The Organic Orgone Energy Movement Has Arrived
'Zero Point energy is death energy and is manipulated by káballah death/metaphysics maligned sorcerers.' Goz Goz royal Magyar leader
Note: Since publishing these notes from the Why Files episode about Zero Point energy, royal (and heavily attacked) Magyar leader Goz Goz has pointed me in a new direction:
Zero Point energy is death energy and is manipulated by káballah death/metaphysics maligned sorcerers.
Zero point energy smashes the orgone being both phosphorus light egg (feminine) and aether fire seed (masculine) energy and processes it into zero point death energy. That is what CERN is all about, smashing the incorrectly called 'god particle' and processing it into dirty electricity.
Organic orgone/loosh/source/original Magyar co-creation energy is magnetic, not electrical.
This may help further re. getting the zero point being 'death' energy and the inverse of natural organic orgone energy that has muffin to do with what ish/omni.
For further important insights, please watch the 9 minute video that accompanies the September 15, 2024 post by Goz Goz: ‘Zakaos On Orgonite and Dead Tone Soft killing’
Apologies in advance if you do not use Facebook. I don’t blame you.
The Best Things in Life are Free
In my revised view, the Organic Orgon Energy Movement will free the world, not Zero Point Free Energy as previously thought.)
The following, original Why Files notes remain unchanged. It’s important to share competing narratives so we can make up our own minds about what we choose to believe.
Dr Tom Vallone, fmr US Patent Examiner: “Patent sequestering, which is actually called secretizing, the public needs to know, at least, that every major military agency has a representative at the patent office.”
Dr Paul LaViolette, Physicist/Author: “The patent office in its current approach, is actually breaking the law. It's trying to make happy the physicists who are with American Physical Society, to keep them in power with their ideas, you might say, and withhold from public use, good inventions that could solve our problems like the energy crisis.”
Forbidden Energy Inventions | The Why Files
20 April 2024
Run time 54 mins
Zero Point Energy is generated from the Zero Point Field. Nicola Tesla, Nikolai Kozyrev and other scientists called this field the Ether. The Ether is a field in which everything exists but it exists in a dimension that our brains can't perceive.
Killer Patents & Secret Science Vol. 1 | Free Energy & Anti-Gravity Cover-Ups
Written by the Why Files team
For decades, we've heard about the catastrophic effects of fossil fuel pollution. For just as long, I've been hearing that global warming is a myth. The two sides are constantly at each other's throats. But it's a fight that's completely unnecessary.
The technology to create unlimited, clean, free energy has existed for over a hundred years. Dozens, perhaps hundreds, of inventors have created machines that pull energy out of thin air. Machines that could defy gravity, levitate, and fly. Machines that bend the fabric of spacetime itself.
These machines sound - not just like science fiction - they sound like magic. So, where are these magical devices? Well, when the inventors patented and publicised their technology, they performed another magic trick: they disappeared.
Since the 1920s and perhaps even earlier, scientists have discovered many different ways of making energy less expensive and more efficient. However, in every single case, their technology was suppressed and, in many cases, the inventors died under strange circumstances.
“Whenever you hear that phrase National Security, remember it's not your security they're protecting. It's theirs.” Why Files
Who’s Who of Lost Inventors and Suppressed Inventions
Transcript Excerpts
Charles Pogue – 200 Miles per Gallon Carburetor
In the early 1930s, he started experimenting with carburetors trying to improve fuel efficiency. Traditional carburetors mix air with liquid gasoline the Pogue carburetor fully vaporised gas before it entered the combustion chamber. This made the engine much more efficient.
In 1936, Pogue, was issued a patent for a high mileage carburetor and the Breen Motor Company tested the Pogue Carburetor on a Ford V8 Coupe. It got 26.2 miles on one pint of gasoline. That's almost 220 MP gallon. Ford tested it and got 200 miles per gallon.
Canadian Automotive magazine reported 218 miles per gallon and the article created a lot of excitement.
But it wasn't good news for Charles Pogue. On the Toronto Stock Exchange, oil company stock prices crashed. Brokers were swamped with orders to dump all oil stock immediately.
