We All Have The Power To Change A System
"The only thing we have to do is learn the art of sincere truth speech" - Mattias Desmet
That is what happened in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. The resistance, at a certain moment, stopped speaking out in a public space. 6 to 12 months later, the destruction campaign started in both countries. - Mattias Desmet
I recently viewed The Art of Truth Speech on the Planet Lockdown - Big Picture Series channel, which featured the refreshingly wise and spiritually intelligent Mattias Desmet. This world renowned clinical psychology professor and practicing psychoanalytic psychotherapist is also the author of over 100 peer-reviewed academic papers and several books including his latest publication, The Psychology of Totalitarianism.
Recognized as the world’s leading expert on the theory of mass formation as it applies to the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond, Desmet’s 30 minute Big Picture interview is so enlightening, uplifting and on point, that I simply can’t resist sharing some of his closing comments that continue to resonate and keep my spirits high.
I have also included an update on the October 2023 arrest and imprisonment of Dr Reiner Fuellmich, attorney and founder of the International Crimes Investigative Committee (ICIC). Reiner is currently being held in Rosdorf Prison, Germany, which, ironically, is a mere 343 km or leisurely 3.5 hour drive, from Nuremberg.
The Art of Truth Speech
Some people are convinced that the only solution to the problems we currently face, is a strict, technocratically controlled society. I think they will use whatever they can to create support in a population to accept the introduction of a digital ID and the central bank digital coins, which will be a complete disaster.
On the one hand, we have the upper level of society which intentionally wants to reshape society according to a technocratic, even transhumanist ideal. On the other hand, just beyond that level, we have highly educated people who fall prey to this ideology.
Three Tiers of Ideological Fanatics
The so called elite is usually fanatically convinced of their own ideology. For instance, technocracy and transhumanism. But they very often don’t believe the narratives they use. They know that the climate narrative, the corona narrative and other narratives are not completely trustworthy. But they use them as a kind of propaganda to convince a population to accept the ideological changes they want to impose on society.
The leaders of the masses sometimes fanatically believe in their own ideology but that doesn’t mean they believe in narratives.
Just below the top level, they have a much larger level composed of people who usually fanatically believe in the technocratic ideology, rationalist ideology and the transhumanist ideology, but also often believe the narratives that are distributed. These are the administrators and also most of the ‘experts’.
Then you have the population that is in the grip of a mass formation, people who are sometimes not aware of the ideology but who fanatically believe or follow a narrative. That’s the instrument the top level uses to realise their ideological changes. So the real power in emerging totalitarianism is always situated in the point of gravity of an emerging totalitarian system. It’s always situated in the masses.
How a Small Group of People Can Have a Huge Impact on the Masses
What we are seeing now is a kind of a war of who will be capable of creating the psychological state of the masses. It’s usually only 20-30% of the population that is not in the grip of the mass formation and an additional 60-65% that just go along with the masses because they never swim against the tide or go against the current.
Then there is a small group of people that is also not in the grip of the mass formation but who feel that they should do something. Who feel that they cannot just sit back and do nothing. These people can have a huge impact on the masses.
Even a very small amount of people can change society in this respect but only under one condition – the condition that they continue to speak out.
Otherwise, something very dramatic happens. The mass formation always becomes radically intolerant of dissident voices and in the end, they become so intolerant that they think it is their ethical duty, literally, to destroy each and every one who doesn’t go along with them.
Mass Formation is Mass Hypnosis Provoked by the Voice of Propaganda
The masses get into this state because they are constantly fed with propaganda and indoctrination. A mass formation is a kind of mass hypnosis which is always provoked by the voice of the leader of the masses, the voice of the propaganda. If this is the only voice that still speaks out in a public space, then the mass formation becomes complete. And it goes to the last and ultimate stage where the masses and their leader think it’s justifiable to destroy everyone who doesn’t go along with them.
This can also reach an absurd situation where parents report their children to the state. During the 1978-79 revolution in Iran, a woman witnessed a mother putting a noose around the neck of her son after she reported him to the state. When he died, she claimed to be a heroine for what she did because she was so loyal to the state, she sacrificed her son for it.
