As much as I would hope & pray that in THIS specific instance they WILL do the right thing, sadly, it being the U.N. we're talking about, & although I pray to be wrong, & 🙏 literally pray for Reiner's wellbeing & immediate release, I have grave doubts about the likelihood of it happening? The United Nations themselves ARE one of (if NOT?) THE primary players & arbiters OF the whole convid/1984 hoax itself, & we KNOW that this entirety fraudulent "pandemic" is an intricate, inextricable part OF & commensurate with their globalist NWO NATO-GLADIO Swiss banking authority system of of globally centralised control, in their undisguised push for the biodigital convergence techno-totalitarian enslavement OF the planet wide installation of their intended eco-communitarian/stakeholder capitalism, "technotalitarian" dystopian New World Order, and that the C19 pLandemic was & IS a vitally important & necessitated central component OF the success of their hoped for Bond villain style designs, & to this end, and considering the attention drawn TO these Machiavellian machinations BY the release of someone of Reiner's highly visible status & profile, I cannot believe that the U.N. will do anything with this request BUT completely & utterly IGNORE it? Again, I pray 🙏 that I AM wrong, & that instead, the U.N. will USE this opportunity to fraudulently present itself as the humanitarian "paint-job" it purports to be, & presents itself AS to the gullible, bovine simps & stupefied dupes out there that still believe in the U.N. as some kind of genuinely authentic international humanitarian concern- let this indeed BE the case, & ALL pray for Reiner's wellbeing and immediate release. Poor guy, he's being made an example of & quite clearly being used as a warning to others that "they" ARE quite prepared to grab, kidnap & bundle you away, before openly framing you on some fraudulent & completely contrived horseshit, & burying you alive in a prison somewhere.

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Thank you so much for sharing your perspective. It mirrors my own but I will keep doing my humble bit to support Reiner and raise awareness of his wrongful imprisonment. (I have been through extreme character assassination, attempted wrongful imprisonment and bullets when I worked in radio in my notorious hometown of Adelaide, South Australia - the cult establishment there is a shocker.)

I also see these arrogant, hateful technototalitarians as infantile cowards and thank them for invading my personal life so crudely in 2020 with their bioweapon injections that I naturally declined. The silly fools have awakened an annoying sapien who has no fear of rattling cages and there are many more out there just like me. These creatures are so weak that they had to hijack key institutions and industries before hitting us with the COVID ambush, which could never have happened without their controlled mass media propaganda roll out. I saw through the COVID illusion as soon as I saw the hijacked idiot box narrative and wondered how the talking heads slept at night - but then I began to learn about the MK Ultra programs & other nasties that helped me understand the insidious, dark cloud that slowly permeated our world from the 90s onwards. My previous experience in a radio box and idiot box came in really handy post 2020. In fact, I may have not been able to see through this long planned illusion without that experience, so it wasn't all for nothing as previously thought.

I am also reminded of a poetic Substackian who commented on a previous article. He described these totalled techno creatures as 'sandcastles before the waves.' I shall find it and re-share it. In fact, I can feel a poem or song coming on with that title.

The UN is a rotten system with good people trapped within it. No different to the absurd chapter of world history we are currently moving through. Caused by a minority of deeply disturbed and spiritually bankrupt men and token women.

I love your writing style - 'gullible bovine simps and stupefied dupes' made me laugh out loud. Thank you.

