There's no biz like 'soul selling' showbiz. Time for a reboot to ward off global mediocrity?
I met Beyoncé when she was part of Destiny’s Child. She was super sweet and kind before she started dating Jay-Z. Leah Ray, Healer
Wow, I’m Dealing With a Whole Different Group
I could tell if someone was a murderer. Weird stuff. Because Miami is Miami, you come across people like that. Drug dealers would have to murder people to keep their, let’s say, competition out of the way.
I knew some of them personally because in the nightclub world, there’s a lot of drugs, a lot of people selling and it was really sad because a lot of people passed. Whether they overdosed or got murdered for doing stuff that led them down that path, it was really fascinating.
I was a young, naïve, silly 21 year old like, not knowing much about the world…when I hit against people who were literally killers, that’s when I would get scared and say, wow, I’m dealing with a whole different group.
Leah Ray, Healer
Journey to Truth Interview: Leah Ray: The Weapons Of Spiritual Warfare | Demonic Takeover of the Entertainment Industry
Website: Leah Ray Light
Primary Topics Covered in Part One of Leah Ray’s Revelations
Life as a young VIP cocktail waitress in the Miami nightclub scene, why the energy of certain celebrities made Leah want to throw up, massaging human clones, meeting Beyoncé, J.Lo, Puff Daddy and others, why newcomers to the ‘cult of celebrity’ undergo personality changes, the business of selling your soul to be a big star, why so many stars ‘trance out’ and have handlers, why Leah had to research MK Ultra mind control to find out why the stars all acted so similar, recap of the jab being a blood magic ritual created by demonic masters.
Interview Excerpts
Leah: Ironically, I served Puff Daddy (Sean Combs) when he was dating J.Lo (Jennifer Affleck). I had already met her in the massage world. She was just really into herself – people in that realm have to be. I gave her a massage and she was annoyed that I didn’t know who she was. I didn’t really care who she was. I never bowed down to people. So she didn’t like me from that time. And when I had to serve them in the nightclub world, I wanted to throw up when I met him (Puff Daddy). And I met him a few times because I had to serve a lot of different artists multiple times because that was their playground.
So every time it would happen… I can’t even be within two feet or three feet or ten feet of this person without wanting to throw up. With him especially. It was so dark. It was as dark as…when I met Killary on the vineyard when I was a teenager and took care of a 90 year old. And it was as bad as that. It was so bad.
To get that big, he said, you have to sell your soul
In the nightclub world as a VIP cocktail waitress, you had to give out your phone number and make sure you booked your tables because the more tables you have, obviously, the more money you make. If you have a consistent group of people coming, you get to know them – you end up meeting their wives, girlfriends, sidekicks, so you end up knowing a lot about people from that world and I was in that world 5 nights a week.
One of the regulars, I would still regularly massage at his condo. He was a businessman from New York and was trying to dive into the music world. He didn’t do so great in it and had his own clothing company. I would ask him, what’s up with Puffy? Because every time I’m in his presence, I really want to throw up. It’s horrible.
Oh, I’m helping him with his clothing line. I don’t think that guy is real, or he sold his soul.
If you are in the entertainment industry or a musician in the music world, to get that big, he said, you have to sell your soul. I had heard that before but said, do you really feel that? And he said, yeah, and I will tell you why. I had to fly on his private jet a few times to help him launch his clothing line …the guy didn’t sleep. He literally was up four days and he slept maybe four hours…I was exhausted. But there was something odd about it. He would always just pop up and it was like he was not human.
Celebrities allow these demonic entities to possess them
Leah: That’s when I started to realise too, that when someone does sell their soul, something else is running them, or many entities, and then I would see it in the nightclub world. Not just the bouncers – it is what it is – a lot of them were drug dealers trying to make a living. Not all, of course.
I could see there was always a shifty energy around them that wasn’t normal and when I would massage people, I would also get that same feeling of fear, oh my god, this person could harm me. All my body would be goosebumps. I would not feel normal in their presence. I would literally start praying and tried to shield myself to protect myself and connect to God.
Aaron: I think that a lot of these celebrities, when they sell their soul, it’s like they are making an agreement for that but also to allow these demonic entities to take them over, to possess them. And that’s why when you watch their behaviour, and watch their energy, it feels very demonic and dark. It looks like a demon, because that’s why. They actually are, I think, a lot of the time.