Soon after that, Pogue’s shop was broken into. All carburetors, equipment, notes and documents were stolen. He never built another one and he never spoke of the invention ever again.
The oil companies did not forget about Pogue and the damage he almost caused. fuel efficient engines were not good for business so the oil companies lobbied the US government for help.
1951 Invention Secrecy Act
In 1951 (Harry S Truman presidency), the United States passed the Invention Secrecy Act. This allows the US government to keep certain technologies and inventions secret, legally. (At the end of fiscal year 2023, there were 6,155 secrecy orders in effect.)
If they decide something threatens the country's economy or security, it's stamped with a secrecy order and classified. The inventor can't speak about it, export it or sell it unless it's to the US military. Yeah, of course. If the inventor violates these orders, they face imprisonment or as we're about to see, consequences that are even worse.
Tom Ogle – Accidental Engineering Sensation
In the 1970s, Tom Ogle accidentally discovered a way to make an engine run on its own fumes. After a few months of trial and error, Ogle replicated his invention with his own car. His 1970 Ford Galaxy got 11 miles per gallon but after a few modifications, it got 100 miles per gallon.
In April 1977, Ogle drove the 4,000lb car 205 miles on just 2 gallons of gas. Engineers inspected the car for hidden gas tanks and other gimmicks but nothing was found. His technology worked.
Ogle made the internal combustion engine do what it was designed to do - operate on fumes. He accidentally invented a version of Pogue's carburetor. Almost overnight, 24-year-old Tom Ogle became an engineering sensation.
(Image: Why Files)
Oil companies, investors and businessmen approached him with offers. People expected him to become a billionaire. Shell Oil offered him $25 million cash for the design. Ogle passed when he found out they intended to hide the invention forever: “I've always wanted to be rich and I suspect I will be when this system gets into distribution but I'm not going to have my system bought up and put on the shelf.”
So, Tom struck deals with investors who would let him control the invention and keep working. He filed for and received a patent. He had attorneys, money, all kinds of resources. Then the United States Air Force showed interest. And that's when things went downhill.
Suddenly, the SEC was after him for violating securities laws, the IRS was after him for failing to pay back taxes. The next few months were a mess. Ogle's wife left him and took their daughter. Legal battles were everywhere. Investors were fighting for control of the patent.
Then, on April 14th 1978, Ogle was shot by a stranger outside a bar. No suspect but he survived. But not for long. On August 18th, he went to a friend's apartment where he collapsed and died. His death, which involved painkillers and alcohol, was ruled an accidental overdose, though Tom Ogle had no history of drug use. Ogle's friends, family and attorney claimed this was a cover up for murder.
But the damage was done. Tom Ogle was gone and his invention, despite the overwhelming evidence that it worked, was conveniently forgotten.
Later that year, the US and Saudi Arabia negotiated the United States Saudi Arabian Joint Commission on Economic Cooperation. They agreed to use US dollars for oil contracts. The petro dollar became the defacto currency of the world that day. This made the US government much more powerful and made oil companies richer than ever.
Lieutenant Colonel Charles Brown - Reduced Emissions by 50 to 70%
A few years later, Lieutenant Colonel Charles Brown, a former member of Project Blue Book, made a similar invention. He created a device that attached to the air intake of a vehicle, reducing emissions by 50 to 70% and increasing miles per gallon:
“I treat air, and out of air, I make it more than just providing oxygen for the combustion process. They are combustion stimulating molecules and radicals generated in this process, a thunderstorm in a bottle.”
Even though the Colonel's invention reduced emissions and cleaned the air, the EPA shut him down. Environmental Protection Agency is a bit of a dictatorial police agency. They call themselves a protecting agency but they are a police agency. EPA cannot approve a fuel saving device. They put out reams of documentation stating that something will not work.
Soon after, he received bomb threats, his lab was vandalised and everything was stolen. He lost his life savings and his work was stopped. Like Charles Pogue and Tom Ogle, Colonel Brown took his technology to his grave.
