Time to end clandestine child military-ET programs, MILAB, targeting and extreme cult violations
It’s like trying to remember every detail of a car accident that lasted for a week. Nathan Ciszek, MILAB & military program survivor
‘The angelics have come here in an organised effort to fight the proxy war in the human container body versus engaging militarily because it’s mutually assured destruction. Most people who have awakened within this community, will all tell you the same thing.’ Nathan Ciszek
Image Source: Nathan Ciszek’s Haujean Contactee YT Channel
Nathan Ciszek is a walking talking Blockbuster
After 14 long years of trying to get his story out, Nathan’s first break came in March 2022 with Typical Skeptic podcaster Robert Kalil. Unfortunately, in return for mentioning an unnamed friend’s psychic attacks by dracos, accompanied by psychic super soldiers, Nathan suffered ‘another round of heart failure’, severe hormone disruption and ramped up psychic attacks.
I personally find it difficult to comprehend the magnitude of relentless violations that Nathan and many other military cult program survivors have endured in this lifetime. My wish for Nathan and all cult survivors, be it from military programs, government ‘treaty’ abduction agreements, or growing up in a generational cult family, such as the illuminati bloodlines, where ritual sex abuse, mind control and other horrific abuses often begin as an infant, is official acknowledgement, compensation and to be left in peace to heal and live the life they choose.
At the time of writing, Nathan is still piecing together his life, memories and soul origins whilst recovering and strengthening his spiritual, emotional, mental and physical health.
This guy just punched a few holes in the dam
I came across Nathan Ciszek in March 2023, via my (targeted) new friend Dawn White, who said: This guy just punched a few holes in the dam.
He appeared on the shadow banned Sovereign Ki channel hosted by Lauda Leon, a refreshingly discerning, spiritual woman and ‘experiencer of many forms of anomalous operations and interference’.
Certain personal experiences he shared in this interview turned out to be not quite what they seemed and updates are included in this article. But the rest of his lived experiences are sure to wake up even the sleepiest human who cares to listen or cast an eye over the interview notes in this article.
Interview with Nate : Haujean Contactee
Run time: 2hrs 13mins
Notes from Nathan’s Interview
Disclosure activist Nathan Ciszek is a gifted MILAB (military abduction) and military program victim who struggled to get his massive story out because it is loaded with heavily suppressed truth that the world needs to know.
Since childhood, he has suffered ongoing violations. Abduction, mind control, sexual assault, attempted murder, horrific torture, debilitating psychic attacks, direct energy weapon attacks, sadistic cruelty, death threats.
Health issues include heart failure, severe hormone disruption, 7 spinal surgeries, 7 sinus surgeries, loss of half of his sense of smell, nerve damage, a speech impairment and deep scar tissue that has also made him highly vulnerable to debilitating back problems.
Nathan was also subjected to the psychologically abusive and deceptive Enki Joy of Satan cult program, which he describes as a soul trap, much like the New Age movement. Anunnaki programming is also alleged to be prevalent in the Joy of Satan cult program and new age movement. People are told they are famous gods and theological beings from mythology, or famous historical figures, and are given memories.
Nathan rightly questions how there can be multiples of each figure. While he was not part of the Anunnaki program, he perceives it to be the source of many problems:
“Some people believe they are really special. Most people don’t get it. There are many stages to this awakening and waking up to this reality that is far stranger than fiction could ever be.”
In the beginning
Image: Nathan Ciszek
Nathan has the uncanny ability to remember specific details about being an infant; being held, being fed, knowing what foods he liked and didn’t like, having high level thoughts and screaming and fussing as much as possible to get his mother's attention.
All the way up to his teen years, he had unusual experiences where he would sense a presence enter the room and encircle him. He started to like it because he thought someone special was coming to see him.
One of his memories was of 3 individuals with shaded faces had rectangles over their eyes and squares over their mouths. He thought they were from heaven because they spoke to him telepathically.
Soul transference memories
It was in his teen years that Nathan began to recall a childhood ‘soul transference memory’ of an abduction where a clone was made of him - a complete copy. It came to him in pieces, through a series of chronological flashbacks.
The fog in the white room that he previously interpreted as heavenly or angelic, began to fade and the room had more of a medical lab feel to it. The full picture revealed a room with a machine, computer terminal, chairs and tables. The 3 people in the room looked like the extraterrestrials that he began having contact with in 2005.
