The Illegal COVID Jab Is A Covert Blood Magic Ritual That Disconnects You From God/Source
Healer Leah Ray confirms the toxic jab allows harmful entity attachments that can be removed with skilled spiritual intervention, and illegally altered DNA can be realigned with our God given DNA.
Jump straight to the Journey to Truth Video: Leah Ray: The Weapons Of Spiritual Warfare | Demonic Takeover of the Entertainment Industry
Website: Leah Ray Light
Why Leah Ray’s Revelations Are So Important For All Healers and Health Practitioners To Be Aware Of
Leah Ray is an Intuitive Medicine Wellness Coach and rare ‘full spectrum’ healer with important information to share with humankind. The excerpts from her Journey to Truth interview that I have chosen to share in this article, primarily focus on her healing experiences and guidance about spiritual protocols and the dark truth about the COVID blood magic ritual that was illegally forced upon the world by high level, dark occult criminals.
This is particularly important information for healers and all practitioners working in health related fields. A small percentage of people on the planet are appropriately gifted and skilled at removing entities and I would recommend seeking out their support for clients before proceeding with any healing work so they can be checked for entity attachments and have them removed.
Australian healers are reportedly being attacked quite frequently and are largely unaware of the criminal black blood magic involved in the luciferian/satanic, COVID-WEF ‘Great Reset’ racket. They have been attempting to covertly turn all humans into robotic, genetically modified, 24/7 tracked, transhumans with the assistance of complicit governments, media and law enforcement organisations, health institutions and other deceptive/deceived players.
What a dark, demonic movie we have been moving through. Time to emerge from the darkness and write our own script. Enlightenment, here we come.
‘I saw the entity as driving their soul – their body – in the driver’s seat.’ - Leah Ray
The enemy is so smart with this – it’s kind of genius in a sick way.
In the energy world, I never had problems clearing people. And with the jab, I had a hard time clearing entities off people and I was asking why. My acupuncturist said, ‘this is blood magic’ and I’m like, ‘You’re so right. I forgot. You’re right.’
Tyler: So, you saw entities attached to people through the jab?
Leah: I stopped doing massage because my regulars started getting jabbed. I would always clear their energy once a week, so I knew I could go into their home and knew it was something I could clear quickly… it was no big deal. But after they got the jab, their energy would be different.
It was almost like I hit a block, a huge wall, energetically. When I opened up to the energy, I would get a tingling, horrible…I would get pokes up and down my spine. It was almost like mosquito bites. Jabs up and down my spine. And it would be so horrific. It would be like an hour and a half of torture. And then I would realise there is an entity here and it’s attacking me because I’m trying to clear it.
I called in my resources, my archangels, my whole group that I would normally work with and said, ‘this is torture for me’. I would get hot and it was so painful for me and I would ask (the client), ‘what did you do that was different this week?’ and I already knew. They already showed me where the energy was coming from – it came from the jab.
The saddest part was having to mourn a lot of people, but that’s their choice, their lesson, they allowed this. I saw the entity as driving their soul – their body – in the driver’s seat. Their soul would be behind their body – outside of it – or somewhere in the back. And they didn’t have their own authority anymore. And this entity would be driving their whole soul and that’s where their personality would change.
Leah Ray
Primary Topics Covered in Part One of Leah Ray’s Revelations
Energy Clearing, Entity Removal, Planned Parenthood Underground Black Market, DNA Evidence of Genetic Modification, Healing from the covert, illegal, COVID Blood Magic Ritual, Attacked by Jab Entities, How To Realign Your DNA Back To God’s Given DNA, They Don’t Want You To Know The Vaccine Is Cutting Off Your God/Source Connection, Bill and Hillary Clinton
Transcript Excerpts
Leah: I had an insanely wealthy client who was really kind and I would do energy work before I massaged him. He was also sensitive and let me open his Akashic records multiple times…
Once he went to a holocaust museum in Europe and I didn’t clear myself after I cleared his house and him, just after he came back from his trip. When I went home, I dreamed I was burnt alive the whole night and it was just a weird energy…I couldn’t clear these energies and asked him what he had been doing because there was an energy that felt like it wanted to be with him.