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Thank you for your kind compliment Jillionaire, I was once a poet, & even managed to get myself published a couple of times (against all odds!). I too immediately saw through the convid scam/sham/flim flamdemic/dumb-panic & although I had already amassed an (I thought?) convincing body of evidence to SHOW this, showing people the Pirbright Institute's patent application for the AZ jab, dated 2018 (I think? Predating 2020 anyway, & proving that for the whole of 2020 they & the ooze-papers were LYING about trying to find & formulate it), COVID "test" kits dated 2018, this, that, & the next thing, it was to NO avail. For a full year, I had warned my family and EVERYONE I met that the jabs were already there, just waiting to be deployed, and NOT to take them under ANY circumstance, these lying, genocidal "health" care practitioners confused, deceived and terrified my poor Dad into taking them, by convincing him that NOT taking them would be equivalent to consciously risking the lives of his wife and family, and he died a horrible, ghastly pain-filled death from THREE separate, simultaneously appearing as fully formed stage FOUR terminal turbo cancers, as a result, I believe, of V/A.I.D.S., his death horrified & destroyed me. He died so badly, & in so much pain. I can NEVER forgive ANY of these smug liars & propagandists who lied to people, & pushed & promoted, and threatened & coerced people, taking their jobs from them. In the UK now, they're STILL sending out these booster appointments, & STILL merrily jabbing pregnant women, children, BABIES, ANYONE they CAN, and STILL absolutely LYING, and making with the whole "safe and effective!" deception. My brother developed melanoma too. FIVE of the neighbours on my street died within DAYS of receiving only the FIRST 💉 jab. Many children in my town died also. Many of my friends now have visible neurological issues, take seizures they never previously suffered from, and suffer from a notable cognitive decline. I must apologise for my belated response to your kind words, for the previous 6 months or so I've been intermittently very ill, lost a vast amount of weight (weighing now only eight stones) and sometimes excrete a dramatic & alarming volume of blood that I cannot imagine being any less than a half litre on some occasions. I suffer from chronic insomnia now & can wring only 2-5 hours sleep out of any given 24 hour period. My guts are often subject to an unbearable physical pain, that feels as if they're being mechanically "wrung out", frequent crippling headaches, lethargy/exhaustion, sometimes fever too. I believe it not unlikely that I may be being "slow-kill/cooked" with personally directed frequencies, energy weapons, or microwave radiation, or targeted phased arrays as a result of my frequent outspoken commentary & proliferated links I've been spreading since 2020, mostly concerning the exposure of the pLandemic as an entirely fraudulent psychological operation and long planned depopulation agenda & jab 💉 biological/nano-technological interface for the transhumanistic augmented chimera & 5/6/7G C4 smart-cities and military grade 4 weapons system LED technology in our streetlights, traffic 🚦 lights, CCTV cameras, speed cameras, ULEZ, towers/masts (etc....) creating urban KILL-BOX communities in our towns and cities, and the whole general meta materials, smart dust, full spectrum dominance, biodigital convergence, WIBAN techno-totalitarian enslavement agenda, etc........ It's ALL other people's discoveries, and I have found most of it on the Juxtaposition1 channel (& others on bitchute like World Orders Review, SixthSense, Alien.Wars, etc....), but I was dropping links EVERYWHERE fanatically, but now- I've been "sayin' a LOT of stuff" and again dropping plenty of links that display "they who must ✡️ 🇮🇱 NEVER be named or criticised" that unambiguously show them committing just THE most atrociously barbaric, and inhumanly genocidally cruel and horrific war crimes, and much else of this evil people's TRUE history, & so, in terms of my now certain conviction that I have become at least "some" level of a "T.I." or targeted individual, I suspect that NONE of the 💉 jab or biodigital convergence WIBAN stuff mattered, but that it is highly probable that I'm being "gotten" NOW because you DO NOT 🚫 SPEAK OUT ABOUT ✡️ THEM!! and long escape attention or punishment, it seems? But I believe we must ALL speak up for the brutalized, limb-shorn, starved and emaciated children and innocents of Palestine and AGAINST the abhorrent actions of these devil-driven meat-puppet Edomite Khazarian identity thieves and inhuman butchers, and I categorically reject rebukes about it "NOT being ALL of them" on the grounds that those of them who display even an atom of humanity & empathy are so vanishingly rare that, for all intents and purposes, they constitute "the exception that proves the otherwise general rule", a statement I could never have previously made, and STILL would not make concerning any OTHER peoples of the world, but I have watched hours and hours of their stomach churningly awful war crimes, watched the gleefully barbarous celebrations OF them by their citizens, and regularly see polls in their OWN newspapers that proudly state that 80+% of their population regard the Palestinians as "animals" who should & WILL be "put down LIKE animals" and I now regard them as overtly psychopathic rabid dogs who are openly TRYING to provoke the world into a cataclysmic third world war. In any case, my ill health has caused me to be a lil' tardy in my response to you, but I wished very much to respond & thank you Jillionaire, 👋

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I'm so sorry about what happened to your dad and your injured friends. That would have been worse than the worst nightmare to live through. I'm sure your dad's spirit is close to you.