How to Avoid the Absurd End Stage of Mass Formation
This absurd stage is the end stage of mass formation. It is the same in every long lasting mass formation in every totalitarian state. This state can only be avoided when the people who are not in the grip of the mass formation continue to speak out in a public space. Because this constantly disturbs the mass hypnosis; the phenomenon of mass formation. Speaking out can prevent mass formation from reaching the last stage which has been described for the first time by Gustav le Bon in The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind.
That is what happened in Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. The resistance, at a certain moment, stopped speaking out in a public space. 6 to 12 months later, the destruction campaign started in both countries.
The totalitarian trend didn’t go to the last stage in other countries – totalitarianism emerged in many countries in the 20th century – but only in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany it resulted in a fully fledged totalitarian system. The reason why this didn’t happen in other countries was probably because in those countries, the resistance continued to speak out.
The most important thing… is to make sure we don’t fall prey to mass formations ourselves because the small group that doesn’t go along with the large group might fall prey to mass formation itself.
Many people started to fall prey to the most absurd conspiracy theories and that also has the same mechanism, often, i.e. the evil elite is the cause of all problems. Of course, there is an elite and evil but we are all a little bit evil so we shouldn’t make the elite out to be the one and only source of evil in the world.
Keep Speaking Out With Sincerity and Honesty
We always need to keep an open mind and from an open mind, we have to continue to keep speaking out as sincerely and as honestly as possible. It’s this kind of speech that will resonate and penetrate the psychological system of the people in the masses and will ensure that they will not fall for the mass formations completely.
It doesn’t matter where you speak out. You can do it in a podcast, an interview, on television. It doesn’t matter where. You can also do it on a small scale – in the kitchen, in a shop, in a market place, even if it’s only to one person in a sincere, honest and respectful way, not trying to convince the other. If you try to convince someone, their system will close. They will react defensively.
Just speaking out to one person in a shop can have a larger effect on the world than someone who speaks out at a huge television station.
The psychological state of the population is always a complex, dynamical system and the major characteristic of a complex dynamical system is that a small change in a minor detail of the system has an impact on the entire system.
Each and everyone of us has the power to change a system. The only thing we have to do is learn the art of truth telling, the art of sincere speech. That’s what we need to learn now. That’s the solution to both – for they symptom of our society which is mass formation and for the root cause of the symptom, which is loneliness.
Interview Link: Art of Truth Speech with Mattias Desmet
About: The Psychology of Totalitarianism
Mattias Desmet’s timely book was published on June 23, 2022 by Chelsea Green Publishing:
In The Psychology of Totalitarianism, world-renowned Professor of Clinical Psychology Mattias Desmet deconstructs the societal conditions that allow this collective psychosis to take hold. By looking at our current situation and identifying the phenomenon of “mass formation”—a type of collective hypnosis—he clearly illustrates how close we are to surrendering to totalitarian regimes.
With detailed analyses, examples, and results from years of research, Desmet lays out the steps that lead toward mass formation, including:
An overall sense of loneliness and lack of social connections and bonds
A lack of meaning—unsatisfying “bullsh*t jobs” that don’t offer purpose
Free-floating anxiety and discontent that arise from loneliness and lack of meaning
Manifestation of frustration and aggression from anxiety
Emergence of a consistent narrative from government officials, mass media, etc., that exploits and channels frustration and anxiety
“…Mattias Desmet, like a guided missile, has hit the target. The medical community is in mass formation and this led to a much larger penumbra that has enveloped the general population. In this book, Desmet has constructed an explanatory framework from which the cohesive fabric is suspended that clearly and concisely explains what is happening and what the next steps are that each and every one of us need to take to break the ‘spell’ and restore normalcy. A must read for our time.” —Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH; chief medical advisor, Truth for Health Foundation
“This is an amazing book . . . [Desmet is] one of the true geniuses I’ve spoken to . . . This book has really changed my view on a lot.”—Tucker Carlson, speaking on The Will Cain Podcast
(Content source - Chelsea Green Publishing website)
Additional Big Picture Recommended Reading:
The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind, Gustave Le Bon
Propaganda: The Formation of Men’s Attitudes, Jacques Ellul
Propaganda, Edward Bernays
Sign up for the Big Picture email newsletter to stay up to date with Planet Lockdown’s top shelf, on point, interviews and films: https://bigpicture.watch/newsletter/
Link: Planet Lockdown Rumble Channel
Further Recommended Viewing
Exposing Mind Control - Jason Christoff
In this ICIC episode, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and co-host attorney Dagmar Schoen have a deeply insightful conversation with health coach, self-sabotage expert and propaganda researcher Jason Christoff, about the little known history of mind control programs such as MK Ultra and Monarch and how they are being applied to manipulate and traumatize whole populations.
