OOPS! I Have Pissed Some People Off With Last Week’s Podcast
'If anything happens to me, it’s pure murder by these women...' Laura Worley on high level witches, covert spiritual attacks and other cult crimes.
Awareness of Cult Crimes is a Necessary Evil
One of the saddest things I have learned in my post 2020 research travels through the parallel cult world, is the abuse, disrespect and degradation of women and children by cult men.
I am also of the view that broad awareness of cult crimes at the highest levels, is now a necessary evil, especially for law enforcement men and women, therapists and holistic practitioners who have zero knowledge or understanding about the dark occult.
Just because this nasty, secretive, hocus pocus world has covertly wreaked havoc on humankind for thousands of years, doesn’t mean it’s too late to draw an unbreakable line in the sand and say, enough.
‘It is important for the world to know the truth, so those who have been hurt by the Illuminati, Military, Satanic, and Witchcraft groups can become free.
For those of you who believe you can’t get free, I would like to share that the biggest secret of getting free is the puzzle pieces. If you know how to put them together, you will find freedom from what they have done to you.’
Laura Worley
This article is inspired by an important broadcast by Laura Worley, former cult survivor turned healer, author, broadcaster and new world hero. She talks about her recent experiences of ongoing spiritual attacks by the Illuminati Mothers of Darkness and the vicious role they play in covert cult crimes.
OOPS! I Have Pissed Some People Off With Last Week’s Podcast
(Image source: laurajworley.com)
Laura Worley - Transcript Excerpts
Illuminati Queens - Mothers of Darkness
If you were to look up the Mothers of Darkness, the information is very limited.
They are doing what I call a 13 day curse. This is the third one that has happened to me. They are doing it daily and it started on the 11th (Jan) between midnight and 6am and each day they are going to continue with a curse.
Some people have said there are 5 upper level….what they call Illuminati Queen Mothers of Darkness (witches). I don’t know about the 5. But I can testify by my own experience that the 13 mothers of darkness that are located in different parts of the world.
This is the third time I have had a curse by them all together. I have had non stop cursing by the Mothers of Darkness since March 2023. The difference is that their team has gotten together to specifically… what has come out is that they want to kill me, my husband and my family; I am supposedly supposed to suffer all these horrible things first.
The reason I am telling you this, is that there is no way in the world I would kill myself, so if something happens I want you guys to know that I am definitely not suicidal. If anything happens to me, it’s pure murder by these women who are in the process of cursing me.
I would appreciate any kind of prayers to help break their cursing. Laura Worley
Spiritual Attack No. 1
My first book (Puzzle Pieces Together) was published in 2021 and during a radio broadcast, I talked about the Tree of Death which is the Kabbalah Tree of life inverted. I didn’t understand who they were at the time but I knew that these women who were very high up in the Illuminati were attacking me. They were using the highest levels of power of evil to come against me.
My husband was literally praying for me almost 24/7 to cover me and protect me and the Lord was showing us what we had to do daily to release what they were doing but also do things inside of me so I would be protected.
It was a really surprising event and I didn’t expect it. But at the same time, they taught me a lot. So, that’s what keeps happening. They keep coming after me and they keep sending survivors in. I’m learning an enormous amount about them, so I think if they don’t want me to know anything about them, they should just leave me alone. Because this is not helping. All this is doing is training me up about what they do, how they do it, where they do it.
Spiritual Attack No. 2
The second time it happened was actually 2023, this last summer. I’d had a surgery. I was weak and vulnerable. I was seeing a young survivor who was a Mother of Darkness and they didn’t want to let her go. And they didn’t want me working with her.
They attacked me…about 2 weeks after surgery and I was still pretty weak. They attacked me in a way that I was definitely, definitely ill for a couple of weeks. And this was because… I was trying to help a survivor that was a Mother of Darkness. And they did attack her but it wasn’t the same thing.
Spiritual Attack No: 3
Number 3 is right now and I would appreciate any kind of prayers to help break their cursing…Every day they have been doing it and I have been writing it down specifically so I see what they are doing, the patterns they are doing…everything about it. But at the same time, I won’t lie, it pisses me off that I have to deal with this and I have to spend any of my time figuring out what they did, and undoing it.
So that’s what happens. They don’t like it when people reveal things. The problem is, I’m noticing a very strange thing happening right now. On different channels, they are actually talking about these upper level Illuminati trained people.
So, I think things are coming out because the world of Illuminati is crumbling. And we have to remember that we will win this war no matter what they seem to put out there. But I feel that they are already cursing me anyway so what do I have to lose about telling what they are doing? I don’t feel I have anything to lose.
I Will Complete What I Have Been Sent Here To Do
So basically, they want me dead and every curse has been that. But the thing they don’t understand is that the Lord has told me that I will complete what I have been sent here to do and they will not stop me. Yes, sometimes I can feel the darts of their arrows and sometimes I feel the indentation of it but it doesn’t break the skin.
I just need people to understand that I’m only one person that they are affecting right now. And if you don’t know what can be done with a curse or what it means or what areas they can do to manipulate your life, then you will be manipulated by them and demons.
Lessons o Learn About Identifying And Releasing Curses
So I have decided to share a few things…I would get very ill and develop a tumour and die of a lot of suffering. They put all this under 13 cloaks, 13 women, hiding something to do with me so I won’t find out. They curse me that everything will go wrong in my life and that I will be discredited, nobody will believe anything I say…
I have helped people release their curses…if you are having self harm thoughts, I can promise you there is a demon there. The first thing you have to do it cast it out, then you see what you have to deal with.