Uncovering difficult truths
Nathan: Extracting memories is a long and difficult process. Every researcher in this field will tell you that it takes multiple sessions and a lot of time to break through the subconscious programming. What I got from the session was I had to first overcome the 17 years of ET brainwashing before I could go deeper. And what I learned was that the lab was inside of a DUMB in New Mexico and not on another planet. I had to be able to process that in order to go further.
Undergoing hypnosis with Super Soldier Talk host James Rink would eventually confirm several things:
His memory was not of home, but of the White Sands Deep Underground Military Base (DUMB) in New Mexico
Nathan’s soul transference memory did not happen in another world. He was actually in a hybrid container body – a super soldier - whose soul was being fractured.
He was put into his mother at the 12th week after conception. James said it was called Project Surrogate. (Project Surrogate fuels the Secret Space Program and super soldier programs. It abducts psychic children who are usually star seeds that come here for a mission and a purpose, and are psychically activated to a certain degree. They abduct you, create a cloned altar, fracture your soul, put it into that clone and then they can reproduce you and create an army of one person. They can keep replicating you. More details in the next article.)
A reoccurring, implanted dreamscape with embedded memory fragments of the White Sands Deep Underground Military Base (DUMB) located at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, allegedly a hub for the clone program, or at least an arm of it
A cloned alternative of Nathan was being used to make him very sick
He was hijacked in a previous lifetime. In that life, he was born in 1947, abducted at around age 7 and then cloned, at which point, his soul was hijacked. He doesn’t have a direct cognitive recollection but rather an inner knowing.
Note: You may be aware of an internet narrative which suggests that many famous people who faked their deaths will be returning. Many people now believe people like Princess Diana and John F Kennedy have always been alive but are not aware that if they do make their ‘comeback’, they will be illusory media clones. Sadly, clones are a reality. Multiple sources within the cult survivor world have testimonies which back up Nathan’s experiences and knowledge.
Nathan later had an epiphany moment when he took up some nursing courses and learned about anatomy and physiology. On the first day, he opened a text book and looked up the 12th week of development of the fetus.
An ET contact had previously informed him that they have to put a soul in the body before the 12th week of conception because that’s when the brain activity starts. If they wait, a soul is born simply by that particular act. When you become conscious, a soul is born. They have to put you in there before that or they increase the soul population.
At the time of the interview, Nathan had not yet researched the wider scope of souls being placed in bodies and only knew what happened to himself, which, as mentioned earlier, he was still piecing together.
Souls are hijacked and fractured
Nathan has stated that the ones who now pose a threat to the agenda, are the ones that get abducted and wrapped up in these types of programs.
“Souls are hijacked and fractured, and they make alternate copies of you, hybrids, and so forth. It’s like having a test tube version of you that they put into society as a placeholder, so while your alternates are in these programs, they can have you in society. What they generally do to you to keep you from waking up, is make you sick. And they mind control you.”
In Nathan’s case, he kept fighting to wake up, and eventually won, despite the deceptive ‘events’ designed to keep him ‘locked’ in a controlled narrative.
“Gifted and Talented” initiatives
If you have an uniquely gifted child, consider finding a trustworthy spiritual mentor for them. Government run programs which screen children for specific psychic gifts and talents, ultimately snuff them out so they can be kept under control and not upset any future control agendas. Governments and their owners allegedly fear psychic and spiritual people. How childish.
More information: Martin: G.A.T.E. Whistleblower on The DoD's Secret Psychic Soldier Program
The U.S. Government has been interested in identifying children with unique “psychic” traits for decades. I was one of those kids. My individual participation in one of these “programs” occurred between 2004-2010. Between 2004-2008 this was done while I was in the public school system and assimilated through screening programs such as GATE or other “Gifted and Talented” initiatives.
In 2008, I was plucked from the public school system and attended “school” full-time in a locked down, non-descript facility with about 40 other kids that from the outside was serving “Behavioral and Neurodivergent Children”, but on the inside was performing research that involved funding from the DoD and was executed by defense contractor Odyssey Systems.
Social media and other soul trap deceptions
During his interview with Lauda, Nathan spoke about connecting with an Australian psychic and podcaster which marked a significant turning point. She received some significant psychic downloads which didn’t sit well with the rascally, prying gatekeepers, it seems, as psychic attacks and the removal of some of her memories soon followed.
