Why low IQ, low vibe, masonic mindsets in high places are detrimental to society
Systematic, high level corruption is rife in Australia. All roads to lead to arrogant, secretive, above the law, ‘do as thou wilt’ luciferian freemasons.
Is Australia too top heavy with indoctrinated, above the law, ‘do as thou wilt’ luciferian freemasons?
I recently came across the following information about luciferian freemasons from a helpful soul who seems to be in the good old ‘know’. The general perception is that there are 33 degrees in Freemasonry, but some individuals who grew up with freemasonry an other cult practices, claim that there are more:
You only rise above the 11th degree in the Freemason Order if your IQ is below 105. If you are too intelligent, you pose a threat to the order.
The first 5 degrees are a sorting ground to find the low IQ people. Unless you are of blood line.
Most police are at the 14th degree, council bosses around 16 -17th degree.
Rural fire fighters range from 12 to 16th degree.
The Australia freemason population percentage is probably the highest in the world due to the dumbing down of the population.
Prayer for Release for Masons and their Descendants
If you or someone you love is a descendant of a Mason, I recommend that you pray through the following prayer from your heart. Don’t be like the Masons who are given their obligations and oaths one line at a time and without prior knowledge of the requirements.
First, bind spirits of deception, antichrist, witchcraft, and death in the name of Jesus Christ. Then read it through so you know what is involved. It is best to pray this aloud with a Christian witness or counselor present. We suggest a brief pause following each paragraph to allow the Holy Spirit to show any additional issues that may require attention.
Check out the last 3 degrees
I renounce the oaths taken by any of my ancestors or me and the curses involved in the Consistory of Sublime Princes of the Royal Secret degrees of Freemasonry, including:
Thirty-first Degree: Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander. I renounce all the gods and goddesses of Egypt which are honored in this degree, including Anubis with the ram’s head, all sun gods, including Ra, Re, Aten and Osiris; and Isis the sister and wife of Osiris and also the moon goddess. I renounce the mother goddess Diana or Artemas. I renounce the Soul of Cheres, the false symbol of immortality, the Chamber of the Dead, and the false teaching of reincarnation.
Thirty-second Degree: Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret and its secret words PHAAL and PHARASH-KOL. I renounce Masonry’s false trinitarian deity, AUM, and its parts: Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver and Shiva the destroyer. I renounce the deity of AHURA-MAZDA, the claimed spirit or source of all light, and worship with fire, which is an abomination to God, and the drinking from a human skull in some rites.
Thirty-third Degree: Grand Sovereign Inspector General, the secret words DEMOLAY-HIRAM ABIFF, FREDERICK OF PRUSSIA, MICHA, MACHA, BEALIM, and ADONAI; and its penalties being all the former ones, including having my tongue torn out by its roots. I renounce and forsake the declaration that Lucifer is God. I renounce the cable-tow around the neck. I renounce the death wish that the wine drunk from a human skull should turn to poison and the skeleton whose cold arms are invited if the oath of this degree is violated. I renounce the three infamous assassins of their grand master, which are law, property and religion, and the greed and witchcraft involved in the attempt to manipulate and control the rest of mankind.
I renounce any other secret words, attributing false gods’ names to God, and idolatrous symbols, such as
• the Horus, or All-Seeing Eye, which was the emblem of Osiris (the sun god), the creator worshiped by the ancient Egyptians and passed off on current day Masons as the eye of the one true God;
• the G, which the lower degree Masons are told represents geometry or the Great Architect of the Universe (who upper degree Masons learn is Lucifer) but actually can stand for whatever god one chooses, and in books for the upper degrees means “Generating Principal” (phallus);
• the Blazing Star, actually symbolizes various pagan gods and witchcraft;
• the obelisk, which symbolizes a phallus or penis as an emblem of resurrection (but not Christian resurrection);
• the mark in the form of squares and angles which marks the person for life;
• the point within a circle, which the first three degrees of Masons are taught represents the individual Mason inside the bounds of Masonic duty, but which is revealed to the upper levels Mason to represent the sexual union of Osiris and Isis, signifying the prolific powers of nature;
• the Masonic square and compass which likewise represents the sex act;
• the Apron, a symbol of the Masonic belief that salvation must be earned which is a direct violation of Scripture;
• the jewel or talisman that may have been made from this mark sign and worn at lodge meetings;
• the Shriner’s fez, which celebrates the Muslim massacre of 50,000 Christians in the Moroccan city of Fez;
• and all others.
