What happens when a violated MILAB abductee and military program victim wakes up?
There are no ET abductions that take place in this world that do not involve a human government, human military and human intelligence agencies. Nathan Ciszek
Setting the record straight on ET abductions
(Pictured: Nathan Ciszek, Haujean Contactee)
Nathan: There are no ET abductions that take place in this country or in this world that do not involve a human government, a human military and human intelligence agencies. So, let's just dispel that lie right now.
Nobody gets abducted on this planet unless either the U.S military or one of the other cooperating militaries that are involved in this conspiracy are in on it, okay, and that's the big thing that they're covering up in the media, in movies and everything else. And that's why I don't get any exposure.
I'm a threat to national security (which is just their security)… I'm a threat to the status quo. I'm a threat to the fake disclosure that we're seeing right now within UFO community and within the mainstream media, as well as from the government.
There are people out there who are just like me, victims who are doing something about this whole thing about this by talking about it. I’m not alone.
Nathan Ciszek, MILAB abduction victim & disclosure advocate
Hotfooting it out of Hell’s gates
Cult survivor testimonies about being born, sold or abducted into a luciferian/satanic parallel cult world were meant to stay locked in the vaults of hell for eternity. But thanks to a blossoming frontline of valiant, previously silenced cult survivors, believed to be in the millions, the almighty truth is now hotfooting it out of hell’s gates like skedaddling fireballs.
Having spent the past 3 years researching the multi faceted cult world, the story of MILAB abductee, Haujean Contactee and disclosure activist Nathan Ciszek, has taken my research to a whole new level.
This guy just punched a few holes in the dam
I came across Nathan Ciszek in March 2023, via my (targeted) new friend Dawn White, who said: This guy just punched a few holes in the dam. How right she was.
He appeared on the shadow banned Sovereign Ki channel hosted by Lauda Leon. I refer to it as a ‘breakthrough’ interview because he spent 14 long years trying to get his story into the public domain. My next article will revisit some of the mind-blowing experiences he recalled but here is a link for anyone who would like to watch it now.
Please bear in mind that Nathan’s story is a work in progress, as he is still piecing together his life story, memories and true origins. Some of the information shared in his 2023 interview has since been updated.
If you are interested in where Nathan’s story is up to now, this recent podcast is highly recommended:
The After Dark Show - With Don Rogers
July 8, 2024 Podcast
Nathan Ciszek - Control Programs Used on Targeted Individuals
Nathan Ciszek gives an autobiographical, experience-based break down of MILABS, black bag and MK-Ultra in Part One of this amazing explanation of the control programs used on targeted individuals.
Nathan Ciszek returns in this 2 part episode to further explore MILABS, MK-Ultra, handlers, alters, V2K (Voice to God) and more.
Nathan Ciszek shares his autobiographical explanation and experiences related to MILABS, MK-Ultra, religious cults and targeting
A fascinating, new expedition
Where to start with Nathan Ciszek’s remarkable and incredibly illuminating story (thus far).
Real life ‘out there’, experiences like Nathan’s and many others like him, are often depicted in movies, video games and TV shows like Halo. Art imitating life. But deceptively marketed to make people believe it’s all fiction.
I am specifically referring to clandestine, military cult programs, off world projects, remote viewing, ETs, life engineers, soul hijacking, soul fragmentation and inhumane mind control programs involving violence, lies and secrecy to stay afloat. In my view, the ageing, military industrial entertainment complex has much to answer for.
On that note, if you choose to read on, watch the videos or listen to the podcast links in this article, I highly recommend suspending all judgement and simply listen.
I consider Nathan Ciszek to be one of humanity’s greatest gifts.
Welcome to the clandestine world of extremely exploitive and violating military programs
Nathan is a MILAB (military abduction) victim and disclosure activist who struggled to get his story out because it is loaded with heavily suppressed truth that the world needs to know.
He also speaks for many MILAB victims.
MILAB? What is a MILAB?
Your Dictionary lists MILAB as a neologism - a newly coined word or expression:
(neologism) A deceitful military operation performed to convince the targets of the operation that they have had an encounter with extraterrestrial beings which is actually a staged ploy.
