Targeted Inventors of Free Energy and Healing Technology
Some of these inventors have simply disappeared, some have gone into hiding and some have simply pulled back in fear for their lives. Michael Tellinger
Michael Tellinger: Not a single one of them has been able to release their inventions to the world, to help humanity.
‘Since 2010, I have had the pleasure of meeting well over three dozen inventors of free energy and healing technology across the world. I have seen first hand the effectiveness of their inventions. Not a single one of them has been able to release their inventions to the world, to help humanity. Some of these inventors have simply disappeared, some have gone into hiding, and some have simply pulled back in fear for their lives.
This is the reality that faces all inventors that threaten the profit and control of the large multinational corporations in energy and big pharma. Ordinary people have no idea of the ongoing war between inventors and big brother, to keep new inventions suppressed. The elite are relentless, bloodthirsty, brutal, and inhumane. They will go to any extreme to protect their empires. It will take a very special event to overcome their control. Are we close to such an event?’
Michael Tellinger, Scientist, Author, Humanitarian, Explorer, Researcher, Founder of Ubuntu Liberation Movement
Dead and Missing Inventors
Alexandra Bruce: This is Just the Tip of the Iceberg
Stefan Marinov was the leader of the European Free Energy movement. In 1997, he made tremendous strides in the technology. Before he could develop his first prototype, he fell out of a window.
Dr John Mullen, a nuclear physicist used to work for McDonnell-Douglas, one of the largest military contractors in the world. He died of arsenic poisoning in 2004. His girlfriend was originally a suspect but she was found dead in her apartment shortly after. There are no more suspects, there is no investigation, there will be no trial.
Dmitry Petronov invented a plasma battery that powered his home for 14 months. In 2010, he went to a bakery and was never seen again.
Zachary Warfield was another inventor who developed his own plasma battery. Warfield had visited Petronov to exchange information. That same year, Warfield died in a strange boating accident in Washington DC.
Eugene Mallove was a physicist and expert in cold fusion. He claimed he had a working prototype of a free energy device. In 2004, the before he was to make a public announcement about his findings, he was beaten to death.
Arie de Geus actually patented a free energy technology based on the Zero Point field. In 2007, he was about to get on a flight to meet investors who were going to fund his research. He was found dead in his car at the airport.
Rory Johnson created a cold fusion laser-activated magnetic motor that generated over 500 horsepower. He planned a public demonstration of four vehicles equipped with his magnetron motor. The US Department of Energy placed a restraining order on this technology, preventing publication and though in excellent health, he died unexpectedly soon after.
Mark Tomion, a physicist patented technology called a Star Drive, which uses Zero Point energy, very similar to the ARV [Alien Reproduction Vehicle]. In 2009, he developed a working prototype. Shortly after, he died from an unexpected cardiac event. His research is missing.
Stan Meyers developed a working engine that ran on water. In 1997, he died from what was officially reported as a cerebral hemorrhage. This happened while having lunch with two potential investors. His last words were: “I was poisoned.”
Mark McCandlish, Alternative Propulsion and Energy Researcher, allegedly committed suicide in Redding California in April, 2021.
Vale Documentary Maker James Allen
Alexandra Bruce sourced most of her information about dead and missing visionary inventors from a documentary called Zero Point: The Story of Mark McCandlish and the Flux Liner written and directed by James Allen. He apparently ruffled a lot of feathers with his research, specifically at Lockheed-Martin.
James Allen Died Before His Documentary Was Released
While still editing the film, James was diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer and was dead in three months. He never got to see his documentary released and his next film, which would expose antigravity technology being pursued by military contractors, will now never happen. (According to You Tube channel Intelligence Deployment, James was killed in a very similar fashion as Dr. Robert Harrington who tracked Planet X Nibiru for the US government and met with Zachariah Sitchin instigating his death shortly thereafter.)
