It's true: Good ETs are shut out of direct governmental interactions
Farsight Institute director announces that their boardroom meetings with good ETs will soon be made public. Disclosure ends secrecy and repression.
‘The chaos that you see in the world today is largely a consequence of secrecy and neither the governments or the bad ETs who work with the governments, want you to know about it. The good ETs desire open contact with the public now, and deplore the secrecy which keeps humanity repressed.’
Dr Courtney Brown, Director, Farsight Institute
Good ETs vs bad ETs
Humanity must rise up and openly state that they want an alliance with the good ETs
This article is comprised of compelling excerpts from Robert Kalil’s Typical Skeptic interview (August 5, 2024) with Haujean Contactee-Voices of Orion host, Nathan Ciszek and Farsight Institute Director, Courtney Brown.
As an absolute latecomer to the ET secrecy agreement conversation, I have always intuitively sensed that extraterrestrials are real and would one day assist humanity. If you can already feel your ET shackles tightening, please be aware that humans are genetically predisposed to not believe in extraterrestrials and viewed by ETs on both sides as zombies. But this can and will change with full ET disclosure, which is where the dynamic Farsight Institute and ‘friends’ comes in.
Farsight director Courtney Brown recently announced the blockbuster news that their regular boardroom meetings with good ETs will soon be made public. The Farsight Institute conducts the highest quality remote-viewing studies available anywhere in the world, investigate scientific questions and historical mysteries and also provide physical proof of their findings.
The following interview notes will also be of interest to astronomers, theologians and life after death researchers, who will be introduced to/reminded of vital death information. Anyone who is not interested in being ‘recycled’ and returned to earth for another round of madness, will be relieved to learn that the godly light we have all read about for decades, is, in fact, an AI trap - an Amnesia processing system which is a weaker version of the one used in the Egyptian pyramid building days. I have included extensive transcript notes about recognising, avoiding and plans to eventually dismantle this complex, bad ET trap.
This death trap information was not new to me but Courtney and Nathan consolidated its reality. As an afterlife researcher since the mid 80s when I began to search for my father, this new concept naturally took a little while to process but I look forward to researching and writing more about it.
Having learned the vital art of discerning fact from controlled narrative, I can confidently say that the information disclosed in this article is 100% factual, honest, exciting, uncensored and independent of all competing ‘preferred narrative societies’ vying for global control of information. With respect.
A likely ‘hot war’ shootout with a superior good ET military presence will force the bad ET’s to withdraw from a planet that they no longer control
“The whole planet is being run as a prison and the bad ETs the ones running the prison. So we know that group really well. It's not subtle. It's like Star Wars, where you have the Sith and you have the Jedi.
Disclosure has to happen because only then will you get Humanity rising up and openly stating that they want an alliance with the good ETs, not the bad ETs.
They're going to have to force their leadership to change and once they have a free will agreement among the masses to align themselves with the good, the good will defend them. Then the bad ETs will be faced with fighting for a planet they can't control anymore, against a numerically superior force with good ETs.
The bad ETs control all of the human leadership. Political leadership, corporate leadership, media leadership. The reason you're lied to so much by the media is because it's all heavily controlled. The censorship, the lies, the falsehoods, the deception, it's all part of the control.
The written agreements between the bad ETs and the US government for (mostly) weapons technology transfer, in exchange for letting the bad ETs operate here, basically allows them to operate probably what is unquestionably the largest human trafficking operation on the planet. What they're doing is awful.
Right now, the bad ETs are triggering world crises to slow down the disclosure movement, but the good ETs are helping to compress them, so they all happen at the same time. You've got to force disclosure within a population that is very resistant to disclosure.
The whole disclosure movement was picking up steam for a while and that was threatening the secrecy agenda of the bad ETs and so now, no-one's asking about the disclosure stuff because everyone's asking, is it going be a war? This type of stuff is designed to be that way.
Humans are genetically predisposed to not believe in extraterrestrials so it's going to have to be a really big shock. That's why all these crises have to get pushed together. But it's going to get way, way worse and at some point, the good ETs are going to be forced to intervene in order to stop the the whole planet from blowing itself up.
When the good ETs have to intervene in order to stop planetary collapse, that's when the cold war between the good ETs and the bad ETs is going to change into a hot war and there's going to be a shootout. (A project on the shootout will be visible to everybody.)
