'They only do what they can get away with' ~ Australian Luciferian Cult Survivor
Let's put our minds together and see what life we can make for our children ~ Sitting Bull, 1831-1890
(Image source: Enough - Tribute to Cult Survivors by Society of Faeries)
Something that has worked well for me since listening to and learning from the heavily silenced and targeted cult survivor community, and the parallel luciferian/satanic cult establishment’s grotesque, covert crimes against children and all of humankind, is making a habit of suspending all judgement and disbelief.
I also remain comfortably perched on the edge of my proverbial fish bowl so I can take in the full spectrum of competing narratives, nonsense and illusions about any given subject.
If you choose to dismiss this article and the parallel cult establishment as nonsense, which is exactly what it wants us all to do, thanks for stopping by.
For protection purposes, I have not used the real name of the Australian cult survivor in this article, nor mentioned the interview platform that gave him a voice. Attacks on survivors, psychic and spiritual practitioners and communicators alike, are ramping up like there’s no tomorrow at this absurd time in world history. And I have no desire to stir the hornet’s nest any more than I may already have, by choosing to publish articles from my Notes of Mass Joy stockpile.
Please proceed with caution. The notes in this article contain extremely disturbing content which is all true.
Liam - Luciferian Cult Survivor
To say that I was floored by luciferian cult survivor Liam’s veracious 2022/23 interviews, is an understatement. His pointblank honesty, courage, compassion, resilience and razor-sharp spiritual intelligence cut through the sanitised, dreary Australian news media fish bowl like a Joyeuse sword. I look forward to reading his book one day.
Most people don’t understand the meaning of psychopathy
As a highly sought after ‘monarch bloodline’ child, Australian cult survivor and whistleblower Liam, was given up to the Luciferian Brotherhood cult system for child sex trafficking and brutal experimentation by his psychopathic father.
He describes his father as a sexually sadistic serial killer, psychopath and pedophile who enjoys killing for pleasure. His ‘cover’ is a human rights lawyer who currently works in a fairly high-profile government position in the area of law and mediation. He contributes to important decisions that affect Australian citizens.
Liam believes his father was born a psychopath without the light within him and that he has been killing 2-5 innocent people every year but has never been caught.
Most people don’t understand the meaning of psychopathy
Liam is also acutely aware that the majority of Australians would question how there could possibly be a connected secret society network of evil psychopaths running rampant in this country, and immediately label it a conspiracy. But he also understands that this is because most people don’t understand the meaning of psychopathy.
Psychopaths don’t get any satisfaction from life, are wildly jealous of human beings and despise us. This stems from inferiority and jealousy; the need for control, power, money and lust, and to fulfil their sexual needs. These are all egotistical desires don’t motivate us as human beings. They are the only things that motivate them.
The following notes are from Liam’s final sledgehammer interview in 2023, which swiftly disappeared from the internet.
Liam’s Revelations
Australia is a testing ground for unlawful medical research, unlawful weapons testing and unlawful MK Ultra testing and torture techniques, most of which are done on children from specific bloodlines before the age of five, a critical time in a child’s development.
Liam was entered into trafficking by his father and being a ‘monarch’ meant that he had to be kept alive. Testing was conducted on Liam by private military companies and an unlawful faction of the military. Every child and monarch that is entered into child trafficking has a contract which determines the life of a child and what they go through.
Trauma creates terror and disassociation. Destroying the spirit and the light is a crucial part of creating assets for the network, sadly. What makes us human is that beautiful light inside of us and it is even spoken about in the MK Ultra handbook that is used for training. The inner light makes us unique, beautiful makes us human.
Liam was lucky that his light was not extinguished by the Luciferian cult system. He was able to hold onto it despite everything he experienced.
They tried to turn Liam into a serial killer but failed. His morals and ethics would not allow it. Even as a 2-year-old, he would oppose it. Liam ended up savagely biting one of his handlers during his serial killer trainings so the system gave up on him.
Liam showed aptitude in emotional intelligence, how to read people and get information out of people. Children with these skills are sent into specific situations. Liam was sent to parties with high profile politicians.
Boys homes were commonplace in Australia and there didn’t have to be much of a reason to take boys away from their families. The boys were trafficked and mind controlled. Ivan Milat was MK Ultra’d to become a serial killer in a boys home. This was revealed by a survivor who was in the same institution as Milat.
Liam suffered terrible torture techniques – pain testing, pain tolerance, burning, electrocution via the nipples and anus, which is one of the most painful things a human can experience. A human can handle so much more than what we have been taught. It creates the ability to go to somewhere else in the mind so we can endure the pain.
When Liam was 9, he was put into a military styled camp designed to test, research and collect data for military warfare programs and to train kids for specific roles in specific jobs. He had to run through a series of obstacles while being shot at with live ammunition - a test for monarchs to see who would survive.
Pressure was always placed on monarchs to rescue kids and they were duped into believing that kids who died, was their fault. Liam knew it was bullshit but still tried to get as many kids to safety as possible. In reality, certain kids were marked to not be killed and the others were expendables, so they couldn’t be saved anyway. It was all part of their sick game, for fun. People can’t imagine that anybody would do this for fun. Who would .do such a thing for fun?
