The age of protected pedophiles and ritual abuse of children is over
'Together we will bring down the wall of protection.' Dr Juliette Engel, child CIA MK-Ultra and Sex Magick cult survivor (via Jimmy Dore)
19 May 2024
Thank you to Jimmy Dore & Co, Douglas Macgregor and Dr Juliette Engel for giving all cult survivors, children and families the world over, a louder and stronger voice.
'Together we will bring down the wall of protection that currently shields the monsters preying on our children. The age of the protected pedophiles and ritual abuse of children is over.'
- Dr Juliette Engel, child CIA MK-Ultra and Sex Magick cult survivor
(Run time: 25 mins)
Predictably, the target of the globalist elite is our children. Our children are under attack by vaccines, television and social media. In schools, children are attacked by radicalised teachers, drag queens and transgenders. Parents trust churches to provide moral education and guidance but the churches are also often infiltrated and hence misguided. Even radicalised. Our Country, Our Choice believes in keeping children safe. Raising them to love their families, their country and seek divine guidance, is our first priority.
(Retired US Army colonel) Douglas Macgregor, CEO, Our Country, Our Choice
The Cult Diagnosis is Terminal
In my biased opinion, the multibillion dollar, global child sex trafficking racket and protected ‘elite’ pedophile cult, aided and abetted by mute, complicit, often sexually compromised, blackmailed politicians and media figures, has officially been diagnosed with a terminal disease and now faces certain death. Complicit American and Australian governments please take note.
(22/5/24 - Rachel Vaughan - Telegram)
Lawful Agents of Change Have Arrived
Dr Juliette Engel leads the new Our Country Our Choice action response team called Protect Our Children. Members are patriots from all walks of life who all recognise that our children are at risk like never before. Child trafficking and abuse are endemic in the USA, Australia and beyond.
My research about Australia's heavily corrupted systems has led me to the same conclusion as Dr Juliette Engel, that government, from local to federal, is often complicit and nothing will change for the better unless we become lawful agents of change and do it ourselves.
Dr Juliette Engel’s Video Message from the Jimmy Dore Show
Institutionalized trafficking is not new in our country.
I was trafficked in 1955, at the age of 6 when my father sold me to a CIA handler in the MK Ultra program, Sex Magick.
I grew up in a cult of mind control, satanic ritual abuse, sexual abuse and soul stealing black masses often conducted in tunnels under Disneyland. I escaped at the age of 17 to begin a new life by enrolling in university and then medical school.
As a doctor, I forgot my medical past and had no memory of my childhood. Years later, in the 1990s, when I was working on maternal and infant health care reform in Russia, I discovered that one third of babies born in the former Soviet Union, were being abandoned at birth and sent to orphanages. From there, many were taken to other countries for sex and organ trafficking.
We facilitated the rescues of over 70,000 people
I organised a nationwide questionnaire, the first in the former Soviet Union and uncovered the extent of kidnapping, abductions and trafficking from each region. I also discovered that Germany, the United States and Israel were the three major receiving countries of trafficked women and children.
In 2001, I took my findings with over 500,000 pieces of data collected from 15 former republics of the USSR to the United Nations, to the US State department and to Congress. They chose to ignore my clear evidence of trafficking rings operating between Russia and the United States. In the meantime, over my objections, the state department issued their annual Trafficking In Persons report showing that the US had no trafficking problem.
I continued my work in Russia by building an underground railroad for the rescue, return and repatriation of trafficking victims. Within 10 years, we facilitated the rescues of over 70,000 people. In 2010 I was warned out of Moscow by Russian military intelligence who feared for my safety.
Young students are being sexualized and indoctrinated with radical communist ideologies
When I returned home to the United States, I was shocked at how the well being of our children had deteriorated to third world status. Schools are unsafe. Young students are being sexualized and indoctrinated with radical communist ideologies. Birth rates are down. Abortion rates are rising. Transgenderism and pedophilia are being forced on students in kindergarten.
Mind control is rampant and comprises a head-on assault to the future of America and the human race
I can no longer ignore the painful links to my own past. As a trafficked child in the 1950s, I was indoctrinated into the green agenda, depopulation, satanism, ritual abuse and futuristic plans for the death of the American soul.
