Trauma Recovery, Healing, Resilience and Reclaiming Our Gifts
Military special forces undergo 'no time to bleed' MK-Ultra programming which enables them to take a bullet and keep going. Cathy O'Brien
Unbroken - From Survivor to Super Soul
I would love to see my abusers change and heal and become people who do good in the world. As souls we are here to learn and grow.
Doug McIntyre, former Cult Survivor
Healing Experiences to Ponder
These quotes are from a compelling ‘Unbroken’ discussion between former cult survivors turned new world heroes, leaders, speakers and educators, Rachel Vaughan, Max Lowen, Doug McIntyre and Cathy O’Brien:
I was able to knit my bones back together. It is possible to knit broken bones back together by using our mind and body. We have incredible healing abilities through our consciousness. The day will come when we no longer need doctors because everything we need to heal ourselves, is within. Max Lowen
Military special forces undergo no time to bleed MK-Ultra programming which enables them to take a bullet and keep going. I experienced much of that, too… So, in my healing process, what they used against me, I just took for my own. I do, no time to have a cold, no time to get sick. And I don’t. I stay super, super healthy just with this mental game that I can do. Cathy O’Brien
When we look back at MK Ultra, and also Hitler and his scientists, they were fascinated with heterochromia. One of the things that comes with it is that we may actually have two sets of DNA. One in our blood and one in our flesh. Doug McIntyre
Our souls, not just our minds, are super. We are capable of so much more than we realise. Rachel Vaughan
Enjoy the following notes. Interview links are at the end of this article. Highly recommended viewing.
Unbroken - Trauma, Resilience and Reclaiming Our Gifts
Max Lowen – ‘I Was Able to Knit my Bones Back Together’
I have spoken about self healing to Rachel (Vaughan) and Doug (McIntyre) and sometimes I’m a bit scared to share that openly because it sounds so bizarre
When I would be put in the freezers, they couldn’t believe how long I could stay alive but it was because I could heat up my blood. I would just heat myself up more while I was in there.
There was a (childhood) incident where my uncle laid me on an alter and he basically hammered my bones to break them and I could hear the cracking and everything. And I was able to knit my bones back together. Just using my mind and my body.
Even later as an adult, I had a lipoma, a benign… 6 x 6 inch tumour that they had to extract. It was a big surgery and the surgeon gave me pain pills and said to stay in bed for a few days…When I got home from hospital, I threw away the pain pills because with all the drugging that they did with me. I don’t like that kind of stuff. But the next morning, I woke up and went on a hike. I was fine. And when I went back for the first follow up, the surgeon’s jaw was literally on the ground and she was like: But, you are completely healed. That’s impossible. But in my mind, I thought: Well no, it’s not. I’ve done that a lot of times before.
I had a caesarian section with my daughter when she was born and the same thing – after a few days I noticed that the scar was healed and there was a little bit of a stitch sticking out. I just pulled out the stitch myself. It was no big deal. That ability has stayed with me…and I don’t think it’s unique to me or you.
I think every human being has this potential to heal themselves from anything and everything…It’s a belief, and being in touch with that. And I believe we are going to recover that…We have everything within.
Doug McIntyre – Anchoring Memories to Reality
Max, Rachel and I have often talked about the ability to self heal. All of us. How we have that in our bodies. I’ve been stabbed in the eye, I cut my head but I have no scars.
I think we have been programmed to look at all these movies like X-Men that know a lot more about what we are experiencing than what they are letting on. They want to keep us sick so they can profit off that. We have these incredible abilities through our consciousness to heal our bodies.
Things like psychic ability are amplified with trauma. A research paper I read suggests that when you have a near death experience, often your IQ is catapulted up into the highly intelligent range. They wanted to do that to us as children for their use and abuse, but I love that we have turned it around for good.
By the time I was about 50, I think I had at least 50 near death experiences, outside of the cult stuff as well. I would always go to the edge of the cliff but never go over.
I used to study my father who was a total psychopath and a serial killer. I would notice that every time he did something evil, part of his soul would diminish. And as much as they fractured me, he would fracture even more. He believes he’s done nothing but they can’t get enjoyment out of life whereas for us, we have chosen to reject what they wanted and chose to hold onto love and truth…all the good things. We have chosen to help other people rather than take from other people. Our lives just get fuller and fuller.
I’m always trying to anchor memories to reality. I’ve been going through historical societies and different places like that to get research. I got a book on the hospital I was born in (1961) and sure enough, during the late 50s to the mid 60s, it was intricately linked to Sydney University. MK Ultra, Dr Orne. Now I’m trying to get all the names, dates, etc and it’s incredible what’s coming up.
