Why Do 90% of Australian Politicians Get Re-(S)Elected?
Let's avoid The Dismissal Pt 2 and un-rig the current 'UNiparty' selection system.
Is Australia heading for The Dismissal Pt 2 ? Rigging the rules to suit both self serving (and bought) sides of politics, is not on. Parliamentarians are expected to serve the people, not the corrupt, out-of-date, depopulation oligarchy. Time to unite and turn the tide.
The following screenshots from The Juice Media’s How To Rig Elections video, provide an overview of how conniving and woeful the Australian political scene really is. Sadly.
Note: occasional use of coarse language
Thank you to The Juice Media for keeping political shitfuckery simple. Enjoy their Honest Government Ad - How to rig elections video.
How Do We Solve the Hidden Pandemic of Blackmailed Politicians?
"We know our political class has been blackmailed into silence. We have identified the perpetrators and we know why they did it. Those being blackmailed must immediately report everything they know to the AFP (Australian Federal Police).
Every Australian has a role to play in opening our eyes to the lies. To untangle ourselves from the spider web (spinnennetz) of insurgents paid to kill the nation. So their billionaire handlers can reap the rewards of our collapse. As the truth will set us free. Expose the traitors."
Josephine Cashman, Lawyer & Journalist (EXPOSED: The Political Class are compromised by Devil's Breath Blackmail Drug)
Subscribe to Josephine Cashman on Substack for her comprehensive reports which expose Australia’s out of control political club. I don’t agree with all of her points of view but appreciate her warrior spirit and love of Australia.
One More Secret
The vast majority of people are unaware that a journalist was jailed for 28 months in 2013 for exposing the United Nation Treasury Certificate. Together with the Hellenic Assembly, he tried to inform the people of Greece and the world that we have infinite money. Jillions, in fact. (Jillion means an infinite amount.) Poverty could be erased by the stroke of a humanitarian pen.
Sparkle Files: Who Wants to be a Jillionaire?
Video Discussion Notes
The United Nation (not United Nations) Treasury Certificate lists almost every country on earth and hundreds of banks with huge amounts of money with so many zeros, that you can’t count them. Trillions of dollars.
All the money came to light in 1967. President JFK said we were run by secret societies. Why so many secrets? Why are governments still keeping this a secret?
The Bretton Woods conference took place in 1944 during WW2 when millions of people were in poverty, starving and dying from the famine. 44 treasurers travelled to the US to sign agreements and deposit huge amounts of money and gold. Where did it all come from?
The UN Treasury Certificate contains all the signatures of task force members, organizations involved, politicians.
Why is this hidden from the people? We have all been played and manipulated by politicians. Every country claims to be in debt right now, but how can they be in debt if this money really exists in these accounts?
The source of this document said more documents have been signed and it’s ‘infinity’ – they have no number.
Is it possible that politicians don’t know about this document? The balances in this document are from 2007, so the balances would be even greater now.
The balances are also being signed in every country’s parliament and every official should know about it.
We are being lied to.
Please share the Who Wants to be a Jillionaire video with your family, friends and nearest politician, just in case they are not aware of the jillions that are waiting be distributed to all people all over the world.
Video Link: Sparkle Files: Who Wants To Be a Jillionaire?