Something powerful is going on in Adelaide
My father was involved in the procurement of child rape material. The worst kind you could possibly imagine. Rachel Vaughan
Note: Sensitive readers may find this content distressing.
Written by Rachel Vaughan, Nov 19, 2024
Childhood photo of Rachel Vaughan
My heart goes out to every one of Alan Jones’ victims
The arrest of Alan Jones is timely. There will be many others exposed in the radio industry for similar crimes.
I was raped as a toddler by now deceased radio jock BF at Ch 9 studios in Adelaide. Afterwards, I was filmed whilst being raped by a man wearing the top half of a Humphrey B Bear suit.
I was told at age 18 by an individual who saw a pic of me as a toddler, that he once saw a child rape film of Humphrey Bear raping a child who looked just like me. My 1st cousin was the producer for the Humphrey B Bear show. My family were very friendly with members of Ch 9 studios.
The radio jock I mentioned above was actively involved with Ch 9. Debi Marshall in her book ‘Banquet: The Untold Story of Adelaide’s Family Murders’ states on pg 265 that my father ‘Allen Max McIntyre worked in the television industry at Channel 9..’
My father was involved in the procurement of child rape material. The worst kind you could possibly imagine. I was recently given a Victim of Crime payment by the South Australian govt in recognition of the horrific abuse my father perpetrated against me as a child. This was an Ex Gratia payment due to the fact my father died in 2017 & I was unable to get a conviction.
On hearing of my win, an astonished barrister friend stated that VOC claims on Ex Gratia terms are virtually unheard of in SA. The fact that I was successful indicates something powerful is going on in Adelaide.
My heart goes out to every one of Alan Jones’ victims. The fact that the Child Abuse and Sex Crimes Squad is investigating this case indicates that it is not exclusively ‘young men’ making these allegations.
As I have said repeatedly in interviews, the radio waves are utilised by demonic entities. This is why schizophrenics so often described discarnate voices that harass & goad them into harming themselves or others.
Demons use the audible sense to communicate with the living. I believe this is why there are so many paedophiles who work as radio jocks.
Spread this around. Show them their misinformation/disinformation BS is over.
Updates from Rachel Vaughan’s Telegram Channel
March 8, 2025
This is my latest interview with Dale Holmes – I give a presentation with all the evidence linking my father to many crimes. As well as a chronology of the digs at the Castalloy Factory.
I have put as much info into the presentation as possible to explain the connection between my father and multiple child abductions and murders, and the reason why authorities have refused to properly investigate him.
To watch on Dale’s Rumble Channel:
To watch on my Rumble:
To watch on my Bitchute:
Links for further research:
Today Tonight 2017 Max McIntyre admission to the Beaumont children being brough to our Macklin Street Edwardstown house in the boot of a car:
Article with the above info from 2015:
Edwardstown tunnel vlog:
To download the Edwardstown tunnel PDF:
Evidence linking Alan Maxwell McIntyre to the disappearance of the Beaumont children:
Evidence linking Alan Maxwell McIntyre to the disappearance of Richard Kelvin and (Tracey) Louise Bell:
SRA conference presentation July 2023:
Glandore Boys Home evidence:
Rachel Vaughan testimony for KLA TV – 15 minutes in:
Rachel Vaughan ITNJ testimony:
Andrew McIntyre ITNJ testimony:
Shaun Attwood interview with Rachel Vaughan 2020:
Guardian Room of the Dead article:
Petition to dig at Stansbury to exhume the remains of the Beaumont children:
Follow Dale here:
Rachel Vaughan genuine links– please beware of impersonators. I don’t send PM’s on Telegram or Messenger. I don’t sell any type of coin/crypto:
March 1, 2025
Good to hear that South Australia's Stansbury community on the Yorke Peninsula support the sinkhole dig for the Beaumont children's remains. Many more children are allegedly buried there.
Former Premier Mike Rann and Attorney-General Michael Atkinson's 80 year Mullighan suppression order includes a flimsy clause that has prevented SA Police from investigating the property.
But does that clause apply to independent and appropriately qualified forensic investigators? Or can the current property owners give permission to conduct a private dig and bypass the cult establishment that has held up the Beaumont children case for 59 years for fear of unravelling and exposing their entire masonic, parallel cult world?
Rachel and her surviving siblings have been campaigning for 18 long years to dig their father's former property.
March 1, 2025
March 2, 2025
(Image source: Rachel Vaughan, Telegram)
Written by Rachel Vaughan
According to today’s Sunday Mail, Stansbury locals are keen for a dig at my father Alan Maxwell McIntyre’s former property at Stansbury on the Yorke Peninsula for the 3 Beaumont children.
In April 2006 I submitted my 1st statutory declaration to SA police regarding the abuse my father perpetrated against me as a child.
It has taken 18 years of campaigning by myself & two siblings Andrew & Ruth to have our father recognised as the mass murdering sadistic paedophile that he was.
