Why are Adelaide's Beaumont children still missing over half a century later?
And why has Adelaide earned the disgraceful reputation of being the ‘satanic pedophile headquarters of the world’?
“Nobody in this world can understand what we are going through. You just can't understand. You can't…" Grant ‘Jim’ Beaumont, February 1967
Jane, Arnna and Grant Beaumont (Source: Nancy Beaumont Memorial, Find a Grave)
February 4, 1967, The Canberra Times: Enigma of the Missing Beaumont Children
"The longer this goes on, the more confident I feel that they are still alive", says Mrs. Beaumont.
"Do you know, I dreamed about them last night. I don't usually dream: in fact this is the first real dream I've had since the children went. But last night I dreamed I heard a knock on the back door. It was the children.
They said, "Hullo, Mum.'
The only thing I said was, 'Where have you been?'
"They were standing there in the back lobby. I cried, and felt them all over. Do you know it's the first dream I've had."
Mr Beaumont put his hand gently on her shoulder and said, "These have been terrible days for us. Empty. Christmas was the worst time. All those toys... other kids riding about on new bikes… you can imagine how empty our house was. Nobody in this world can understand what we are going through. You just can't understand. You can't… "
Nancy and Grant ‘Jim’ Beaumont
‘You bastards’ said Nancy Beaumont, over and over again
When I mentioned my research about the Beaumont children case to my friend Colleen, who also grew up in Adelaide, she said that she worked at the nursing home where Nancy Beaumont resided and shared some personal recollections which she was happy for me to publish.
‘So sad. She never forgave herself. Sent her insane. And when the (2018) search was resumed and they didn't find any evidence, we all grieved for her. Mrs Beaumont passed about a year or so after that.
She would go from a lovely woman who would say hello, to an angry traumatised person. You bastards was her favourite saying. She could turn the air blue. We all knew what she was going through as 95% of us working there were mothers and when the police found nothing in that yard, we all grieved for her.
I'm still emotional about it. Children just don't vanish! I was in cleaning and catering and sometimes could not clean her room for days. I believe she knew who it was. May they all rest in peace.’
I hadn't heard of the saying turn the air blue before before. Colleen said it was an old saying and that Nancy would swear all day at times.
If Australia wasn’t secretly overrun with thousands of grieving mothers and fathers, all of whom are unlawfully losing their children to pedophile plagued, masonic state systems Australia wide, I wouldn't publish such personal information about Nancy Beaumont’s private grief.
Like most Australians, she would have been unaware that ‘lucky country’ Australia now leads the world in unlawful child removals - a $9.5+ billion, state sanctioned, ‘cash for kids’ racket. Yes. Really. More about this shocking, buried reality at the end of this article.
Nancy and her children. (Source: Nancy Beaumont Memorial, Find a Grave)
Reeling in the years and lesser known information regarding the Beaumont case
The disappearance of Adelaide’s Beaumont children remains the longest-running missing person’s case in Australian history. At the time of writing, Jane, Arnna and Grant have been missing for close to 58 years. Their mother and father, whose lives were forever broken by impossible grief and loss, are no longer with us but their memory and spirit live on.
Nancy Beaumont died on 16 September 2019, aged 92. Her husband Grant ‘Jim’ Beaumont died on 9 April 2023, aged 97.
(Image Source: ABC News, supplied by SA Police)
19/4/23 ABC News: Beaumont children mystery less likely to be solved as time goes on, Grant Stevens says
… On Wednesday, Police Commissioner Grant Stevens said Mr Beaumont carried the burden of never knowing his children's fate.
"It's a very sad set of circumstances and there's still speculation as to whether the children may or may not be alive," he said.
… But he said the death of Mr Beaumont did not mean the case was closed.
"The case is still open, and we'll continue to do reviews and we'll assess any further information that is brought to SAPOL," he said.
Source: The News, Thursday, January 27, 1966
When Nancy and Grant ‘Jim’ Beaumont reported their children missing to the Glenelg police on 26 January 1966, the largest mobilisation in Australian history for missing persons was mounted.
February 4, 1967, The Canberra Times: Enigma of the Missing Beaumont Children
The police have received hundreds of ''dream" letters, and letters and visits from clairvoyants, rod-diviners, water-diviners and people claiming second sight.
There has never been a case like that of the Beaumonts in the history of the State Police Force. Even the police themselves have few private theories about what may have happened.
As one of them told me,"This case could be cleared up tomorrow — or never!"
The remainder of this article includes references to various claims and views about the Beaumont case, including testimonials of Adelaide's Rachel Vaughan and Andrew McIntyre, who seem to attract abusive, hateful, discrediting social media trolls. Out of respect for all concerned, if you are a troll or otherwise, with a fiery opinion to share, please send me a private message rather than leave an abusive comment. I suspend all judgement and beliefs when researching stories because it makes it much easier to consider all points of view.
‘Having a Mulligan’ - Who Knew?
I never expected to write about the Beaumont children case but when I read the following May 2024 post by South Australian cult survivor and whistleblower Rachel Vaughan on her Telegram channel, I felt a strong call to action on behalf of all missing children, murdered children and grieving parents:
There is a golfing term known as ‘having a Mulligan’ – which is ‘widely recognised and accepted in the world of golf. It is used to describe a do-over or a second chance to replay a shot, usually without incurring a penalty.’
As I have posted on this platform before, a major crime detective recently admitted to my brother Andrew McIntyre that Adelaide’s major crime department KNOWS our father (Allan Maxwell McIntyre) was involved in the disappearance and murders of the 3 Beaumont children. But they cannot investigate my father’s 2 former properties for the remains of his victims because of the suppression order on the Mullighan Inquiry.
The Mullighan Inquiry involved the deaths and disappearances in custody of South Australian state wards. The Beaumont disappearance is outside the terms of reference of that inquiry. Proving our father’s involvement in the disappearance, sex-trafficking, and murders of an unknown number of state wards. As my siblings and I have been alleging for the past 18 years.
Satanists love to play on words – it’s called spell casting. They are also obsessed with names, and often use them in their efforts to control the population.
Apart from the golfing analogy already mentioned here, there is also a game called Go. As a child, my brother Andrew was witness to adults playing the game of Go at the main Freemason Lodge on North Terrace in Adelaide. Andrew would always be drugged for these forays. Andrew believes they were playing other 'games' with children at that location.
Satanists like to play games at the expense of those who are not ‘in the club.’
The Mullighan Inquiry was an opportunity for Adelaide’s elite paedophiles and psychopaths to ‘have a Mulligan’ – to clear the playing board and avoid penalty.
And it worked. To date, as far as I am aware, only two convictions have occurred in relation to that inquiry – despite the naming of hundreds of perpetrators.
The decades long suppression order on the Mullighan inquiry is preventing investigations into COUNTLESS felonies perpetrated against South Australian children. As well as keeping many patsies in jail to cover for the true perpetrators.
We need to obliterate these suppression orders that prevent investigation into serious crimes against children. Otherwise, these heinous acts will continue, and the criminals who perpetrate them will remain in power.
