US Military-MILAB-DARPA-Draco Cult Survivor Nathan Ciszek: Supporting Targeted People
UFO/ET community gatekeepers prevent over 90 percent of the evidence provided to them by experiencers from ever reaching the public. Nathan Ciszek
This article is deliciated to targeted cult survivors, particularly military cult survivors who feel isolated and helpless in their silenced world. Discreet help from recovering, genuine survivors is nearer than they know.
If (extreme) military cult survivor and illuminated educator Nathan Ciszek was a ‘household name’, our endemically corrupted, inverted and increasingly absurd world would rapidly change. For the better. Nathan describes himself as a MILAB joint draco-ET-US military abduction victim under Project Ibis.
(Image: Nathan Ciszek, Haujean Contactee Channel)
The following information has been sourced from Nathan’s Haujean Contactee You Tube channel and a March 16, 2024 Typical Skeptic Podcast discussion with host Robert Kalil, James Bartley, Eve Lorgen, Nathan Ciszek and Dean.
I speak for everyone who’s going through this
‘Some of the strongest people in the world are people are targeted like this because the ones who can withstand it have been through hell and are out doing something in an altruistic way to help others. We are the ones who take the crap. We are the poster children for mental insanity; the people who should be shadow banned and shut up. And I’m tired of it. I really am. I’m sick of it. And I speak for everyone who’s going through this.’
Nathan Ciszek, Typical Skeptic Podcast
The DARPA Virtual Temple Complex program under Project Ibis is responsible for the Joy of Satan cult that has harmed potentially thousands of MILAB victims, as well as recruited others into a program involving a lifetime of alien abductions and psychic abuse.
Editor’s Note: World Crime Syndicate Blogspot by IzrealZeus alleges that DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is a Bush family ‘affair’ and uses brain hacking software through electronics. Bush family members are American descendants of the German House of Bussche, which had several family branches in the Holy Roman Empire, and alleged to be the highest level political family in the United States, meaning that all politicians take orders from them. (And the Bush’s take orders from their masters and so on, up the rotten cult chain.)
These psychopathic, destructive, luciferian Skull and Bones/Order of the Black Sun dark occultists also sadly dominate the Military Industrial (Entertainment) Complex and the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency).
The time is nigh for perpetrators like these to be called to stand before a long overdue truth an reconciliation commission.
Voices of Orion Project - positive planetary change
Nathan’s You Tube channel information introduces The Voices of Orion Project, a community-based grassroots extraterrestrial disclosure project focused on positive planetary change:
Our goal is to bypass the UFO/ET community gatekeepers who prevent over 90 percent of the evidence provided to them by experiencers from ever reaching the public. This will be accomplished by conducting interviews with experiencers and providing them with a safe and comfortable environment where they can share their personal stories and experiences in videos and in written format.
This effort, and subsequent body of work, will provide everyone with a powerful unified voice of disclosure. Our vision it to create a community that will help accelerate the human extraterrestrial starseed awakening to socially engineer the global population in order to usher in a new world, and a positive paradigm shift in human history.
If you would like to be interviewed and or help us achieve our goals, please contact us at:
Joy of Satan Victims Disclosure Project - helping victims
The Joy of Satan Victims Project is a grassroots disclosure project focused on exposing the DARPA Virtual Temple Complex program under Project Ibis that is responsible for the Joy of Satan cult that has harmed potentially thousands of MILAB victims, as well as recruited others into a program involving a lifetime of alien abductions and psychic abuse.
Our goal is to expose the program, limit its recruitment numbers, and find help for the victims. We are currently looking for victims to interview.
Please contact us at
The story that the researchers refuse to touch
Nathan has a treasure trove of succinct, on point, videos to choose from on his channel but the following selections are particularly relevant to this article.
Virtual Temple Complexes
This is the first video in a series that will expose how Orion Draco ETs are using social media and the world wide web to create composite religions to entrap souls called Virtual Temple Complexes.
What is old is now new again as the megalithic temples of antiquity are transformed into virtual gathering places by negative Draco Orion ETs to spiritually enslave and abuse the initiates just like they did in the ancient past, only this time it involves a joint Orion Draco ET military program, MILABs, and black magic.
This is the story that the researchers refuse to touch.