The plot of land that my father once owned is lot 18 McIntyre Place. He told me as a child that the number 18 was the devils number: 6+6+6=18.
McIntyre means ‘son of a mason.’ It is not lost on me that the town name Stansbury includes the word BURY. By campaigning to have his plot of land called McIntyre Place, my father was pointing out his ‘treasures’ hidden there - the remains of his many victims. As well as his connection to freemasonry. His grandfather Joseph Wright was Grand President of the Grand Lodge. A very high up freemason.
People need to understand just how complicated a man my father was. Serial killers intentionally leave clues. The etymology and the numbers are significant. He set it up this way.
My father went by his middle name ‘Max’. The other significant individual involved in the abuse of one of my father’s victims - (Tracey) Louise Bell - was ex chief inspector of SA police & convicted paedophile GRAHAM Bennett Fraser.
Fraser was protected from prosecution for 23 years, for the abuses for which he was finally convicted in 2009. At the time of his conviction Fraser was living in Minlaton, Stansbury’s neighbouring town.
When (Tracey) Louise Bell went missing, her earrings were left on the corner of Doctors Road and South Road in HACKham, with their location ‘phoned’ in. This location sits between Maxwell Road and Graham Avenue. The Bell name was a nod to my father’s work at Telecom, & the telecommunications bunker she was trafficked through. Alexander GRAHAM BELL invented the telephone. Her first real name – Tracey – undisclosed to the public but told to me in 1983 by my father, & validated in recent years by one of her childhood friends, related to his work as a line-tapper TRACING calls.
Today’s Sunday Mail article on the case is on page 18.
Proof of the telecommunications bunker at Macklin Street Edwardstown:
Satanists play games at the expense of those who are not ‘in the club.’
March 2, 2025 - Written by Rachel Vaughan
I am sharing again my May '24 post: There is a golfing term known as ‘having a Mulligan’ – which is ‘widely recognised and accepted in the world of golf. It is used to describe a do-over or a second chance to replay a shot, usually without incurring a penalty.’
As I have posted on this platform before, a major crime detective recently admitted to my brother Andrew McIntyre that Adelaide’s major crime department KNOW our father was involved in the disappearance & murders of the 3 Beaumont children. But they cannot investigate my father’s 2 former properties for the remains of his victims because of the suppression order on the Mullighan Inquiry.
The Mullighan Inquiry involved the deaths & disappearances in custody of South Australian state wards. The Beaumont disappearance is outside the terms of reference of that inquiry. Proving our father’s involvement in the disappearance, sex-trafficking, & murders of an unknown number of state wards.
As my siblings & I have been alleging for the past 18 years.
Satanists love to play on words – it’s called spell casting. They are also obsessed with names, and often use them in their efforts to control the population.
Apart from the golfing analogy already mentioned here, there is also a game called Go. As a child, my brother Andrew was witness to adults playing the game of Go at the main Freemason Lodge on North Terrace in Adelaide. Andrew would always be drugged for these forays. Andrew believes they were playing other games with children at that location.
Satanists like to play games at the expense of those who are not ‘in the club.’
The Mullighan Inquiry was an opportunity for Adelaide’s elite paedophiles and psychopaths to ‘have a Mulligan’ – to clear the playing board and avoid penalty.
And it worked. To date, as far as I am aware, only two convictions have occurred in relation to that inquiry – despite the naming of hundreds of perpetrators.
The decades long suppression order on the Mullighan inquiry is preventing investigations into COUNTLESS felonies perpetrated against South Australian children. As well as keeping many patsies in jail to cover for the true perpetrators.
We need to obliterate these suppression orders that prevent investigation into serious crimes against children. Otherwise these heinous acts will continue, & the criminals who perpetrate them will remain in power.
Below are links to the overwhelming evidence PROVING my father’s involvement in a multitude of crimes:
My father’s video-taped admission that he knew what happened to the Beaumont children - Today Tonight, Mark Mooney 2017; Alan Maxwell McIntyre breaks his silence on the 'Beaumont Killings':
My brother Andrew McIntyre on the Stansbury sink hole where the Beaumont children are buried:
Additional Links
The research proving the existence of the tunnels in Edwardstown through which I was sex trafficked & used as a honey pot as a child in the 70’s and 80’s:
27 minute short presentation on the evidence of my father’s crimes & Adelaide’s cult ‘elite’ - Jeanette Archer’s July 2023 SRA conference:
Evidence linking my father to the disappearance of the 3 Beaumont children:
Evidence linking my father to the disappearances of Family murder victim Richard Kelvin, and (Tracey) Louise Bell:
Until next time.
Brave, brave people to say the most horrific abuses that were done to them. My hats off to the survivors and to you Linda, for daring to write about it.
I believe all this information. I cringe when I think of what you suffered as a child. I can't believe that people turn a blind eye to the suffering of all that you children have endured. Sending you love and hope.