And this.
Australia's Epstein
October 5, 2024 - Rachel Vaughan posted this comment on her Telegram channel re her late father Allan Maxwell McIntyre who she refers to as Australia's Epstein. The more you learn about this protected, pedophilic, masonic, serial killer, the more you will understand why Rachel chooses to publicly expose all of the secrets about the generational satanic chamber of horrors she was born into, and somehow survived, whilst advocating resolute child protection measures in Australia and the world.
“Child 'protective' services are child rape and murder traffickers the world over. My father's cult was murdering little children from boys homes and orphanages with impunity for decades in South Australia. My father told me that what he was doing was a service to humanity because the children were 'unwanted'. He told me what he was doing was 'population control'.
Suitcases were also a favourite disposal means for my father's cult in Adelaide. 😔 It likely sends a message to law enforcement not to investigate.”
It’s very difficult for me to speak out when other past young men, like myself, who have been victims of the ‘family’, have spoken out and they have ended up in body bags, or thrown in the Torrens, or shark bait.
Ki Meekins, former ward of the state and significant player in instigating the 2004-2008 Children in State Care Commission ‘Mullighan’ Inquiry - 2006, Channel 7 Today Tonight (Adelaide)
Time for the SA politicians to lose the ostrich
I asked Rachel what the 80 year Mullighan Suppression Order has to do with the Beaumont children and how it is preventing the police from investigating the Stansbury property.
Rachel’s reply:
The Mullighan suppression order must have some sort of 'do not investigate burial places of state wards' clause or something like that. The major crime detective who told my brother Andrew that the Stansbury property cannot be investigated, blatantly said that this was the reason why the Beaumont children's remains have not been exhumed.
My sister Ruth has long testified that there are also 3 state wards in that sink hole with the Beaumont children. I saw what looked to be about 50 (I couldn’t count that high at age 5) small, child sized skulls in a cave/sink hole beneath that property. There is so much there.
That's enough already, but the authorities will also have to take into consideration the old telecommunications bunker under the main shed where my father must have kept much of his treasures (many of which my brother Danny burned on the day our father died - Danny knows all about that bunker - he took me down there once.)
There is also the enormous amount of blackmail material that my father no doubt left stashed in a bunker - either the one at Stansbury; or at Edwardstown; or in any of the other bunkers that he had exclusive knowledge of as an ASIO and Telecom employee. He references this material in his will - leaving all of his 'papers of research' to his nephew.
In my view, what needs to happen now, is for the South Australian government to stop behaving like an ostrich, choose acknowledgement instead of denial and overturn the bizarre, alleged, ‘no dig’ clause in the 80 year suppression order which is prohibiting SA Police from pursuing their long overdue investigations of Allan Maxwell McIntyre’s property in Stansbury, Yorke Peninsula.
Sign the Petition
Excerpts from July 2017 Petition: Missing Beaumont Children: SAPOL To Dig The Sink Hole at Stansbury
Max McIntyre died in June 2017. Before his death he stated, on recorded video, that he had knowledge of what had happened to the Beaumont children. The South Australian Police have to date shown no interest in excavating the sinkhole to pursue what is the most compelling evidence to have emerged in the 50 year old investigation.
Andrew states that a couple of weeks after the disappearance a sinkhole on Max McIntyre's property at Stansbury in South Australia was filled in. Aerial footage actually confirms that this occurred at around this time.
We call on the South Australian Police to follow up on the evidence provided by Andrew McIntyre and to dig up the sinkhole on Max McIntyre's property in Stansbury in South Australia. Andrew McIntyre's statement to police has found to be truthful and credible by the South Australian District Court. His statement on the Beaumont children should be properly investigated.
The disappearance of the Beaumont children is an Australian tragedy. SAPOL should be following up every lead to try to solve this case and commence digging immediately.
Please sign the petition: Missing Beaumont Children: SAPOL To Dig The Sink Hole at Stansbury
We need to obliterate suppression orders that prevent investigation into serious crimes against children.’ Rachel Vaughan, Cult Survivor, South Australia
2017 - Today Tonight, Allan Maxwell McIntyre breaks his silence on the 'Beaumont Killings'
May 3, 2021 - Run time: 5 mins
Excerpts from Rachel Vaughan’s description on her YouTube channel:
This is my father Alan 'Max'well McIntyre's 2015 interview with investigative journalist Bryan Littley where he confesses that he knew what happened to the three Beaumont children.
In true 'Max' style, my father blames his close mate, now thrice convicted child sex offender Anthony Munro, for the deaths of Jane, Arnna and Grant. Max was a master of inversion and projection. But be assured my father was capable of murdering children.
I saw him murder and/or dismember multiple children in the 1970's and 80's. My father was a Freemason; a Rosicrucian; a Satanist; and a member of Aleister Crowley's Golden Dawn. He was a paedophile, and a mass murderer. In his own words he was a 'special friend to police'. My father Alan Maxwell McIntyre was a monster.
Stansbury property sinkhole (Image source: Today Tonight, Allan Maxwell McIntyre breaks his silence on the 'Beaumont Killings')
Transcript excerpts - Allan Maxwell McIntyre breaks his silence on the 'Beaumont Killings'
Host, Rosanna Mangiarelli…A chilling video of a suspect has surfaced less than a week after his death. Now, members of Max McIntyre’s own family are convinced their father was involved in Jane, Anna and Grant's disappearance and that they know where the children are buried.
Max McIntyre: I know a lot about the Beaumont killings
Investigative Journalist Bryan Littley: I put it to him directly, you know: “Were you involved, Max?” He said, “No, I wasn't but I’ll tell you who was.”
Andrew McIntyre: My father was involved in the abduction and murder of the Beaumont children.
Reporter Mark Mooney: Could this man hold the key to Australia’s greatest criminal mystery?
Max McIntyre: How did you come to track me down?
Reporter Mark Mooney: Inside his home on a remote property on Yorke Peninsula, Max McIntyre opens up about the allegations that have dogged him for much of his life.
Max McIntyre: At the moment I’m researching the death of the Beaumonts because the only person who’s going to clear my name, is me.
Reporter Mark Mooney: This never before seen interview, filmed in April 2015, is the only time he broke his silence. On Tuesday, Max died aged 89 and according to his son Andrew, has taken the 50 year old secret to his grave.
Andrew McIntyre: Exactly how much of a part he played, I'm not sure, but he was a major player in that he disposed of the bodies.
Reporter Mark Mooney: While his father denied any involvement, he claims there was someone who may know what happened that person is his one-time close friend scout leader, Anthony Munro.
Max McIntyre: I want the whole bloody mess looked at. Now I’ll get to round two who killed the Beaumonts.
Reporter Mark Mooney: Andrew first raised his own suspicions in a court case in 2008 after Max took out an injunction blocking he and his sister from entering his property. Since then, he's had trouble finding anyone who would listen to what he told the court about his father and Munro.
Investigative Journalist Bryan Littley: We all hold hope that the Beaumont case can be solved but I guess for me I’m driven a little bit by the fear that I might actually have something that if I don't pass it on, it won't be solved.