With regard to the targeting crimes being committed against you, I know quite a few people who have suffered from frequency attacks and other brutal measures and don't know how they are still alive but they are clearly here on this hijacked planet for good reason. Some of them seem to be unkillable which is happy news because they are great spirits. (Some of them have died several times but were brought back with the help of spirit warriors.) In hindsight, we are all unkillable because death is an illusion in itself but the cults are going way too far with their conveniently invisible forms of attack.

One dear friend ended up in ICU during the Christmas 2023 phase which came as a shock because she had been making firm progress in her recovery from health issues, old wounds and shedding from the killshots. Thankfully she is still with us.

This covidiot mob is now gearing up for a replay with more bioweapons and nonsensical mass media terror campaigns but it can all be averted by continuing to spread awareness, which more people are doing this time round. I was just like you when the covid attack started and eventually accepted that some people are far more easy to hoodwink, brainwash and mind control than others. Fortunately my mother and father were not here to have to go through it. They went through enough death cult war traumas and associated bastardry before transitioning.

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Western so called 'democracies' have long since ceased to have any credibility. What is their reason for not giving him bail? They could confiscate his passport if they are claiming he would leave the country. There is no excuse for him to be held on remand at all ... we all know the real reason he has been prosecuted - for exposing the Drosden pcr fraud

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Reiner also started a political party, which gathered support really quickly. The cult creatures can't handle intelligent, fearless, pro-humankind competition.

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I think it's because there ARE NO remaining independently autonomous, genuinely sovereign, self governing nations, or credible and authentic "democratic" political systems IN them anymore, and that the citizens of ALL the "major" nations of the world are being epically trolled, and duped, deflected & distracted from the realisation that they are ALL the programmed participants in one grand, fraudulent, theatrical artifice, pulled this way & that, dazzled & distracted by the "bread and circuses", "divide and conquer" plastic paradigm of the imagined dual-political party and system puppet-show (clown-show? freak-show? Take your pick!) and actually imagine they partake in "elections" and NOT that their politicians are long groomed in advance and privately SELECTED by seedy, furtive, secretive cabals in swanky hotel rooms, grand masonic lodges, (or horror-strewn subterranean satanic temples......). That's NOT the REAL world we live in, and not for as long as anyone living has BEEN alive, I fear? We are immediately catalogued (through our birth certificates, compounded by EVERY tax code, driving licence, social security number, and government registration numbers we go through life collecting) at birth, our "strawman" contractual corporate & legal fiction false identities created ("legal" NOT meaning or being the equivalent of "lawful") and are thusly monetized and parasitized through a series of fraudulent confidence tricks like taxes and fractional reserve banking and licensing, and so forth. We are the slave/serfs of corporate vassal states under the auspices of Admiralty law and NOT our imagined respective "constitutions" and "magna carta" rights & civil liberties under "common law", and our EVERY supposedly independent and autonomous system of "checks and balances" and "protections" have ALL long been infiltrated, subverted and USURPED utterly. Who, then, IS the "king of the castle" 🏰, the head of the snake 🐍, the TOP of the pyramid? Leaving the specific individuals and bloodlines aside (because it's a verrrrrrry complicated and involved question) the chief mechanism of the thing is the NATO-GLADIO Swiss banking authority system of singular, centralised, (I'd say, but some would argue the "zio" prefix?) zio-globalist control. Templarite/Luciferian military orders, black nobility papal bloodlines/Jesuit order intelligence apparatus & assassins, babylonian rhadanite bloodlines, perhaps? I suspect the latter to covertly head & direct, and perhaps be the progenitors of the former(s) too(?), although this is a contentious, not necessarily universally held & accepted view? All the visible edifices of the CFR, Trilateral commission, Pilgrim Society, RIIA, Round Table society/Rhodes scholars, Rand corporation, WEF, Bilderberg group, Fabian society, Tavistock Institute, secret society network/freemasonry- P2 & P3 lodges, etc, all the Klaus Schwabs, and Bill Gates, and corpocratic, technocratic, plutocracy, Elon Musk and the puppet politician figureheads like Trump, Obama, Bush, etc....are NOT the "top-dogs", we don't KNOW who THEY are? They're NOT even the Rothschilds or Rockefellers, the Saxe Coburg Goethe, Warburg or Collins notionally "13 illuminati bloodlines"? The REAL power-players, archon meat-puppet hybrids, RIGHT under the Shaitan, the ha satan, Hillel Ben Schachar/Lucifer, are NOT known to us, and do NOT ever step out from the shadows, I suspect? Anywayz, in summation, long story short- it is precisely because☝️ THIS is the world we REALLY live in, and because "they" have now become SOOoo powerful, and close to the enaction of the final stage of this dark alchemical metamorphosis of planet & people that they don't NEED to have to "pretend" to play by the rules ANYMORE, and, as we SO clearly SEE now, are OPENLY flouting and disregarding the rule of law, and our "let's pretend" civil liberties and human rights left & right now, in EVERY nation on the planet. They are OPENLY humiliating and tyrannizing us now, knowing full well that the people have been so distracted, lazy, lethargic and gullible for so LONG now, up to this point, that they've been able to quietly consolidate their power and chokehold over us to, at last, ENABLE them to so openly & unashamedly castigate, persecute, and tyrannize us in this way. THIS is what has ALLOWED them to DO THIS to poor Reiner in the first place, and what makes me sadly anxious about his chances that they'd just "all of a sudden" effect a U-turn and recognise his innocence and the at last "appearance" of his human rights & due process and RELEASE him. I hope & pray that they DO, I absolutely DO, but considering the way he was abducted and abused in the first place, and that they're beyond ANY legally punitive, disciplinary recourse for THAT, quite literally "above the law", then it can & must be nothing less than a MIRACLE we pray for, on poor Reiner's behalf.