MILAB is run by DARPA
According to Nathan, MILAB is run by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) and connected to the Enki Joy of Satan cult which he was deceived by for 7 months, on top of 17 years of being told blatant lies about his true soul origins.
Joy of Satan
Nathan: The Joy of Satan is a Virtual temple Complex which is no different to an ancient temple complex from ancient times. The ETs will create a religion, usually a composite religion that starts from fragments of other religions, and they put it online. They use mind controlled MILABS to do this. So, psychic starseeds that you see on You Tube channels and communicating with the Galactic Federation, are also part of Project Ibis. It’s a global psychic psyop.
The Joy of Satan Virtual temple Complex has 2 main functions: the first is to rope in new MILAB victims – people who haven’t been abducted yet. They are roped into the belief system and then picked through to see who would be suitable for the program. They may have to experience an alien abduction which are always joint military abductions. No-one gets abducted on this planet where the abduction does not involve the US military or some other military that’s under a treaty according to where they live.
That’s how this works. So, if I’m abducted in Australia, I’ll most likely go to an underground military installation in Australia. In my case, in my abductions, I was moved to an underground installation, and it was always the White Sands New Mexico installation. I have a memory, a fragment come though of being rolled down a hallway of the white sands installation. I knew I was in White Sands…
That’s the type of things we deal with.
Support for Joy of Satan Victims
Nathan is encouraging ex Joy of Satan members who have had their lives destroyed, to talk about it and hopefully find help in the community. There are who can help remove etheric implants; help them get themselves together. The problem is, bringing them together, which is why he is bringing attention to this. He wants to stop people from going into that group.
Nathan: The purpose of putting MILABs into the Joy of Satan is to shut you down psychically. Everybody I have talked to that has had some kind of psychic abilities, including myself, that went in there, was psychically shut down, at which point, their lives were turned upside down. That’s the purpose of it. So what I’m trying to do is expose this and the new age movement.
There is more than just one virtual temple complex. A lot of starseed influencers create virtual temple complexes with their following and many have a website with pay wall but what they are really doing is creating a virtual temple complex where they become a spokesperson for these ET’s.
DARPA operatives excel at hiding it from their ‘chosen ones’
It also took Nathan a long time to uncover the fact that he was a MILAB abductee because DARPA operatives excel at hiding it from their ‘chosen ones’.
Q: What do you do when you wake up to these programs and realise you are in one of them?
A: Try to put them on the shelf and focus on what you have in front of you. Try to survive the system that is broken and weaponised against you. Try to live the normie type of life while all this is going on in the background. It’s extremely difficult, especially when they are making you sick an on top of it. You’ve got federal agents on your ass - phones, computers, health.
Nathan Ciszek, MILAB abduction victim & disclosure advocate
Project Surrogate Program
In the fall of 1980, when Nathan was 6 years old, he was abducted in a park at the end of the street that he lived on with his grandparents.
It wasn’t until he was well into his adult years that he became aware that he was part of the Project Surrogate program, a joint military Draco-Orion-ET program that abducts and hijacks the souls of psychic children who are born into this world to be agents of positive change. The Surrogate program is also connected to other programs including the Super Soldier and Secret Space programs.
My First Alien Abduction
In his October 2022 video My First Alien Abduction, Nathan recounts the memories he has been able to recover thus far.
(Run time 20.21)
Project Ibis - a joint ET program that abducts psychic children
Note: As soon as I started reading Nathan’s email about Project Ibis, I saw an Ibis land on the grassy footpath across the road. Later that same day, I had lunch at a beach café and an Ibis wandered past me. I took their appearances signs of being on the right path.
Nathan: Project Ibis is a joint ET program that abducts psychic children. It was allegedly run by ETs before the US military became involved to preserve the continuity of the program.
The primary purpose of this joint ET-military effort is to preserve the continuity of a world government from a perceived ET threat and intercept people who have come in to help but are perceived as ‘troublemakers.’ (According to Nathan, the races that are considered a threat, are positive - maybe someone can alert the Ibis head honchos to investigate.)
The Ibis umbrella program overlaps many other programs and is responsible for the new age belief system, some modern occult belief systems and the Joy of Satan cult. The new age movement is a deceptive form of social engineering; a system of control. A carefully woven web of lies designed to convince your that people are deceived for a valid cause.