Reporter Mark Mooney: Tony Munro had close relationships with numerous children through his scouting activities and a skin diving club he ran at Glenelg. It was around the time that Jane, Arnna and Grant Beaumont disappeared from the same beach. It was Australia day 1966. Andrew McIntyre remembers that day like it was yesterday.
Andrew McIntyre: Our father told us he'd take us to the beach but he changed his mind and left us home. He says when his father and Munro returned, they were agitated and upset and there was sand and blood in Munro's car.
The children were in the boot of his white Zephyr, my two sisters were taken to the boot and my sister had to brush the blood out of their hair and sand out of their hair.
Reporter Mark Mooney: His father never told him what had happened and how the children came to be in the boot of the car.
Andrew McIntyre claims that two weeks after the Beaumont’s disappeared, Munro drove him from Adelaide to his father's property here in Stansbury. He says he dropped him in the driveway and sped off. As Andrew walked towards the house, he noticed something had changed. The sinkhole at the back of the property had been filled in.
Andrew McIntyre: Anthony Munro brought me over to Stansbury to direct point me in that direction to see that the well had been filled in. The reason he was given, the flock of sheep had run down it. The sheep that lived on the property for years.
Reporter Mark Mooney: He's convinced the Beaumonts are buried there and believes the authorities have an obligation to dig it up.
Andrew McIntyre: My father liked to have his victims close, handy, and he's a very cruel man. I’ve always been terrified of him. I have constant nightmares about my father.
Reporter Mark Mooney:In 1990, Munro was jailed for abusing a child and later fled to Cambodia where he ran lady boy bars.
(Police were looking at two possible victims under the age of 15 years.)
With the authorities there on his tail, he returned to Adelaide last year and pleaded guilty to the abuse of two more boys in 1965. One of those boys was Andrew McIntyre.
Andrew McIntyre: It took a long time coming. It had to be dragged out of him.
Reporter Mark Mooney: During this time, Munro was questioned over the Beaumonts but police say there's no evidence linking him to the case.
Andrew says even if they were only responsible for disposing of the bodies, his father and Munro must have known who was involved in the abduction and murder. Andrew’s been concerned that since Max's death (2017) his half-brother Danny has unwittingly destroyed some of their father's belongings…
Reporter Mark Mooney: While police have investigated some of his claims, Andrew McIntyre says they've stopped listening.
Investigative Journalist Bryan Littley: He was a victim of Tony Munro’s in 1965 and in 1966, at the time or around the time that the Beaumont children went missing. I think you've got to give him some credit but you can't believe half his story and not the rest of the story.
Reporter Mark Mooney: Andrew McIntyre says while his father will never face justice it's not too late for others involved to be caught and punished.
Andrew McIntyre: All the evidence is out there. The witnesses are still alive and we'd like to come forward and tell our story.
Andrew McIntyre on the Stansbury sink hole where the Beaumont children are buried
March 1, 2022 - Run time: 14 mins 33
Pop star Sia visited McIntyre's Stansbury property and left in tears, saying something about the 'ghosts of dead children'
Rachel’s October 2, 2024 Telegram post revealed that Adelaide born singer and songwriter ‘Sia’ Kate Isobelle Furler was close friends with her niece in the 90's, and that she met Sia in 1998:
… It is NOT a good sign that Sia was friends with this particular member of my family. This is the same family member who was gifted my childhood family home by my father. This is the house with the bunker, hidden cellar, and tunnels that I have exposed and proven the existence of.
My niece sold that home in a hurry immediately after my testimony to the International Tribunal of Natural Justice aired in August 2018. The house sold a few weeks later.
During her ownership of that house my niece refused to allow me to organise a forensic dig to exhume the remains of ‘missing’ child (Tracy) Louise Bell whom I saw murdered and buried on that property.
Sia once visited Stansbury with my niece, and according to my sister Ruth who was a witness to Sia's visit, Sia left in tears, saying something about the 'ghosts of dead children'. This was long before Ruth, Andrew and I remembered our father's part in many murders and body disposals which we were witness to as children. Before any official or private allegations were made against our father.
The Beaumont children are not the only dead children hidden beneath my father's former Stansbury property.
As I’ve made public previously, there is also a bunker under the main shed at my father’s former property at Stansbury. And the many, many coffin sized freezers, that were locked closed with chains, were in place at the time when Sia visited.
I reached out to Sia many years ago via email. I never received a response.
What did she experience at Stansbury that made her leave so abruptly and in such a state?
Rachel Vaughan Post, September 7 2024, Telegram
For all the pedophiles and their political and academic enablers out there, sexually abusing children is harmful on so many levels.
Note: When I was 3 years old, my mother was teaching me to read, write and draw, oblivious to the existence of a menacing, parallel cult world in my midst. What were you doing?
From hell to healing
I have no doubt that readers will one day be discussing Rachel Vaughan and Andrew McIntyre’s respective books about growing up in a previously hidden parallel cult filled with grotesque crimes and horrors. Also, their respective paths to healing.
Visit Rachel Vaughan’s Sixth Science website where you will learn about her Psychic development Course and the global Ley Love Down project which she co-founded with Ben Hawkes.
Ley Love Down - Save the Ley Lines, Save the World is rightfully taking back the ley lines and chakras of the world from those who have utilised rituals to program them with misery for millennia.
Interview: Tom Barnett - Ley Lines, Harmony, Taking the Power Back & Why We're All Psychic - Rachel Vaughan
Beaumont suspect Harry ‘Satin Man’ Phipps
A book released in March, 2023 entitled Unmasking the Killer of the Missing Beaumont Children by local authors Stuart Mullins and Bill Hayes, narrows down Harry ‘Satin Man’ Phipps, a dead, wealthy, Adelaide elitist, as being the most likely abductor of Jane, Arnna and Grant Beaumont. Unfortunately, Phipps will never be given the opportunity of a right of reply but, having read the book, it does appear that he was quite possibly part of Adelaide’s clandestine, pedophilic cult network.
(Image Source: Overwhelming Coincidences blog)
Various Beaumont suspects are briefly mentioned in the Unmasking the Killer of the Missing Beaumont Children, including Allen Max McIntyre:
Over the decades, the Beaumont case continues to elicit strong, in some cases, very opinionated views of ‘whodunnit’. Many people have their theories and they are sticking to them. Quite a few vehemently believe that Anthony Munro and his cohort Max McIntyre are involved and the bodies are buried in a now filled in sink hole on McIntyre’s property on the Yorke Peninsula.
I have read Unmasking the Killer but will have more to say about it in a future article, alongside Debi Marshall’s book Banquet – The Untold Story of the Family Murders which also briefly mentions Allen Max McIntyre.
Writes Debi:
Allen ‘Max’ McIntyre worked in the television industry at Channel 9 and died in June 2017. He was a close friend of Anthony Munro, a former scout master convicted of multiple child sex offences in Australia and Cambodia between 1965 and 1983. McIntyre’s children, Ruth Collins and Andrew McIntyre, have each claimed, without substantiation, that their father and Munro were responsible for the murder and disappearance of the Beaumont children.