Beyoncé was super sweet and kind before she started dating Jay-Z
Leah: I met Beyoncé when she was part of that girl group…Destiny’s Child. She was super sweet and young and it was before she and Jay-Z started dating. There was such an innocence there. She was super kind and like a normal, kind person.
A few years later, I had to serve Jay-Z and there was a cold, weird energy around him. I was always trying to figure out why I felt different around certain people. I never followed Beyoncé's music or anything but when I started to research how they do give their souls over to these demons, Beyoncé even put it in one of her videos and they were showing how she lets her soul go and another soul ends up… everything is so odd.
I wanted to know, why do they all act so similar? I started researching MK Ultra (mind control program)
I would go to all the Miami Heat games and celebrities would be stone cold, staring off, and not even being aware of their environment. And then their handler, or whoever would be there controlling them, would get them out of their trance because they’d be on TV showing their weird, trance like state. That’s why I was also a researcher. I wanted to know, why do they all act so similar?
LeBron James went down the whole route with Jay-Z… he was kinda… I don’t even know what normal is anymore. But he wasn’t doing all his hand symbols and all of that but once he joined with Jay-Z, it was all, whatever they are bowing down to… a dark, dark force. That’s when he wanted to speak to certain people on the team and treated people that he was with every day, poorly, and he changed his energy and wouldn’t talk to anyone who was beneath him.
They really change everything once they bow down to that dark energy. They change their whole personality. It’s just a different world.
Tyler: We’ve seen a number of videos where… Connor McGregor, Eminem, Shaquille O'Neal, people who just trance out like that and their handler has to almost turn them back on.
Aaron: Bill Clinton.
Leah: What was that girl’s name? Katy Perry
Aaron: Katy Perry, yeah. And Taylor Swift.
Leah: That’s when I started researching MK Ultra, how they can overcome and how they can snap. I can see certain signals that they would do so that the person would perform. Not to take away their entertainment value but it’s different, a different energy. It’s not normal.
Miami is a crazy, wild place - not everybody wanted to heal
Leah: I would end up leaving the massage world and go into the night club world and I would get burnt out by both because they were pretty traumatic. In Miami, I went into it thinking I could help people heal and help balance energies so they could heal but not everybody wanted that.
Miami is a wild, crazy place… If I said they did something inappropriate, they would lose their membership immediately. Thankfully I was more protected but there were other places that just act crazy and could accuse you of doing whatever…
I got so scared and thought this person would kill me
When I would touch people sometimes, I would see their entity come in too or some of them prayed to certain things that were…like, I saw Jinns, and some of them would stay there, so I put a protective light around me and the person but it was awkward because I could see this thing the whole time I was working on the person. But when I said, you are only allowed to be here in love and light and they didn’t leave, I said, ok, I didn’t have to be scared.
But I didn’t like it so I started commanding they are not ever allowed to be in the room. So those were not bad but they were scary because I wasn’t used to seeing the different energy types. When I would touch someone who didn’t feel human, I literally didn’t see pores on their skin. And I would look because I got so scared and thought this person would kill me. That’s how scared I got.
I would ask, is this person a clone?
And then I would look – they don’t have hair on their body. They don’t have pores. So, I started to learn how to ask if this person is something or am I making things up in my head. If I got a no, I would ask, is this person a clone? Because I believe a lot of people are clones, too. And they don’t have souls. Their eyes were a different colour, too. It wasn’t a normal colour. I asked my co-worker if she thought it was human and she said, no, I don’t know what that is but it’s not normal. We have had a lot of transitional trannies and it’s different. I still felt that person had a soul.
Tyler: So, you would ask spirit or your guides, is this a clone and they would say yes?
Leah: Yeah. People’s relatives would also show up for the treatment. I used to run from my sensitive abilities to the point where I would drink way too much, thinking that would stop it and that would just make it worse. Then I would see the lower dimensional stuff. That’s when I had to start asking, is this this, am I making this up, is this the family’s lineage.
I was also trying to help people heal their ancestry, karmic energy. Most times in our ancestral lineage we have war energy. I would always ask, where is your origin, where are you coming from?
The jab was a blood magic ritual. It was blood and human DNA put into another human DNA.