They box you into a belief system. If they can lock you into something and keep you subdued, you won’t be much of a problem to them. Especially if they give you something off the wall so nobody will take you seriously. So, you get marginalised in the community.
It’s partly why nobody would talk to me for quite a while from 2008, when I first started talking because I was waking up.
One of the things they (programs) do is make your life a living hell and make everything you try to do, a failure. Then they program you to go into a cult that promises to change everything, when it is exactly the opposite. It’s an inversion of the new age movement.
Nathan Ciszek
Beware the False Awakening
Nathan: The main goal of Project Ibis is to paint the ETs in a positive light, regardless of what they are doing. So, they only want people who put ETs in a positive light, to be out there. Only people they can control - either co-opt or completely control. This is how this whole thing works, this deception. It’s designed to create a false awakening.
There is an awakening taking place. It’s not just the internet. There’s an intuitive awakening going on across the planet with every single person. There’s a lot of people who haven’t woken up at all and are resistant to it, which is going to happen. But there are certain classifications of people who are more susceptible, who are awakening first. The starseeds would be at the very top of this. They are most sensitive to this information. They know what’s going on. The goal is to keep the information from them to keep them from waking up.
As you wake up and become a threat to the NWO and alien agenda, the attacks ramp up. The reason why psychic attacks are ramping up is because the enemy that’s in control of this planet is losing control. The severity of attacks will continue to increase. But they are losing control and they’re panicking.
What I have noticed in the people around me and circle of friends, is that our psychic abilities are increasing. Some of us now have removed the entity attachments that are on us. With me, it’s a constant game of cat and mouse…a constant assault because they are trying to put something in me that I have to remove. Whatever I’ve got in me right now, is probably going to take about an hour to get rid of. I’m going to have to channel energy into myself to get rid of it and it won’t be easy.
Source: Typical Skeptic Podcast interview with Robert Kalil, April 14, 2023
Link: The New World Order's War on Starseeds, The Project Ibis Deception
The remainder of his article contains transcript excerpts from one of Nathan’s more recent videos. I found the following information to be particularly insightful and useful.
What if Our Collective Disclosure is Just Another Illusion?
25 March 2024 - Run time: 1hr 17 mins
Transcript Excerpts
Remote Viewers
Nathan: Remote viewers with large followings can put out false information that you think is correct. They, in turn, become your handler. And you form your belief system around what they are saying. Has that happened to you? I know it has happened to me.
So, I try to be like the anti-handler and form groups of people who care about each other and try to work together.
Lower your expectations and give people space. They don’t want us doing that because it doesn’t benefit them. The way it benefits them is when they get a central figure bullshitting everyone. Because they are being bullshitted. And then we all get behind them and follow them down the yellow brick road of ascension, 5D. And everything is great until it isn’t. Then reality strikes and we realise we are fucked. And none of that was real. And then where do you go? That’s a problem.
Then you get people just trying to make money. Their information changes all the time. People who were fooled the first time, go back for more.
Simon Parkes was doing psychic work and women reported him and other non humans were raping them. Was it really Simon? Probably not. He was just trying to help. That happens frequently. Nobody is immune to it. Some of the people doing a lot of damage in the community are mind controlled and weak.
Some family bloodlines are connected to the ETs. Some are placed here by the ETs in human bodies to live out a lifetime serving the system. Keeping the prison going in the direction they want it to go in. It’s always been this way.
Planetary Programming
The CIA run around with ET mind control tech, messing with people. They use Voice to Skull (V2K) and other remote mind control tech under their tutelage. It’s all being used on us. V2K gets people’s trust and then does things. It’s also happening in a religious context. Not many people are talking about this.
There is also suicide programming. If they have their hooks in you, they can end your life. Terminate you. And put you right back in the program. Before you are dead and capable of leaving your body, they’ve got you. You’re not going anywhere. You will be recycled and mind wiped. A mindless drone in the US military. Off planet. It’s real. They are harvesting souls on this planet and the world hasn’t awoken to it.
It will take some time for that to happen but people are waking up. Let’s be positive and hope this awakening has a divine source to it. A lot of people are waking up in the programs because they are making them wake up. They want to control the narrative in this disclosure.
Where are my memories?