Rachel wasn’t aware that her father actually worked at Channel 9, only that he filmed child pornography and snuff films there in the 70s and possibly the 80s. (This was also news to me, as I worked at Adelaide’s Channel 9 in the 80s.)
(Rachel Vaughan post, December 2021)
Beaumont children haunted local psychic for 11 years with visions of where they were buried
29 March 1990, The Canberra Times: Beaumont children clairvoyant lead
(Image Source: Trove)
The March 29, 1990 report about local psychic June Cox followed hot on the heels of a March 13, 1990 report about witness ‘Mr B’ claiming that convicted murderer Bevan Spencer Von Einem had told him about three children whose bodies were dumped at Myponga or Moana, and that he mentioned the name Beaumont. Von Einem has been linked to most of the known family murders which generated more lurid headlines but that was about it.
Skeptics would be quick to say that Cox made up her claim after reading the news report and was after some free publicity. A fair call. Or that she quietly agreed to help with the establishment’s preferred narrative. I met her in the latter half of the 90s, unaware of her previous claims, and was less than impressed with her services. From memory, her brochure made her sound like she was one of Adelaide's leading healers and clairvoyants. I was totally creeped out by her and couldn't get out of her house fast enough.
80s Adelaide frenzied family murder news headlines
… ‘they used Mr B to get what they wanted, and they sent Von Einem down alone.’ - ‘John’
Anyone who lived through 80s Adelaide would remember the frenzied news headlines about the ‘family’ murders which peaked in 1989. A living chamber of horrors show of the foulest kind. In 1990, however, everything suddenly shut down. Including me. A bastard of a story for another day.
The News Corporation’s Advertiser rag used to excel at staging trials by media but I guess that’s just how propaganda machines roll on behalf of their ruling establishments. It is also alleged that many ‘patsies’ are still sitting in South Australian prison cells as a result of this tightknit club.
Is SAPOL Major Crime a major crime scene?
To give you an example of the ‘chasmic’ differences between family murder media coverage compared to a comprehensive book, such as Banquet – The Untold Story of the Family Murders by investigative ‘blowtorch’ journalist Debi Marshall, the following excerpt will hopefully make things as clear as a bell.
‘What are they hiding, John?’ ‘The truth, Debi. The truth.’
If you read Chapter 31 of Banquet – The Untold Story of the Family Murders, you will meet ‘John’ who ‘orbited the Family’ when his mother left him to his own devices at just 14:
Writes Debi:
He hasn’t talked about this for three decades, he asserts; he grew tired of trying to tell police what he knew and nothing being done about it. So many blokes he knew were the same, just drained from nothing happening. So he gave up.
But he remembers…
Magistrate Richard Brown was one of John’s twisted perpetrators who knew some of the Family murderers:
John has visibly tensed. ‘Look, I saw Brown at a party where the guy who owns . . .’ He names him and his business, and I advise him I can’t run this name as it is suppressed.
‘Suppressed!’ He scoffs. ‘What a joke. What a fucking disgraceful joke.’
‘Yes, I agree. ‘We can only call him the businessman.’
‘Von Einem was a friend of . . .’ He names him, too, and I give the same advice.
‘I can’t run that name, either. We need to call him Mr B.’
John returns to the businessman. ‘He was one of the worst, sick, twisted fucks. And they say Von Einem was the only person that did it. But you shouldn’t believe that; don’t believe it for a second. The police had been given evidence and documentation that shows he wasn’t the only person involved.’
John broke into a safe at the businessman’s premises because he was told that the safe contained papers that implicated Mr B in the Kelvin murder and that he was trying to blackmail Mr B:
‘What happened to the documentation?’ I ask.
‘We held onto it for about a month. We got rid of the safe in the Adelaide Hills and then I sent the documentation to the officer in charge of the Family murders.’ John vaguely recalls his name, though it doesn’t ring a bell with me. It isn’t Kipling.
‘I put it in a large envelope at a suburban post office. I remember it cost me a bit to send it, ’cause there was a lot of stuff in it.’
‘What did you want him to do with it?’
‘I wanted him to read it and to know that Von Einem wasn’t the only person involved.’ He shakes his head in disgust. ‘Look, the cops know what I gave them. They know, and instead they used Mr B to get what they wanted, and they sent Von Einem down alone. People might think I’m delusional, but I’m not. I know what I did, I know what I saw, I know what I did with it and I know what happened to it. Nothing.’
‘What did the police do with it?’
‘I don’t know. I wouldn’t have a clue.’
‘Did you put your return name and address on it?’
‘Nope. Didn’t do anything like that. But I did keep a fob chain with an emerald in it. There was a whole pile of fob watches in that safe.’ He describes the antique emerald. ‘I put it on a chain around my neck and I wore it in front of the businessman. He knew. He threatened me about it quite a few times, told me I was done for. The whole idea of that safe break was to get the papers.’
‘So you say that the businessman was a friend of Von Einem, and he knew Mr B?’
‘Yes, and Don Storen.’
‘And Richard Brown?’
‘What are they hiding, John?’
‘The truth, Debi. The truth.’
Jill Shepherd's spiritual visitations from the Beaumont children
Note: If you are not open to spirituality or mediumship, that is quite ok. Just skip this story. I have researched death, mediumship and various afterlife theories since the 80s and have learned to discern genuine evidential mediumship from BS mediumship which is usually psychic abilities dressed up as mediumship. Jill is a genuine medium.
Adelaide spiritual medium, healer, advanced spirit interventionist and educator Jill Shepherd is a highly attuned holistic practitioner whose work includes looking after lots of earthbound spirits, helping them move to the heavenly sphere and also clearing demons from people’s houses.
Jill is also a sexual abuse survivor, snared by her male next door neighbour when she was 5 years old. She believes he abused at least 10 young children. Her late mother worked for South Australian Premier Don Dunstan (1970-1979) as his secretary. In her teen years, Jill was perpetually terrified of further abuse because she was required to attend political functions which were ‘loaded with pedophiles.’ But she somehow managed to dodge more damaging abuse and made it out alive.
She recalled an election party at Dunstan's Norwood home, where she was a ‘helper’.
Writes Jill:
I was present at an election party. Don Dunstan was once again our premier of South Australia. I sensed a lot of pedophiles at the party. As I was abused at 5 years old, I was extremely mindful of predators in the crowd. And I noticed his children were definitely damaged, probably by his mates. Pedophiles were all around the Dunstan’s. Once you have been abused, you are aware of the good guys and bad guys.
Don Dunstan’s children were seen and not heard. What I sensed, was his son, daughter and wife were victims of sexual assault. They were very damaged emotionally, physically and mentally. And damaged souls. His wife left him in 1972. Or died. Truth is unknown.
Red Tape Rape author Ki Meekins
(Image source: Networked Knowledge)
Learning about Jill’s first hand experiences with the Dunstan crowd reminded me of a one-off meeting in the 1990s, with Red Tape Rape author Ki Meekins, a former South Australian ward of the state and ‘lifeboat’ for many abused, silenced men. He also played a significant role in instigating the ‘Mullighan Inquiry.’