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It's all collapsing. I will get back to you about some of the 'ruling club' names mentioned on Kim Goguen's Global Intelligence Agency reports in recent months. Quite different to the misleading lists that do the rounds in this internet swamp. She mentioned the name of the family that expects to have 65% control of the world but I can't remember it off hand. Will check my notes. Truly fascinating. The death cult bloodlines should be banned from having children.

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Good Intention! However, as the UN is very much a part of the global Mafia that incarcerated him, you should seriously reexamine your proposition. I suggest C4 and a getaway drone would be more likely to succeed. Nonetheless shining your light here & now can at least keep him from disappearing. Thank you!

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Yes it's a dark state of unruly affairs. Your C4 and a getaway drone solution made me laugh. Thank you. I mentioned it to my partner who often worked with explosives in his special effects movie work. He is responsible for some of the biggest screen explosions in the southern hemisphere. Back in the day before fake CGI explosions came along. Wonder if the UN is aware that its reputation is in tatters. I'll let them know.

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I regard the U.N. as NEVER having HAD a "good" reputation TO lose, and categorically NOT a "once" noble organisation that was infiltrated, subverted, corrupted & "went bad". I concede that there ARE compartmentalized good, conscience driven individuals IN it, who have NO idea whatsoever what it REALLY IS, but it has from the first & it's very inception, from the pan European alliance, to the League of Nations, to the United Nations, ALWAYS been a Luciferian/Molochite front (whose secret advisory council are the Lucis Trust) and zio-globalist NWO preparing blueprint for the one world government (with the initial goal too of grabbing Palestine, and making SURE that the babylonian talmudist zionist, sabbatian frankist, chabad lubavitch, synagogue of satan, edomite khazarians would be the top-dogs IN the coming world government). They, & their bio-terrorist wing the WHO were consciously, and deliberately behind the C19 depopulation agenda, they are, at the highest levels, absolute vermin who should be executed & the U.N. dismantled for the protection of all nations & peoples.

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Yes, the vicious master illusionists and sorcerers who pull the world's strings and concoct increasingly unrealistic and stupid scripts from their bent, shadowy world, have managed to hoodwink billions of people for centuries.

I became aware of the luciferian/molochite UN connection in 2020 when I began to search for the core, invasive COVID depop criminals. Unfortunately for them, they rely heavily on secrecy and ignorance to get away with their insidious crimes and I wish them well with their digital prison and totalitarian regime plans.

I am also reminded of a Magyar man called Goz Goz who publishes insightful information on his fakebook page. I enjoy republishing his counter-looneymati information from time to time, including the crude hijacking and destruction of of the world's original linguistics realm. He also writes about split timeline resets, the most recent being from from 1913 onwards.

This has helped me see how and why the NWO is just the old world order desperately trying to stay relevant. I heard someone say that when I eventually found a non-parrot channel on the internet in 2020 which was heavily devoid of old school journalism.

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