We cannot co-exist with people who think it is acceptable to rape our children
Humanity has reached the end of its tolerance for the 'royal' pedophiles and their pandemic of child-abuse and torture. Chris Stevens/Phoenix Kaspian
Aldenham School's time is over. We cannot continue as a society while the so-called British 'king' and his pedophile gang are permitted to freely rape the young minds of our planet via these institutions of abuse. Aldenham School must be shut down and the grounds turned into a memorial for all the children it has desecrated.
Chris Stevens/Phoenix Kaspian, former Aldenham student
Editor’s Note: I am mindful of how uncomfortable and upsetting this article may be for anyone who sympathises with Charles, Harry and William. But we have reached a pivotal point in history where the unravelling secrets about their entanglement in the 9000 year old pedophile/blood cult ancestry, can no longer be hidden under the proverbial carpet because the carpet is so rotten and unrepairable.
And they will never be able to fully heal from their own lingering grief and trauma until the shocking truth about widespread child trafficking, rape, torture and murder within their disturbed, aristocratic realm and beyond, is fully revealed, investigated and dealt with in a sensitive manner by appropriate authorities. Everybody deserves a chance to heal and recover from their hellish blood cult experiences/ancestry.
Recommended Reading: Birthing Bloodlines Out of the Darkness
Extraordinary stories of breaking free from Luciferian chains and embracing God’s love and healing. Told by former SS MK-Ultra Delta Assassin, Stewart Merovingian bloodline Illuminati Princess and cult survivor, Brooke Federline
“I was supposed to track, train and recruit/mobilise Satan’s delta army for the new world order. I don't consent!” Brooke Federline
The People’s Voice report
King Charles and Close Friends Raped 'Hundreds of Children' - Explosive New Testimony
Chris Stevens is an award winning journalist who has also excelled in the fields of architect and design. He is now risking everything to blow the whistle on the depraved British royal family.
Aldenham School is run by the self declared Worshipful Company of Brewers, an ancient and shady group who take young children to initiation ceremonies at Brewers Hall, where, according to Stevens, they are abused and tortured.
Brewers Hall in Hertfordshire just happens to be a stomping ground for King Charles with reports detailing visits by King Charles and his friends Jimmy Saville and Lord Mountbatten.
According to Stevens, who now goes by the name of Phoenix Kaspian, the royal family led by Charles, are unable to resist raping anything that smells like a child.
(King Charles and Klaus Schwab)
Why has this been allowed to continue on for centuries?
As Stevens explains, the school is part of the grand traumatic repetition structure and unfortunately, there are similar schools and institutions all over the world.
Children are tortured by the school and are then provoked by systematic corruption to re-enact that torture on younger students. This is an example of blind traumatic repetition.
Why is pedophilia the elite’s chosen vice? And what we must do to protect our children from this 9000 year old pedophile cult?
Watch The People’s Voice (7 mins): King Charles and Close Friends Raped 'Hundreds of Children' - Explosive New Testimony
School of Fools - Aldenham
Excerpts from Chris Stevens/Phoenix Kaspian’s article (26/1/24)
My school, Aldenham, was run by the self-pronounced 'Worshipful Company of Brewers'. The consequence of allowing depraved drug-dealers from a local-brewery to build an educational system was predictable: The students at Aldenham, my 'elite' British boarding school, were routinely beaten; harassed; raped; and driven to suicide.
Our collective struggle, as a society, to accept the crown's utter depravity, in the wake of the Jeffrey Epstein scandal, is holding humanity back from our next stage of evolution.
If we are to, collectively, dethrone these thugs in gold-hats who seem unable to resist raping anything that smells like a child, we must read and accept accounts from survivors like myself. Even if those accounts are difficult, and disturbing, to accept.
Most teachers at Aldenham were child-rapists
Now that I have acquired concrete evidence of the child-rapes committed by so-called 'teachers' Alun Pickford; Nick Pulman, and Jim Twelves, there is a sufficient foundation to expose the entire school. The truth is that most teachers at Aldenham were child-rapists. Aldenham School does not merely have an unfortunate problem with teachers raping students, but it has been designed for this explicit purpose.
The reader may quickly grasp my theme by this point: That Aldenham was manufacturing thugs and rapists, dressed in smart suits. In other words: The next generation of the British Establishment was being trained-up at the school.
Aldenham School was used as the filming location for the 1968 movie 'If’
'If....' accurately depicted life at my school. Children at the school were molested, beaten, and abused. The film ends when the students take to the roof of 'Aldenham' school and gun-down the teachers.
Expert Pedophiles
The pedophiles at Aldenham were well-trained. Nick Pulman, for example, knew well enough that a lone man running a boarding-house would seem all the more peculiar and, for this reason, he had acquired a wife, and children. This is not unusual for such men. They have just enough intelligence to grasp the risk of discovery.
Obviously, intelligent humans pose a challenge to the corrupt-power systems that run Aldenham; the British Crown. For this reason, any bright-flame in a child was to be extinguished. Genius or talent was snuffed out by the roaming hands and sexual horrors of those who called themselves 'teachers'.
Alun Pickford…has been jailed for raping a student during the time I attended Aldenham School. The court heard that the student felt "paralyzed" when Pickford entered a room and raped her. Pickford then left her a devastating note, describing the student he had just raped as a "dead dog".
The court transcripts from Pickford's recent trial give the reader the faintest-taste of what is perpetrated by Aldenham School. Because of the school's intimate-ties to British royalty, few survivors make it far enough to lodge a complaint, let alone convince the police to take action. In short: Adult survivors risk their lives in speaking out against child-torture camps like Aldenham.
Aldenham School's time is over.