Ki revealed many shocking truths, including how Don Dunstan and his associates would be driven at night to Centennial Hall at the Wayville Showgrounds in Goodwood, where young boys would be paraded before them. Predators would choose their ‘prey’ and take them to their lavish homes where they were raped, plied with drugs, alcohol and shut-up money, and threatened with certain death if they dared to breathe a word to anyone.
I asked Ki if any of the victims would be prepared to share their experiences but he responded with a firm no. The surviving victims still lived in fear of being killed if they spoke out and most of them were really messed up, heavily addicted to drug and alcohol. All those years later. And Ki’s disturbing words never left me.
When the Mullighan Inquiry into child sex abuse and deaths of state wards was announced in June, 2004, I quietly applauded Ki and hoped that his politically silenced, long suffering brothers would be strong enough to come forward to share their traumatic stories.
The inquiry concluded in 2008. By 2011, less than a quarter of the Mullighan report recommendations had been implemented by the Rann State Government.
Was Don Dunstan a sexual abuse survivor?
SA Premier Don Dunstan defies John Nash’s tidal wave prediction on January 19, 1976. Image source: Adelaide AZ
Donald Allan Dunstan (1926–1999)
The impressive career history of Don Dunstan is well documented and his fan club has remained strong since his death. Apart from scant memories of his flamboyant role as Premier in the 1970s, including his passion for the arts and democracy, and, of course, Des Ryan and Mike McEwen’s sensationalist book 'It’s Grossly Improper', I knew little about Don Dunstan. So I briefly researched his life story and found a biography by Angela Woollacott published by the Australian National University, 2022.
When I read about Dunstan’s early childhood years in Suva, Fiji, I couldn't help but wonder if he, too, was subjected to sexual abuse at his private boarding house for boys, and beyond:
‘He attended kindergarten locally, before being sent to the elite Suva Boys’ Grammar School at age six. During the week he lived at Miss Grayburn’s private boarding house for small boys. After only a few months there, he caught a staphylococcus infection, resulting in boils. Nursed at home, he recovered slowly and, he recalled, ‘virtually had to learn to walk again’ (Dunstan 1993, 15).
To assist his recovery, at age seven Don was sent to South Australia to live with his maternal grandmother and aunts at Murray Bridge. There he attended the local infant and primary schools. It was a distressing separation from his parents; he had few friends and was lonely.’
Attempts to normalise pedophilia
Anyone who is aware of the perversely inverted child protection system in Australia, will know that elitist pedophile networks are desperately trying to normalise and legalise sex with children. Apart from the occasional conviction to appease the community, courts are habitually lenient on perpetrators whilst persecuting parents and supporters who try to protect children from predators. An abnormally high level number of luciferian freemasons in this volatile, high level mix, isn’t helping matters.
Sadly, men and women in these elitist networks were most likely abused from birth and instead of seeking help to heal their deep-seated trauma, they hang on to the warped belief that child sex abuse does not harm children. Convenient academic ‘studies’ are also relied up to back up this false belief.
Once a civilization accepts pedophilia, it falls. Quickly. That’s the way satanists have made civilisations in the past fall. Daryl James, ex US military, Journey to Truth
Back to the Beaumont story.
Jill Shepherd’s Beaumont children visions
In September 2022, I spoke to Jill about Rachel Vaughan’s horrific satanic childhood and her claims about her serial killer father’s possible involvement in the 1966 disappearance and likely murder of the Beaumont children. Jill had no awareness of Rachel or her story and to my surprise, revealed that the children had visited her several times over the last 25 to 30 years.
Note: Some of the following descriptions are graphic and may upset sensitive readers.
Jill’s most significant meeting with the Beaumont children occurred late one night when she was at home with her daughter, chatting at the kitchen table. They both received a simultaneous vision of the children coming into their home and were shown visions of different parts of a house. Jill’s daughter was quite young at the time and couldn’t handle the unexpected encounter, so she walked away. Understandably so.
Jill recalled two of the children saying, ‘Look what they’ve done.’ Jane Beaumont showed her what happened. The house, which no longer exists, was located near Glenelg beach, close to where the children were seen and is thought to have been owned by a prominent South Australian woman who also owned property in South Australia’s picturesque, south coast town of Yankalilla.
The Glenelg house had ocean views an a kitchen on the top floor, on the side of the building, which seemed to be popular for social gatherings. Aware that these types of people have to have a lot of sex with children before killing them, Jill felt that the children could have been kept in the house for quite some time. They were kept in a room and taken, one by one.
Jane Beaumont showed Jill the kitchen through a crack in a door and she saw the backs of a number of men and a few women. Jill saw the kitchen through Jane but Jane’s eyes were closed off. The children’s eyes were stitched so they couldn’t see.
Jane showed Jill the lower basement where the surgery took place. The room had benches for surgical tools and knives. Jill almost threw up when she was shown the surgical scenes and saw them being sliced. Jane tried to protect her siblings but couldn’t.
(Image provided by Jill Shepherd)
Possible location of the Beaumont children's remains
Jill has long sensed that the Beaumont children’s bones lay at the bottom of Foul Bay on the Yorke Peninsula, and their remains had been taken there by boat from a house in Yankalilla, near Normanville, where many parties were allegedly hosted.
As you can see in the map below, Foul Bay is in the general vicinity of Max McIntyre’s Stansbury property. As I stated earlier, Jill had not even heard of Rachel Vaughan or her late father’s Yorke Peninsula property until my telephone conversation, so I naturally found her information to be rather intriguing. Myponga Reservoir is situated about 45km north of Normanville, also in the general vicinity of the other named locations of the Beaumont children's remains.
(Image: Mapcarta)
While SA Police is highly unlikely to conduct a search of Foul Bay, perhaps local divers who happen to explore Foul Bay, can keep an eye on the ocean floor in their travels.
What were the chances of recovering skeletal bones from a sea bed after nearly 58 years? Research results yielded surprising few scientific insights. The following information was provided by a helpful Quora Bot:
10,000 possible leads in Beaumont children case
For anyone who is unfamiliar with the Beaumont case, or only has scant memories of chilling media headlines from way back when, this article provides a basic recap of reported leads that SA Police have followed up since January 26, 1966:
1 June 1992, Canberra Times: Police re-examine old evidence for new leads
ADELAIDE: South Australian police have begun a new investigation into one of Australia's most baffling mysteries — the 1966 disappearance of the Beaumont children — after using new forensic techniques to re-examine old evidence…
Jane, 9, Arnna, 7, and Grant, 4, vanished from Adelaide's Glenelg Beach on January 26, 1966. No trace of them has been found despite repeated searches, thousands of inquiries and dozens of false sightings over the past 26 years. In that time police have followed up about 10,000 possible leads in the case…
Beaumont children theories:
Four witnesses, who had been at Glenelg on the day, told detectives they had seen the three children with a blond suntanned man in his late 30s
A local shop assistant recalled how the children had bought food at her
store with £1 note even though Mrs Beaumont had earlier told police she had given them only six shillings (60c).