The Joy of Satan Orion Draco Extraterrestrial Virtual Temple Complex Cult Part 1
Interview With Former Joy of Satan Project Ibis Cult Member, Bob
Typical Skeptic Podcast - Nathan & Dean
Click this link to watch the podcast. (Very few internet channels are discussing these topics because they are either following censorship rules to avoid de-monetisation, or simply have no awareness of these vital issues.)
Good people are trying to neutralise the current threats
During the Typical Skeptic podcast, Dean testifies on Nathan’s behalf that his mental health is improving, not worsening, and that he personally helped him understand how to medically combat the targeting, as he had been a victim of it himself.
Dean: I was going to die and my partner was going to die if I didn’t figure it out. My only remorse is, I wish I could have figured it out sooner to help others. There is a way to help people combat this until they are relieved of it. Not to give people hopium…but there really are good people that are trying to neutralise the current threats, so people that are targeted can get relief.
I’m not involved in any official military things…but I do know they are trying to do these things to help people and that is actually how I managed to learn things to actually help myself. Because it was communicated to me. Very subtly.
I think the struggle has been that bad. These people that helped me learn, couldn’t do it before. They were in such a bad situation themselves. I have had people come to me so distressed and say, Where’s the help? What is happening? Why is no one doing anything? It’s that bad.
There is relief coming these days…but it’s that bad… I think people think that it’s better than it is and that people just aren’t doing anything. The nature of the people who are helping… they’re not going to come out and brag about it. That doesn’t help their strategy. Telling everyone what they’re doing and how they are doing it.
Don’t isolate yourself. They want you to do that.
Nathan: That’s the importance of having a sense of community, which is something they are trying to destroy. There’s always a lot of infighting and I think that when people lose sight of why they are here, and why they are being victimised, they get wrapped up in the fun of going to the conferences and being a speaker and how that makes you feel. And they get wrapped up in this persona – being this social media personality – and they lose touch with what’s really going on with them.
That’s part of the control and manipulation. We gotta get past that. We have to ground ourselves and we need to form little communities. Little sub communities within the umbrella of the bigger one. And come together out of compassion for one another, respect and love, and help each other.
And stop the fighting. It’s not productive at all. It’s ridiculous. There is no reason that we should be arguing in this community. We need to be helping each other. I recommend that anyone who is a victim of this, targeted individuals, don’t isolate yourself. They want you to do that…If you let them get the best of you, then you have victimised another person, in my opinion. You have to stick together and help each other.
What we really need is more of us to speak out so we have a unified voice. There is some comfort and safety within that group. I’m tired of saying this and people know this. But they are not putting enough effort towards it. They are too fixated on, well, maybe something else…how’s my podcast doing?
But none of that makes a damned difference because when you die, you gotta face what’s waiting for you. And that is what we are trying to stop.
Draco Corruption of SSP and Super Soldier Disclosure
In this video I discuss how the negative ET presence is deceiving controlled MILAB victims in order to flood the SSP/super soldier disclosure community with a controlled narrative for the purpose of a controlled awakening to help ensure that they stay in control. I also discuss who is behind the awakening of those who have been used for these programs which has created a counter action by the negative extraterrestrials who have taken control over this planet.
Check out Lost Through The Rabbit Hole with Josh Miota
Dean: Most people’s intuition or sixth sense has been reduced to like a TV with a bad signal.
Nathan: And if you are a MILAB, you are tuned in with a perfect signal to CNN and the mainstream media every single day with the Voice to Skull (V2K).
Dean: The majority of people have too much static.
Nathan: It’s there to make you negative. That’s one of the things I have looked into across my life. It was there to give me borderline personality disorder. Borderline personality disorder and narcissism are 2 personality disorders that V2K and remote mind control and other manipulations, that I see prominent in the community. They put people in that state and can manipulate them. A Corey Goode type. What’s next if you have borderline personality disorder, is psychosis.
voice to skull devices
Nonlethal weapon which includes (1) a neuro-electromagnetic device which uses microwave transmission of sound into the skull of persons or animals by way of pulse-modulated microwave radiation; and (2) a silent sound device which can transmit sound into the skull of person or animals. NOTE: The sound modulation may be voice or audio subliminal messages. One application of V2K is use as an electronic scarecrow to frighten birds in the vicinity of airports.
Until next time.
What Nate has expressed is absolutely true, all of it.