Jason believes that the social decay we openly see in our world today has only come about because key players in our society are using manipulative psychology against most of humanity. He explains how we are constantly under the influence of mind control programs through every day television and radio propaganda and believes that everyone must understand these mind control processes so they can effectively protect themselves from future psychological operations.
About Jason Christoff
Jason Christoff runs an international psychological reprogramming institute where students are educated on the subjects of mind control, brainwashing, behavior modification and psychological manipulation. His students use this knowledge to help reprogram their clients into better versions of themselves on all levels.
ICIC Interview Link: Exposing Mind Control
How We Can Support Reiner Fuellmich (and his wife) During His Stay in Rosdorf Prison
On 19 October, 2023, this announcement appeared on attorney Reiner Fuellmich’s Telegram channel about his arrest in Mexico and detainment in Germany. At the time of writing, Reiner is still being held in Rosdorf Prison, Germany:
Dear friends, supporters and companions! For all those who are wondering why no current interviews with Reiner are being broadcast at the moment, and for those who have not yet heard about it through various media, we would like to share the following information and updates:
Reiner is currently in custody in Germany. He was last in Mexico, where he carried out his activities and continued the ICIC-Law project. As he and his wife had lost their passports, new passports were applied for. This was done personally and without any problems weeks ago. The new passports were to be handed over by the consul at the airport at the beginning of October after an appointment had been made, as the consulate was closed for renovation. The visas were to be extended at the same time.
But instead of the consul, Reiner and his wife were met by six armed people and immediately taken into custody without knowing what they were accused of. As neither of them could produce valid passports at the time (which they were supposed to receive theirs), Reiner - but not his wife (!) - was accused of being in the country illegally. They were also told that there was a problem in Germany, but without naming it.
This resulted in an immediate escorted flight back to Germany - but only for Reiner. He was then arrested by German police officers at Frankfurt Airport. Apparently there were two arrest warrants (a German one since March 2023 and a European one since May 2023).
It has now emerged that the Göttingen public prosecutor's office is conducting an investigation against Reiner, which was set in motion by a complaint filed by a third party and was not originally initiated by the public prosecutor's office itself. As managing director of the Corona Committee Foundation, which was established in mid-2020, he is alleged to have committed acts of embezzlement.
Reiner is in Rosdorf prison and doing well under the circumstances. He is being looked after by his lawyers, who are in constant contact with him and are taking care of the legal processing and clarification of the proceedings.
Reiner has already received numerous letters and is very happy about your sympathy. Feel free to write him letters or postcards.
We thank you on Reiner's behalf and will continue to run the channels in his absence. The dissemination of information is his top priority. News about him and the progress of the proceedings will be available here in due course and as usual on Sundays at 8 pm on @BittelTV.
THANK YOU from heart! ❤️
Updates: November 18, 2023
“Evil only wins when the truth is silent.” Thank you for caring.
"I am a red man. If the Great Spirit had desired me to be a white man he would have made me so in the first place. He put in your heart certain wishes and plans, in my heart he put other and different desires. Each man is good in his sight. It is not necessary for Eagles to be Crows." - Sitting Bull
Image Credits:
Sitting Bull - Native American Respect; David F. Berry, circa 1883 / Wikimedia Commons
Baby - Canva