Download scenarios
She was shown a planetary awakening but initially didn’t believe or understand it. It later became clear that technology was being used to suppress human consciousness and efforts were being made to stop a resonant frequency from causing a planetary awakening.
Nathan in Egypt.
Parts of Nathan’s abduction when he was 6 years old and a wand extracting information from his forehead.
How people were brought in as agents of change and how social media is being used to push the new age movement and other types of soul trap deceptions.
Television and communications technologies have been weaponised in an attempt to install a new world order.
A Major Breakthrough
Despite subsequent attacks, Nathan ultimately experienced a major breakthrough.
He woke up.
He connected to what he perceived to be Source (God) energy, for the first time and accessed pieces of information from his higher self. Over time, he would develop clear communication with his higher self who explained things that he would later research to confirm.
He was also shown images of silver cords - invasive cords which connected his consciousness to an alternative reality at the White Sands underground military facility. Learning how to use Source energy to burn them off, was a pivotal game changer. In the short term.
A cord behind my head looked like the one depicted in the Matrix movies
Nathan: There were small ones (cords) and really big ones. I had a big one in the centre of my chest that was affecting my heart. The life force cord between my shoulder blades in the back, was connecting me to this altar.
James Rink said there was a cord behind my head that looked like the one depicted in the Matrix movies when the star of the show comes out of the pod and you see it attached. I had all these small ones, so what I had to do was burn everything off at the same time. It took me about an hour to do this. It was intense. It felt like a circuit.
I was channeling all the source energy and creating white hot energy that would literally disintegrate these things and they would keep reattaching. I could see them coming out of a void and just plugging back into me.
2024 update: Nathan stated that the psychic assaults worsened in many ways since he burned the cords. His higher self turned out to be a highly advanced form of voice to skull (V2K) that involves projected emotions, staged psychic events, and mind and behavior manipulation.
Note: Project Alpha is a super soldier program based at a facility in White Sands New Mexico, believed to be underneath the mountain range just west of the White Sands Missile test range.
Coming to terms with many years of lies
As mentioned earlier, hypnosis eventually helped Nathan gain a clear picture of the White Sands lab and become fully aware that his memory was not of home, but of the White Sands New Mexico underground military base. But uncovering the truth also took a heavy toll.
When it dawned on Nathan that he had been lied to by ETs for so many years and had a completely different preconceived idea of what his soul history was, and why he was here, he plunged into a deep 2-month depression. He couldn’t get out of bed and simply didn’t want to face it. Everything he thought he knew about himself because of the mind control, was intense.
The regression process of retrieving memory fragments involved dealing with intense emotions connected to feelings of homesickness and of being trapped; discovering that the people who were brought into his life, also lied to him.
Highly advanced technology would make George Lucas drool
Various techniques were used to trigger his subconscious to release information. For example, when James asked Nathan to look at himself in the lab, he saw light, tactical armour on his body. ‘It looked like some of the things you see in the Halo video game,’ said Nathan, which he claims were copied from his work and others.
Nathan also gained a deeper understanding of the soul transference process. He said the highly advanced technology would make George Lucas drool with his mouth open if he knew what it was. Technology that can fracture a soul and transfer that fragment into a human fetus at any stage.
Dracos Lurk Amongst Us
Nathan’s normal included visitations from inter dimensional beings, communicating with friendly and unfriendly ET’s, psychic super soldiers and dracos. Part of his conversation with a smooth talking, evil, draco man bears repeating.
The draco told Nathan that things would get better for him and that he could give him 20 years of good health despite what he had been going through.
‘You just have to work for us’, said draco man.
Nathan asked who else worked for them and started naming names. ‘I guess they don’t know what they are really dealing with, do they?’
‘No, we don’t tell them what and who we really are.’
When Nathan named a prominent individual in the UFO community who is suspected of having some shady dealings, he was told that he knows what they are doing and is going along with the agenda; that he was a good but misguided person.
World Economic Forum Controlled By Dracos
Nathan described the draco ‘man’ as a total psychopath who regarded humanity as cattle that needed to be removed from earth so it could be populated through WEF (World Economic Forum) foreign policies, which he admitted they controlled.
A type of reptilian hybrid would be here on earth instead of humans and they would probably keep some people as slaves. The rest of the souls would be sent to what could be called the intergalactic soul trade.