Planned Parenthood Black Market
He said he had stem cell therapy with one of the best specialists in the world and it was supposed to heal him. I asked him if he knew where this tissue came from and he said, so, what did you see? And I said, the energy said it was on the black market and was from Planned Parenthood.
I was so naïve then too (about 10 years ago) and hadn’t gone down that rabbit hole yet. So I said, what do you mean Planned Parenthood? They were showing there’s a black market where you can get stem cells from aborted fetuses and other stuff and they are using them. It’s a whole underground market. I didn’t know this at the time and did some research afterwards. There is a truth behind it. This is a whole insane market.
He said, tell me what you saw. And I said, I saw 2 mothers and 3 infants. One of the mothers was mentally insane…I’m sorry I couldn’t clear it. But I asked what you’re supposed to do with this energy and your guides said you need to honor and thank that energy for trying to help you heal. Give thanks to it and let it go to the light so it can be reincarnated. He said ok and asked if they were black babies and I said yeah, it was a black family.
I was really sad by it afterwards because when I researched Planned Parenthood and all the areas it’s located, why they push these sacrificial rituals so much and in certain cultures, I got shifted a lot with the energy work and was grateful. But I would mourn.
Why Both Healers And Clients Must Do Their ‘Spiritual Homework’
When I saw my client again, he hadn’t done his spiritual work and the energy hadn’t cleared. I asked my co-worker if I was allowed to clear the energy and she said, no, he hadn’t done his spiritual work, that’s for him. So now, that will be in his karma. You don’t have to do anything. You can only do so much. I can’t do other people’s homework.
I wanted to help as much as I can to the point of exhausting myself and that’s when I realised too, that people have their own stuff to do. I have my own homework. They have theirs. And you have to give them that spiritual lesson. I realised I was trying to do too much.
Tyler: How many people are walking around with attachments like that from something from stem cell therapy? We have no way of knowing. If someone isn’t on that spiritual path, who knows what kind of spiritual baggage they are carrying around with them? And it could be manipulating their behaviour in ways they don’t even comprehend.
The COVID Jab Was A Blood Magic Ritual
Leah: That’s why I realised that some spiritual groups don’t want blood transfusions. That’s when I learned…that the jab…was a blood magic ritual.
It was blood and human DNA put into another human DNA. That’s when I realised this is going to be harder to clear because now you are putting other DNA into your own blood and its blood magic. The enemy is so smart with this – it’s kind of genius in a sick way.
In the energy world, I never had problems clearing people. And with the jab, I had a hard time clearing entities off people and I was asking why. My acupuncturist said this is blood magic and I’m like, you’re so right. I forgot. You’re right.
Nothing Less Than Genetic Modification
PharmaFiles post: 12 March 2024
The People’s Voice: Scientists Discover 'Alien DNA' Hidden in Blood of Vaccinated People
(Gates is referring to the magic of ‘vaccines’)
Attacked By A Jab Entity During An Energy Clearing
Tyler: So, you saw entities attached to people through the jab?
Leah: I stopped doing massage because my regulars started getting jabbed. I would always clear their energy once a week, so I knew I could go into their home and knew it was something I could clear quickly – it was no big deal. But after they got the jab, their energy would be different.
It was almost like I hit a block, a huge wall, energetically. When I opened up to the energy, I would get a tingling, horrible…I would get pokes up and down my spine. It was almost like mosquito bites. Jabs up and down my spine. And it would be so horrific. It would be like an hour and a half of torture. And then I would realise there is an entity here and it’s attacking me because I’m trying to clear it.
I called in my resources, my archangels, my whole group that I would normally work with and said, this is torture for me. I would get hot and it was so painful for me and I would ask, what did you do that was different this week? and I already knew. They already showed me where the energy was coming from – it came from the jab.