An interview clip featuring James Allen 6 weeks before his cancer diagnosis, showed no signs of sickness. Autopsy results that revealed an unbelievably aggressive tumor that usually occurs in patients with cancer for years, not weeks. His blood contained 12 heavy metals and radio isotopes at toxic levels: manganese, beryllium, thorium and uranium.
Zero Point Documentary
Sending love and sincere condolences to the families and friends of our murdered visionaries. May they all be posthumously investigated and honoured by a global truth and reconciliation commission that has many serious issues to address. Billionaires and trillionaires will not be exempt from official questioning where necessary.
Forbidden Energy Inventions - The Why Files
‘Green Energy is a scam. If you create a free energy device that you know works, do not patent it. Publish it anonymously on the internet and make it freely available to everyone. Don’t be foolish and think you can use the Patent system to become rich. They will not allow it. Most likely, they will kill you.
Instead, share your technology first. You can change the world. I promise you, the money will be there. Keep tinkering, keep inventing but keep quiet.’
Unlocking the Mystery of Life - Intelligent Design
A great documentary on the origins of life and a strong argument against the ignorant, unscientific, Darwinian ideas of natural selection that has caused our education system to be strangled by dogma. A must see for those who are still confused about true science and how it connects with spirituality.
Unlocking the Mystery of Life - Intelligent Design:
Ubuntu Planet
ONE SMALL TOWN – Can Change The World
Ubuntu Planet is a global movement to liberate humanity from the financial money -slavery system AND the societal practice of scarcity - to transform our living experience to reflect the reality of our planet: Abundance & Prosperity for all - through Cooperation and Collaboration.
Origins of Money
According to the Sumerian texts, money was introduced to the human race some 6000 years ago by the first Priest-kings that mysteriously appeared on Earth. These kings suddenly owned all the land and people had to work for them and serve them. They built massive temples which were their palaces and also the first banks that created and issued the first forms of money. The first money was created out of clay tablets. These were the original “negotiable instruments” or “promissory notes” that the banking system still uses today.
Money is not part of human evolution – and money was not created to help humanity to survive and prosper. It was created as a tool of enslavement and control. It is very important to recognize that it’s not about the money, but the control of money. The royal-political banking elite, who have the power to create and issue money to the people of the world, have absolute control. They can create and print as much money as they want, because they own all the banks and the right to do so. It is ironic that this right is defended and protected by us, the people, the slaves to the system.
The banking families, or the global elite as they are called, own our countries, all the largest corporations, control our governments, and manipulate every aspect of our reality. Unfortunately, most people are blissfully unaware of this as they struggle to survive from month-to-month and day-to-day, wondering why their lives are so hard.
As long as we have money in our system, we will remain slaves to those who control the money. Money is not just energy, or a means of exchange, as some people falsely believe – money is the absolute tool of control over humanity.
UBUNTU Be the seed of consciousness in your community
We call our plan of action “ONE SMALL TOWN – Can Change The World”.
Since 2005, the UBUNTU Movement has grown to over 140 countries, and matured into a movement that unites people from all walks of life into higher levels of consciousness and a simple plan of action to create a world of abundance & prosperity for all – across all borders and cultures. A world that can never fall back into the mess we find ourselves in today. Our system is called CONTRIBUTIONISM – where everyone contributes their talents and skills for the benefit of all in their community.
No-one homeless; No-one hungry – Everyone cherished for their talents and contributions.
We call it “ONE SMALL TOWN – Will Change The World”
Website: Ubuntu Contributionism
(Above text sourced from Ubuntu website)
About Michael Tellinger
Michael Tellinger is a South African author, humanitarian, visionary, researcher, explorer and founder of the Ubuntu Liberation Movement which supports the supply of free resources across society. He has also led a campaign against banks and central banks and championed pseudo legal ideas to obtain money from financial institutions.
Michael Tellinger Books:
Michael Tellinger Telegram Channel:
Michael Tellinger’s eBook Link: Ubuntu Contributionism ($12.12)
Until next time.