… Father God, I confess to You that when my ancestors and I complained against You we gave Satan a legal right to put the Destroyer in our bloodlines. And when we rebelled against You and rejected Your rightful place as our God, we gave Satan a legal right to deceive us with all the gods of the gentiles. Some of us committed the sin of idolatry by joining Freemasonry. Even if they (we) joined Freemasonry ignorant of its true nature, we are nevertheless guilty of all of its sins. I acknowledge your justice in putting a curse on our bloodlines for this sin and the many sins that followed either by commission or by allegiance to the organization committing the sins.
These sins include, in addition to those already confessed, all of the atrocities of satanic ritual abuse practiced at secret levels of Freemasonry: blasphemous rituals, blood sacrifices, animal and human sacrifices, sexual sacrifices, rape, bestiality, sexual immorality, illegitimate births, breeding babies for the purpose of sacrificing them, torture, murder, violence, and mind control (by ElectroVoltOverLoad, withholding normal love, soul shattering, torture, programming and demonization) of infants and children, plus any others.
Thank You for Your mercy toward me when You called me to Yourself and gave me faith to believe in Your Son Jesus’ atonement for me on the cross. He was made a curse for me so that I no longer have to live under any curse.
I ask You, Father God, in the name of Jesus, to forgive all of this generational iniquity in my bloodlines and cleanse it away so the curses do not come down to me or to my children to a thousand generations. I ask You, Jesus, to cleanse my body, soul, and spirit and to deliver me of all the effects of this generational iniquity.
Link: Prayer for Release for Masons and their descendants - Aslan’s Place
Low vibe, low IQ secret society mentality
My post 2020 dark occult influences in high places research travels also uncovered a recurring theme of low vibe, low IQ secret society mentality, and I wondered, yet again, about the undue influence of luciferian freemasons in key positions of authority, some of whom are even not qualified to be there.
Jailing honorable men and women who protect children is a crime
If the political, law enforcement and judicial systems are overrun with freemasons who fear having their tongues cut out if they expose corruption in their ranks, this would also explain Australia’s grotesquely inverted ‘child protection’ racket. Where honorable men like genuine child protector Patrick O’Dea, are found guilty in a masonic court for trying to help children who disclosed sexual abuse to multiple people on multiple occasions.
“This was on the cards given the thwarting of the AFP (Australian Federal Police) No Ethics campaign to incarcerate Dr Russell Pridgeon. Most likely assisted by the fact that Russell had the grit to publish his book 'Everybody Knows' fully exposing the corruption of the case.
The powers that be would have been infuriated. So they're taking it out on Patrick.” Rachel Vaughan, Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) Survivor & Whistleblower
Australia is an expert at removing children from families
The masonic mindset also includes the belief that sex magic (rape) and vampirism with young children, especially babies and young boys, is the secret to immortality. Is this yet another reason why Australia has one of the worst, government sanctioned, child trafficking rackets on earth?
"Australia is an expert at removing children from families and it is by design." - Dee McLachlan, Journalist and Filmmaker
Read the full story in Dee McLachlan's book, The Child Protection Racket: High-level Child Trafficking in Australia.
(Book promotion Run time 58 seconds)
Government agencies are profiting at a minimum of $60,000 annually per child
Vital Viewing for everyone who cares about children and families
Be Free With Dee Interview
The Child Protection Racket, High Level Child Trafficking in Australia with Dee McLachlan
Dee McLachlan sheds light on how children are forcibly removed from their families, placed into foster homes where they face abuse and long-term mental health struggles. With government agencies profiting at a minimum of $60,000 annually per child, this industry thrives, spreading funds across courts, social workers, psychologists, and more.