These inventions still used gasoline and oil that didn't necessarily threaten the fossil fuel industry yet the government or someone still shut them down. So, you can only imagine what happens when you invent a car that doesn't need gas at all.
Stanley Meyer - Water Fuel Cell Injector - One of the Most Important Inventions of the Century
Stanley Meyer did not keep his invention secret. He went straight to the news. His announcement made headline lines across the country and around the world. He had invented a car that can run on nothing but water.
The technology is called electrolysis which uses electricity to split water into oxygen and hydrogen gas. This isn't a new invention. In 1789, Jan Rudolph Diamond used an electrostatic machine to generate electricity from water and throughout the 19th century, various inventors and scientists created machines that could split water into oxygen and hydrogen. But the process requires a lot of energy and it requires perfectly pure water.
Stanley’s engine didn't require much water at all and the biggest breakthrough of all - it didn't need pure water. It could run on ordinary tap water. He called his invention a water fuel cell injector. The injector breaks water molecules into oxygen and hydrogen. The engine runs on hydrogen gas.
He took his car on tour around the country. Engineers inspected it and they said it worked. Leonard Holihan: “We recently took a scientific delegation to witness Stan's work to really evaluate it and came back saying, this is one of the most important inventions of the century.”
Stan’s tour got a lot of media coverage this led to offers from investors and oil companies and even the Pentagon. In 1998, Stan was at a restaurant with his brother and a few Belgian investors. They were about to sign a multi-million dollar deal, so they raised their glasses and made a toast to celebrate.
Then, Stan suddenly became violently ill. He ran out of the restaurant, fell down in the street and started vomiting. His brother ran after him. Stan's final words were, they poisoned me but his death certificate doesn't reflect that at all. It says he was at lunch with officials from NATO and that he died of a brain aneurysm.
But if you read this statement you can kind of tell that the coroner was already questioning whether he was actually poisoned or not. A brain aneurysm is a very convenient way for somebody to die and if they were poisoned…it can cause that.
Skeptics Say Stan’s Technology Violated Laws of Thermodynamics
What most people don't know is that the water powered engine wasn't the only disruptive invention in Stan's garage. he also had a toroid (donut) shaped electromagnetic device slapped with a national security order.
Stan: “Even in my prior development of high technology I've had patents taken from me. I learned from the School of Hard Knox to be very cautious…”
He was paranoid and rightfully so. And that's why if you try to replicate the technology in Stan Meyer's patent, it won't work. He faked the voltage and frequency numbers to prevent another invention from being stolen or classified.
But skeptics say it doesn't matter what numbers you use. The engine won't work. They say Stan’s technology broke the second law of thermodynamics which states that every time you transfer energy, energy is wasted.
Stan's engine didn't waste energy at all. It created it.
But that also violates the first law of thermodynamics. The conservation of energy that states that energy cannot be created or destroyed. But what if those laws are completely misunderstood? That with the right technology, the laws of thermodynamics don't have to apply at all.
Mainstream science doesn't like that.
Stanley Meyer - Zero Point Energy
Turns out that Stan's water car was his least important invention. That donut shaped device was another invention that created energy. And the reason it was classified?
It didn't run on gas. It didn't run on water. It ran on nothing.
The vacuum of space is supposed to be empty and at the temperature of absolute zero. It should be perfectly still. But quantum physicists discovered that empty space is not empty or still at all.
Dr Hal Puthoff, Theoretical/Experimental Physicist: “So-called empty space isn't really empty at all. It's actually full of energy. So instead of being like kind of a quiet empty lake, it's more like the froth at the base of a waterfall or something.”
We've all been taught that in an atom, electrons orbit the nucleus like planets orbit the Sun. In a vacuum with no resistance, the orbits of electrons should be predictable but they're not.
Zero Point Energy is Generated From the Zero Point Field
In 1955, Willis Lamb won the Nobel Prize for discovering what's become known as the Lamb Shift. In simple terms, Lamb discovered that electrons and hydrogen atoms were being disturbed by something. He discovered complex interactions between the electron and the vacuum of space itself.
