Friendly Open Letter to Australian Politicians
Public Meeting Request re Mass Theft of Title Deeds, Mortgage and Loan Fraud, Australia’s Multi Billion Dollar Child Removal Industry. For Starters.
Note: Politicians may need to book a few stadiums for our public meetings.
Mass Theft of Australian Title Deeds
I am writing to request that you give consideration to hosting a public meeting to discuss the mass theft of Title Deeds in this country, and the most efficient way to remedy his crude, heavily unreported crime of the century.
If you are not aware of ‘the enormous broad spectrum larceny that’s going on in Australia,’ please watch the 3 minute video entitled ‘Mafia corporation masquerading as Australian government has stolen your property’.
Video Link: Mafia corporation masquerading as Australian government has stolen your property
Or, read the transcript notes:
A Digital Title is Not a Title Deed
So much crime is going on in Australia. This corporate mafia masquerading as a commonwealth government. It’s hard to keep up with the enormous broad spectrum larceny that’s going on in Australia. You really can’t believe there isn’t anyone stopping this massive theft from the people.
Your constitution, the real one, the Commonwealth Constitution 1900 UK, was your contract that protects you and protects you from what is happening now. And yet what’s happening now, is happening. Either Australians don’t know, or decided not to take to the streets when they were robbed blind. Larceny.
When these crooked governments passed laws and legislations that meant any bank or any solicitor holding your Title Deed to your land, your farm, your property, they insisted your Title Deed was stamped DESTROYED. Not valid. Did you know that? That means you don’t own your property anymore. That’s larceny. They stole it from you.
You think they didn’t steal it from you because they said they were giving you a digital title. But a digital title is not a Title Deed. A Title Deed is your contract with the Crown so that you get the same rights and privileges owning your land as the Crown does with Crown land.
When they give you a digital title, you don’t have that at all. You effectively become a tenant. They can put liens on it, native title on it, you can’t leave it to your children, you can’t build on it. A digital title is binary code decimal with your name attached to it. You’re kind of the tenant on that title. It was theft. It was larceny.
This is what they were fighting for in Western Australia – Title Deeds for their farms because they knew they were being robbed blind.
How come Australia didn’t take to the streets when the crooked government destroyed their Title Deeds? If the electricity goes down or all this cyber warfare is coming, how are you going to prove that it’s your land? You can’t.
Australia, we must, we have to get rid of this corporation masquerading as government and reinstate the commonwealth parliament.
Source: Senate Candidate for The Great Australian Party & Host of The White Rabbit Podcast
I must confess that I cannot help but wonder if politicians and their families and friends are exempt from this grotesque, mass theft of Title Deeds. Perhaps I can ask that question at the meeting.
Why don’t we make it a hat-trick public meeting?
To save time and taxpayer funds, the Title Deeds Theft meeting could also be extended to address solutions concerning the age-old, fraudulent, manipulative banking practices linked to unnecessary property and interest rate rises, and cyclic, manufactured cost of living ‘crises’.
Whilst on the theme of money, I would also suggest that the meeting include propose solutions for Australia’s hidden, government sanctioned, multi billion dollar child removal industry.
Mortgage and Loan Fraud
V for Vegemite: Australian Bank Exposed In World’s Largest Mortgage & Loan Fraud
‘Since the GFC in 2007 where billions of dollars did not get wiped from the stock market, but rather changed hands from the poor to the rich, banks have not changed their practices. Instead, they continued to defraud their customers even more only using a different name for the same strategy.
The year is now 2024. This video exposes Westpac Banking Corporation who along with all the other big banks, collude amongst themselves to commit the largest banking, mortgage and loan fraud in history whilst pocketing billions from your blood, sweat and tears and you don't know about it.’
Video Link: Australian Bank Exposed In Worlds Largest Mortgage & Loan Fraud (Run time: 1 hr 4 mins )
Australia’s Multi Billion Dollar Child Removal Industry
Why does nobody in authority want to deal with ‘wrongful child removals’?
Dee McLachlan - Australia: The Child Protection Racket
According to Journalist and Filmmaker Dee McLachlan, Australia has participated in the cruel business of stealing children for three centuries and it has since become a protection racket. A business that is very little to do with the protection of children.
The criminal has more legal standing than a protective parent, and the child has NO legal protections at all. And it’s become obvious that the more children under State guardianship; the more jobs are created – and the more tax is required to deliver ever-increasing services, salaries, fees, and profits. The child trade or ‘protection racket’ operates like a syndicate with each person playing their role and earning from the unwarranted removals.
Children are over 20 times more likely to die whilst in care. Why would a court, charged with a child’s safety, have a default position to place the child and at greater risk (in State care)? And we have no idea of how many of these children were taken from happy nurturing homes.
Is this a sign of a mentally sick society?
Video Link: Australia: The Child Protection Racket (Run time: 35mins )
Unlawful national child removal industry nearing 9 billion dollars
Pastor Paul Robert Burton, NSW:
“I believe the removal of every child using section 43 in NSW is unlawful, that means the removal of every child by the State amounts to abduction and this has been going on for years. the stolen generation continues today and now the net is much wider.