We cannot continue as a society while the so-called British 'king' and his pedophile gang are permitted to freely rape the young minds of our planet via these institutions of abuse. Aldenham School must be shut down and the grounds turned into a memorial for all the children it has desecrated.
The British 'king' Charles; the pedophile Prince Andrew; and all other members of the 'royal' gang, globally, should be immediately taken to trial. We cannot co-exist with people who think it is acceptable to rape our children. Humanity has reached the end of its tolerance for the 'royal' pedophiles and their pandemic of child-abuse and torture.
Full Article: School of Fools – Aldenham
Jeanette Archer - ‘I was raped and tortured by a lot of our English politicians.’
(Above excerpt is from Jeanette’s Unbroken interview)
Recommended Viewing
Unbroken with Max Lowen: Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) Survivor Jeanette Archer - Her Story and Discovery
Transcript Excerpts
Black Witches & Evil Under the Vatican
Jeanette: I was also taken underneath the Vatican so I am very aware of what is under there. I call them the black witches. I experienced a group of black witches that are women and they are probably the most evil things I have ever come across. But they are human form. But yes, this is where the demonic entities come in.
The evil under the Vatican…there are no words to describe the level of darkness under there…everything is worse underneath the Vatican.
At the rituals, the black witches under there are the masters at calling in the demons – the demonic entities. They are not human form, they are not a species. There, you will see them come into humans.
Satanic Law and ‘Satan Points’
Jeanette: All those films and series…that’s just them obeying their satanic law which they believe keeps their karma clear. And they will have no retribution.
They truly believe they get more Satan points, if you like, by telling the world the truth through the media, through film, through books, through TV. But it is not fiction. It is all truth. And it’s not even the biggest truths there are. It’s still undermined, even in the films.
Max: They can then claim they gave us free will to consent and that not saying no is implied consent. They are very clever in how they do these things.
Falsely Arrested For Conspiracy To Murder The Rothschilds
Jeanette: …I have been asked so many times, ‘Aren’t you scared they are going to kill you?’ They have done so many things to me and all it ever did was make me stronger. They arrested me for conspiracy to murder the Rothschilds for God’s sake and put me in a cell for a very long time. They had me on bail for months and months and months.
They did terrible things to me but all it did was trigger my MK Ultra knowledge and brought it all back to me and I realised how bloody powerful I was. So, whatever they do, whether it’s to us as individuals, or to the earth or to humanity, it will come back on them tenfold because that’s how this planet functions. It’s called karma and no-one is going to be able to eradicate that.
Satan isn’t that powerful. This is what people underestimate as well. They think he is all powerful…if Satan came into my room and appeared in his form now, I wouldn’t even batter an eyelid. I think I’d just shoot him down – know what I mean? Metaphorically speaking, of course. The darkness knows that humanity is rising up and recognising the strength of the power that we have, especially people like you and I.
Another answer I have for people who ask if I am scared that they are going to kill me is that, ‘I’m more trouble to them dead than alive, so if they kill me, they know what will come from my light being released from this planet…I will be able to do them far more harm.’
We Are Going To Thrive
Max: The COVID thing is going to lead to distrust of the medical system which needs to happen. Everything they are doing...they are burning the world, and all these things… is leading to people question what the ‘f’ is the government for? All they do is harvest on us, take our income, tax us to death and all of these things, and what are they doing?
People are noticing in the disasters that the government is never helping. It’s the people that help each other….If we lose that control structure, we will be better off as a humanity… It’s like human beings are small children, so we need mommy and daddy government, we need mommy and daddy agencies to tell us what to do and even today, to tell us what to think and what to say. But as soon as people realise this…we are going to thrive.
Further Reading: Can The Society of Jesus Please Protect Australian Children and Families?
Without discussion or publicity, child rape has been decriminalised. It is now effectively impossible to prosecute the crime of incest. Dr William Pridgeon, Author, Everybody Knows
Further Viewing - The People’s Voice (7/2/24): Pope Francis Orders Christians To 'Pray to Satan' for 'Real Enlightenment'
‘If you thought (Jesuit) Pope Francis couldn’t possibly make it any clearer that he is a false prophet who worships the Devil, you would be wrong.
If you thought the pontiff who replaced the conservative Pope Benedict in a globalist coup orchestrated by Obama, Clinton and Soros couldn’t find an even more disgraceful way to betray his followers than he has in the past, you would be wrong again.
Pope Francis has outdone himself this time, putting his Satanic cards on the table in the most shameless and blasphemous manner possible. That’s right, he announced the coming of Lucifer and told his followers to get down on their knees and pay their respects.’
UPDATE - 17 February 2024
'Once a civilisation accepts pedophilia, it falls. Quickly. That’s the way satanists have made past civilisations fall.' Daryl James – ex US Military
Latest headline from People's Voice:
EU Legalizes Child Porn As WEF Agenda To Normalize Pedophilia Accelerates - 'Minor Attracted Persons (Pedophiles) deserve equal rights.'
This is clearly the beginning of the end of the luciferian/satanic New World Order cult that is loaded with disturbed men and women from long suffering intergenerational cult abuse family bloodlines where ritual child rape and murder are 'normal'. (The EU is supposed to be the seat of the one world devil's government, with NATO as its military arm.)
This is all they knew in their traumatic childhoods and they have sadly grown up into complicit cult survivors who put wealth first. To them, child rape is normal.
Fortunately they also form part of the minority and will eventually be removed from power and dealt with. The world has to be shown this horrific, gutter level evil and heinous crimes against children in order for it to be exposed and ultimately extinguished.
People’s Voice Video Link: EU Legalizes Child Porn As WEF Agenda To Normalize Pedophilia Accelerates
Until next time.