Space is teeming with quantum particles that blink in and out of existence and when they do that, they use and create energy. A lot of it. When you go to look at the numbers, you find out that there's enough energy in the volume of a coffee cup to evaporate all the world's oceans that you could get it all of it.
This energy is called Zero Point Energy and it's generated from the Zero Point Field.
Nicola Tesla, Nikolai Kozyrev and other scientists called this field the Ether. The Ether is a field in which everything exists but it exists in a dimension that our brains can't perceive.
Particles blinking in and out of existence have to be coming from and going somewhere. That place is The Ether - the base layer of reality but even though we can't see it, this layer can be disrupted with electromagnetism.
Tesla famously said, if you want to find the secrets of the universe think in terms of energy frequency and vibration. He tried to harness energy from the Zero Point Field using the tower he built on Long Island. Tesla's Wardenclyffe Tower tapped into this endless supply of energy. The tower was considered an over-unity device. An over-unity is when something gives out more energy than is put in.
Mainstream science claims this is impossible, again because it breaks the second law of thermodynamics. But for over a hundred years, scientists and inventors have proved that claim wrong.
Zero Point Energy devices also violate the conservation of energy; that energy can't be created or destroyed. But those inventors don't claim to be creating energy from nothing. They are tapping into the energy that are already exists, everywhere, all around us.
Howard Johnson – His Invention Made the Impossible, Possible
In the 1970s, Howard Johnson created the magnetron motor. It used hydrogen magnets, light rays and fusion to create electricity. Now, according to practical physics, his invention was impossible but here's the thing - his motor worked and he proved it over and over again. Still, he was denied a patent.
The dilemma facing Johnson is not really his dilemma but rather that of other scientists who have observed his prototypes. The devices obviously do work but the textbooks say they shouldn't.
Johnson is saying to the scientific community that this is a phenomenon that seems to contradict some of our traditional beliefs. For all our sakes, let's not dismiss it outright but take the time to understand the complex forces at work here. Johnson didn't get his patent and was shunned by the scientific community.
(Image: Why Files)
Johnson was a government contractor who worked on atomic energy projects. He made equipment for the military. He already had over 30 patents for chemistry and physics devices: “Science and physicists are especially determined to protect the law of conservation of energy. Thus, the physicists become game wardens who tell us what laws we can't violate. In this case, they don't even know what the game is but they are so scared.”
Johnson's motor would lose less than 2% efficiency in almost 20 years of continuous operation. But he stopped working when someone broke into his shop and stole his equipment he got the message.
Thomas Moray - Generated 50,000 Watts of Power with No Energy Input
Thomas Moray also invented a device that could tap into the Zero Point field. His machine could generate 50,000 watts of power with no energy input. Another invention that broke the laws of physics. Moray tried to patent his invention. He was denied. They told him there's no such thing as free energy. But still, the US government was interested.
Yeah, that's when things go downhill.
His lab was vandalised and robbed. He and his family survived multiple assassination attempts. It got so bad, he bulletproofed his own car. Despite the ongoing threats, Moray publicly demonstrated the success of his machine in 1940. It continuously produced an output of 250,000 volts with no input. Well, that was the last straw.
The next day, someone broke into his lab and attacked him. He only survived because at this point, he was carrying a pistol everywhere. But it didn't matter. Moray's assistant turned on him and destroyed everything. Equipment that would be worth millions today. Officially, Moray's assistant went crazy but it sounds like somebody got to him. Moray died broke and he took his technology to the grave.
Edwin Gray - Electromagnetic Motor Ran Continuously on its Own Power
Edwin Gray had a similar story. Gray created an electromagnetic motor that ran continuously on its own power and like all Zero Point devices, it didn't generate heat. The input was 26.8 watts, the output, over 7,000 watts.
Gray's machine was tested and verified by multiple scientists. Gray started developing this idea eight years ago. For the past year and a half, he's been trying to get someone in the US government interested. So far, he's had little luck.
After he contacted the government, things went downhill. Within a week, local authorities performed an illegal raid on Gray's lab. They confiscated everything. Not long after that, Gray was found dead in his home. All his records, inventions and materials vanished without a trace.