The NSW State Gov is stealing children for profit right under your noses, the removals are unlawful under section 250 and it is well known that the department removes children on false grounds.” -
Source - Gumshoe News: Malicious Prosecution Claims Many Children Removed by the State Are Removed Unlawfully
Family Court too broken to be redeemed
Rachel Vaughan, SRA survivor and whistleblower
In April 2019 the Australian Law Reform Commission recommended that the Family Court be disbanded. As it was too broken to be redeemed. The fact that the Family Court continues in its current irredeemable state is proof of its corruption. This fact also highlights the malaise of the government offices which fail to intervene.
Parliamentary caps on lawyers and freemasons
Fortunately for people all around the world, unethical, bought, career politicians are dispensable. So are sanitised, narrative news media organisations. My research has le me to the conclusion that Australians have been unwittingly deceived for decades and deserve to select and elect appropriately qualified, experienced, competent, honest leaders who genuinely have Australia’s best interests at heart.
Perhaps a cap on lawyers in our parliaments is also in order. Future incoming representatives from diverse, professional backgrounds can utilise the support of a media advisor and legal advisor.
Some circles are also of the view that Australian parliaments are overrun by order taking freemasons which limits opportunities for non cult-faithful people to enter politics. So, a cap on freemasons is as necessary as a cap on lawyers.
I have also heard a range of dubious stories about the unreported world of party politics and am well aware of how low politicians rank in the world’s hierarchical pecking order. Foot soldiers, no less. Not a good mix. Australia is sliding backwards at a rapid rate because of a lack of strong, independent leadership, so much so, that this beautiful country often feels like a weird kind of sanitised Nappyland.
Either way, it really is in the best interests of Australian politicians to choose to align with the people who employ them and pay their lavish salaries - the Australian people. Otherwise, they are welcome to resign.
Marxist WEF influences in Australia
Too many existing Australian politicians are foolishly choosing serving the likes of privately owned, cabinet penetrating, Marxist institutions such as the World Economic Forum and support the idea of forming treaties with the WHO/UN which conveniently feature ‘virtual anonymity for the ministers concerned, combined with legal permanence’. (Gumshoe News )
If you haven’t invested any time in learning about the WEFtile ideology and ‘influencers’ who have been wielding their foreign swords in Australia’s corridors of power since the 70s, Senator Alex Antic spells it out in the Senate Hansard, 29/3/2022.
It is concerning to learn that many successful albeit naïve, younger Australians have been lured into the WEF’s Young Global Leaders (YGL) program. One only has to look at the tyrannical, often absurd political behaviours post 2020 and ask ourselves if Australia needs more arrogance, secrecy, ‘rammed’ legislation and bastardry in our midst than is already evident.
Fortunately, the unelected WEF club is no longer attracting as many government leaders and other people of perceived power and influence as it once did, so there is hope for our children and future generations once again.
Transparency and accountability
However, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and his colleagues appear to be eager to please the WEF and behave as though they are entitled to immunity from transparency and accountability. Thank goodness for men like Senators Gerard Rennick who has publicly revealed the existence of a document issued by the Prime Minister's office explaining to bureaucrats and people who take answers in Estimates, how NOT to answer the question: Labor is cooking the books - Senate 15.05.24
WEFugee Crisis - July 4, 2024, Expose News republished a comprehensive Wall Street Journal article. The Journal interviewed more than 80 current and former WEF employees from as far back as the 1980s. Some of them have bonded over what they describe as shared trauma in a WhatsApp group called “WEFugees” that has hundreds of former employees: WEF is facing allegations of sexual harassment and discrimination against women and black people
To be fair, I have spent time listening to the forceful, at times angry views and agendas of WEF founder and Kissinger protégé Klaus Schwab and his trusty sidekick, Israeli medieval historian Yuval Noah Harari, both of whom are fanatical transhumanists.
All I can say is that I hope they get to experience love and happiness in their lives one day.
Australia’s blossoming new media industry
Sadly, in recent years, I have collected enough corruption allegations to fill a book and have drafted a notebook-book called Toward Absolute Truth and Integrity.
Equally sad, is the recent launch of a new Australian publication called The Corruption Whistleblower, which ‘boasts’ 80 pages in its first edition.
The up and coming Noticer News ‘notices what other news sites don't’ and cover stories that are conveniently ignored or minimised by the narrative corporate media. Recent headlines:
Stunned scientists failed to give study participants COVID during the pandemic: ‘Can’t get people infected’.
More than 5.5 million Australians are disabled, up from 4.4 million in 2018.
More than one migrant arrived in Australia every single minute of the last year.
Another news publication called The Light articulately addresses a range of widely unreported, thought provoking issues including how to recognise and leave a cult. Music to my ears.
Are We All Being Brainwashed?
Nobody knows they are in a cult until they leave it but what if the majority of ‘mainstream’ thought and discourse is in fact part of an indoctrination process to get us to think in a certain way? Darren Smith, The Light Australia
(Image: Front page of The Light Australia, Issue 12, June 2024 - Are We All Being Brainwashed?)