Penny Bradley said that 2 NSA (National Security Agency) agents came to her personally and told her she was going to remember, and took credit for her memories that she began to remember. That the government itself was behind it. Not her efforts. That they were the ones controlling it. Chances are, they have control over all of it.
The question is, where are my memories? I have fragments but obviously someone is keeping it from me. We can get memories put into us, like Total Recall. There has to be hope for us. Try to keep your spirits up. Keep the faith.
If God talks to you, how do you know it’s God? I used to think the same thing but am willing to question everything because I don’t want to be wrong. I can’t afford to be wrong. It’s that valuable for me to be free. To not be here. What would happen if I committed suicide? I would probably be recycled. That would be of no benefit.
Don’t let it get the better of you. Push through it. Don’t make it easy for you to mess your head up. Don’t get hooked into alcohol. ‘Alien Love Bite’ is used in programs and can turn people into drug addicts and alcoholics. Not able to cope with anything. That seemed to happen to Max Spiers. How do you deal with that? Knowing death is not an escape.
They may recycle you or boot you out - open the gates of the matrix. So we go back and heal ourselves and come back and try again.
Conversation With Max Spiers Mom Vanessa Bates
Exposing the Globalist War on Masculinity - Max Spiers
Let's reverse the global takedown of the 'Alpha Male'.
The late Max Spiers succinctly captures the reality of the covert war on masculinity in less than 3 minutes.
Max was also among the first to expose the global military pedophile rings. He died on 16 July 2016.
Link: Exposing the Globalist War on Masculinity - Max Spiers
Nobody has the whole truth
Nathan: I know MILABS that, including myself, feel like their time is coming up. It's like it's going to end and we can only hope that somehow we get out of here… after something changes and we can leave. That we're not part of this again, anymore. We're not prisoners here. And we also get this feeling like, okay, our lives are coming to an end and we talk about our own deaths.
The fine details of who I was before I came here are still a mystery. Nobody has the whole truth. I think everybody needs to accept that possibility. Everything that they know is either incorrect or partially correct. No one's got the truth and the whole truth. Maybe… pieces of it. We have a good idea of what's going on but like I said, this all could just be part of a repetitive program. We kind of get to this point where the technology starts building up. We start waking up some type of cycle.
Maybe there's a cycle that's taking place with the sun that's affecting the simulation itself. It's breaking down. Maybe there's some other cosmic cycle that's affecting this. Maybe there's an effort to circumvent that system, to break it down and break down our reality to… the real baseline reality. People talk about 3D. I heard today somebody say that we're really in 5D but they've made it into a reality where it feels like 3D because it's a simulation. I would agree.
New Age ‘channelers’ coming from DUMBS
Terms have been given us through the new age movement through the channelers which we know are coming from DUMBS. Channelers are coming from the Galactic Federation of DUMBS that’s coming out of the White Sands psychic radio network, Dulce New Mexico, Pine Gap. Places like that. It’s probably some mind controlled guy that’s chipped with a headset on and he’s talking to you. He says, ‘I’m Zeus, hello, how are you?’ - ‘I’m Ashtar’ - or an ET.
Most of it, if not all, is AI and it’s broadcast and beamed to everyone’s DNA signature. Our energetic fingerprint. It’s like our home address. When you want to send directed energy to a ‘loved one’ you use their DNA signature.
If it's coming from the government, you know it's got love attached to it. They always have your best interests at heart, so thank you US military, for any directed energy and frequency attacks I've had. I appreciate it. Really do. It's my tax money at work. I wouldn't want low tech weapons used against the American public. I want the good stuff… the stuff that we deserve, the real high tech. You know, it's really ridiculous.
Blue Planet Project
If the continuity of the control system breaks own, and it feels like it is, maybe they can’t stop it now. They fought tooth and nail to stop me from speaking out, maybe because they know I won’t talk about BS.
If you look up Blue Planet Project, it should be a free PDF, and whether or not it was a leaked document, or something planted intentionally…it does have accurate information. It doesn't read like bullshit. The things that they say about the extraterrestrials in that document, are accurate.
(Blue Planet Project Preface)
Nathan: Blue Planet also talks about the event of an attempted ET takeover and a plan to preserve the continuity of the government. It's a plan to put American citizens in FEMA camps who were abducted and chipped. But it’s from a position, like, it’s a different faction of the government.
