engineer babies in a lab, pro creation won’t be needed.
They are pushing pre-school and falsely saying that children need to start learning when they are 2. This means they are being more controlled by the state at an earlier age.
The satanic agenda has crept into the school systems. Luckily, parents are raising the alarm about this. A mother found a book in the library about man-boy love, with pictures of a man and a boy in different sexual positions. This was given to 9 year old fourth graders.
The idealized woman’s figure we are fed by the mainstream media is actually a masculine body with breasts. A lot of these models were male and had the Baphomet treatment – transgender treatment. This has been one of the biggest lies.
Destroying the Family Unit & Healthy Sexuality
They want to destroy the family unit because there is nothing stronger than a mother-child bond. They want to take away the power of a woman by creating babies in a lab.
When a baby is created through love, a soul enters. The transgender agenda doesn’t want humans to have a soul – but without a soul, a body is dead. The soul animates our body.
The satanic agenda is to keep us at a low level within ourselves. They have even distorted healthy sexuality within adults.
Shame is something engineered by the dark forces to control us and keep us down. Children are shamed in school for not looking like other kids. Abuse creates shame.
Perpetrators always tell the abused child they are to blame, that it’s their fault. It should really be the perpetrators’ shame.
Shame, Religion and Soul Disconnection
The agenda for this vaccine is to create a human detached from their soul and god, which is easier to control. There is no more family and babies are created in artificial wombs. We have seen girls in cages who were used to breed babies so they can be harvested for their organs or ritually killed and raped.
Shame makes you feel bad about who you are. Raised a Catholic, the first thing they drill into your head is that you are a sinner; you are born with shame.
The religious aspect is infuriating. How can you have a starting point that is so perfect and innocent, a precious soul, and immediately start loading it with rubbish? It takes away the right of a person to have a dialogue with their god – they always need an intermediary. The middle men are the biggest problem we have.
People today are being shamed for not taking the COVID injection or wearing a mask.
FUN (fundamental) vax. It was developed to be given to religious fanatics in the middle east. They found a part in the brain that connects to god and successfully created a vaccine that replaced that spiritual connection with a feeling of disgust instead. Everything spiritual has a component in our body that connects to that and they found it. They put this in the COVID injection.
Injected people have told Rachel they have been disconnected from their spirit guides and can’t meditate anymore. Holistic practitioners and readers have said that they can’t connect intuitively with injected people. Their work operates on a soul to soul level.
When you disconnect from the soul, you take away their true nature and power.
Editor’s Note: How do we reverse this?
Why Is It So Hard To Get Professional Police Investigations?
There was a captive child underneath Rachel’s father’s home in Adelaide, South Australia. She tried to call out what was happening to this girl but it was impossible.
Her father told her either she would die or the girl under the house would die. Rachel carried that with her for a very long time but doesn’t anymore.
People don’t understand how hard it is to get a professional police investigation happening. In Rachel’s experience, ‘cops come in and drum and dig for information but if one little thing is not said the same way each time, they write you off and there is no investigation.’
The Best Thing You Can Do is Put it Out There
Shame makes you want to keep things secret so the best thing to do is put it out there. In the light of day, it often evaporates. People feel shame about many different things. Just put it out there.
When you have been traumatized at an early age, looking at it from an adult perspective makes you ask if you would judge yourself for what happened to you. No. Because you never wanted to participate in it.
The shame is theirs but given to us to carry. WE don’t have to carry shame forever. It tears down your sense of who you are and your sense of worth. It has no social value.
This is a collective thing being done to us – we are being shamed constantly as a control mechanism.
Recommended Viewing
Unbroken Interview: Max Lowen and Rachel Vaughan on Shame
(Image: Indigenous Civilizations)