I Saw The Entity Driving Their Soul - Their Body
The saddest part was having to mourn a lot of people, but that’s their choice, their lesson. They allowed this. I saw the entity as driving their soul – their body – in the driver’s seat. Their soul would be behind their body – outside of it – or somewhere in the back. And they didn’t have their own authority anymore…this entity would be driving their whole soul and that’s where their personality would change.
It wasn’t just that this entity would be hanging around, they were thinking about cheating on their fiancé. They were telling me about it. They would tell me, oh I could just do a line of coke and sleep with these whore around me. It was speaking a language that was low vibrational and these were spiritual people who a week earlier, didn’t have that thought process, or that low vibrational language. Like, I’m going to fuck this girl on a boat and my fiancé won’t even know. It was not them.
That’s when I got so sad. They got taken. They got totally taken.
I’d Rather Die Than Take That Thing
Tyler: So these were people that you worked on for years, potentially, and then overnight with the jab – vaccine – they were different. They were changed. So the vaccine was a way to introduce an entity to oversoul this person.
Leah: Yeah. I would cry a lot, to release. I lived by the ocean so I would paddle board every day and go and release the energy and try to clear myself. If I didn’t clear myself, I would go to sleep with their dreams and nightmares about where their energy was. So I had to do my diligence and go out on my paddleboard in the middle of the bay and just cry. But then manatees showed up, or stingrays or dolphins, so it was like, thank you, I’m gonna be ok.
But that’s when I realised that satan, the devil, whatever, had lower frequencies going on, these darker forces, and that they had just stolen a billion souls…or however many. It just clicked that they just got a whole bunch of new souls on their side. They stole them.
Aaron: Hijacked.
Leah: Hijacked. Well, that’s exactly right. Everyone is saying, well, that’s their free will and I totally understand that part. I didn’t think a lot of people had that switch that turned on that said, holy shit, we’re at war. I had that switch immediately. It just showed up, thank God.
I was trying to be a whistleblower and I lost a lot of friends and family but at the same time, it was like ok, I have to honour their soul’s journey. For a lot of people, it was like, I have to do it to keep my job ‘cos I have 3 kids and they didn’t have the strength, that warrior, like, I’d rather die than take that thing, which was in me.
Then, I had to rationalise. I opened up to the earth’s energy and there were plans for a whole lot of souls exiting but I just got sad that they got hijacked to the other side, the darker forces. Then I was like, ok, maybe this is all part of it. Maybe they weren’t meant to stay in the higher vibrational energies.
Healing Migraines With Blue Blood Horseshoe Crabs
A woman called about her son in New York. I asked his higher self if I could open up to his energy and he said yes. This was fascinating. They showed his blood was like tar. Then they showed blue blood from a horseshoe crab…and that he needed a blood transfusion.
She asked why her son was having debilitating migraines to the point where he couldn’t work or do anything. They showed he got the jab and everything went toxic. A heavy metal toxicity in someone’s body usually shows as a lot of dark energy. I usually get pictures but for him, it was like tar in his veins. They showed that horseshoe crab blood would help this person and it would be better blood than he has, which was fully toxic.
Then they put a metal helmet over his third eye, energetically, and said that it was causing his migraines. His guides said he needed to start using chlorophyll, spirulina, start doing blood cleansing, heavy metal cleansing, and certain allergies so the heavy metal wouldn’t be re-uploaded into the digestive tract and intestinal tract. It would be pulled out, like a binding energy.
Blue Blood Horseshoe Crabs Going Extinct In Massachusetts
So I would write this stuff down and do Pub Med searches to see. I found out that horseshoe crabs, especially in Massachusetts, are going extinct because the scientists for the pharmaceutical companies are taking the blood and doing all these experiments with it…they puncture, I think, the heart of the animal and take the blood. Only 30% of them survive when they try to reintroduce it back.
Long story short, they are executing these poor animals in the name of pharmaceutical ‘research’. It was a crazy rabbit hole. But people’s energy are saying that you can detox from this.
Calling In Wisdom Energy
When I opened up to people who had the jab, I would get attacked, in terms of energy. I would still feel that same attack. I’d take on headaches and their pain in their body. So then I had to block myself and made up new guidelines: I will only let myself feel pain for 5 seconds, as more of a wisdom energy of this is what’s happening in that person’s body.