I am republishing the following notes for anyone who hasn’t watched Leah’s interview or read Part 1 of the notes (link below). A global class action against the COVID cult perpetrators is warranted.
It was almost like I hit a block, a huge wall, energetically
Leah: The jab was a blood magic ritual. It was blood and human DNA put into another human DNA. That’s when I realised this is going to be harder to clear because now you are putting other DNA into your own blood and it’s blood magic. The enemy is so smart with this – it’s kind of genius in a sick way.
In the energy world, I never had problems clearing people. And with the jab, I had a hard time clearing entities off people and I was asking why. My acupuncturist said, this is blood magic and I’m like, you’re so right. I forgot. You’re right.
Tyler: So, you saw entities attached to people through the jab?
Leah: I stopped doing massage because my regulars started getting jabbed. I would always clear their energy once a week, so I knew I could go into their home and knew it was something I could clear quickly – it was no big deal. But after they got the jab, their energy would be different. It was almost like I hit a block, a huge wall, energetically.
When I opened up to the energy, I would get a tingling, horrible…I would get pokes up and down my spine. It was almost like mosquito bites. Jabs up and down my spine. And it would be so horrific. It would be like an hour and a half of torture. And then I would realise there is an entity here and it’s attacking me because I’m trying to clear it.
I called in my resources, my archangels, my whole group that I would normally work with and said, this is torture for me. I would get hot and it was so painful for me and I would ask, what did you do that was different this week? And I already knew. They already showed me where the energy was coming from – it came from the jab.
I saw the entity as driving their soul – their body – in the driver’s seat
Leah: The saddest part was having to mourn a lot of people, but that’s their choice, their lesson, they allowed this. I saw the entity as driving their soul – their body – in the driver’s seat. Their soul would be behind their body – outside of it – or somewhere in the back. And they didn’t have their own authority anymore. And this entity would be driving their whole soul and that’s where their personality would change.
It wasn’t just that this entity would be hanging around, they were thinking about cheating on their fiancé. They were telling me about it. They would tell me, oh I could just do a line of coke and sleep with these whore around me. It was speaking a language that was low vibrational and these were spiritual people who a week earlier, didn’t have that thought process, or that low vibrational language. Like, I’m going to fuck this girl on a boat and my fiancé won’t even know. It was not them. That’s when I got so sad. They got taken. They got totally taken.
The vaccine was a way to introduce an entity to oversoul this person
Tyler: So these were people that you worked on for years, potentially, and then overnight with the jab – vaccine – they were different. They were changed. So the vaccine was a way to introduce an entity to oversoul this person.
Leah: Yeah. I would cry a lot, to release. I lived by the ocean so I would paddle board every day and go and release the energy and try to clear myself. If I didn’t clear myself, I would go to sleep with their dreams and nightmares about where their energy was. So I had to do my diligence and go out on my paddleboard in the middle of the bay and just cry. But then manatees showed up, or stingrays or dolphins, so it was like, thank you, I’m gonna be ok.
But that’s when I realised that satan, the devil, whatever, had lower frequencies going on, these darker forces, and that they had just stolen a billion souls…or however many. It just clicked that they just got a whole bunch of new souls on their side. They stole them.
Aaron: Hijacked.
Leah: Hijacked. Well, that’s exactly right. Everyone is saying, well, that’s their free will and I totally understand that part. I didn’t think a lot of people had that switch that turned on that said, holy shit, we’re at war. I had that switch immediately. It just showed up, thank god.
I was trying to be a whistleblower and I lost a lot of friends and family but at the same time it was like, ok, I have to honour their soul’s journey. For a lot of people, it was like, I have to do it to keep my job cos I have 3 kids and they didn’t have the strength, that warrior like, I’d rather die than take that thing. Which was in me.
Then, I had to rationalize. I opened up to the earth’s energy and there were plans for a whole lot of souls exiting but I just got sad that they got hijacked to the other side, the darker forces. Then I was like, ok, maybe this is all part of it. Maybe they weren’t meant to stay in the higher vibrational energies.
For people who got the vax, they had to align themselves back with God. Many peoples’ guides said, you have to ask to realign your DNA back to God’s given DNA. Throughout the day. Pray, give thanks and ask for forgiveness – almost bow down in humbleness and say please align me to God’s given DNA. Reactivate me back to God’s alignment. There was a prayer they had to do multiple times a day for months in order to clear themselves and get back into alignment with God and nature. They were supposed to lay down on the earth multiple times a day to realign their energy fields.