Now, most of these inventions were from the turn of the 20th century, over 100 years ago. Imagine the progress we could have made if this technology survived and the world had free energy.
Floyd ‘Sparky’ Sweet – Continuous on Demand Power
Floyd Sweet was nicknamed Sparky because he was fascinated with electricity. He dreamed of a device that could take energy from the vacuum of space. So, after retiring in the 1980s, he made one. He called it a vacuum triode amplifier or VTA.
Sparky's machine could do more than operate a fan – it produced almost 224,000 watts - this was continuous on demand power. If you attach more equipment, it would simply harness more power. No limit.
Sparky (video): And here, just coming into view, you see 5 100 watt lamps, ordinary garden variety household lamps, brilliantly lit. So there's 500 watts of very real power here, again, coming right out of the vacuum.
(Image: Why Files)
224,000 watts from a box about the size of a deck of cards. That's enough to power your house, recharge your electric car or light up a baseball field. It doesn't matter what you connect.
The Zero Point Field will give you all the power you need.
Sparky: This is real, usable power. It's stable. It is not transient. It is not noise and it is not any other kind of spurious effect. This is a real effect. It's all coming from that little tiny box sitting behind the 500 watts of power behind the lamps. That little box is putting out all of that power, well over 500 watts and yet, it is receiving less than 1/3 of a milliwatt of input power.
So, Sparky filed a patent… at the grocery store, a well-dressed man approached Sparky and showed him a photograph it was a picture of Sparky and his wife in their house taken from outside. Someone had been watching them.
Sparky: He walked me all the way to my building, telling me what would happen tome if I didn't stop my research. How they took that picture through my window I'll never know.
Sparky reported the incident to the FBI - that's like the hen calling the wolf for help. It was. Things got worse. Sparky and his wife started getting harassed their phone rang hundreds of times a day from pay phones all over the country. The calls stopped when someone broke into Sparky's lab and stole his notes.
Then one night, two men stopped by to speak to Sparky and his wife. The men left and about an hour later, Sparky collapsed.
Frantic, his wife called an ambulance but when they loaded Sparky, they refused to let his wife in the ambulance. 20 minutes later, she got a call. Sparky was dead. Heart attack. Less than 24 hours later, a few black vans showed up at the house. The FBI confiscated all Sparky's equipment and research and that's the last we've heard about it.
Zero Point Energy Anti-gravity
But Sparky's VTA did more than create unlimited power - it could levitate a retired army officer and nuclear physicist named Tom Bearden. Bearden asked Sparky to do an anti-gravity experiment with it and it worked. The VTA weighed about 6 lbs. They reduced the weight of it by 90%.
According to Bearden's theory, gravity can become a pushing force rather than a pulling force and that's exactly what the VTA did. Zero Point Energy Anti-gravity.
Now, if this sounds like UFO technology, that's because Richard Doty says Zero Point Energy devices have been recovered from UFOs and they operate a lot like Sparky's VTA:
“This was an energy device that used a Zero Point Energy. That's what they referred to it as, Zero Point Energy. And it was connected in such a manner that this device could power from very small flashlight or very small watch, up to a city, and the power was determined by what the demand on it was. So, each craft had one of these.”
Anti-gravity technology is another reality that's been suppressed for years and researching anti-gravity, even for the US government, is very very dangerous.
Gianni Dotto - Altering DNA to Reverse Aging
According to multiple inventors, many of which are now dead, alien technology might not be so alien.
Italian researcher Gianni Dotto created a large ring to go around the human body. Its purpose was to alter DNA to reverse aging. Made of heavy copper, the data ring manipulates the magnetic field around a human body using gravity and frequency.
It was inspired by the Hunza Valley in Pakistan where people rarely get sick and routinely live for over 100 years. He said the extreme heat from the valley and the cold from the nearby glacier created a magnetic anomaly in the area. This protects DNA and slows the aging process.