We have Kangaroo Court ‘fugitive journalist’ Shane Dowling, working around the clock to keep Australians informed of serious political and corporate corruption issues while Gumshoe News journalist and filmmaker Dee McLachlan is leading the charge against Australia’s government sanctioned child protection racket and other concerning political issues.
On a brighter note, In the Interests of the People hosts John Adams and Martin North, have recently shown us how, despite threats, character assassination and other offensive behaviour along the way, valiant persistence pays off. Together with Senator Andrew Bragg, they successfully exposed ASIC’s insidiously corrupt and irreparably broken system and opened the door for a potential new design and build from the ground up.
Blacklisted Research is also bringing attention to unreported topics, finding reason in chaos, and giving a voice to logic, as are many other talented people in Australia’s rising new media industry. I personally enjoy the work of satirical comedians the most.
It took me a quite some time to process the magnitude of Australia’s untold historical crimes, deceptions and corruption. I experienced significant grief accompanied by deep feelings of betrayal, from which I eventually recovered. I also learned that silence is not golden and ignorance is not bliss after all.
Being a former media professional and supreme party girl, I now consider our once vibrant, exciting, competitive industry that ‘kept the bastards honest’ and the community informed and entertained, to be an irrelevant, controlled, lacklustre bore. If it all collapsed and disappeared tomorrow, I probably wouldn’t notice.
As for fearful, increasingly overreaching governments and other controlling institutions, they need to grow up and learn how to handle the truth, it seems.
One World Government Concept
I had scant awareness of the magnitude of ‘top shelf’ international mafia corruption and interference in Australia until post 2020, when detailed, ‘eye popping’ allegations dating back to the late 1960s about the proposed one world government, landed in my lap a couple of years ago.
While I agree that we need an ordered world, the idea of a one world government that only benefits the few, is not my cup of tea at all. In fact, I tend to resonate with people like the honorable US congressman Larry McDonald (1935-1983), who is on record as saying many concerning things, including this: The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining super-capitalism and communism under the same tent, all under their control.
As for the ‘new world order’ concept, I recall a forthright commentator saying that it is just ‘the old world order desperately trying to stay relevant’. Makes sense to me. Same bloodlines, different generation.
Either way, the convenience of zero media scrutiny gives conniving powermongers who do not have humanity’s best interests at heart, free passes whenever they need them and keeps the oblivious masses in the dark for obvious reasons. Therefore, you may well be as unaware of Australia’s significant mafia history at the highest levels as I previously was.
Society of Faeries Sparkle Files: DIY Steal the World
To raise awareness of this scandalous and most entertaining criminal history, which implicates many Australian politicians and other public figures, I am working on a video series called Society of Faeries Sparkle Files: DIY Steal the World. The story begins in 1967 and will eventually conclude with widely unreported, present day political and corporate corruption issues which continue to secretly erode the Australian way of life like an insidious ‘rare’ disease.
You are welcome to learn more by watching part 1 of my irreverent video series:
Video Link - Part 1: Society of Faeries Sparkle Files: DIY Steal the World (Run time: 11 mins )
Or, read the comprehensive list of allegations made by the unnamed insider in this article:
Why Australia's Rockefeller and Murdoch Mafia Club Deserves the Boot
1971 - Onassis and Rockefeller begin global operation to buy influence for the One World Government
1974 - Rupert Murdoch, playing his part, uses his newspapers and television network to spread lies and misinformation.
1983 - Phony news becomes THE news
Jillionaire Article Link: How Australia was Bought and Sold
(Any people named in this mafia story, or their descendants, are welcome to exercise their right of reply to any allegations which they may disagree with or prove otherwise.)
The law is now nipping at the heels of heels
Unscrupulous, old fashioned, Marxist, Fabian leaning politicians and their owners can no longer pretend that they are above the law because the law is now nipping at their heels. Justifiably so.
Given that Australia has also been lumped with a controlled, mute, narrative news media that should be actively exposing this corruption scourge, good old fashioned public meetings hosted by people-serving, solutions-oriented politicians instead of misled, cult serving quockerwodgers, may soon become fashionable again.
Let’s hope these friendly gatherings begin to pop up like joyous mushrooms across our great southern land. No need for any angry, pitchfork types of meetings, or the unAustralian use of rubber bullets or nefarious ‘crowd controlling’ technologies which cause human flesh to burn. Post 2020, I saw many photographs and videos of injured Australians who attended peaceful protests and for a moment, I thought I was living behind the Iron Curtain in the bad old days of Soviet Russia.
Most unaware Australians will be furious when they learn that a digital title is not a Title Deed and that they are currently a victim of a government/globalist crime of the century. And rightly so. But when the dust settles, I’m sure that everyone will calm down and compose themselves once more.
The primary goal of these peaceful public meetings with parliamentary representatives, is to discuss solutions. If people are unable to control their anger, they should stay at home an wait for an email update about the restoration of their Title Deed/s. mortgage, loan or reburn of their stolen child.
I look forward to your response.
Central Coast, NSW
July 25, 2024