Born To Be Sold To The Luciferian Brotherhood's Sex Trafficking Cult
I was a born, government sex slave for the White House, FBI, local law enforcement, masonic freemasonry cop gangs and the royals. A lot of people don’t want me talking about this. Cali Shai Bergandi
Cali Shai Bergandi was imprisoned shortly after she recorded her testimony with Emma Katherine on January 15, 2022. She was eventually released but remains a targeted individual who needs protection, together with her son Keaton, who needs to be rescued from his pedophile abusers and returned to his mother’s loving care.
(This is part 2 of a 3 part series from Cali’s debut interview.)
‘In my opinion, this is one of the biggest, most important stories that I think I’ll ever have on this podcast.’ Emma Katherine, The Imagination Podcast
Emma Katherine’s Vision
‘I saw the battle between good and evil. The battle between child perpetraitors and child protectors. Between survivors and predators. And the perpetraitors and predators were impossibly outnumbered.
…The ONLY sides there are, are ‘Child Protectors vs Child Predators’.
This is your reminder to NOT lose sight of this as so many have and to instead keep your focus on being a protector of these walking miracles who are, one by one, sharing with us the secrets of the world that we aren’t supposed to know and that they weren’t supposed to say.
That we are learning these secrets from literal warriors who defied ALL odds against them to speak their truth through their testimonies.’
Read Emma’s full, inspiring article: An Army for Survivors and Soldiers of God: A Vision
Editor’s Note: Lucifer is Not a Myth
For anyone out there who thinks that Lucifer is a myth, I used to think the same thing and dismissed it as nonsense. That perception began to change when I visited the Hopi lands in 2018, and my guide mentioned in passing that the Vatican had a telescope in Arizona called Lucifer. Post 2020, occult commentators described COVID as a global initiation ritual perpetrated by the arrogant, Luciferian NWO brotherhood. This naturally sent me to deeper wombat holes in search of evidence to support their allegation, which turned out to be true.
Before diving into the next installment of Cali Shai Bergandi’s story of horrific abuses by luciferians and satanists, I have chosen to share some notes from a meticulously researched video essay called Lucifer and Luciferians, Masters of Deception by enlightened author and educational broadcaster Chuck Swindoll.
His comprehensive video essay helped me understand the level of psychopathy and insanity we are dealing with, and the driving forces behind the horrific ritual abuses of innocent children by luciferians and satanists.
One of his most concerning allegations:
‘Names are changed in Luciferianism to hide the true identities of individuals. Otherwise, virtually every name in US Congress would be one of the 13 Luciferian families (+ one hidden royal bloodline) and it would be obvious that a coup has been pilfering the USA since its inception.
There is much disagreement between the Luciferian families but their agenda is to control and rule the planet: Astor, Bundy, Collins, Dupont, Freeman, Kennedy, Li, Onassis, Reynolds, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russell, Van Duyn, Merovingian.’
Video: Lucifer and Luciferians, Masters of Deception
Transcript Excerpts
Cali Shai Bergandi (P1): Occult, Child Trafficking, Epstein, NASA and SRA Survivor Tells All
‘They would rape kids in the day care. The men in my family and other men in the cult would come in to the day care when we were kids and act as maintenance men and snatch a kid, take them into the back room and rape them. They hunt. They are predators. They hone that behaviour. They actually practice it and get good at it.
People need to pay attention to people who say they hunt. These predators are not hunting animals. They are hunting women and children like animals – boys, too. I have been on hunts with my family and they prey on other people.’
Cali Shai Bergandi
First Memory of Being Abused
Cali: My first memory was going to that First Church of God… and going out of class because I had cramps. I was 3 or 4 years old and I couldn’t identify what was wrong with me. I went to the toilet and had blood on my underwear. I didn’t know it was blood – I thought it was poop - and I’m going, I need help. I sat there on the toilet for hours until the teacher finally came looking for me.
I believe DCF (Department of Children and Families) was called at that point so it did create a rift for them for awhile. I was taken out and put into another day care where they could abuse me and get away with it. That’s my first memory of being abused.
My parents owned day cares that were being used for child prostitution and trafficking purposes. They had their own little school bus and stuff like that.
These are normal people with jobs
Emma: People imagine satanists to look like a goth with all black hair.
Cali: No, no, these people are your hairdressers and day care owners. My family is very well liked in the community. About 175 people showed up at my dad’s celebration of life that we had for him after he died or disappeared, or whatever he did in 2016. A lot of people know them but don’t really know them. It’s almost like they have this front. Most people know them as normal, regular nice guys.