If Blue Planet was an intentional leak, there has to be a positive side to this. It would make sense if there's a constitutional guard faction of the government… if the Blue Planet Project was an intentional leak…I don't mean Q or anything like that. I'm talking about just using the term a a constitutional guard. There's got to be somebody in the US military - some positive side of this. I would hope.
The Blue Planet Project book could be the good side warning us, possibly, but it says they're going to round us up, put us in FEMA camps. And if they're going to do that with American citizens, obviously they're going to do that to citizens of other countries they're going to round you up and arrest you.
They fear the MILABS
They fear the people that are chipped but what if…maybe the MILAB are the ones they fear and obviously they do. I know they do. They've expressed that to me directly, and other people. They fear the MILABS. The ones they've got in their own custody. What could they be up to in society? What could they be conspiring? What are the higher selves going to do? Are they going to break free? Are their souls going to come alive and break the programming and control and go rogue and cause a rebellion? A takeover, a takedown of the system?
They seem to be very, very concerned about that, clearly, but you know, is it real or is it just a perception? They’re dealing with extraterrestrials that would know if it was real so it's a very good possibility it is. But on the surface, the people in the government that are compartmentalized, they feel that this is a threat to constitutional government.
ET governments are cutting deals and allowing ETs to abduct people
Some them are sure of that and they feel that someone like me is a potential threat because I'm some sort of extraterrestrial person that's here and being kept a prisoner by the ET governments that they're cutting these deals with and allowing them to abduct people. They're making deals and the American people and the people of the world and all the different countries, are not privy to that information. That's happening.
So, to them, we're all a threat. And that's really what Project IBIS is. It's a means of circumventing that threat and co-opting it and turning it into a clown show. The disclosure community, the new age community, it's all been infiltrated… controlled to an extent where it's become a clown show. And it looks like that from the outside.
So, it's like, we're never going to get acceptance by the public, not in a way we need to, to even get anybody to look into these programs to even see if they exist because nobody wants to talk about it. We're all crazy people. They think we're crazy, we're making it up and just selling stories.
Really, I mean, there's only two options here. It's real or it's mass psychosis. At this point, there are people naive enough to just write it off as mass psychosis. How much more logical could I sound? I've laid it all out. Is it real or is it just some kind of projection into our minds, and this big experiment? I don't know.
Why has here been a spike in attacks?
Are we really in a bad situation? I think so. Are we going to be able to get out of it? that's a big question. I don't know. I worry about that. It's getting worse now. Starting around middle December (2023) the tax ramped up and my friends and I started getting sick. All the plans I had prepared for the new year… all kind of came to an abrupt halt around December 15th and then it just got worse. And I've talked to people in France… Australia, Britain, Canada, Singapore and other countries. People said the same thing.
We're all seeing a big spike in the push back, we're all seeing a big spike in these attacks, so why is that? Well, it has to be one thing - if we are all sensing an event that's going to take place soon, I think that's the answer. I hope that's the answer.
I hope that's the reason for the attacks… because it means that we've got a chance; that there's something coming that they're trying to stop. We're seeing signs of it. We're seeing Winds of Change are blowing.
So, what's going to happen? As they say, I guess we're in God's hands. Well, let's hope for the best.
MILABS: Military, Mind Control and Alien Abduction by Dr Helmut Lammer & Marion Lammer
Published 1 January 2000
Sound familiar?
‘Are we heading toward a "controlled" society that applies what has been learned in these sinister MILABS experiments, such as remotely monitored human implants (for tracking and surveillance) and genetic manipulation?’
"MILABS" is one of the first books to document the amazing evidence connecting covert military mind control and the "alien abduction" phenomenon.
The authors review top-secret mind control projects ARTICHOKE and MK-ULTRA, and utilize unclassified documents, photos, and firsthand testimony to expose the shocking story behind alien abductions.They take an in-depth look at the history of behavioral modification experiments, focusing on alleged kidnappings of "alien" abductees by covert military-intelligence personnel.
The book also touches on the activities of "black helicopters" in connection with UFO contactees, and "otherworldly" journeys to what actually appear to be underground military facilities.(Source: Amazon)
Until next time.