The degeneracy that was birthed underground in the MK-Ultra programs of the 50s and 60s is now mainstream. Mind control is rampant and comprises a head-on assault to the future of America and the human race. Dark forces have infiltrated our nation and attacked our children. This is a war, patriots, a war that we must win.
Our children require a safe, loving environment. They deserve loving homes in the care of their parents. They must build healthy bodies, strong, independent minds and a moral compass that will carry our nation into the future as stewards of the beautiful world that God gave us.
Our Country, Our Choice - Together we will bring down the wall of pedophile protection
Our Country, Our Choice, has formed an action response team to protect our children. These dedicated patriots are gathering actionable data on child abuse, abduction and trafficking in America.
Together we will bring down the wall of protection that currently shields the monsters preying on our children. The age of the protected pedophiles and ritual abuse of children is over. Together we will bring down the wall of protection.
Please visit and learn more about our cause and my personal story. Then join us in the defense of our future. Thank you.
Our Country Our Children
A life devoted to saving children. Meet Dr. Juliette Engel.
I was born into a family of American intelligence operatives. My grandfather and his four brothers were OSS operatives in Europe during the Second World War. They were in Nuremberg, Germany during the Nazi trials and were instrumental in the resettlement of hundreds of Nazi scientists from the concentration camps of Germany and Poland into the United States under Project Paperclip. My uncle Wally was recruited into the OSS at the age of fourteen. After serving at Bletchley Park as a cryptologist on the Enigma project, he became a founder of the National Security Agency, the NSA.
In 1955, my parents sold me to the CIA’s newly established Bluebird program. I was six years old. My childhood was defined from then on by MK-Ultra, an illegal program of mind control and experimentation signed into existence by Secretary of State John Foster Dulles in 1953.
… At age ten, I was selected for Sex Magick because I was tall, smart, and pretty. They were training me to be a sexual spy—a Vril girl. They taught me the art of seduction as well as physics, ariosophy, cybernetics, and selective genocide. I was introduced to the demonic “Green Agenda” which has nothing to do with chlorophyll but refers to the extinction of the human soul and removal of human life from Planet Earth.
…In 1990 an invitation came from doctors in the Soviet Union to be the first Western doctor to visit Russian birth houses and advise the Ministry of Health. The horror that I discovered in Birth House #70, one of Moscow’s best, changed the course of my life.
It was birth by terror. The brutality of the medical staff, the screams of pain and fear, and the stench of rotting blood left me dizzy, nauseated. My guide and interpreter, Dr. Yuri Puchkov escorted me into a dark corridor where mothers who had just delivered lay along one side, their unattended, unwashed infants in bassinets on the other side. “What the hell is this?” I demanded.
…I sold my medical practice and founded the non-profit MiraMed Institute. Over the next year, I recruited doctors and nurses to fly to Moscow and conduct focus groups on childbirth with professionals and Russian women in their homes. That was how I learned that children from the birth houses and orphanages were being sold and sent overseas for prostitution and organ trafficking.
For the next ten years, I developed and ran the Angel Coalition, an underground railroad that rescued and repatriated 70,000 sex-trafficking survivors. I returned to America in 2009 when my protégé was murdered and Russian Military Intelligence warned that I would be next.
On returning to back to the United States, I discovered that pedophilia had become a defining moral issue of our American nation. Pedophiles had infiltrated government, academia, entertainment and law enforcement. The coverup of this crime requires collusion between intelligence agencies, government officials and a complicit media. To weed it out of our lives, we must understand how deep the roots are entwined in our society. To do that, we must listen to the victims. I understood that it was time to acknowledge my own victimhood as a trafficked child.
My memoir, Sparky: Surviving Sex Magick— lays bare the origins of government sponsored child sexual abuse in America. It is my coming-of-age story as one little girl who was determined to survive, grow up strong and protect other children from harm.
Please visit my website at to order my books then join me by joining Our Country Our Children as a child advocate in your community.
We are at war, Patriots. This is a war we must win to save our children and the future of our nation.
Read the full story here: Our Country Our Children
(Juliette Engel - Image source
Until next time.