Emma: That’s the scary part. That is exactly what they look like…the stereotype that we need to get out of people’s heads is what they show on the news and how they portray it in the movies; that these are obvious people you could pick out…these are normal people with jobs.
Cali: I grew up around doctors and physicians of all kinds and have been ritually abused and tortured by them. And raped and used for torture and babies. I was a breeder from the ages 8 to 14. Every year they would impregnate me. And they always took the babies at 6 months. They would never let me carry full term so I never got super big but I was always made to wear bigger clothes to cover myself so nobody knew.
The premature babies were used for trafficking purposes or killed – sacrificed in ceremonies. Several of mine were killed and my father strangled one in the back bedroom and forced us to watch him bury it in the back yard.
I was heavily drugged during my pregnancies
Emma: Did they disassociate you from these memories?
Cali: I do have dissociative disorder so I do disassociate from my body during violent rape and torture. I’m present, but I’m not. I can kinda control it in a sense. I can tune back into my body if I need to.
So I do remember these things. I was heavily drugged during my pregnancies, especially at the time of the births. They would induce me or take the baby in unnatural ways. I was allowed to hold the baby and pictures would be taken but then they were taken. It was rest and recovery after that.
I spent a lot of my life recovering from violent rape, torture and attempted murder.
The Root of Trafficking is Occultism
Emma: How did child abuse get so embedded in these cult systems?
Cali: I think it boils down to occultism being the problem. If you look at occultism as a brotherhood, trafficking of any kind all over the world would not exist without this brotherhood. The root of trafficking issues is occultism.
Occultism became legal in the United States when the Church of Scientology became a legal church entity and tax exempt in 1978, which was right before the ritual sacrifice of Adam Walsh. They were bringing occultism into the US under the guise of a religion… and they had enough people to get Scientology named as a church in the US.
Occultism in the US is not legal but that’s exactly what they are doing. If you look at the origins of Scientology, it clearly states it’s the occult. A lot of this was brought into the States by people like Sir Richard Branson, who was knighted by the royal family, and Ed Bosarge who owns a private island next to Branson that I have been trafficked to my whole life.
I was a born, government sex slave
Emma: How is this brotherhood structured?
Cali: The school system is government. It’s all state, it’s all government. I was trafficked through the government. I was a born, government sex slave for the white house, FBI, local law enforcement, masonic freemasonry cop gangs and the royals…there are a lot of people who don’t want me talking about this and I understand that. People need to understand and know that I am a targeted individual.
I was trafficked to the White House by the FBI on Air Force One to the Bush Administration, to Clinton. I have been trafficked to all of the presidents since I was born.
It became rampant after Scientology. Scientology was like a turning point for the occult practices here…I used to be taken to the church (of Scientology) a lot as a child. They have an entire floor that I was not allowed on. The 4th and 7th floors I was not allowed on. That’s where they kept the cadavers and they practice on the cadavers. My brother would be practicing surgical and suturing techniques on a cadaver and I would help him on these dead bodies. He is a highly trained doctor and has been trained since he was a child by the cult.
I didn’t know it was rape - I told people they were being mean to me
Cali: I had a lot of social anxiety problems at school. Kids thought I was weird. I didn’t dress appropriately. I wasn’t being taken care of. I wasn’t allowed to say anything. They were manipulating you and being so young I had problems identifying what was happening to me.
I didn’t know it was rape so I couldn’t tell somebody I was being raped. I would tell people they were being mean to me and the teachers would downplay it. I was always in a state of confusion, always being tossed around and wondering why this was happening to me. Why am I always in pain?
Once you are sold, you are sold
Cali: I was born for trafficking and these were programs my parents put me in. Once they sold me and signed me over, you were available to them 24/7, 7 days a week. You could be at the store with your mum, and they just turn up and take you. My brother, my handler, was also being abused.
Once you are sold, you are sold. Your parents don’t have a choice. There were times they had regrets and I remember seeing my parents cry. But they didn’t have a choice.
World leaders participate in this kind of stuff
Emma: Are all major institutions intertwined? Is there anything that you know of fighting against this?
Cali: No. And that’s the sad part that I think people are going to have a hard time with the most. This is the government. These are world leaders and presidents of other countries. World leaders from all over the world participate in this kind of stuff. It’s a huge multi billion dollar business that correlates with the food industry.
