Who Bribed the South Australian Government to Act Beyond Powers?
I Love You BAdelaide But Your Secrets Are Not Safe With Me
From My Notebook - Toward Absolute Truth and Integrity
Could it possibly be that an earlier mass media bribe of $4,500,000 to have the South Australian government act beyond powers – ultra vires – et cetera, be one of the major concerns that have occupied the minds of leading members of the South Australian parliament?
On 5 June 2022, a friend forwarded me an email with an attached letter addressed to the newly selected Australian Marxist Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese. Among the list of email recipients were names of various Australian politicians.
The email’s author included an intriguing cover note, part of which you can read here:
…I can recall many years ago sending a registered letter to Julia Gillard at the same address. She likely received the letter on either the Thursday or the Friday in the same week, and very late on that Friday afternoon, the then Premier of South Australia, Mike Rann, unexpectedly received two official visitors in his office in the State Admin Centre in Victoria Square, Adelaide.
But the turns and roundabouts of political life-changing events in Terra Australis are such that on the following Tuesday, Gillard had the time to meet with all of the editors of Rupert's fish & chip wrappers from around Australia. When she was later asked by reporters from other news outlets what the meeting had been about, Gillard, a publicly remunerated official supposedly serving the People, stated that it was a private meeting.
If you knew what was in that letter to Gillard then you would probably start to have some very serious questions. I never received a reply and my aged sense of smell suggested the presence of an extremely large and very long dead rat.
Taxpayer Funded WEF Loyalists
If you haven’t noticed how swiftly self-serving laws are rushed through parliament dens these days, and how there seems to be zero opposition to just about everything that is of no benefit to the Australian people, it’s most likely because the Australian news media is M.I.A. but you continue to watch the newsless narrative news anyway.
Meanwhile, behind the scenes, our obedient little WEF loyalist pollies go about their anti Australian business with a smug belief that they are all above the law so they can do whatever they like and get away with it. Sure they have their token ‘we must fight this’ pollies but they are just actors and nothing changes.
What is the WEF, I hear you say? The World Economic Forum. Fourth Reich architects of the COVID Great Reset, digital slavery identification system and the attempted abolition of farmers in every country on earth. The globalists envisage feeding the masses with synthetic, factory made foods and a range of insects, in place of healthy, nourishing, organic foods that we need to eat to stay healthy. And alive. Fortunately, the wheels are now falling off the WEF network’s deceptively laid plans but that doesn’t mean there is room for complacency.
Back to the letterbomb.
Letterbomb Excerpt
“If there has been no corruption in South Australia, then why was there a need for legislation prohibiting investigation and prosecution? And, why was there a need for the legislation to be rushed through both houses of parliament? Could it possibly be that an earlier mass media bribe of $4,500,000 to have the South Australian government act beyond powers – ultra vires – et cetera, be one of the major concerns that have occupied the minds of leading members of the South Australian parliament?
“A bribe is like a magic stone in the eyes of him who gives it; wherever he turns he prospers”. - Proverbs 17: 8 (Revised Standard Version)
And, it seems most likely to me that many of those occupying the comfortable seats in the various legislatures know that there has been something very fishy about our system of government, and that it has been that way for a number of decades.”
Etymology of Corruption
Despite the SA ICAC Commissioner being reduced to investigating corruption, but not misconduct or maladministration, combined with a limited ability to initiate investigations (whatever that means), how fortunate for South Australians that the etymology of the word corruption includes this definition: Of public offices, "bribery or other depraving influence," from early 15c:
Corruption (n): mid-14c., corrupcioun, of material things, especially dead bodies, "act of becoming putrid, dissolution, decay;" also of the soul, morals, etc., "spiritual contamination, depravity, wickedness," from Latin corruptionem
(nominative corruptio) "a corruption, spoiling, seducing; a corrupt condition," noun of action from past-participle stem of corrumpere "to destroy; spoil," figuratively "corrupt, seduce, bribe".
Meaning "putrid matter" is from late 14c. Of public offices, "bribery or other depraving influence," from early 15c.; of language, "perversion, vitiation," from late 15c. Meaning "a corrupt form of a word" is from 1690s.
Etymology of Bribe
Bribe (v.) Late 14c., "to pilfer, steal, take dishonestly," also "practice extortion," from Old French briber "go begging," from bribe "a gift" The meaning "gain or corrupt by a bribe" is from 1520s.
Bribe (n.) Late 14c., "thing stolen," from Old French bribe "a gift," properly "bit, piece, hunk; morsel of bread given to beggars" (14c., compare Old French bribeor "vagrant, beggar"), from briber, brimber "to beg," a general Romanic word (compare Spanish briba "vagrancy," Italian birbone "a vagrant");
Shift of meaning to "gift given to influence corruptly" is by mid-15c.
(Source: Etymology Online)
Legislation Forbids the SA ICAC From Investigating Politicians
These passages from the letter provide additional, relevant context to the $4.5M mass media bribe allegation and bear repeating:
The facts of the matter are, that even before the South Australian ICAC was very reluctantly given legislative birth, many South Australian “political representatives” repeatedly expressed the view that there was no corruption in South Australia and therefore there was no need for such a body. Even a rudimentary understanding of the human psyche would indicate that such a proposition was likely to be ludicrous.
But these views were repeatedly expressed by parliamentary members of both the ALP and the Liberal Party…the old adage, that if you repeat a lie often enough it becomes accepted as fact, is a useful political ploy to fool the masses. The people may have been disempowered but they are not stupid!
Eventually, those in power in South Australia were shamed into establishing at least the semblance of an “independent” body to investigate and prosecute corruption because we were the last State jurisdiction in ‘Terra Australis’ to do so.
Yet, very recently, after rumours began to circulate in early 2022 to the effect that the South Australian ICAC was getting ready to prosecute a number of politicians and possibly other leading figures in South Australia as well, the South Australian parliament urgently rushed legislation through both houses of parliament preventing any such investigation and prosecution of South Australian politicians and South Australian police from ever taking place. Take note Australia!
This is the type of excuse for a working ICAC that many leading politicians want established in Canberra. By taking such a negative position, is it not true that knowingly or unknowingly, those politicians who support such a stance in effect make themselves accomplices in hiding any illegal acts that have in fact already taken place?
And, by passing legislation forbidding the South Australian ICAC from ever investigating any politicians who may have committed serious offences, is it not true that all those politicians who passed such legislation have made themselves complicit and liable for covering up any crimes that may have already taken place?
In other words, don’t mainstream politicians just want an expensive hoax to fool the public and don’t they also want the public to fund the very expensive ploy that they control? In my view this is disgustingly corrupt, treacherous and immoral behaviour. But that seems presently to be par for the course in postmodern Australia.
Editor’s Note: Ask your local MP for their opinion about the $4.5M bribe allegation. Or call your local talkback radio station and chat about it. If BAdelaide still has talkback radio…
Until next time.