Omniversal tree of life, spirit of Isten and Goz Goz has been abducted again
‘The whole world speaks Magyar, yet it does not know.’ ~ Dénes Kiss (1936-2013) Hungarina poet, linguist
Magyar News - December 30, 2024
Goz Goz urgently needs a second medical opinion and legal support to sue St Vincent’s Hospital masonic psychiatrist Dr Cullen for damages
Original royal Magyar co-creator and specialist educator Goz Goz has published a copy of an email he sent to his medical specialist to “explain all mitigating factors in brief of the insane untenable eugeniCY$T psychiatric situation I have had to deal with for the past 8 years.”
Excerpt (includes necessary swearing):
‘As U can well see, this is now a severe case of high medical negligence on Dr Cullen's part & he has more than made my life a living hell over the last 8 years since 2017 with all this iatrogenic & soul rupturing damage to me, for no good nor valid reason(s)..
I is ready to take this asshole fucker to the civil court & sue him for damages, let alone the whole time since 2017, the NSW mental health act of 2007 being contrary to the 1901 federal Australian constitution that states that no one can be force medicated against their democratically informed consent & where a federal constitutional law is contrary to ANY state law, the federal constitutional law ALWAYS precedes & prevails before ANY state law, point blank, period..’
Notable comment from Gabrielle:
Government shrinks are basically Nazi doctors, you must comply or pretend to until you are free . The tribunal is an echo chamber and agrees with these doctors unless you provide new information etc via third partys. Shocking system - good luck sir, they don’t listen and hccc (Health Care Complaints Commission) and ombudsmans do nothing. But power to you for fighting the leviathan of mental health.
Click this link to read the email on his Fakebook page. Please message Goz Goz if you can assist.
Goz Goz Notes - Linguistically Speaking
Why God is the Magyar language
Káballah is the satanic, metaphysical and physical perversion of the original Magyar language/energetic core, source consciousness/soul centred knowing. Essentially, the Magyar language is the core, omnipolar source consciousness itself re. the original magic.
The original meaning in the original Magyar language of kába is ‘under illusion and/or drugged’.
The original Magyar language itself NEVER lies but confused tongues language/lung gauges DO lie as most of the confused tongues word meanings have been Satanically inverted from their original Magyar language root word meanings.
It's ok for the law when intuitives and psychics solve crime cases that police could never solve themselves, so it should be the same to prove other crimes like SRA and Draco reptoid/disincarnate being involvement, should it not?
SRA involves Káballah metaphysics which is a perversion of the original Magyar language (metaphysics is in the Magyar language itself) which is the original core omniversal source consciousness.
Magyar origins of original magic
The Magyar language, as we know it, is the foundational structural creation architecture that interconnects all omnipolar realms that be the whole living organism/omniverse.
Revealing all this original real Magyar creation mechanics from the language itself simply reveals the original natural sciences and where the original magic is originally from.
Re-establishing the original Magyar language with all of its original sounds is the real key mission here at present - to reverse all the Káballah curses completely and shut down the Draco reptoid fake tree of life, bringing back the real Magyar organic tree of life.
God is the Magyar language
God is the Magyar language which is the structure of how organic sound creation works preceded/powered by the core centre soul source battery energy consciousness.
Hence U must obey God/the Lore/Magyar language, otherwise everything goes to shit. Pretty simple natural science, really. Once you know this, the rest is fiction
Then the language has its spirit totem aspects. Corporate law pimps the term ‘title’ from totem.
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
Now replace 'word' with 'Magyar language' and now you know the 100% truth.
The Magyar language IS the core source consciousness itself, denoted as God, for lack of a better term, is it not?
It is THAT simple, the real meaning of God is hidden in plain sight!
The Magyar language is the core energetic source consciousness.
The true grail.
The true gold inherent from within.
The true bible is simply omnistanding and comprehending our body circuit board because we are essentially energy.
Knowing how to read and understand your own book.
Step out of the bipolar negative feedback loop
Our body circuit board is a microcosm of the greater omniversal macrocosm.
You just have to be the governor of your centre soul consciousness to wire and path all the energy points/portals that connect all realms of life thru all the centre portal points of each realm of the omniverse.
Yes, it is all about getting out of the victim/victimiser dynamic that is of duality bipolar thinking re. same dynamics re. oppressor/oppressed, monster/cause.
It is good to recognise this and step out of this bipolar negative feedback loop.
The whole world is programmed with it from Káballah, essentially re. life being between two fixed poles Boaz and Jachin* yet real reality is essentially omnipolar and not bipolar.
There is no such thing as two fixed poles/points in space. It is a ridiculous fictitious con-cept.
Is the sun/nap bipolar?
NO, the sun/nap is multi/omnipolar.
Bipolar duality is the perversion of original organic omnipolarity (Magyar language).
*Boaz and Jachin are pillars of Solomon’s Temple. In Freemasonry, the pillars represent one of the brotherhood’s most recognizable symbols. Some circles say that there is no evidence to prove that Solomon ever existed.
Káballah overview
For anyone who is unfamiliar with the Káballah, Britannica’s overview reflects the mainstream definition:
Also known as: Cabala, Cabbala, Cabbalah, Kabala, Kabbalah
Kabbala, esoteric Jewish mysticism as it appeared in the 12th and following centuries. Kabbala has always been essentially an oral tradition in that initiation into its doctrines and practices is conducted by a personal guide to avoid the dangers inherent in mystical experiences. Esoteric Kabbala is also “tradition” inasmuch as it lays claim to secret knowledge of the unwritten Torah (divine revelation) that was communicated by God to Moses and Adam. Though observance of the Law of Moses remained the basic tenet of Judaism, Kabbala provided a means of approaching God directly. It thus gave Judaism a religious dimension whose mystical approaches to God were viewed by some as dangerously pantheistic and heretical.