The Dotto Ring was even tested at Sloan Kettering hospital. It successfully lengthened the subject's telomere, the part of our DNA that shortens as we age. The ring worked and just like Sparky's device, Dotto's device could levitate.
(Dotto Rings Image: Why Files)
Then the FDA became involved and everything went downhill. They shut down Dotto’s research. Not long after that, Dotto was hit by a car that ran over him multiple times. The levitating, age reverse Dotto ring, vanished.
Revolutionary Anti-gravity Technology Media Blackout
Anti-gravity or anti-gravitic technology was popular in the 1950s. The United States and Canadian governments were both working on anti-gravitic technology. They farmed this work out to well-known aerospace companies like Lockheed Martin, Convair, Bell and Lear.
The research was actually out in the open and created a buzz. People were excited about the new G engines and how this technology would revolutionize traveling. They talked about how everyone could have a flying car. Airplanes wouldn't need any fuel to fly. This is one of the last public mentions of anti-gravity technology.
News report: Lawrence D Bell, the famous builder of the rocket research plane says we're already working with nuclear fuels and equipment to cancel out gravity and William Lear, the autopilot wizard, is already figuring out gravity control for the weightless craft to come. According to the gravity research engineers, the G engine will replace all other motors.
After that, everything went dark. So, what happened? The military contractors got anti-gravity to work and they wanted the technology all themselves.
Dr Ning Li - Anti-gravitic Researcher Disappeared
After working at the Center for Space Plasma and Aeronomic Research, Dr Ning Li started her own anti-gravity research company, AC gravity. In the early 1990s, she published research papers on anti-gravity. This drew attention from the US government and then everything went down downhill.
In 2001, Ning Li received a grant from the US Department of Defense for over $400,000 to continue anti-gravitic research. Then Ning Lee disappeared.
Now, some people think she returned to China to work for them but others say she was caught up with her work at the DoD. Some family members recall that she seemed extremely stressed during that time. She used to love her research but she did not like working for the DoD.
But in 2014, 13 years later, Ning Lee reappeared out of nowhere. And then she was hit by a car. She suffered permanent brain damage Ning's whereabouts during those missing years is still a mystery but my guess is the Department of Defense knows exactly where she was but they'll never tell and nobody's going to ask.
Google and Wikipedia Discredit Inventors
Free, clean, unlimited energy. Anti-gravity. Science fiction technology that some people claim is real. But is it? Search Google in Wikipedia and they'll list most of these inventors as charlatans, liars and frauds. Of course that's what they say. They're in the pocket of the shadow government.
Dr Tom Vallone - US Patent Whistleblower
Every major military agency has a representative at the patent office.
When Dr Tom Vallone was working at the US patent office, he came across inventions that could solve our energy and pollution problems. Inventions that could literally change the world and accelerate the progress of humanity. He became frustrated when he saw invention after invention slapped with a secrecy order:
“Patent sequestering, which is actually called secretizing, the public needs to know, at least, that every major military agency has a representative at the patent office.”
When Vallone blew the whistle, they fired him.
Dr Paul LaViolette, Physicist/Author: “The patent office in its current approach, is actually breaking the law. It's trying to make happy the physicists who are with American Physical Society, to keep them in power with their ideas, you might say, and withhold from public use, good inventions that could solve our problems like the energy crisis.”
Why Suppress Thousands of Inventions That Could Clean Our Planet?
For over 100 years, these technologies have been suppressed, keeping society in a state of complacency, poverty and pollution. The Federation of American Scientists spoke about suppression in 2010, calculating that in that year alone, 5,135 inventions were given a secrecy order.
Most of these patents had to do with clean energy, anti-gravity and alternative methods of propulsion. Over 5,000 in one year. So how many in 10 years? How many in a 100? What technology is being hidden from us?
Why suppress thousands of inventions that could clean our planet?
The Green Movement - Why Green energy is a Scam
The latest buzz phrase is green energy or the green movement. That sounds nice. We all want a clean environment. But green energy as currently defined, is a fad. No, that's not the right word. Green energy is a scam.