I even had someone with AIDS – HIV and his guides said he could totally clear himself of it. He was supposed to be on a strict diet of certain juices and high vibrational foods and sprouts. They were almost like a lime green energy.
Realign Your DNA Back To God’s Given DNA
For people who got the vax, they had to align themselves back with God. Many people’s guides said you have to ask to realign your DNA back to God’s given DNA. Throughout the day. Pray, give thanks and ask for forgiveness – almost bow down in humbleness and say, please align me to God’s given DNA. Reactivate me back to God’s alignment.
There was a prayer they had to do multiple times a day for months in order to clear themselves and get back into alignment with God and nature. They were supposed to lay down on the earth multiple times a day to realign their energy fields.
They Don’t Want You To Know The Vaccine Is Cutting Off Your God/Source Connection
Tyler: The most interesting thing to me, was when everyone was sharing stuff all over the internet, I was sharing all kinds of stuff and surprisingly it wasn’t getting flagged.
The one post that actually got removed – Instagram gave me an account removal warning – was a post I made that said, what they actually don’t want you to know about the vaccine is that it is cutting you off from Source. It’s cutting off your god connection. And that’s the post that got removed. It wasn’t the ones I was sharing with all the harmful ingredients and all the statistics and data. They didn’t care about that. I tried to tell people that it was cutting you off from Source.
Aaron: You were over the target, right.
Tyler: Right.
Leah: And that’s the sad part. Unfortunately, they are masters in their demonic ways. A lot of people’s pineal glands would also get really cloudy. When I worked with them before, we could clear it energetically with their guides.
I do what I call an energy reboot to their system and usually can clear all that. It’s like a foggy energy around their pineal gland. But with the jab/vax, it would be so blocked that they couldn’t connect to Source. They didn’t want to. They got this angry, horrible energy around them – to me it’s like sticky, icky and spikey – and it’s sad because they don’t care.
I felt a lot of them didn’t care that they were no longer connected.
I Saw This Demon Like Reptilian Thing Shrink Down Into A Faery
Tyler: I understand that. I used to have that same reaction around church and religion and in particular, Jesus. When I would see that name or hear it, I would get aggravated. I never thought anything about it until after my awakening and I had cleared all the entities and stuff.
But I had a session with Laura Van Tyne and she removed an entity that had been with me my whole life. She said to me, ‘Do you know who you are? You carry a Christ consciousness, you carry this energy and this thing was assigned to you to make sure you never remembered it…when she removed this thing, let me tell you, it was like an exorcism…even my eyes were a different colour after it. It was there to make sure I didn’t remember who I was and remember that connection with Source.
After that session, I lay down to take a nap because it was so exhausting and when I closed my eyes, I saw this demon like reptilian thing shrunk down into a faery. And he was literally given a new life to start over, as a faery. And he was all pouty about it, sitting there on a tree limb with all these other faeries and looking at me like, you motherfu*#er. His punishment was that he couldn’t be a big dark demon anymore. He was a little powerless faery.
Aaron: Faeries are awesome, though. I don’t think that’s a punishment. To him it might have been.
Tyler: It was almost like he was allowed to be a faery with a memory of who he was. Like he was stuck in that realm.
Becoming Invisible To Creepy, Weird Energies And Seeing That Beautiful Christ Consciousness
Leah: I also had an attachment on me since I was a teenager and it was cleared, thank God. Certain people were attracted to me. And I was like, oh gosh, why are they attracted to me?
Aaron: Super creepy?
Leah: Yeah, like in a creepy way. Some of them were super powerful. Or like billionaires…in Miami terms, I was really conservative because I was from New England, that puritanical upbringing type. I was a little more conservative dressed than the people around me.
It would be the weirdest thing. They would be super drawn to me in a weird creepy way. When I started doing energy work, I said, do I have a symbol on my aura or something that attracts these people? I had one energy worker when I was 20 and she said I had an attachment which scares really gentle, kind souls away. And I was like, what? That stinks. And I always wondered why she didn’t help me remove it but I guess she wasn’t allowed to or who knows?