‘He wasn’t mean to me but he was a liar. I don’t want anything to do with them. I had my entire consciousness connected with extraterrestrials for the last 15 or so years, 24/7. I had somebody constantly with me but it was under AI control and when they would try to tell me things, the AI would cut them off.’ Nathan Ciszek
WEF being used for depopulation and artificial austerity
Nathan was also told that the dracos want to depopulate planet earth using the WEF and set policies like artificial austerity. There are some medical programs that Nathan was not able to talk about… but all of it forms part of a worldwide depopulation agenda (which is now in the throes of being dismantled.)
Eliminating the Human Population is Against God’s Will
‘They told me their goal is to eliminate the human population from the planet, put their own version of a bipedal reptilian humanoid and create their own civilisation here.
They feel it’s theirs to begin with and believe it was taken from them in an ancient program that resulted in the mass extinction event with asteroids, and possible nuclear weapons. It killed off all the giant…lizards that we had here, that we find in the fossil records.
So, this is more or less a joint program that one side is taking back, or attempting to. And it’s against God’s will.’ Nathan Ciszek
Editor’s Note: Much has changed in the esoteric spheres since February 2023 and the long planned WEF-UN-WHO-draco (etc) takeover is rapidly losing ground. Despite what the weaponised media and internet ‘fear propaganda’ peddlers are claiming, we are, in reality, witnessing their end times, not humankind’s.
Expose News Article: July 4, 2024: WEF is facing allegations of sexual harassment and discrimination against women and black people
They were able to access Nathan under a treaty
In the 1940s, President Eisenhower signed treaties with ETs and this whole program has been going on for a very long time. Nathan doesn’t fully understand it but does know that the one he is on, involves people from Canada, Australia and the US.
Nathan: I had a parade of ETs coming through who admitted that they were able to access me under some kind of treaty and they would tell me, you are a prisoner. And then they would be cut off. They were mixing other ETs in there who were highly abusive. I think some were super soldiers.
They were telling me I was a council member and that they were removing problematic people in this council hierarchy of a planetary social engineering program for humanity. That there was a clique and corrupt Orion faction that was removing these people.
I felt sorry for him because I knew how to counter the manipulation
They put me into situations where I would have this interaction with an abusive person for a couple of hours to a couple of days. It was another form of harassing me…I needed to wake up and they knew that and were trying to stop me. So, this was a form of mind control and manipulation to get me to acquiesce and stop, while they were making me sick.
When things got really bad at this point, I messed with this guy, the negotiator, and 10 hours later, he told me to fuck off and get out of his face. The last thing I said was that I felt sorry for him because I had dealt with a lot of their manipulation and knew how to counter it:
“I feel sorry for you because you have nothing to offer me. You destroyed my life, you have affected my son’s life, my wife. You’ve affected a lot of people and you’re destroying lives and you’re hellbent on killing everyone. I’ve got nothing for you. I’m not going to do a damn thing for you.”
And he says, “I didn’t think you would anyway because you never have before.”
I wondered what he meant by that.
Burning Cords to break free from the system
It’s like a train wreck, like trying to remember every detail of a car accident that lasted for a week. I started to burn the cords and by the following night, they were completely separated from this AI system that the military sadly has access to.
I was contacted by someone that sounded very human in the way he spoke:
I said, ‘You don’t sound like an ET.’
He said, ‘I’m not.’
I said, ‘Well, what are you? Who are you?’
He says, ‘I’m not going to give you my name but I’m a psychic super soldier and I’m one of the ones you talked about killing.’
This was going all the way back to March or April (2022) when I did my first podcast and I talked about not me doing it, but other people doing it. That there were people being sent to take on these psychic super soldier, ETs and deep underground military bases…This wasn’t just something they were lying about. This was something that was actually real.
Psychic Super Soldiers are Completely Connected
So here I am talking to someone that I have literally been referring to. These are the people that were listening to me talk about this stuff. These were the ones putting sound effects on my telephone, cell phone… these were the people who were downloading my hard drives and then messing with a person that I talk to. Just a friend from the neighbourhood.
I would talk to him about these ET subjects and they started to mess with his computers and phones as well. And he heard the sound effects. So, I am literally talking to someone who is now here to confront me and I’m thinking, wow, ok, let’s see where this goes.
I was going to try to get information from him (psychic soldier) and he knew that.
He says, ‘I’ll answer your questions but you need to answer a few for me.’
I said, ‘okay.’