Dee reveals heart-wrenching stories of parents losing their children through deceitful, malicious methods while evidence is ignored by the highest authorities, including child protection heads.
This episode is a wake-up call for all who want to protect future generations from this hidden evil. This could happen to any mother and father.
Testimonies about Masonic atrocities against children
Horrific cult survivor testimonies about being raped by freemasons as children, being forced to watch ritual child sacrifices and even being forced to kill a child, or face their own death, are becoming commonplace.
These atrocities are difficult to fathom but I can assure you they are real. However, genuine survivor testimonies have yet to be formally acknowledged and acted upon by appropriate authorities which are being strangled by high level luciferian freemasons who answer to their conveniently shadowy masters.
The Wake Up
For more first hand insights about Freemasonry, I always recommend Rachel Vaughan’s interview with Ben Hawke – The Wake Up. Here are some pertinent passages:
Cult families torture and torment children to the point of being very well mind controlled
My great grandfather was the head of the Freemasons in my state, South Australia. His name was Joseph Wright he was the grand president of the Grand Lodge. That was on my father’s side of the family. And it goes further back than that. We are actually part of the 13 satanic bloodlines – the Kennedy bloodline.
My father’s surname was McIntyre and that means son of a mason. His grandfather was Joseph Wright – Wright also means a mason. My father’s parents were cousins … and that incestuous line just continued on. My grandmother traced back the family line to Kathryn Kennedy and she stopped. That is quite significant.
My father was an ASIO operative which is the equivalent of the CIA, MI5 or MI6. I called him Australia’s Epstein because he had cart blanche and could do whatever he wanted to and he was not going to be investigated. And he had a long line of people he was blackmailing. And he used me as the honeypot to blackmail many of them.
He was taking children off the street and torturing and murdering them with impunity because one of the people who was aware of what was going on and helped him, was the Chief Inspector of Police. He was a very high up freemason.
My family is your typical satanic bloodline family. We have so many academics in my family. We have politicians, high media entities… people find that sort of thing difficult to understand but that’s just how it works.
Basically what they do in cult families, is torture and torment children to the point of being very well mind controlled. Parents and other family members will do that and then install them into academic positions so that they can control them.
I have been speaking out about this for 17 years and trying to have the cult that I was brought up in brought to justice. But I have seen a massive shift these past 4 years. People are waking up. It’s amazing. I think we have hit the precipice, gone over the crest and are over the other side.
They have been at it for 6000 years and what we are trying to do is unpick a system that has been put together systemically and systematically by clever individuals but you have hit the nail on the head in identifying one fatal flaw they have – they do not work well together.
Another fatal flaw is that they do not create. They have no ability to create new things, which, for the critical thinkers amongst us, makes it very easy because we can identify the playbook through time.
Look back to the gnostic creation story and you see the demiurge getting incredibly frustrated because he can’t create like this thing he was meant to have created. You can see that sort of thing in the powerful.
The Wake Up: https://rumble.com/v429m3b-ben-hawkes-the-wake-up-rachel-vaughan-bringing-evil-into-the-light.html
Ley Love Down Project
Rachel and Ben have since joined forces and launched the Ley Love Down Project - Save the Ley Lines, Save the World.
(Source: Rachel Vaughan Telegram channel, Sep 12, 2024)
More information: Ley Love Down.com
Watch Rachel Vaughan’s Inspiring Ley Love Down Masterclass
How Masonic ‘curse energy’ can be passed down through generations
Freemason educator Dr Selwyn Stevens has also publicly stated that Australia has more Freemasons per capita than anywhere else on the planet and that many health issues in families are related to the part of the degree that their father or grandfather was in the lodge.
For example, particular degrees include actions that are taken against initiates if they betray their oath of silence upon entry to that degree, such as slitting the throat for betraying the first-degree oath of silence. The throat chakra would therefore be obstructed by such an oath, setting up health problems in that area.
When Freemasons take their oaths, they make energetic connections with dark entities which 'attach' to the energetic signature/DNA of the host via the chakra portal related to the oath. Therefore, it make sense that physical illness relates to blockages or injuries to our energetic centres, or chakras.
