Words of Wisdom, Courage and Spiritual Intelligence
The triumph of Evil is a fiction, a simulation, merely the staging of a scene that is based - like everything that comes from Satan - on appearance and lies. Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
Acknowledging New World Leaders
The absurd and destructive luciferian/satanic New World Order ‘movie’ rages on in its inimitably offensive way via manufactured, mass media and internet narratives. I enjoy counteracting their low vibe existence and lies by reading thoughts and quotes from new world leaders who consistently share the truth. Hope you enjoy this selection from my notebook.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
Presentation Excerpt: Fighting The Satanism Of The New World Order: The Keys To Victory Pontmain, 29 July 2023
Link: Archbishop Viganò’s Full Conference Speech transcript
(Image source: ncronline)
“Words are sacred. They deserve respect. If you get the right ones, in the right order, you can nudge the world a little.”
―Tom Stoppard
Total moral corruption of top echelons is now evident
Excerpt from Archbishop Viganò’s Statement regarding the 31 March 2024 proclamation of “Transgender visibility day” by “president” Joe Biden.
The word Apocalipse, in Greek, means unveiling, revelation. This revelation, in Sacred Scripture, concerns first and foremost the objective reality of Good and Evil, that is, the collective awareness of the ongoing war between God and Satan, between the children of Light and the children of darkness…
All humanity is awakening from a slumber that has lasted far too long:
-the lives of the innocent are threatened by abortion, euthanasia, manipulation, and abuse;
-the health of citizens is deliberately compromised by experimental serums revealed to be a biological weapon of population decimation;
-the total moral corruption of the top echelons of civil authority, enslaved to criminal lobbies in a global coup is now evident;
-the increasingly arrogant display of Satan worship by the media and the world of culture and entertainment show us a world awash in execrable perversions that cry out to Heaven for vengeance;
-the mad provocation of a world conflict claims lives in order to bury the horrendous sexual and financial scandals of a power that is now the enemy of its citizens.
Archbishop Viganò’s Twitter link
“Stories are light. Light is precious in a world so dark. Begin at the beginning. Make some light.”
– Kate DiCamillo
WHO being misused as a tool for a world takeover
World Health Organisation whistleblower, Dr. David Bell: The WHO is being used as a tool, by people who want to take over the world.
"The WHO is significantly funded by private interests. Its second-largest funder is a private organisation that has significant pharma investments. Clearly, there's a conflict of interest... In a democratic society, you would not let that organisation have any power over your people. It would be completely irrational to do that."
"It's completely illogical to go down the path we are going at the moment, where we give more power to this organisation to control our own health policy."
Source: Wide Awake Media
Countries are really divided on matters of substance - James Love
The World Health Organisation (“WHO”) is presenting two new texts for adoption by its governing body, the 77th World Health Assembly, in Geneva, Switzerland, from 27 May to 1 June 2024.
Knowledge Ecology International director James Love:
“The reason why negotiations are going badly is because the countries are really divided on matters of substance,” he said. As at the close of the day on 26 March, there was “somewhere between 4,000 and 5,000 brackets of text.”
“It doesn’t take to a genius to figure out that the negotiators are pretty far apart on every single chapter [Article] in the text right now,” Love said. He doesn’t believe an agreement will be reached on the Pandemic Accord at the upcoming World Health Assembly.
Article Link: https://expose-news.com/2024/03/28/pandemic-treaty-negotiations-are-going-very-badly/
(April 2024)
ENCORE: Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò’s WHO Declaration May 21, 2022
Yielding of Sovereignty to The Who for The Management of Health Emergencies
In the coming days, the Nations that adhere to the World Health Organization will vote on resolutions regarding the WHO’s management of pandemics. These resolutions will transfer sovereignty regarding the health of citizens to a supranational body that is largely financed by the pharmaceutical industry and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
If these resolutions are approved by a majority, the WHO will have exclusive international authority in the case of a pandemic to impose all the rules, including quarantines, lockdowns, obligatory vaccinations and vaccination passports.
It should also be borne in mind that this organization enjoys immunity, and thus its members cannot be either tried or convicted if they commit crimes. Unelected technocrats will paradoxically have more power than that which citizens confer on their representatives by means of their democratic vote.
Given that the yielding of sovereignty is considered the crime of high treason by the laws of every nation, and that Parliaments may not legislate against the interests of the Nation, much less violate the natural liberties and fundamental rights of the citizens whom they represent, I believe that it will not escape anyone’s notice that this attempt by the WHO to appropriate power that properly belongs to individual Nations is intended to impede any sort of opposition to the Agenda 2030, which in the field of healthcare, also aims to accomplish the drastic reduction of medical and hospital services, the privatization of the health industry and disease prevention by means of vaccines.