Why suppress thousands maybe tens of thousands of inventions that could clean our planet and provide free energy for everyone on Earth? For money and power. There are literally hundreds of trillions of dollars at stake.
So, next time you're arguing with a friend or family member about climate change, remember the energy industry and the United States government want you to hate each other. Don't play into their hands.
Secret Energy Systems that are More Than 70 to 80% Efficient
A declassified document made in the 1970s, lists categories of inventions that are considered secret. One of those categories is for energy systems that are more than 70 to 80% efficient and solar panels that are more than 20% efficient. If you patent an efficient energy or propulsion device, it gets slapped with the secrecy order.
(Image source: Why Files)
Do you want proof?
In 1971, over 50 years ago, someone patented a solar panel that was 20% efficient. It was made secret. You could have had solar panels on your house for years but you never knew they existed.
Today, solar panels are only slightly better than 20% efficient. Imagine how much they could have improved if the technology had not been hidden for 40 years.
Green Energy Scams Are Lining the Pockets of Politicians and CEOs
So what about green energy? It's a scam.
Green energy is not designed to do anything but line the pockets of politicians and the CEOs of the green energy companies that get billions of dollars of your money in the form of subsidies to research things like solar panels and wind farms. And by the way, solar panels only last about 15 to 20 years, then they go into a landfill to decay. And that material is toxic.
Solar panels also produce tons of toxic waste. But even if we reduce this waste during manufacturing, solar panels eventually stop working. Especially if they're poorly made in China and when their lifespan is over, they leave behind toxic trash. Then it seeps into our water supply.
Scam. Wind farms barely produce any power but they destroy the landscape, kill wildlife and again require an enormous amount of fossil fuels to build.
Scam. Nuclear energy sounds great. No pollution. But when the nuclear material is discarded, it stays radioactive and deadly for thousands of years.
Scam. Do you think your electric car is protecting the environment? It's actually making it worse. Over 80% of electricity comes from coal oil and natural gas. So yeah, your Tesla runs on coal.
Scam. The amount of fossil fuels used to extract the raw materials to build electric cars causes a lot of pollution and the lithium batteries that power them lithium mines are awful for the environment. Not to mention most of the extraction of these materials is done with slave labor in terrible working conditions.
Scientist Salvatore Pais has Multiple Patents, Strikingly Similar to Allegedly Impossible Inventions
Scam. Now don't get defensive. This isn't your fault. The technology to fix this is there and has been for 100 years. So do all these patents just sit on a shelf gathering dust? Never to see the light of day? Oh, no.
A scientist named Salvatore Pais has multiple patents, strikingly similar to allegedly impossible inventions.
He's patented devices that use electromagnetic fields, vibrations and quantum field fluctuations to manipulate gravity mass and energy.
He has a patent that allows for faster than light speed travel. He has a patent that can change the course of asteroid through a magnetic field.
And my favorite Salvatore Pais invention? He has a patent for a tiny, solid state device about the size of a deck of cards, that can generate unlimited clean energy from the vacuum.
So how come his inventions aren't suppressed? Well, because the patents are owned by or have been assigned to, the United States Navy.
Shadow Government
Now, I'm sure that most clean energy anti-gravity inventors are frauds but not all of them. I believe the technology does exist and I believe it's being used right now by government contractors. However, these contractors don't work for the US government.
US Senator Daniel Inouye: “They work for the shadow government, a shadowy government with its own Air Force, is own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.”
A Criminal Enterprise Not Sanctioned by the President or Congress
We have the technology to eliminate famine and heal the ecosystem but that would derail the shadow government's agenda.
Steven Greer: There is the government, constitutional government of the United States and then there's this other secret government operation which has more money, more power, more technology. It is a criminal enterprise. It is not sanctioned by the president and it is not sanctioned by Congress. And yet they're using our tax dollars and are raping the planet and destroying the Earth and impoverishing half the planet.
Solutions - Repeal the Invention Secrecy Act?
We could live in a world of abundance. No more wars for energy. But the shadow government becomes powerless. In a world of abundance, they derive their power from scarcity because they control the resources. Resources that could be made completely free if we only had access to suppressed technology.