Any type of machinery they need to process food, any chemicals they need to process food. My dad was an FMC food, machinery and chemicals processor employee for 17 years and transported human remains for the cult.
Emma: Where would he get these remains?
Cali: Believe it or not, if they find a body that is unclaimed or a drug addict or someone like that has passed away under a bridge, a lot of times people don’t come forward to claim the body, they will donate it to science. I think that’s how it started. They used the cadavers for science and it went from there.
Now they are using anyone they can get their hands on. Anything that you can liquify or make into a powder, can be sold. There’s a lot of traces of it going into processed foods, in your juices. It’s a cultism and they want everyone in on the practice so they put it in your food unknowingly. And that’s the part that is so upsetting – people don’t even know what they are eating half the time. What is in it. What companies are involved in this? It seems that all the big conglomerates are in on it.
Just stop eating processed food as much as possible. Get on the herbs. Get off pharma. Any ailment you have can be healed. Eat whole foods. That’s how you stop supporting these people.
Same applies to their cable tv, music, concerts. The mainstream is owned by all their friends in the cult and so they only push the narrative that they want you to know about.
Support the independents.
Freemasonry and Adrenochrome
Editor’s note: My extensive occult research has uncovered numerous, genuine testimonials about masonic ritual abuse from both survivors and ex freemasons. The Freemason fraternity needs to revise it’s secret oath so masons are able to report fellow masons who commit crimes. These hideous crimes must be also be reported and dealt with by appropriate cult-free law enforcement authorities.
They stab you in the neck with this pick
Emma: Adrenalised blood is another thing people say is just a conspiracy theory.
Cali: No, I used to get it sucked right out of my neck. They have a pick and after tormenting you, they will beat you up and kick you and get you so scared and so confused where you are full of adrenaline. And then they stab you in the neck with this pick.
Usually they would extract it and drink it – my brother would drink it right out of my neck. He was a pro at it, thought he was good at it, sticking this pick in my neck. Yeah, it’s torture. It happened to me my whole life. He would say, oh you like it, you like it. He would blame it on me but I was never given a choice in the matter.
But to avoid a lot of the trauma, sometimes I would just kink my neck up and let him do it so he would leave me alone.
Emma: Why is blood so important to them?
Cali: It’s like a drug. When I’ve seen people on it, they become really high, really hyper, pupils dilate and get really big. It’s a big rush. They get all excited, they have all this energy and then they’re ready to hunt. I’m sure they are mixing it with other drugs to get high, to reach higher levels of consciousness.
They believe it keeps them youthful
Emma: Is there any truth to them believing this is the fountain of youth, also?
Cali: Yes, they believe it keeps them youthful and young.
Emma: Is it addictive?
Cali: Highly. I think that’s why it’s so rampant because people really can’t stop the practice. They don’t want to and when they try to leave, they are kinda sucked right back into the cult. I have seen people leave and then get sucked back in and start practicing again.
The Brotherhood cult has no regard for human life
Cali: There are thousands in the cult but it’s one and the same. It’s the brotherhood. It’s a satanic coming together of people with the same goal who have no regard for human life. I have told member that from pure anger and animosity. About what they did to me and many others.
I have watched a lot of people die. They are notorious for making murder look accidental. My father would run people off the road. He would strangle women to death, drug them so it would look like an accidental overdose or hanging instead of strangulation. I know a lot of people who have been run off the road by members of the cult and killed in single car accidents. They target people that try to get out of the cults.
Emma: I think it’s so inspiring what you are doing…I can only imagine how much you are risking by exposing a lot of this and talking about this on public platforms.
Cali:…These things are being done, these things I have experienced and it is hard to share but I hope that people try to understand where I am coming from.
Editor’s Note: I would love to see Emma and Lucien arrange a livestreamed ‘Satanic Panic’ debate. In good faith, where both parties actively listen to one another and agree to disagree when necessary. And let the viewers draw their own conclusions.
Part 1 of this 3 part Cali Shai Bergandi article series:
‘Once a civilisation accepts pedophilia, it falls. Quickly. That’s the way satanists have made past civilisations fall.'
Daryl James – ex US Military; Journey to Truth Podcast with Tyler Kiwala and Aaron Kuhn
Until next time.
Wow - what a fantastic article 🤯 Thank you for all my heart for shining a light on Cali’s story - it means so much to the both of us! Your work is amazing and I’m really grateful for your journalism and advocacy for these warriors and walking miracles! God bless you and know you are so appreciated! 🫶🏼🙏🏼🤍