October, 1966, a Dutch clairvoyant came to Australia claiming the children had died accidentally near the beach after crawling into a sand cave which had collapsed on them.
When police did not act on the information, a private group raised funds for a search which included the digging up of part of an old warehouse. Nothing was found.
1968 the crew of a British cargo ship were questioned in New Zealand after allegations were made that they had been involved.
1968 the Mud Islands in Victoria's Port Phillip Bay and a scout camp near Geelong were searched after anonymous tip-offs.
1985 a Perth couple told Western Australian police they believed the children had been abducted and taken to the Nullabor Plain railway town of Reid on the South Australia Western Australia border. Police later discounted the sighting.
1990 police divers conducted a fruitless search of a reservoir at Myponga, south of Adelaide, after testimony by a prosecution witness at an unrelated committal hearing of convicted sex murderer Bevan Spencer von Einem. The witness claimed that von Einem, who is serving a life sentence in jail, had once revealed how he had performed "surgery" on the children.
The witness alleged that the body of one child had been dumped in the
waters of the reservoir.
1990 police divers conducted a fruitless search of a reservoir at Myponga, south of Adelaide, after testimony by a prosecution witness at an unrelated committal hearing of convicted sex murderer Bevan Spencer von Einem.
A fortnight later, a psychic told Adelaide police she believed the Beaumonts' bodies had been buried near Myponga. She said the bodies of two other children, Kirsty Gordon and Joanne Radcliffe who were abducted at an Adelaide football match in 1973, could also be found there. But hoax-plagued police did not dig up the site.
Nancy and ‘Jim’ Beaumont
Who remembers this eye-witness account by a Beaumont family friend?
Scott Russell Hill: ‘My father swore black and blue it was the Beaumonts he had seen.’
February 26, 2018, New Idea: Beaumont children bombshell: I know who really did it
This intriguing article featured the Beaumont children’s childhood friend Scott Russell Hill, an Adelaide psychic and author who also appeared on the Sensing Murder television series in 2004.
He recalls his father’s sighting of the children in 1966 and briefly comments on Harry ‘Satin Man’ Phipps and the February 1967 story of a Jane Beaumont lookalike who was spotted in the studio audience of Channel 10’s Pied Piper show.
Scott Russell Hill’s account of his father’s eyewitness story, certainly bears repeating:
Scott believes late Adelaide businessman Harry ‘Satin Man’ Phipps – who once owned the factory where this year’s dig took place – was somehow implicated in the 52-year-old crime. But was he the only person involved?
‘My father, who knew all the Beaumont family very well, was taking a shortcut to beat Australia Day traffic, when he saw the children standing on the corner of Augusta and Durham Streets in Glenelg at 1.30pm,’ says Scott.
‘They were with three other people – a thin-faced blond stranger, a strapper he recognised from one of the local racing stables with shoulder- length hair, and a middle-aged woman wearing a pale blue patterned dress.
‘Dad was surprised they were with another woman, not their mother Nancy.’
‘He did report it to detectives at the time, but there were so many sightings not all of them were followed up. To his dying day in May 1982, my father swore black and blue it was the Beaumonts he had seen.’
Scott has since been approached by several other people who confirmed his father’s eyewitness account, right down to the distinctive design on the unknown woman’s pale blue dress.
‘It makes sense,’ he says. ‘One woman told me her mother saw the children with the very same people near the Rotunda in Colley Reserve. That lies in a straight line to Augusta Street – and Augusta Street is where Harry Phipps lived. It’s definitely linked.’
After the failed factory dig, Scott says hope of solving the case waned.
New Idea Article Link: Beaumont children bombshell: I know who really did it
Mentally unhinged, incomprehensibly cruel dark occultists
My feeling is that the Pied Piper TV show lookalike, which convinced the grief-stricken Nancy Beaumont and 6 other people who knew Jane, was a macabre, cruel stunt set up by the cult that abducted the children. If you care to spend some time researching dark occult practices and how mentally unhinged the cultists often become, chances are you will arrive at the same conclusion.
Cruelty beyond comprehension has been a recurring theme in my 4 years of research into clandestine dark occult practices at the highest levels of world rulership or should I say, ruinship, alongside the increasingly warped and misled luciferian cult of celebrity.
‘Seer’ Gerard Croiset visits Adelaide, 1966
I have vague memories of Gerard Croiset's visit and only have empathy for the man. Clairvoyant/mediumship skills are not like making a phone call and cannot be turned on and off like a tap. Full length versions of the following article excerpts can be read on Trove.
5 October 1966 (Women’s Weekly) A Dutchman waits for new visions
Mr Croiset said today that at first he had refused to go, but he was being so pressed he thought he would go about mid-October.
"For me it is a risky business: The whole world is looking on, and of course I can never guarantee success", he said.
(Image Source: All About Heaven website)
The Canberra Times, 9 November 1966: Mr Croiset Seer met by large crowd
… Mr Croiset said in Sydney after his arrival earlier today he believed the missing Beaumont children died accidentally when buried under sand near a fun fair on Glenelg Beach.
No traces of the Beaumont children, Jane, 9, Arnna, 7, and Grant, 4, have been found since they disappeared from Glenelg Beach on January 26 this year.
The 57-year-old clairvoyant said he would spend only two days trying to locate the bodies.
Mr and Mrs J. Beaumont, the children's parents, said today they had refused an invitation to dine with Mr Croiset to discuss his work…
The Canberra Times, 11 November 1966: Seer recalled to the search after dark
Mr Croiset did not make any statement to the 30 pressmen and cameramen who followed his movements most of the day. Mr Smeding said the famous seer could not work with so many people, including a group of sightseers, always so near to him.
Mr Croiset was followed all day by the usual eight or nine press vehicles, and later several carloads of spectators joined the motorcade.
The Canberra Times, 14 November 1966: Cellar combed say SA police
Adelaide police are unlikely to recommend digging up the floor of the Paringa Park food warehouse where the Dutch clairvoyant, Mr Gerard Croiset, believes the three missing Beaumont children will be found.
… Meanwhile, Mr Croiset said yesterday that people in Adelaide had made so much fuss over him it had affected his ability to visualise. Mr Croiset, looking tired and dejected at Sydney Airport, waiting for his plane, said the atmosphere in Adelaide had been strange and unfamiliar.
The clairvoyant gave a brief Press conference at the airport following his two day search for the bodies of the missing Beaumont children. Mr Croiset said he was upset by his lack of success.
The fuss, excitement and unfamiliarity in Adelaide had spoiled his "reception''. The search had been nerve-racking, he said.
The Canberra Times 14 November 1966: Gerard Croiset Croiset and ESP - From our South Australian correspondent
… Croiset a man with intense watery blue eyes, a shock of sandy hair like Struwwelpeter (shock-headed Peter), and a well-developed sense of theatre, has left himself plenty of "outs" in his prediction. He says his visions are strongest in the middle of the storeroom floor…
Another of Croiset's "outs" is his statement at a press conference just before leaving Adelaide that "the only danger I fear is that my visions of where the children are buried may have been influenced by telepathic communications from people helping me in my search".