The earliest roots of Kabbala are traced to Merkava mysticism. It began to flourish in Palestine in the 1st century CE (Common Era) and had as its main concern ecstatic and mystical contemplation of the divine throne, or “chariot” (merkava), seen in a vision by Ezekiel, the prophet (Ezekiel 1). The earliest known Jewish text on magic and cosmology, Sefer Yetzira (“Book of Creation”), appeared sometime between the 3rd and the 6th century. It explained creation as a process involving the 10 divine numbers (sefirot; see sefira) of God the Creator and the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Taken together, they were said to constitute the “32 paths of secret wisdom.”
A major text of early Kabbala was the 12th-century Sefer ha-bahir (Book of Brightness), whose influence on the development of Jewish esoteric mysticism and on Judaism in general was profound and lasting. The Bahir not only interpreted the sefirot as instrumental in creating and sustaining the universe but also introduced into Judaism such notions as the transmigration of souls (gilgul) and strengthened the foundations of Kabbala by providing it with an extensive mystical symbolism.
Káballah tree of life vs Omniversal tree of life
The tree of life is a central symbol in the Káballah and represents the structure of the universe and the path to enlightenment.
Image source: Research Gate
Real, organic, Earth/Omniversal tree of life
Goz Goz claims the Káballah tree of life is a fake metaphysical perversion to replace the real organic Earth/Omniversal tree of life which emanates from the core source consciousness which is the Magyar language, the real natural science/metaphysics - the original magic of organic creation.
The Wiki tree of life narrative refers to the Keter/Crown as symbolising ‘the point beyond which our comprehension of the origins of being cannot go.’
Who learned about Isten (God) at school? Not me.
According to a Quora bot, the Hungarian word Isten is believed to be derived from the Old Turkic word ‘it’, which means ‘spirit’ or ‘soul.’ It may also have connections to the Proto-Uralic word ‘ińt’, which means ‘to be’ or ‘exist.’
One must realise that Isten precedes Sophia to get past the Greek layer of distortion and take it all back to Magyar language that comes before Greek language.
Goz Goz
Goz Goz: The Spirit of Isten
Isten moves in waves like water in a great ocean.
A sea of love.
Világtenger. (The ancient world of sea, which we know as space today yet essentially really is water)
The sound of Isten is like listening to a wave roll back from the shore/sand/beach and then crash again against the shore/sand/beach.
Just like when U breathe in a big breath and then breathe out.
U connect your breathing with the wave roll back from the shore (in breath = ‘Is/Ish’ sound) and then the wave crashing into shore (out breath = Ten sound).
Is-Ten (Ish-ten)
The breathing connection listening to a wave from the ocean against the shore like this synchs your heartbeat with organic nature, the water/sea/ocean that be which is the spirit of Isten herself, the fluid conscious intelligence in motion that be which is of the source consciousness core energy itself.
Your nose is the land that is also the Earth centre equator vertical line between the 2 oceans on Earth, with Isten waves crashing on either side synching with your breath, core soul centre and heartbeat.
It is not necessary to beLIEve, but it is necessary to know
Water is essentially a feminine primary element as its natural organic motion moves in waves.
Hence why programmed clock time is a distortion because it does not move in waves as organic nature does.
Any idol worship is a Draco soul energy harvesting trap, technically speaking from a natural science perspective and knowing.
U have gratitude for the source of all energetic consciousness life as U are a unique expression of it too, and are always interconnected, so no need to worship it. U are already a part of it, as it is already a part of U anyway, lol.
Hence, why it is what it is re. the old Magyar soul knowing, that, it is not necessary to beLIEve, but it is necessary to know.
How to metaphysically and physically connect with the stars and the whole cosmos
This is what the ab folk originals did here. They would lie down in a canoe on the water and breathe like this and connect with the stars and the whole cosmos like this.
U feel the oceana beneath U in the canoe with even stronger connection with the waves and heartbeat all synching etc.
Yes, knowing/gnowing is the key as the nose knows.
However with the Gnostic info, one must realise that Isten precedes Sophia to get past the Greek layer of distortion and take it all back to Magyar language instead that comes before Greek language.
Lying in the canoe is also a symbology microcosm of then connecting with the canoe centre shape of the milky way which is the centre of our galaxy, so one can then connect to that macrocosm realm as well with the stars U are viewing and reading above U as U watch the stars above U breathing with the water waves synched with your soul and heartbeat too.
This is how U metaphysically and physically 1st hand interconnect with what is going on within our galaxy and then beyond to other realms.
U first connect with your own body soul centre energetically with your instinctually felt consciousness knowing/kinesiology body awareness.
Then soul centre connect energetically with the centre equator line of the body of Earth which is VERTICAL and not horizontal as we have been falsely taught.
Then once connected with the Earth body centre, then further interconnect your soul centre and Earth soul centre to the canoe symbol of the Milky way soul centre of our galaxy.
With all these 3 soul centre energetic interconnections, one can then do full dreaming across many interconnected realms.
We don’t use terms dimension nor level as they indicate separation and de-compartmentalization amongst duality bipolar perverse metaphysical distortion/Káballah/Saturn worship = kába/fiction.
With real omnipolar organic reality/life, there is no separation as all life is energetically interconnected.
Ho Ho Ho
'Christ Mass' is a satanic, controlled opposition, religious identity hijacking/appropriation of this Maguar/Magyar festival of the sun/nap. ~ Goz Goz
Connect with Goz Goz & Friends:
‘The whole world speaks Magyar, yet it does not know.’ ~ Dénes Kiss (1936-2013) Hungarina poet, linguist
Until next time.