Children in programs are trained to sprint as fast and as quietly as possible through forests and also cross country. This was all training for hunting parties. The people at these parties are all sexually sadistic predators. They view themselves as animalistic and that this is the time for them. They can release their true instincts and be their true selves in all their depravity. In Liam’s case, it was all men.
Liam participated in hunting parties involving Australian politicians, one of whom is still in parliament today. Liam went to a hunting party at an unknown location about 2 hours out of Canberra. A black bag was put over the heads of 30+ kids. Liam was 9. Some were as young as 8. They were kept in cages and a severed human foot was put in the cage to demean them. They were treated as though they were animals. The point was pure degradation and dehumanisation before they were released.
At the end of the party, some children who survived and thought they were going to live, were killed. Intelligence officers bought out military grade members of what appeared to be the Australian Defence Force. They ‘tested’ the weapons on the children and killed them in front of Liam. These were young boys and girls that he had saved. This was really hard to cope with because Liam thought that ‘all that remained was being raped by members of federal parliament.’
He explained that as a monarch, they feel that you are special in some way. They get some extra special spiritual energy from raping you and they go on to kill children right in front of you. Monarch kids that have been raped by federal politicians will always be monitored.
Liam was involved in experimental parties that happened on the set of one of Australia’s most loved, hilarious, 90’s TV shows. At night, the set was used for MK experiments on children. Props and sets were used to kill children.
Liam was raped on the set by one of Australia’s most loved comedians and presenters. He was also taken to news rooms and news towers in Queensland. He was raped by newsreaders and politicians in hunting parties and politicians in ritualistic sex parties. It’s all for blackmail and control of policy. It is widely understood and known that this is happening. And it is true.
A politician cannot be fired for being involved in child trafficking but if they don’t move on a policy, the network will bring this up and use it against them. They will threaten to expose it to people they love and care about. Kids like Liam were used to find out more information about the family so the system could release it to the media and move the politician out.
Blackmailing newsreaders is another form of control. Up until the 90s, newsreaders could comment on stories and go off script. Shutting down a critical part of journalism where something could go wrong, is critical to the system. They create huge faith and trust in newsreaders – the face of the news – so we believe what they are saying.
The entertainment industry is critical in hiding and maintaining control of child trafficking. Liam was forced the watch TV shows at home to remember what happened to him and his father would tell him he would never be believed. But Liam also reasoned that if the programming was that good, it wouldn’t have to continue in the home to keep children under control.
Law enforcement personnel are allegedly heavily involved in child trafficking and other programs.
When homeless people are moved, they are murdered. Liam witnessed their bodies being dumped in a local drain pipe at 2 and 3 in the morning by law enforcement officers. They are preventing due process and are also blackmailed.
The team assigned to target Liam since he became a whistle blower, includes an ASIO officer, a criminal operative and other criminal teams. A new contract is now on his head and they feel proud that they have silenced one of the greatest monarchs to ever have come forward.
Liam believes these programs are not foolproof and can be broken away from. They were worried about Liam at 19, when they failed to make him kill himself. They attempted to put him in psychiatric prison before he even dreamt of coming forward. You are always kept an eye on depending on the level of threat that you pose to the system. Now in his 30s, Liam believes they have no power over anymore.
It’s bizarre to Liam that a politician will go to a party and then accidentally detail things to a child. Are they aware that children are being used against them? Or do they think they are in a position of power and control and that the child will forget?
Liam acknowledges that some of this stuff is really gritty and hard to believe, and that you don’t have to believe it. The main thing is that you have an open mind. These programs continue in silence and can continue in ignorance. And that’s their power.
Previously having faith in the law enforcement services, Liam went to Crime Stoppers, an anonymous, confidential reporting system and thought he would be protected. Unfortunately, his ignorance led him to make the wrong decision and he feels that he should have gone to the media instead – the 7.30 Report, if they would have accepted him.
“Having discussions about this is all part of breaking free. Nobody can protect me now. I’m buggared. But I hope my message can live on through you guys… it’s really up to you guys now.” Liam
Editor’s Note: No Australian media organisation has had the courage to report significant issues for several decades. Especially public broadcaster ABC TV news, under the questionable watch of former chair Ita Buttrose and current chair, Kimberley Lynton "Kim" Williams (recently reported as whining about social media which is demolishing the Marxist globalist agenda of filthy lies a little more each day.)
Until next time.
I would rather be writing about happier topics but there will be many more cult survivor testimonial notes to come. Especially after the Bondi shopping centre stabbings here in NSW.
Some Australian survivors have tried to warn law enforcement cogs many times about the decades old luciferian/satanic Nazi cult that runs Australia. Breeders continue to birth babies into the cult and they are cruelly programmed and groomed from birth to become mind controlled 'sleeper' rapists and mass murderers who are triggered into action. Nothing is random. Then they use the mass media to keep the ignorant population traumatised & fearful.
Weak and complicit men & women are positioned at the top of the tree here on all levels. It's a Luciferian mess. One survivor publicly stated several times that there will be organised stabbings in Australia. She has tried to alert law enforcement about many cult crimes but nobody listens. Now we have even more grieving families and friends.
Hard hitting, like all of your articles are Linda. A voice for the victims and survivors.