The psycho-pandemic has demonstrated the enslavement of rulers, the political system, the media, the judiciary, the entire medical industry, and even the Holy See itself to the Diktats of a group of functionaries of a supranational entity that has a blatant conflict of interest.
The disastrous adverse effects of the experimental mRNA serum are only now being recognized, while there are many who rightly expect that those responsible for these decisions ought to be held accountable before an independent court. It therefore sounds absurd, to say the least, that there is now a desire to give binding decision-making power to the WHO, when in its management of the recent emergency pandemic and the vaccine campaign the greatest damage was done in terms of the number of deaths and of patients who have suffered permanent damage to their health.
In addition to the impunity it enjoyed for the crimes it has committed thanks to the silence of the mainstream media, the WHO also has total discretion over how to respond to the upcoming emergencies that are obviously being planned by the pharmaceutical lobby. The marginalization of health personnel who appeal to the Hippocratic Oath risks becoming the norm by which to eliminate every voice of dissent.
In this regard, it is significant that the Nations that oppose the New World Order – like Russia and Brazil – are aware of the very serious consequences that the ratification of these resolutions would entail, and for this reason they are opposed to their approval. During his term of office, President Trump also sent an unequivocal signal by halting funding from the U.S. Treasury to the WHO. This was one of the reasons that the deep state blocked his re-election in 2020, supporting a compromised and corrupt individual whose son Hunter is involved in financing American biolabs in Ukraine.
I therefore express my full support for the citizens – especially scientists, doctors, and legal experts – who are denouncing this threat to the national sovereignty of the adhering Nations, and who are asking for light to be shed on past events and on the consequences that the decisions of the WHO have caused for the health of the world population.
I exhort heads of state and government leaders who will be called to express their views about the ratification of these resolutions to reject them, since they are contrary to the common good and intended to carry out the global coup that the WHO and the WEF have planned for years under the names of the Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset.
Global health governance is one of the fundamental elements of the New World Order, as has been made clear by authoritative experts who are not compromised with the system, and as such it must be rejected and opposed. The logic of control, profit, and mass pathologization must be replaced with a public health policy that has as its primary goal, the health of citizens and the protection of their inalienable rights.
The Holy See – which is a Permanent Observer at the United Nations and also at the WHO for one year now – has the duty to reaffirm the right of individuals to accept or refuse health treatments, especially in the face of the concrete danger of adverse effects, which are still partly unknown, from this experimental genetic treatment.
And if up until now, Bergoglio (Pope Francis) and his cabal have indulged the delusions of Gates, Schwab, and Soros, the time has come for the Catholic Church to defend the weakest, the defenseless unborn, children, and the elderly, as well as those who have been blackmailed by the cynicism of businessmen and conspirators in order to force them to be inoculated with a serum contaminated by aborted fetal cell lines.
The present conspiratorial silence of the Vatican, after the hasty pronouncements it made at the beginning of the pandemic and its shameful endorsements of Big Pharma, will be imputed to the condemnation of the Roman Sanhedrin, which has made itself an accomplice in a crime against God and man.
Never in all of history has the Hierarchy prostituted itself to temporal power in such a servile and abject way. Let us pray that some Bishops will find the courage to distance themselves from Bergoglio’s collaborationist line and find the words to open the eyes of those good people who have thus far been deceived by globalist propaganda.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, May 21, 2022
Lesser Known WHO Origins
Historian Poul Larsen alleges that Danish and Norwegian Houses of Glucksberg covertly manage the World Health Organization (WHO) and reminds us how easy it is to scare good people in this world when you have a global media network at your fingertips.
Norwegian delegates helped to establish the WHO. Gro Harlem Brundtland was Prime Minister of Norway for three terms and also Director General of the WHO. Halfdan Mahler (1923-2016) from Glucksberg controlled Denmark and was a three-time former Director General for the WHO.
The WHO uses the Greek Rod of Asclepius of a venomous serpent coiled around a staff. Modern medicine is being used as a form of chemical warfare and this is another way they cause misfortune and disease.
Link: https://www.vaken.se/hydrogel-in-covid-vaccines-as-a-programmable-human-interface/
WHO Depopulation Studies - 1960
(Image Courtesy of Rachel Vaughan)
COVID was a government lie. German Professor Stefan Homburg mirrors jailed attorney Dr Reiner Fuellmich's findings
German Professor, Dr. Stefan Homburg Confirms COVID was a lie, an illusion created by government to take complete control.
“There were no more severe respiratory illnesses than usual in 2020 and 2021.”
Source: Real Time Daily News
Let the class actions against globalist COVID perpetrators begin.
Until next time.