What they actually don’t want you to know about the vaccine is that it is cutting you off from source. It’s cutting off your god connection.
Tyler: The most interesting thing to me was, when everyone was sharing stuff all over the internet, I was sharing all kinds of stuff and surprisingly it wasn’t getting flagged. The one post that actually got removed – Instagram gave me an account removal warning – was a post I made that said what they actually don’t want you to know about the vaccine is that it is cutting you off from source. It’s cutting off your god connection. And that’s the post that got removed. It wasn’t the ones I was sharing with all the harmful ingredients and all the statistics and data. They didn’t care about that. I tried to tell people that it was cutting you off from source.
Aaron: You were over the target, right.
Tyler: Right.
I felt a lot of them didn’t care that they were no longer connected
Leah: And that’s the sad part. Unfortunately, they are masters in their demonic ways. A lot of people’s pineal glands would also get really cloudy. When I worked with them before, we could clear it energetically with their guides. I do what I call an energy reboot to their system and usually can clear all that. It’s like a foggy energy around their pineal gland.
But with the jab/vax, it would be so blocked so they couldn’t connect to source. They didn’t want to. They got this angry, horrible energy around them – to me it’s like sticky, icky and spikey – and it’s sad because they don’t care.
I felt a lot of them didn’t care that they were no longer connected.
Journey to Truth
Leah Ray: The Weapons Of Spiritual Warfare | Demonic Takeover of the Entertainment Industry
Leah’s Website: Leah Ray Light
Part 1 of Leah Ray’s Interview Notes: The Illegal COVID Jab Is A Covert Blood Magic Ritual That Disconnects You From God/Source
Healer Leah Ray confirms the toxic jab allows harmful entity attachments that can be removed with skilled spiritual intervention, and illegally altered DNA can be realigned with our God given DNA.
Adelaide Unveiled Videos
The Devils Choir: Satanic Propaganda in Popular Music
Jillionaire Interview Notes
Trauma Recovery, Healing, Resilience and Reclaiming Our Gifts
Military special forces undergo 'no time to bleed' MK-Ultra programming which enables them to take a bullet and keep going. I experienced much of that, too… So, in my healing process, what they used against me, I just took for my own. I do no time to have a cold, no time to get sick. And I don’t. I stay super, super healthy just with this mental game that I can do. Cathy O'Brien
I was able to knit my bones back together. It is possible to knit broken bones back together by using our mind and body. We have incredible healing abilities through our consciousness. The day will come when we no longer need doctors because everything we need to heal ourselves, is within. Max Lowen
Military special forces undergo no time to bleed MK-Ultra programming which enables them to take a bullet and keep going. I experienced much of that, too… So, in my healing process, what they used against me, I just took for my own. I do, no time to have a cold, no time to get sick. And I don’t. I stay super, super healthy just with this mental game that I can do. Cathy O’Brien
When we look back at MK Ultra, and also Hitler and his scientists, they were fascinated with heterochromia. One of the things that comes with it is that we may actually have two sets of DNA. One in our blood and one in our flesh. Doug McIntyre
Our souls, not just our minds, are super. We are capable of so much more than we realise. Rachel Vaughan
Reiner Fuellmich and Dagmar Schoen -ICIC Law
Cathy O’Brien - MK Ultra Survivor
Cathy O’Brien is a survivor of the CIA’s MK Ultra mind control program, to which she was sold by her father as a young child and from where she was passed on to the White House and to the Pentagon for abuse and blackmail purposes.
She tells us why a traumatized society is easier to indoctrinate and control, how mind control programs work, and that these programs are applied much more commonly on all levels of life than most people can imagine.
It is especially in so-called elitist circles that such traumatization programs are frequently used, with serious consequences not only for the victims but also for the perpetrators, whose crimes make them vulnerable to blackmail and control thus turning them into compliant tools for the Svengalis and their evil agenda, particularly on a global political level.
According to Cathy, this form of blackmail based on pedophilia and abuse has become one of the key mechanisms of manipulation in the highest circles of government and the judiciary. Cross-border child, human and drug trafficking is therefore not only the most lucrative business of the so-called elites but also their basis for global blackmail for geostrategic purposes.
Until next time.