What he means by this is that for many weeks he has been subjected by letter, telephone, interview and, finally, personal appearance on the spot, to the views, impressions, theories and prejudices of dozens of well-meaning and/or obsessive locals anxious to get into the act.
… On one thing, however, Mr Delin, journalists and all others who have met him seem agreed: Croiset clearly believes that he has some special powers. There may even be traces of megalomania in his personality and this, of course, is part of the spell he casts. The spell is part of the difficulty many serious and intelligent people have in dismissing his theories out of hand as gross humbug.
Your correspondent is nevertheless prepared to go firmly on record with a prediction that if the Beaumont children or their bodies are ever found it will not be due to the researches and visions of Gerard Croiset.
The Canberra Times, 25 January 1971 - New dream
Five years after the Beaumont children vanished from Glenelg Beach, Dutch clairvoyant Mr Gerard Croiset has had a new dream at his home in Utrecht, Holland.
"I see four small fir trees near a ditch or water, a patch of sand, a road, partly paved. Three houses standing in a triangle. The one at the top of the triangle is not yet finished. All this is near the factory I saw years ago. In that area the children met their death".
Gerard Croiset was “the world's most tested clairvoyant”
Excerpts from the All About Heaven website:
Gerard Croiset’s mentor, Professor W. H. C. Tenhaeff, Director of the Parapsychology Institute at the University of Utrecht, called him a "paragnost," a word which he coined in 1932 from the Greek words para meaning "beyond" and gnosis meaning "knowledge." In other words, there really was no word capable of describing all he could do.
Countless people, including the police, sought Croiset's assistance in securing information ‘beyond the five known senses'. Sometimes he didn’t quite get it right. At this point, every cynic jumps up and down and shouts – 'see he’s a fraud'. But he was never a fraud, he was a human being, who was fallible, doing something that very, very few people are able to do, often in circumstances where all else had failed.
By the 1960s, Croiset was being described as “the world's most tested clairvoyant”. Not only was every case he helped with documented by Professor Tenhaeff, but from about 1946, Croiset was subjected to German, Swiss, and American psychological tests at the Parapsychology Institute.
The best source for information about his life comes not from Croiset himself, who largely avoided self-publicity, but from the work of Tenhaeff, who undertook detailed, thorough and carefully recorded observational work on Dutch mediums in general via the Parapsychology Institute.
Wikipedia, predictably, has decided to rewrite history on the basis that as they cannot believe that a Dutch psychic helped their police, it cannot have happened. Thankfully however, it is all on record.
Wikipedia's entry on Croiset is particularly nasty in its unproven criticism of Croiset, as Croiset did a great deal of very good work, helping thousands. Their entry is not only factually inaccurate, it dishonours his memory. May they hang their heads in shame. Croiset can no longer speak for himself, but in Europe, Croiset’s achievements and good work are still recognised.
Article Link: Gerard Croiset - All About Heaven
Book Link: Croiset the Clairvoyant by Jack Harrison Pollack
Additional media commentary
February 18, 2006, The Age: Searching for the Beaumont Children: Australia's Most Famous Unsolved Mystery
Andrew Rule’s comments about Stan Swaine and Gerard Croiset:
A decade ago, after the 30th anniversary of the children's disappearance, this reporter was sent to Adelaide to interview a vain, muddled old man - an ex-detective called Stan Swaine who had wasted his life trying to solve the case.
Obsessed with the theory the children - aged nine, seven and four in 1966 - had been taken and raised by a cult, his latest claim was that a 40-year-old Canberra woman was Jane Beaumont. Apart from estranging himself from family, friends and fellow police, and ruining his career, his increasingly bizarre "investigations" provided cheap headlines for cynical or credulous media.
Swaine, now dead, was only one of the frauds, cranks and armchair enthusiasts who have made the unspeakable torment of the children's parents (Jim and Nancy Beaumont) even worse by raising false hopes. At least Swaine was not a cold-blooded charlatan like the Dutch "clairvoyant" Gerard Croiset, who made huge headlines with his bogus "visions" of where the children's bodies "could" be.
Whistleblower claim in Fiona Barnett’s book Eyes Wide Open: ‘This tactic really shocked Adelaide.’
In 2017, Australian cult survivor and whistleblower Fiona Barnett published an anonymous letter from an Adelaide whistleblower on her blog sites.
‘HILLSONG, PIE & COMMUNISTS’ revealed uncommon knowledge about Australia's shameful, clandestine pedophile history, explained why the Beaumont children were taken and named a possible murder suspect, who is now dead. The letter also appears in her multiple-bombshell book Eyes Wide Open, which exploded online in August 2019.
Dear Fiona,
Thank you for standing up to these criminals. I have information for you which you might find interesting. I have to remain anonymous because going public would severely compromise my capacity to investigate this crime-ring.
In 1971 an Adelaide barrister from the Communist Party of Australia created the precursor to what later became the Pedophile Information Exchange. This lawyer was the late ELLIOT JOHNSON.
The Pedophile Information Exchange was formed from earlier pedophile groups such as the Lewis Carroll Collectors Guild and the (homosexual) Peter Pan Club. Another founder of this organization (from the Peter Pan Club) was FRANK HOUSTON who also founded the pseudo-church The Assembly of God. Houston was pastor of the Surrey Hills Christian Centre which later morphed into Hillsong Church. Houston was an organizer for the Peter Pan Club when he was contacted by Elliot Johnson and asked to assist in forming a “united front” for organized pedophilia. This resulted in the formation of the Pedophile Information Exchange in February 1973. This organization was then exported to the United Kingdom.
I knew Johnson personally and I have always detested the man. I have heard Johnson boast of having killed Japanese prisoners of war in Papua New Guinea during WW2.
… Johnson was the most professional and protected criminal in Australia. In 1983 the corrupt premier of South Australia JOHN BANNON then appointed the perverted murderer to the Supreme Court of South Australia. This is how Johnson became a Supreme Court judge. This should indicate to you just how much power the pedophiles have in South Australia.
I have very good reason for believing that Johnson was one of the principal members of what has been called ‘The Family’. This is the name given to the gang that killed children in Adelaide from the 1960’s to the 1980’s. It has been claimed that they are homosexuals. No! They raped and killed little girls too. I have personally heard one of Johnson’s comrades admit to raping Jane Beaumont. This informant claims that the little girl and her younger siblings Anna and Grant were strangled by Elliot Johnson. I believe it as I have heard Johnson admit to killing Japanese POWs. Johnson admitted to me that he enjoyed killing (he said that it was cathartic) and that sometimes he would give them a head start and then hunt them down.
Part of Johnson’s motivations were terrorist. You might know about Red Terror. This was used by the Bolsheviks in 1918 to beat the Russian people into submission. The Muslim fanatics from Islamic State use it for this reason as well. This is why the Beaumont children were taken. This tactic really shocked Adelaide. It was not a safe town after all, and the government could not protect you. These criminals proved that they could defeat the police and thus reduce public confidence in them.