Years later when I got it removed, all of a sudden it was like I was invisible to those creepy, weird energies. And that’s when I started to open up other people’s energies. I would see if they had dark symbols in their aura. And I would also see that beautiful Christ Consciousness.
I, too, didn’t want to go to a church or hear any kind, gentle love that was around me or people that would say God bless you. After I was cleared, I said, oh my God, God bless you too. It was such a beautiful honoring. But that’s when I got to see that heart connection that shows up you don’t have when you have darker things around you all the time.
Tyler: Right. It wasn’t even there all the time. It was just hanging out, not even with me, until a situation arose when it needed to come in. When I got too close to remembering, or something, that’s when it would come in. Thank God that was cleared.
Meeting Hillary and Bill Clinton
Tyler: This is such a fascinating conversation. I want to go backwards, all the way to you meeting Hillary and Bill Clinton and what you saw with them.
Leah: I was a teenager helping out a 90 year old lady on Martha’s Vineyard. It was just a job for me. I loved the ocean and the vineyard was always a magical place for me as a child. I ended up just driving her around but she was in the political realm. Her husband was one of Rosa Park’s attorneys back in Alabama. She was a southern belle and wrote a book on going into that southern belle lifestyle.
There was a lot of political people who would show up. I didn’t care because all I wanted to do was go to the beach. But they are really into the Clintons and the 90 year old’s daughter ended up working for Killary and the reason why I call her Killary is because of all the rabbit holes. But I didn’t know much about them.
I grew up in Massachusetts and I’m a recovering Liberal. I mean, it’s just insanity for me to even think like that. It was just around me so much and I thought I was doing good and justice and all this stuff when it was the furthest from the truth.
She Was Staring Into The Darkness, Just Zombified. And It’s Killary
They had a 90th birthday for this woman and Lady Bird Johnson was there. The next week, they had a party for Bill Clinton. I was getting two dishes for my 90 year old lady and then my dish.
Someone’s next to me, saying, Oh are you going to eat all that? Oh, I love your earrings and I love your hair. And I’m 16. I look over and it’s Bill. And I’m like, oh, this guy is interesting. I didn’t feel anything though, except, I could see why he could charm people. That’s all I got. It was a little much because I was too young and it was a little weird. Some creepy old guys can be like that. It was this weird energy but it wasn’t like, I want to throw up.
So, there’s a beautiful outdoor porch surrounded by beautiful bushes and hedges so you can’t see who’s there. And as I’m walking, I’m getting this sickening feeling like I’m going to throw up. I was like, oh my god, I didn’t eat anything bad today, why do I feel like this? And every step I took closer, I was like, I’m really going to throw up, now. And as I turned the corner, the 90 year old lady was sitting right there. As I was putting her food down, I was looking toward the corner and there’s this lady just staring out. Nobody is around her. She’s staring into the darkness, like, just zombified. And it’s Killary.
And that’s the same energy I got when I met Puff Daddy, some of the people I met that I knew were murderers, just from the (Miami) nightclub world. It was the same energy but hers was so profound. Because it was like her dark aura was…oh God, you could feel it from 30 feet away. It was so heavy on so many scales of darkness. It was a weird thing. I didn’t know much at that time. I had gone down a few rabbit holes but I was just 16 and all I wanted to do was go to the ocean, so I didn’t really care so much.
As I researched later, I was like, oh gosh, no wonder! They celebrated their honeymoons, their anniversaries in Haiti and you find out the whole Haitian scandals. When I was living in Miami, I didn’t know how much different energy there was and people that practiced Santeria voodoo and all that – there’s a lot of energy that shows up with those practices.
(Image: The People’s Voice, Rumble)
Link: Hillary Clinton Named 'Person of Interest' in Child Sex Trafficking Investigation
Who Would Have Ever Thought The Jab Would Allow an Entity Attachment?
Tyler: It’s interesting, we do a lot of research and learn a lot about what you’re sharing with us but it’s not often we get to talk to people who have first hand experiences and are also able to see other dimensions or realms like you can.