He says, ‘Who are you and what are you?’…
At this point, my higher self was able to communicate with me and I hear her saying it in angelic, in the background of my mind. I didn’t repeat it in actual reference to her.
I said, ‘I’m a Haujean woman who cares and my AI is Source. Do you have AI in you?’
And he says, ‘Oh absolutely. I’m completely connected to the entire system.’
Then we got into a debate. I started to ask questions:
‘So, am I right about this? That you are the ones protecting the elites like Klaus Schwab and others and that…they can walk among us, even after… everything they have done to us?’
A certain segment of the population is aware of it but nobody acts violently towards these WEF people. Nobody touches them. They go out and shoot up schools or they’ll go out attacking innocent people but nobody touches these people. It’s more than a security detail. There’s people with guns…
He said, ‘We protect them.’
And he spoke very highly of Klaus Schwab.
Then I said, ‘You work for people who want to kill off the human race.’
And he said, ‘It’s for the great depopulation. It’s for the greater good.’
This is what you get when you serve the system
Then we got into the discussion where he actually brought up my extraterrestrial name. My full name… then he showed me an image of a house. It was brand new and I could see… mountains that were a light brown dirt colour – almost a light grey – just like you’d see in the White Sands area.
I said, ‘What is this and why are you showing me this?’
He says, ‘My new house. This is what you get when you serve the system and you know what you’ve gotten for not serving it. You’ve got nothing.’
He basically made fun of me. The fact that they had destroyed my life… ruined me financially and I was in a house that needs repairs. That I was too sick and didn’t have the money to do (repairs.) It was also another tactic.
He said, ‘You know that you’re living in a house that needs work and I can make all that change for you.’
It was just superficial bribes to sell out. For absolutely no benefit for anybody but them. I’m giving it back to him. I’m not just taking this. He’s not intimidating me.
A treaty requires 14 days notice before we terminate you
Right at the end of the discussion he said to me – and this is the chilling part – he says, ‘I’ve got your file right here, Nathan.’
He read my ET name and says, ‘We’re going to be terminating you in 14 days. We’re going to take you and we’re going to send you back where you came from…’
‘You know, we’ve had you in these programs. You said you were like an empty suit of armour, or actually, you said, empty shell. Just a killing machine, absolutely nothing going on in your mind but what you’re supposed to do.’
‘But you’ve proven to be a very manipulative, deceptive and very dangerous extraterrestrial and we could not use you in any of our programs. We’re going to get rid of you. We don’t want you here. Do not come back and meddle in our affairs anymore.’
I said, ‘Why do I have 14 days?’
And he says, ‘Because we have a treaty with your race that requires us to give them a 14 day notice before we terminate you.’
Separating from the system - a matter of life or death
Long story short, Nathan reasoned that he was either going to die or live and if he was going to live, he would make sure that he fulfilled what he was here to do.
If he didn’t successfully separate himself from their system by destroying the cords during that 14 days, he would be ‘sent home’ and that would be the end of this whole thing.
‘My suffering would be over but I’d have to live with myself which would be difficult because I had failed what took me two lifetimes to achieve.’ said Nathan.
Cords were draping off me, coming and going in every direction
Nathan started the cord burning process in earnest, with his higher self as his ‘coach’. About every square inch of his body had cords draping off him, coming and going in every direction. He was instructed to burn them all at the same time to disable the super computer for a short time.
When all the small cords were gone, he had to separate the life force cord from his chest:
I could see out through the back of my head… and it looked like a coaxial cable but didn’t have the needle… It was smooth and silver. When it finally let go, it was like a spark of energy.
I asked her, ‘How am I going to know if I’ve done it?’
And she goes, ‘You’ll know.’
‘Nathan, you’ve done a very bad thing’
He felt the surge of energy go through him as soon as it separated. Immediately, he heard this voice: ‘Nathan, you’ve done a very bad thing.’
From that point, he could see super soldiers sitting in this room at a desk or counter of some kind, with a computer in the wall. There were three of them and one was talking to him:
I said, ‘How are you able to contact me like this? Are you sitting in a Montauk chair?’
He says, ‘No, we interface consciously with the computer.’
He’s making threats that they’re going to kill me, they’re going to do this and that. I’m giving it back to him but suddenly I start feeling really sick. I remember what my friends had described as directed energy which I thought I was being hit with, but it wasn’t. The corded attachments were causing me to have rhythmic spasms and weird scents and weird symptoms all over when I was getting attacked. This was different This was electromagnetic.