So what's the solution? Elect new leaders? No. Our leaders are controlled by or in fear of, the shadow government. They only care about being reelected and getting rich. All of them. And don't go to the media. They're in the pocket of the shadow government, whether they know it or not.
So do we repeal the Invention Secrecy Act? Well, that will never happen. Nobody will risk their career voting for it. They'll say some inventions need to be hidden for National Security and whenever you hear that phrase National Security, remember it's not your security they're protecting. It's theirs.
Publish Your Invention Anonymously on the Internet
The solution is simple. But it's not one inventors want to hear.
If you create a free energy device that you can prove works, do not patent it. Publish your invention anonymously on the internet and make it freely available to everyone. Don't be foolish and think you can use the patent system to become rich. They will not allow it and most likely, they'll kill you.
Instead, share your technology first. You can change the world. I promise the money will be there. So, to all you weekend tinkerers and free energy hobbyists, keep tinkering and keep inventing.
But most of all, keep quiet.
More Dead and Missing Inventors
Article: Targeted Inventors of Free Energy and Healing Technology
Some of these inventors have simply disappeared, some have gone into hiding and some have simply pulled back in fear for their lives. Michael Tellinger
Alexandra Bruce: This is Just the Tip of the Iceberg
Stefan Marinov was the leader of the European Free Energy movement. In 1997, he made tremendous strides in the technology. Before he could develop his first prototype, he fell out of a window.
Dr John Mullen, a nuclear physicist used to work for McDonnell-Douglas, one of the largest military contractors in the world. He died of arsenic poisoning in 2004. His girlfriend was originally a suspect but she was found dead in her apartment shortly after. There are no more suspects, there is no investigation, there will be no trial.
Dmitry Petronov invented a plasma battery that powered his home for 14 months. In 2010, he went to a bakery and was never seen again.
Zachary Warfield was another inventor who developed his own plasma battery. Warfield had visited Petronov to exchange information. That same year, Warfield died in a strange boating accident in Washington DC.
Eugene Mallove was a physicist and expert in cold fusion. He claimed he had a working prototype of a free energy device. In 2004, the before he was to make a public announcement about his findings, he was beaten to death.
Arie de Geus actually patented a free energy technology based on the Zero Point field. In 2007, he was about to get on a flight to meet investors who were going to fund his research. He was found dead in his car at the airport.
Rory Johnson created a cold fusion laser-activated magnetic motor that generated over 500 horsepower. He planned a public demonstration of four vehicles equipped with his magnetron motor. The US Department of Energy placed a restraining order on this technology, preventing publication and though in excellent health, he died unexpectedly soon after.
Mark Tomion, a physicist patented technology called a Star Drive, which uses Zero Point energy, very similar to the ARV [Alien Reproduction Vehicle]. In 2009, he developed a working prototype. Shortly after, he died from an unexpected cardiac event. His research is missing.
Stan Meyers developed a working engine that ran on water. In 1997, he died from what was officially reported as a cerebral hemorrhage. This happened while having lunch with two potential investors. His last words were: “I was poisoned.”
Mark McCandlish, Alternative Propulsion and Energy Researcher, allegedly committed suicide in Redding California in April, 2021.
AETHER by Marcia Ramalho
2 September 2020
Run time 2 hrs 30 mins
About Aether
Written by Marcia Ramalho
The new edition of my Aether 2018 video presents its original content as well as exploring for the first time, the technology related to electromagnetic field, ions, fusion reactor, resonator, capacitor, frequencies, sound waves, tuned circuits, torus, tokamak, vortex and coils used in the construction of star fortresses, airships, stargates, teleportation, and White Star Cities by the steam-powered civilization that I call our Previous Civilization or White Federation.
A confederation of states destroyed by plasma weapons and floods carefully engineered by the Parasites. My text addresses our cutting edge technology, advanced architecture and lost White Star Cities. The video features more than 1000 images. The original chapters, starting by Berlin Zoo, are kept as they were in my 2018 edition.
Until next time.
This article proves it's not about climate change. It's about control.