I hope that this information is of some use to you. I am sorry that I can’t go public, but I have leaked a lot of information and even that has been risky. So far four whistle-blowers have been killed in Adelaide for knowing too much and needless to say I do not want to be the fifth to die.
God bless you. Take good care of yourself. Remember me.
‘In early 1951 Dunstan and his family returned to Adelaide. He set up office in the old Torrens Chambers at Victoria Square, but struggled to get work in a city already overflowing with lawyers. During that year he often conversed with Elliott Johnston, a lawyer and communist, at a shop near his practice. Among other matters, they talked about their opposition to (Sir) Robert Menzies’s campaign to outlaw the Communist Party of Australia. Johnston recalled trying to recruit Dunstan to the party—an objective in which he failed, owing to Dunstan’s commitment to both democracy and the ALP.’
(Source: ANU Australian Dictionary of Biography)
Australia's multi billion dollar child protection racket
In honour of Nancy and Grant ‘Jim’ Beaumont, and all parents of missing or unlawfully removed children, I am including the following information about journalist Dee McLachlan’s book The Child Protection Racket (Released November 30, 2023).
If mainstream legacy media interviewed Dee about her exhaustive efforts to draw attention to the harrowing, insidious world of child removals, this disgusting, state-run, $9.5+B child protection racket would fall into a screaming heap overnight.
Adelaide has also earned the reputation of being the ‘satanic pedophile headquarters of the world’ which is equally disgraceful, unacceptable and needs to be banished to the history books.
The government is a bad parent
Only through knowing the truth can we bring about the positive changes that are desperately needed for thousands of children and families. The government is a bad parent…’
Dee McLachlan, Journalist, Author and Filmmaker, The Child Protection Racket (Released November 30, 2023)
Australia’s “star chamber” style closed courts
Dee McLachlan’s book The Child Protection Racket represents five years in the eye of the storm of child trafficking and witnessing unimaginable cruelty and suffering. Skillfully documenting the unwarranted, unlawful, often forced removal of children for profit, by alleged child protection agencies, condoned by secret “star chamber” style closed courts in Australia.
‘Although trafficking is a major global industry, Australia is a world leader in child removals. You as the reader can decide whether they are abducted, kidnapped, stolen and/or trafficked in a “cash for kids” trade.’ Dee McLachlan
Excerpt: The Child Protection Racket Foreword by Pastor Paul Robert Burton
Pastor Paul Robert Burton is an Australian paralegal, human rights advocate, minister of religion, bard and environmentalist:
This book uncovers the truth of a nation so far removed from “Australia The Lucky Country” that many may not want to believe what they are reading…
This is a country where the child removal net has now grown much much wider and not only targets the indigenous but has now spread throughout our entire multicultural nation. And these child removal departments, by mid-2021, had in various capacities involved themselves in the lives of over 293,000 children nationally - that’s around 5.2% of all of our children.
No authority seems to want to deal with ‘wrongful child removals’
Gumshoe News: Malicious Prosecution Claims Many Children Unlawfully Removed by the State - Dee McLachlan, February 2023
Dee McLachlan - Child Abduction Video Series
Unveiling the grotesque truth about child protection in Australia and across the globe.
Video 1 - Introduction and Separating Children
Thousands of children are being removed from good parents across Australia.
(11 mins)
South Australian Child Protection Awards
In my opinion, it doesn’t get more twisted and misleading than the South Australian Child Protection Awards. Perhaps an email suggesting a new awards scheme for SA’s Worst Child Protection Racket perpetrators and include a link to Dee McLachlan’s book, is in order.
Link: 2024 South Australian Child Protection Awards winners
Former SA Premier Jay Weatherill: We got child protection wrong
“What we tried to do failed, but the vision was the right vision – how do you construct an agency that supports families instead of one that just runs the ruler over them and removes children from them? That’s the last resort, and we should have an agency dedicated to avoiding that statutory intervention – there’s no doubt in my mind.”
At the end, he says, “we had one in four children with a child protection notification in SA”.
“This is an absurd model.”
Former South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill, ‘We got child protection wrong. But it’s still not right’, InDaily, Oct 22, 2021
‘Silence in the face of evil is in itself evil.’ Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Time for SAPOL to investigate Beaumont lead 10,001
In my opinion, what we have to do now, as a united community, is take a leaf out of former state ward Ki Meekin’s courageous story and graciously ‘force the hand’ of the South Australian government/establishment to green light SAPOL’s long overdue investigation of Allen Maxwell McIntyre’s Stansbury property and also their former home in Macklin Street, Edwardstown.
Excerpt from Enough - Tribute to Cult Survivors
Note: Graphic descriptions may upset sensitive readers
On separate occasions in the 1980s, Rachel watched her father murder and bury children at their Macklin Street, Edwardstown property. On the same property, between the early 60’s and 1965, her brother Andrew McIntyre was forced to incinerate packages wrapped in butchers’ paper which he one day discovered contained the butchered remains of a small person, presumably a child, with missing hands, head and feet.
South Australia Police have avoided investigating the Macklin St property where bodies were buried by their father, Alan Maxwell McIntyre. In Part 11 of Mystery of the Beaumont Children, Andrew McIntyre states that his father put bee hives on top of graves and then planted a tree. Whilst gardening, Andrew dug up bones and also struck concrete. When he asked his father about it, he ‘smiled and went into fantasy land’. Then he said it was where the old well was.
Ruth, Andrew and Rachel have separately asked that SAPOL use ground penetrating radar to investigate Macklin Street for the plethora of evidence hidden there. Including the old brick kiln turned WW2 telecommunications centre, the hidden cellar and the tunnels. Rachel published extensive research about this in 2021.
Also in the 1980s, Rachel’s father forced her to watch him cut a slit in the abdomen of a young man, and place the victim’s head and other body parts into that cavity. Then he folded the legs up against the abdomen and bound the whole 'package' together. He explained the procedure as he worked, saying that it would prevent the smaller body parts from falling off and getting lost during decomposition. That also gave her father more time to move the body to different locations.
May all cult survivors be officially acknowledged
The consistent, serious allegations of Rachel, Andrew, Ruth and Claire must be substantiated, one way or another so the family can end this overly long chapter and begin a new one. All major crime leads need to be fully investigated. Police, politicians and establishment bureaucrats are not in a position to greenlight cherry-picked leads that fit in with their preferred narrative and expect to get away with it.
May all cult survivors and their perpetrators the world over, be officially acknowledged in a truth and reconciliation commission where suppression orders are not an option. May this inverted, luciferian/satanic world be fully uninverted so real and robust child protection measures an child abuse penalties can be enshrined in universal law and implemented across the globe.
I, alongside many other aware, caring men and women, are patiently working toward realising these vital outcomes.
Until next time.
well done for such comprehensive research and excellent detailing of this deliberately obscured case...if the Beaumont children had been in an orphanage or a state 'care' institution the silence would have been total...