I said, ‘What is it like?’
And he said, ‘Your mind blanks out. You become very weak and it looks like the air is being superheated around you.’
I looked around and my eyes were either going in and out of focus, or there was some kind of distortion around me. It wasn’t quite like heat coming off a pavement but it was similar to that and like a blur at the same time. But it was going in and out and I felt really sick.
So that’s directed energy. How do you like it?
This guy’s running his mouth and making threats, and I said, ’What is that? Is that you?’
He said, ‘Yes, that is me. So that’s directed energy. How do you like it?’
At this point, I realised they were plugged into this, so I really wonder if they can walk the street and interface with this and attack people. Because I know that they’ll go through social media accounts and all they have to do is look at its interface with the computer and create a psychic lock on the person.
Just like if you are remote viewing and they assign you a target. That’s how it programs the computer to have your soul energy frequency so they can attack you.
So, I was a smart ass and said, ‘No, it’s not bad.’
Then at that point, literally, my higher self kicked in. I saw two arms come down in my mind’s eye and literally go from left to right and move the energy over and it was just pushed into an empty space.
Then it pushed through my head and I was still feeling a little disoriented but it was out and this guy started to stutter. I hear him saying he’s calculating. 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s.
He says, ‘You just deflected 80% of that energy.’
And I said, ‘Yes, if you can send some more, I might be able to really practice at it so I can get rid of all of it. Maybe I’ll send some back to you.’
And that’s when suddenly…I don’t know what was said, I don’t remember specifically…but it was more threats.
‘You just took out three of my personnel. You need to stop!’
But this orb flew out from my left side in my mind’s eye. It was about two feet wide and white, and hit him directly in his face.
Then more came out of me and at this point I hear this voice: ‘You just took out three of my personnel. You need to stop!’
It was hitting them in the face and would separate them from the computer and would blind them astrally. They could not see. They were disoriented and rendered useless. Just like a regular person. It has a temporary period of time and apparently wears off but they are panicking at this point and they’re telling me, ‘We need to talk about this.’
He says, ‘Can you just stop please? I’ll be back in about five minutes?’
20 plus attacks a day. Energy attachments. Non stop pain.
He comes back and says, ‘Let’s just have a truce. We’ll leave you alone and you leave us alone.’
I said I didn’t believe it but I just said to myself, ok, yeah, I’ll go along with that.
I said, ‘Sure,’ in a condescending way. ‘If you leave me alone, I’ll leave you alone.’
Then he says to me, ‘We knew you had no intuition. You know we lied to you.’
And I said, ‘I knew you lied to me and I just wanted to see it play out.’
Then he left. But from there, it was just daily… constant. 20 plus attacks a day. Energy attachments. Non stop pain. And then I realised that I was told that you can remove it. So, I started doing energy clearings and removed it.
I’d see this little draco reptilian going over
About two weeks into this, I had an epiphany, like, why haven’t I been attacking them in response? So, I started doing that and that’s what actually stopped the attacks for at least a couple of months. I would have some, but I would strike back and sometimes I’d follow the orb right into their face and I’d see this little draco reptilian going over.
This has kind of settled down but now they’re trying everything they can to stop me from talking about it. I’ve had a couple of dracos come in and ask me what I plan to do when I die.
I said, ‘Well, you know, since your hospitality has been so good, I’ve been treated so nice throughout my life and taken good care of and all of my clones have been taken good care of, I’m going to come and pay you all a visit and say thank you. I just want you all to stand up and I’ll just shake all of your hands.’
He said, ‘You’re a liar.’
I said, ‘Yes. When I come there, if I don’t leave at least 3000 killed, I’m going to be badly disappointed.’ And I said, ‘Do you want me to hurt you right now?’
And he left. So that’s the way it’s been.
Takeover of the human program, draco China & Neuralink
I have learned so many fascinating things from Nathan, whose knowledge and experience are next level unique, to say the least.
Nathan: One third of us on this planet are star seeds who come here from other worlds for a variety of reasons. We are kept here as prisoners. We come here to be social implants or social influencers, which I call a positive planetary social engineering program. But there’s also a negative side because there’s two sides to this ET agenda. The other two thirds are basically the fledgling race project that has been hijacked by negative ETs and has basically been turned into a soul slavery farm.