The boat they all used to go out on was named Lolita. So, all the stuff seems to parallel a lot of what’s going on today, and Epstein. When you look back, he wasn’t the first one doing it. There seems to be a pattern. They are pretty dumb because they follow a play book and don’t step outside of it.
So, what we go through seems to fit a definite pattern… as I read up about the Human Ecology fund, and the CIA…it’s like, I went through that, I went through that. The records are all there to back all of this up, as well as what our bodies and our memories tell us.
What they intended for our harm, we have actually turned to good. Those resources have been invaluable for me to go through what I have been going through. I don’t think my perpetrators intended that and I know that some of my perpetrators are very angry about that. And I really don’t care. I would love to see my abusers change and heal and become people who do good in the world. As souls we are here to learn and grow.
Rachel Vaughan – Why I Think I’m Still Here
As a child, I was trained under what I now understand as Theta programming under MK Ultra and they used me as a psychic. They used to tell me that I could do things before they got me to do it. And then eventually my father told me that you never did those things. We just told you that you could and then you could do them.
So, it’s a program to put in this idea that you can do something before you can actually do it. That’s how powerful we are.
If you have been to other realms during your lifetime and had near death experiences and travelled and done all sorts of weird things, you’re going to have this connection to the creative source…it’s the Akashic, the divine information you can access…all the great geniuses eventually came out and said, Well, I got that information in a dream or I felt that it came from outside of me or my higher self. Even Newton said that. There’s an incredible ability we have because of the trauma we have been through.
One of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation’s creatures said something along the lines that: It’s ok to do this because these people always say they are better for it.
I am not saying I am better for it and I don’t think anyone here would advocate for that but when you have been honed like a weapon, into a very finely tuned tool, you can achieve great things. You can use it against them, for one thing; that’s one of the reasons we probably all survived because we would be doing work like we have been, and exposing this. That’s why I think I’m still here.
Cathy O’Brien – We Just Need To Know Our Brain’s Capabilities
One day I had a significant wound and I put my hand over it and put it under the water. I went back in my mind to before that happened to me, and I knew I could regulate my blood flow. If we can be programmed to the extent where the special forces take a bullet and keep on going, I sure could deal with that little boo boo. I shut off the blood flow and healed it. It was completely healed.
So, we have this amazing physical capacity within us to heal ourselves on so many levels. We can regulate our own blood pressure, we can keep our lungs clear, we can keep viruses from invading. We have so much more control over our bodies than we realise. Now, I celebrate that so much.
I walk around in nature every single day and feel the earth underneath my bare feet. That kind of thing is such an immense pleasure to me. I celebrate being able to feel and I also celebrate being able to shut off that pain alarm that I don’t need anymore.
We have many abilities within. And I am so excited for people to discover that because we don’t have to have trauma to know that. We just need to know that our brains are capable of that. We have been blessed with this ability. We have such amazing capacity. Celebrate it. Appreciate it. Accept it. People pray but forget to receive.
You know, we’re very, very corrupted here. It’s almost like watching society starting to restructure itself with a moral compass that was taken from us through this corruption. There are so many different positive aspects that I see every day and so often I hear from survivors that healed with information in PTSD Time To Heal and they just want one more piece of the puzzle.
It’s so nice to see this mass acceleration of people waking up, reclaiming their own power, healing, realizing the potential we do have as human beings because that potential is exactly what this handful of dark cabal fear the most. They fear our strength. They are afraid that we are going to remember who we are. They are afraid that all of humanity is going to all stop looking outside of themselves to their authority and remember that we have all the power. And it’s happening. And seeing it happening is so exiting to me. I celebrate that every day. It’s happening.
Video Link: Trauma, Resilience and Reclaiming our Gifts
Website Link: Unbroken Global - Max Lowen
Book Link: PTSD Time To Heal by Cathy O’Brien
Joey Watson: How a CIA Mind Control Program Came To Australia
"Instead of waging war, [the CIA thought] 'we'll just find a way either to hypnotise leaders, or to hypnotise entire populations to control other people's minds from far away'," Mr (Stephen) Kinzer says.
"The prize would be nothing less than global mastery."
Martin Orne, then a young professor at the Harvard Medical School, became a key part of this quest in the late 1950s… In 1960, Professor Orne's work took him to the University of Sydney.
Until next time.
(Image: Indigenous Civilizations)