This is also how curse energy can be passed down through generations of families with masonic members. To break this curse energy on the masonic family line, Stevens recommends repeating this self affirmation: 'I rescind all contracts that I have made with, or that have been placed upon me by any entity that is not for my highest good.'
Or find an experienced spirit interventionist/energy medicine practitioner to help remove unwanted entities or other attachments.
Useful Videos about Freemasonry
Unmasking Freemasonry - Dr Selwyn Stevens
Freedom from Curse of Freemasonry Q&A with Dr. Selwyn Stevens
From My Notebook - 2022
The goal of police and politicians are to take your children and they will find any excuse to do it. What do you think goes on in parliament house? They are trafficking children on an industrial scale throughout Australia and the world.
This is the elephant in the room that nobody wants to talk about.
Don’t do anything the government says. It is totally invalid. It is owned by the US – Dunn and Bradstreet. It’s a people farm. None of their laws are valid. The Australian government exists purely and simply to control and corral the people and harvest their children. The police are there to ensure this happens smoothly and to take people out if they get in the way. Whistleblowers are institutionalised (or jailed).
They are harvesting, raping and murdering our children. It’s time that people stood up and faced it. This is the only way this can be healed. This is a level of evil that most people can barely comprehend but we can heal it.
Author: I can’t recall.
Laying false charges on innocent Australian is a standard police practice - Masonic, ‘above the law’ power tripping?
According to Justice Matters, laying false charges on innocent Australians members of the public are standard practice for Australian police.
Justice Matters Host: Many followers have told us how the cops loaded them out with serious charges but then offered them a less serious charge if they pleaded guilty. And we've been told by a former police officer that this is standard practice.
One of our followers told us that this happened to him but he refused to plead guilty so the cops ended up dropping the charges but it still cost him $220,000 and took 2 years of his life which is disgusting.
Our focus is on those who use their position to cause or cover up injustices against members of the public, because at the moment they get away with it.
(Run time: 49 seconds)
Justice Matters: Why we should prosecute the politicians who enable corruption
Justice Matters Host: Police forces and government departments are statutory bodies, so they're supposed to follow the legislation. But they don't always do that. Often they take shortcuts to make their job easier.
Our politicians are ultimately responsible but they turn a blind eye to it which is actually a serious criminal offense. So why do they turn a blind eye? The simple answer is because they're corrupt. They think they're above the law. But they're not.
The legislation is there for a reason. It's to prevent innocent members of the public being victimised by allowing cops or other public servants to get away with taking shortcuts.
Politicians are enabling them to victimise innocent members of the public. It’s despicable. It's a betrayal of our democracy. And that's why they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Usually, it's up to another politician or the police to decide whether they're prosecuted but they almost always cover up for one another. But there is another way. Justice Matters is putting in place the structure to take out private criminal prosecutions and if you want to help, all you have to do is follow us because the more followers we have, the sooner we'll get it done.
Masonic God is Jahbulon
According to former Stewart-Merovingian bloodline Illuminati princess and WEF/NWO child assassin program victim Brooke Federline, freemasons have a false secret name for God. His name is JAHBULON.
Jah - Yahweh: God of the Israelites, the only true and living God
Bul - Baal: Babylonian pagan deity
On - On or Osiris: Egyptian pagan deity
Brooke also alleges that there are more than 33 degrees of freemasonry. And they are not satanists - they are luciferians.
How a cult operates - enslaved leaders are terrified of breaking free
‘Having been in a cult, I noticed that there are these flying monkeys for the leadership that go after you the minute you step out of line. And even though they are miserable as well, they would rather not have you free but have you as enslaved as they are because they are so terrified of taking the step. So they police you into not taking that step’.
(Run time: 1 min 20 secs)
It's against immense odds, that the brilliance of one's soul spark ignites – and it's through the unison of our sparks that the purifying inferno of Truth blazes. One flame to ignite an inferno. Et Lux in Tenebris.
Written, Directed and Animated by: Lubomir Arsov
(Run time: 13 mins 55 secs)
Until next time.