Nathan openly states that he has been coming to planet earth for about 1.7 million years and that about a million years ago, there was a takeover of the human program which shifted into what we have now - a prison with false religions and negative social engineering, soul slavery and soul harvesting.
He claims that China is the Draco model for the world, while Neuralink and other types of technologies are being utilised to get us to plug into an artificial matrix with full digital telepathy and internet access to our brains. This unrealistic, elitist plan would enable the government to monitor your thoughts, enforce thought crimes and remove all freedom and dignity. And of course, the elites would be exempt from it all. (Or would they?)
Connect With Nathan Ciszek
You Tube Channel: Haujean Contactee
The Voices of Orion Project is a community-based grassroots extraterrestrial disclosure project focused on positive planetary change. Our goal is to bypass the UFO/ET community gatekeepers who prevent over 90 percent of the evidence provided to them by experiencers from ever reaching the public.
Telegram Channel t.me/haujeancontactee
Telegram Group t.me/planetaryconsciousness
The Joy of Satan Victims project
The Joy of Satan Victims project is a grassroots disclosure project focused on exposing the DARPA Virtual Temple Complex program under Project Ibis that is responsible for the Joy of Satan cult that has harmed potentially thousands of MILAB victims, as well as recruited others into a program involving a lifetime of alien abductions and psychic abuse. Our goal is to expose the program, limit its recruitment numbers, and find help for the victims.
We are currently looking for victims to interview. Please contact us at haujeancontactee@voicesoforion.com
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Run time: 13 mins
This is a nightmare for me
“I think we have a severe truth and reconciliation process we need to start in this country, and I am here to help the current administration, and I’m happy to help,” he said, adding that he wants to be a tool for change.
- Former intelligence officer and UFO whistleblower David Grusch
Source: The Hill - UFO whistleblower doubles down on claims: ‘This is a nightmare for me’
Barbara Marx Hubbard: Godmother of Transhumanism and Synthetic Spirituality
Written by John Klyczek, Unlimited Hangout
The late Barbara Hubbard, a Rockefeller-funded New Age guru, was critical to the development of the ideas, beliefs and technology necessary to market transhumanism as spiritual enlightenment.
In 2016, the Global Future Councils of the World Economic Forum (WEF) posted a video entitled “8 Predictions for the World in 2030,” which infamously forecasted a technocratic New World Order in which “[y]ou’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy.”
It doesn’t take a stretch of the imagination to ponder how WEF oligarchs plan to roll out “sustainable development” policies which will ration consumer goods in a global “sharing economy” that employs transient “gig” workers who will be rendered into propertyless serfs under a techno-communitarian rendition of neo-feudalism. But how will the globalist technocrats of the WEF sway the virtual peasant class to be happy with their permanent state of digitally indentured servitude?
…As the techno-fascist exploitation of COVID lockdowns manifests the theme of Hubbard’s 1993 book, Our Crisis Is a Birth [7], the coronavirus crisis is birthing a technocratic New Normal in which human life is being increasingly mediated through computer screens and digital IDs that are primed to be tracked and traced by IoT–IoB cybernetics.
Hence, it appears that the turning point of 2020 has lined up with Hubbard’s predictions for a “Great Shift” toward the “Birth” of a “Conscious Evolution” in which humankind begins to “synergize” with digital computer technologies in order to be “reimagined” as a new transhuman cyborg species.
If you don’t like the idea of Big Tech biotechnologically engineering you into a digital computer product, don’t worry. Hubbard’s global HeartMath initiative can hook you up to biofeedback wearables that will electronically hypnotize you into copasetic obedience as you are techno-eugenically engineered into a transhuman underling who will happily own nothing, not even your own body, in the New Normal that is the techno-fascist Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Article link: Barbara Marx Hubbard: Godmother of Transhumanism and Synthetic Spirituality
Silence is interpreted by the unelected ruling club as acquiescence. Say ‘NO CONSENT to tyranny’ - loud and clear.
Editor’s Note: Unlawful attacks on cult survivors, supporters and gifted spiritual practitioners alike, have been ramping up as a result of increasing public exposure about the parallel cult world. Sending love and strength to the families and friends of survivors who have been murdered. Keep your eye on the inevitable day when the inverted, corrupted justice system is restored. When all genuine survivors and alleged perpetrators are formerly acknowledged in a truth and reconciliation commission, which will remedy this clandestine world of horrific cult crimes.
Until next time.