They will curse you to self abuse, they will curse you to be tempted to break your commitment to a spouse or partner. They curse that your partner or children or whoever it is will hate you; they really focus on relationships to break them.
Why Curses Focus On The Meridian System
And why tapping works so well
For those of you who are professional therapists and holistic coaches, they are very focused on the meridian system because they know the meridian system can help you. That’s why tapping works so well. They will focus on…cursing the meridian system to be blocked so you can’t heal. Always check your meridian systems for any curses because they will always focus there to keep you out of balance in your health life.
They usually curse to be deathly ill, all relationships will be broken, to live alone your whole life:
If you are a survivor, they can trap parts of you in a place that they can control
They will curse therapy to not work
They will make someone you love believe bad things about you
They will have you go bankrupt
They can manipulate your emotions – be depressed, angry, full of anxiety - to never see the truth
They will even put walls of coverings to have your relationship with God thwarted.
They will curse you to be publicly humiliated.
In some cases I have witnessed them go after people in lawfare which was a curse.
They will curse a lot to kill someone.
Further Information Revealed In Laura’s ‘OOPS’ Video:
In the past, they have had the advantage because people just did not know. We cannot let ignorance cause us to lose this battle.
What are curses
Examples of real curses that have been done to Laura and others
False beliefs about curses i.e. This can't happen to me, I am a Christian
3 things that must be done in order to destroy a curse
The main areas the witches curse people
How to recognize the Spirit of Jesus Christ and the fake Satanic light
How to witches put a mark on their enemy so all witches will see and help to cause harm to the person with the mark
Laura’s Puzzle Pieces Together Podcast Links
(15/1/24): Update: OOPS! I Have Pissed Some People Off Because of Last Week’s Podcast
(8/1/24): Urgent Message To All Professionals, Survivors, Podcasters
Laura broadcast her Urgent Message podcast in response to people posting online about experiencing spiritual attacks.
Rumble Description:
Tonight is an URGENT MESSAGE on my podcast. I will be speaking directly to all that have dedicated their life to helping others.
This will include:
Light Workers, Therapists, Ministries, Coaches, and all professionals that see clients in the area of trauma.
All podcasters sharing information on MK Ultra, The Cabal, or helping groups to go against the Deep State.
All Survivors from any kind of Cult groups.
I share this information with you to for the sole purpose to warn and provide solutions.
This information may surprise you, but if we stick together we will defeat the enemies plans.
Luciferian, Cabal's weakness...bringing out their secrets into the light.
About Laura Worley
‘Laura went to talk therapy for over 20 years. She was not healing. There was so much pain from her past. Exhausted, depressed, and desperate over all the memories, Laura said a prayer asking for help. She knew there had to be a better way.
As Laura continues to go forth in her work globally, it is her divine mission to bring the darkness out into the light. Because Laura knows the darkness all too well, she will never give up sharing her knowledge of the Cabal. It is important for the world to know the truth, so those who have been hurt by the Illuminati, Military, Satanic, and Witchcraft groups can become free.’
Website Link: Laura J Worley
About Laura Worley’s Books
Puzzle Pieces Together - Part 1
‘If you have ever wondered what governments, military, kings and queens, Deep State Cabal, secret societies, Satanic cults, Witchcraft, and Mind Control have in common, this book explains them all and will put all the puzzle pieces together.
The questions of why, how, where, when, and what has been done by the Cabal to create Mind Controlled Slaves are answered. This book will take a deep, deep dive into the Tree of Life and the Tree of Death, explaining how the devil turns all of God’s teachings upside down and then uses them to run his kingdom. Using Bible references, it will be shown what has been going on since the beginning of time.
Laura was prompted by the Lord to write a very different book than she originally planned. God said, it is important for people to understand why there are secret societies and what they are involved with at a global level. Secret societies include many groups, but this book addresses four groups specifically: Satanism, Illuminati, Military, and Witchcraft.
It is important for a survivor or therapist to understand the specific pieces and patterns that go into the programming of a person that has been under the control of these groups. When all the pieces are understood; healing, peace, and freedom can be found. This book takes an in depth look at the programming methods, purposes, and outcomes.’
Book Purchase Link: Puzzle Pieces to The Cabal, Mind Control and Slavery
Puzzle Pieces Together - Part 2
‘A complete manual for healing that reveals the base programs of mind control, the ages when core alters are created and a protocol of integration. Laura arms us with the truth about the multidimensional layering of trauma, programs, the hierarchy of entities and technology that fracture the mind into programmable parts.
Delivering these complexities in a simple, straightforward way, Laura brings a unique perspective through her lived experience as a survivor, coach and healer. Her incredible knowledge enables patterns to be identified that otherwise play out unconsciously, draining our energy and keeping us stuck.
By reverse engineering the amnesiac barriers surrounding the deepest dissociated parts, Laura enables survivors, therapists and holistic healers to comprehend the technology of MK Ultra mind control and begin integrating mind, body, emotions and spirit into balance and wholeness.
Book Purchase Link: Puzzle Pieces Together Manual - Pathway to Freedom
Until next time.
(Image: Indigenous Civilizations)