It’s just amazing to hear first hand accounts because it helps people, for one, to understand that this isn’t like some online theory. This is a real thing – this energy working through these people that we need to be aware of. Not just so we can avoid it, but so we don’t allow it into our lives. Right now, it’s really tricky to navigate because it’s everywhere. Like who would ever have thought that getting the jab is going to be allowing an entity attachment?
Leah: Well, yeah. I thought my whole journey in this lifetime was to reach enlightenment so I wouldn’t have to come back. Somehow when I was about 3 or 4, I remember a thought showing up in my head saying, you have to do this life right. You don’t want to come back. You don’t want to do this over again. It’s too hard.
It Was Hard For Me To Date – I Would Dream My Boyfriend’s Dreams
I remember thinking that I have to do this life right and of course I probably did everything wrong. In my 20s when I was in the nightclub world, I drank heavily because it was so heavy and so much for me to deal with. Not just the people’s energy but in the massage world, too, I would pick up a headache, their pain or their trauma. I would know if they were abused, how they were abused.
It would be so much overwhelming energy and information that I thought was so private. It was like, ‘I don’t want to know all these things. Why are you telling me this? Why are you sharing all this with me? It was hard for me to date – I would dream my boyfriend’s dreams. It was weird. I would know if they were cheating on me, what shirt they would wear or who it was with – I would see it ahead of time or dream about it. It’s really hard to navigate that world and try to be ‘normal’.
Now looking back, I’m honored and so grateful because hopefully I can help someone else and raise their frequency. Because that’s what I learned I had to do in order to not pick up people’s pain or suffering or even thoughts that are not mine. I have to ask, is this my thought? It’s like, no you just walked through a room and picked up all their thoughts. But if I can help someone find relief, it’s an honour.
I literally would like to be a hermit and hide under a rock but then I’m like, no if this is what I’m here for, then I will do the work. It was hard to get to this place…there was a lot of times I was like, why in the world would anyone choose this journey of seeing all – the full spectrum of stuff?
You Can Reach Enlightenment By Patting Your Cat
When I did ayahuasca I wanted to reach enlightenment, thinking that was the way. I did it 10 times in 6 months and by the ninth or tenth time, I asked, do I need to go to Peru to do my work there and the answer was no, you would pick up everyone’s dark energy because they are purging and you would take it home, you would clear the whole place for them. That’s not your job. You can reach enlightenment by patting your cat or looking outside at a palm tree. You can reach enlightenment by going within. You don’t have to go anywhere.
And that’s when I finally said holy moly, I’m doing this all wrong. I can just do my own stuff and practice and learn how to be still with all this information and enjoy it. That’s when it all shifted in a way.
But the ayahuasca did show me the darker realms of the earth. It showed me all of the sex scandal stuff, the women being chained to the ground, giving birth to sacrificial babies and all that. It showed me a lot of darker stuff. Like John of God. I was going to go there and then it showed me all this stuff of other women giving birth after birth after birth – the sex slavery.
So, we live on a really fascinating planet. It’s beautiful, too. When you are trying to raise your frequency, you see all that divine, godly energy around us. It’s spectacular.
(Leah Ray)
Part Two of this Journey to Truth ‘Notes’ Series will primarily focus on Leah Ray’s experiences in the ‘high end’ entertainment industry:
Tyler: We’ve seen a number of videos where… Connor McGregor, Eminem, Shaquille O'Neal, people who just trance out like that and their handler has to almost turn them back on.
Aaron: Bill Clinton.
Leah: What was that girl’s name? Kary Perry
Aaron: Katy Perry, yeah. And Taylor Swift.
Leah: That’s when I started researching MK Ultra, how they can overcome and how they can snap. I can see certain signals that they would do so that the person would perform. Not to take away their entertainment value but it’s different, a different energy. It’s not normal.
Journey to Truth - Leah Ray: The Weapons Of Spiritual Warfare | Demonic Takeover of the Entertainment Industry
Leah’s Website: Leah Ray Light
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Until Next Time