Who Wants to Play 'Let's Buy the World!'
To be a world leader, do you really have to sell your soul to Satan? Does the NWO really hate humor and surprises? And other elitist trivia questions.
Musings From My Mass Notes of Joy Stockpile
Having worked for an Australian state government institution in a past life, I came to the conclusion that it was a clogged toilet that needed a mighty flush.
I have come to the same conclusion about the hierarchical system that runs the world and is desperately trying to force humankind into their new world order prison. Even though their flimsy house of cards has collapsed.
No consent. Thanks for the offer, though.
This selection of notes is from a variety of enlightened folk who helped me make sense of things in our post 2020 nonsensical world. Enjoy.
Ole Dammegard - Truth Seeker, Code Breaker and Peacemaker
Ole Dammegard
With so many years of deep research, he has become so good at it, that his last name has now become a verb. To ‘dammegard’ or ‘dammegarding’ is nowadays a term for searching for hidden clues and stopping inside jobs ordered by the Deep State.
Ole Dammegard is also a Prague Peace Prize recipient and was adopted by the Apache Nation who gave him the Native Indian name Wiyakpayela Wanzi, meaning Bright One.
He has dedicated more than 40 years to researching many of the global conspiracies and accurately predicted (on international radio) some 60 alleged terror attacks, up to 2 months before they occurred. In addition he stopped several planned massacres, the biggest one by far being a massive operation consisting of 39 coordinated attacks in conjunction with the planned release of the Corona virus, in October 2019.
Light on Conspiracies website
Solutions to Disrupt the New World Order Mindset
Memorable Excerpts
So, what are the solutions? Well, give the NWO what it can’t stand and doesn’t like!
It hates surprises, so give it surprises!
It hates humor, so laugh at it!
It thinks it’s omnipotent, so prod its weaknesses.
It loves to censor, so refuse to self-censor!
It thrives on violence, so non-violently resist.
It needs your energy, obedience and compliance, so refuse to comply!
Finally, do the inner work to weed out any aspect of the New World Order mindset within yourself. This is the hardest part of all of this, but each and every one of us must do this work. No one else can do it for you.
Consider honestly how much of this mindset is within you, then work to identify it, integrate it and transform it.
As Jung said, “One who looks outside, dreams. One who looks inside, awakens.” Being aware of every detail of the NWO is good, and being aware of solutions is good, but we must transform ourselves within to change the world outside. “
Decoding the Twisted New World Order Mindset by Ole Dammegard
Website: Light on Conspiracies
From the Itza Zecret Files
Well Educated Imbeciles Are Often Highly Unaccomplished Souls
People who live in their head become artificialised as people. They are foundationally unhappy because they have no spiritual pulse or dimension. They have money, affluence, temporal power but don’t have a pulse.
As entertaining as they can be at the dinner table, they end up screaming and clawing on their death bed because they have not manifested any substance in the world. They have never understood service to others over service to self. They have only taken care of their own appetites. They are highly accomplished in their world but highly unaccomplished as souls.
They are the ones who believe in AI and external redemption. They believe the cavalry will come from and rescue them, so they want a vaccine, anything out there to come and rescue them from their own inanity and banality and absence of self awareness.
Well educated imbeciles never sit in the sanctity of their own silence to reflect.
The Last Death Rattle of Mainstream Media
Nobody believes in mainstream media anymore. We know that mainstream media is a wicked cesspool of deception and is desperately trying to tell another story because it is their last chance to maintain their dream spell over humanity.
This is also the last death rattle of media - we will never see this again - it’s a wonderful thing to uphold.
We have had multiple empires over the millennia and they all reached a zenith of corruption and then collapsed. This is what we are now witnessing and navigating.
Itza Zecret
(Real name not used. For now.)
Wakey Wakey - NWO’s Biggest Fear Is A Global Awakening
Elitist Trivia
The Bilderberg group has incorporated the world so they own it. (But is this legitimate?)
2018 Bilderberg meeting in Turin Italy, centre for Satanism - second to London and all of Europe.
Wars are planned years in advance by the bankers to make more money.
To be a world leader you have to sell your soul to Satan.
Popes have been in charge of the largest pedophilic organisation that the worId has ever known and continues to this day.
The elite want adrenochrome direct from children after they have violated them.
Lenin was financed by the Rothschilds: “Without big banks, socialism would be impossible.”
The NWO’s biggest fear is a global awakening.
Steven S Sadlier
Secrecy and Anonymity are Integral Global Elite Operations
The central banking dynasties / international banker cartel have had wealth and power, in great excess, for generations. The business they have been engaged in for the past couple of centuries has not been to accumulate more wealth, rather it has been to transform the world into their own desired kind of private fiefdom.
They have been accomplishing this in a series of transformational projects on a global scale. What is referred to as 'The New World Order' is simply the latest in this series of projects.
The ultra-wealthy own virtually every major bank and every major corporation on the planet. They use a vast network of secret societies, think tanks and charitable organizations to advance their agendas and to keep their members in line.
They control how we view the world through their ownership of the media and their dominance over our education system.
They fund the campaigns of most of our politicians and they exert a tremendous amount of influence over international organisations such as the United Nations, the International Monetary Fun (IMF), the World Bank and the World Trade Organisation (WTO).
The ultra-wealthy don't put their money in the local bank like you and I do. Instead, they tend to stash their assets in places where they won't be taxed such as the Cayman Islands...
The global elite have up to 32 trillion dollars stashed in offshore banks around the globe. And of course that does not even count the money that is stashed in other locations, and does not count all of the wealth that the global elite have in hard assets such as real estate, precious metals, art, yachts, etc.
Secrecy and anonymity are integral to the operations of the Elite, as is absolute ruthlessness, deep deception and the most sordid spying and blackmail.
The Elite pit nations against each other, and aim at the destruction of religion and other traditional values, creates chaos, deliberately spreads poverty and misery, and then usurps power placing its stooges in place.
Wars, "revolutions" and assassinations are part of globalist tactics to destroy traditional civilisation and traditional religions, amass wealth and power, eliminate opponents, and proceed relentlessly towards their avowed goal, generation after generation. They operate through covert and overt societies and organisations.
Poul Larsen
Further reading: Book of the Century Finalist - The Great Taking
Perhaps this Great Taking might not be allowed to happen if we each hold up our end - even the investment bankers. David Rogers Webb
Until next time.
I am enjoying the rise of new, ethical media. ‘Power to Power’ media is the next level up from ‘truth to power’. These free speech stats are joyously telling.
Tyrants deploy censorship to control populations. What tyrants never seem to learn is that censorship tends to inspire the opposite of its intended effect...
Rather than putting the American people to sleep, the Censorship Industrial Complex has awoken a movement galvanized by a belief in America’s fundamental principle: free speech.
In 2023, on the question of trust in media, fully 68% of Americans have either “none at all” or “not very much” according to a Gallup poll, which found that “a record-high 39% have no trust at all in the media.”
Honest Media suspects this collapse of trust is driving the growth of independent media and particularly original, timely, and hard-hitting investigative journalism, news analysis, and long form interviews.
I really like the suggestions on how to get out of the NWO. And I do like Poul's writings. And the book is a must read. :)