Why are full-term abortions with zero pain relief legal? Ask the vaccine death cult empire...
HEK 293 came from me. I’m Johanna (1972). Did you hear about me? They used my cell line just now for the COVID vax. (It's Ok)
Sensitive readers may find this hideous one-minute Planned Parenthood video too disturbing to be true.
I felt this way when I first became aware of the shocking reality of full-term abortions in 2020 but then I put myself in the position of a baby being satanically tortured at birth so specific organs can be sold to the lucrative organ harvesting ‘market’. This enabled me to continue my research parallel cult world research for the next 4 years. And counting.
Thank you to Edward Snowden for publicly sharing the below video. Also to Riccardo Bosi for being the first Australian I know of who has publicly exposed this horrific full-term abortion cult racket.
Note: Traumatic, legalised, full-term abortions with zero pain relief for tortured babies is a standalone issue that has nothing to do with a woman’s choice to make her own health decisions.
Original Post - 9 December 2024
Planned Parenthood Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, negotiates how abortions can be performed to keep specific organs intact for harvesting.
Evil has permeated society to a degree that makes me physically sick.
Source: Edward Snowden (https://t.me/+EwkBwVQtTvVjY2Q6)
Australia and New Zealand’s luciferian/satanic full-term abortion ‘lobbyists’ are female politicians - past and present
I am reminded of Bosi’s allegations about former Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard and her fellow lobbyist politicians Penny Wong and Tanya Plibersek pressuring state premiers to legalise full term abortion. Women can be so barbaric.
Most of the puny premiers capitulated while equally puny politicians and the M.I.A. media remained mute. How did this country become so subservient, cruel and stupid?
In my revised opinion, Australia is one of the cruellest luciferian/satanic cult ruled countries on earth.
WEFtile ex PM Jacinda Ardern also forced through full-term abortion legislation with her parliamentary coven friends on the eve of New Zealand's first unnecessary lockdown.
‘It’s Ok’ via Choice42
History of fetal cell line experiments - as told by babies
Thank you to Australia’s Frontline Workers Speak Out (heavily censored) Telegram channel for sharing this animated ‘It’s Ok’ video which exposes the vaccine empire’s macabre use of fetal cell lines from living babies. I managed to save it before it was deleted. Surprisingly, it can still be viewed on the Choice42 YouTube channel.
CHOICE42 is a Christian, Anti-Abortion Organization based in Canada.
Founder & Director: Laura Klassen
Website: https://www.choice42.com/
(English voiceovers - Run time: 4 mins 24)
‘It’s Ok’ Transcript excerpt:
HEK 293 came from me. I’m Johanna (1972). Did you hear about me? They used my cell line just now for the COVID vax. HEK – human embryonic kidney. But I wasn’t an embryo, I was three months gestation. It’s ok. Nobody knows how many babies it took for HEK 293 but there was 293 experiments. Took a lot of babies and there was no pain medication. That would ruin the cells. It’s ok.
I’m Jordan. They used my cell line to help with the COVID vaccines as well. PER.C6. They took my eyes. It’s ok.
I am Bo. In 2015, China tried something new for me and 8 other babies. It’s called water bag abortion. They keep us alive as long as possible so that organs will be fresh. My lung made the WALVAX 2 cell line. I’m not going to be the last one, though. There’s going to be more after me…
It’s ok. We just thought you ought to know.
Acclaimed doctor Ian Donald, the pioneer of the Ultrasound scanner, claims to have witnessed the WI-38 dissections conducted at the Karolinska Institute.
‘The Karolinska Institute is a research-led medical university in Solna within the Stockholm urban area of Sweden and one of the foremost medical research institutes globally. The Nobel Assembly at the Karolinska Institute awards the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.’ Wiki
Experiments were being performed on near-term alive aborted babies who were not even afforded the mercy of an anesthetic as they writhed and cried in agony, and when their usefulness had expired, they were executed. Discarded as garbage.
Digital ID linked to organ harvesting/donor racket
Frontline Workers also posted a video from British nurses who are blowing the whistle on the primary hidden reason for Digital IDs but that disappeared before I had a chance to save it offline.
They claimed that global death cult wants instant access to everybody’s medical records so organs can be forcibly removed from living people and sold to the highest bidders in their multi billion dollar organ harvesting/donor racket. They claim that organs that are removed when people are still alive, are far more valuable than from dead donors.
Luciferian/Satanic Full-Term Abortion/Organ Harvesting Enthusiasts
Julia Gillard with Anthony Albanese
Image: West Australian
Tanya Plibersek
Image: CBR City News
Penny Wong
(Image: ABC News)
Jacinda Ardern
(Image: SMH)
Image: Orthodoxy Today
Planned Parenthood Goals
Healthy Communities
The Planned Parenthood motto is: Care, no matter what. Your health and well-being are Planned Parenthood’s top priority.
Planned Parenthood health centers will provide health care services, no matter who you are or where you live.
Planned Parenthood is made up of many separate entities that are tied by a central mission:
Help people live full, healthy lives — no matter your income, insurance, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, or immigration status;
Provide the high-quality inclusive and comprehensive sexual and reproductive health care services all people need and deserve — with respect and compassion;
Advocate for public policies that protect and expand reproductive rights and access to a full range of sexual and reproductive health care services, including abortion;
Provide medically accurate education that advances the understanding of human sexuality, healthy relationships, and body autonomy;
Promote research and technology that enhances reproductive health care and access.
Source: Planned Parenthood Website
Click this link to download a copy of the 263-page After-birth abortion report by Alberto Giubilini and Francesca Minerva.
THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS AND NEEDS to be called out. Thank you, again, for your truth-telling here. 💔❤️