The bad ETs will be confronted with a military presence of the good ETs that is actually superior in quantity than what they have now… and for a planet that they can't control anymore anyway. That is what will get the bad ETs to withdraw. Why shoot it out and lose personnel and ships if they can't control the planet in the first place?
That's the plan and that's been the plan from the beginning… This has never been done exactly like this before and it's a huge thing. And believe me, trust me when I say this, the entire galaxy is watching.”
Dr Courtney Brown, Director, Farsight Institute
Remote Viewing ETs, Death Traps - Nathan Ciszek and Dr Courtney Brown, Part 2
Broadcast date: August 5, 2024 - Run time: 1 hr 33 mins
Transcript Notes
Courtney Brown: We have had contact with extraterrestrials for a very long time and it was in January 2022 that we made the decision that we had to be open and honest and tell people about that. We didn't want to deal with the skepticism before that, so we just sort of kept it secret.
We were told that the group of ETs that we call the bad ETs, the ones that have written agreements to operate here on Earth in exchange for technology transfer, mostly weapons technology, were going to announce that Farsight was part of some type of false flag or Project Blue Book or some type of Blue Beam thing i.e. extraterrestrials are operating through Farsight in order to manipulate the public and beware and things like that.
You can introduce yourself to people only once, so when we heard that that was going to happen, we decided that we just have to tell everybody, exactly from the beginning, all of the extraterrestrial contacts we have. We have open extraterrestrial contact with the group that we call the good ETs and they were ones that helped us with our Advanced SRV (scientific remote viewing) procedures. They're very different from the military procedures.
They have helped us in a great many ways. But the issue is that they want to show people - they're trying to reach out and interact with people.
Bad ETs run the largest human trafficking operation on the planet
The written agreements between the bad ETs and the US government for technology transfer, in exchange for letting the bad ETs operate here, basically allows them to operate probably what is unquestionably the largest human trafficking operation on the planet. What they're doing is awful.
But the US is getting some technology transfer and weapons stuff and they're basically shooting UFOs down… the good ETs, on my side, and taking the ships that they do manage to get and helping to get the technology reverse engineered so that they can get weapons stuff from it.
So, that process of interacting with the good ETs has never really been full because part of the written agreements with the bad ETs is that the whole UFO ET presence …must be kept secret. It's written in the contracts.
Haim Eshed openly spoke about written agreements with ETs
This is not just me talking. This is something that Haim Eshed has openly talked about. Haim Eshed is the former director of the Israeli space directorate which is the Israeli version of NASA and he has actually given an open interview…
He has openly talked about the written agreements that the US has with the extraterrestrials. Mind you, he was head of the Israeli space directorate for 30 years he's also a decorated general and currently a college professor, so you know that the fact that these written agreements exist should not be of a surprise to anyone.
And if you've been listening to the Congressional hearings that have been participated in by people like David Grusch and others, you know it's not really in dispute that there is a crash retrieval program.
The only thing that's not being talked about is why the ET ships are crashing in the first place… they are being shot down. And where is the US government getting the technology to do that? The US government is not shooting down any ships from the bad ETs. It's all the ones from the good ETs.
So, the good ETs could knock out the US Secret Space Program in a blink of an eye but they don't want to do that because they don't want to be seen as the aggressors. They're here to try to help Humanity so they let themselves be shot down when they get put into a vulnerable spot. Because, if they defended themselves, the US government would say, oh my, they're the aggressors and that would throw the government further into the hands of the bad ETs which the good ETs want to avoid.
But the good ETs want people to see that, they want to have contact. They want to have open contact. So, we have what's called a Farsight board meeting now…It's a meeting between all of our remote viewers, myself, Aziz and everybody, and two extraterrestrials. We have a board room where we meet and it’s all video recorded and we're going to start showing people that.
Now, the ETs have to remain invisible. If they were visible, two things would happen. Everyone would say, oh they're just actors, so they wouldn't believe it in the first place. But also, if they were visible - it's easy for them to turn the switch and become visible - but if they were visible, we would be attacked immediately because that would be a violation of the agreements of secrecy.
Pioneering how to circumvent that Stealth Tech
All ships on the good side and the bad side have to remain invisible and we have been pioneering how to circumvent that Stealth Tech that is used and we can actually get video recordings.
We have been teaching people about what cameras to use, how to get them modified, how to shoot and typically, we often get like 20, 30 UFOs in a 15 minute period when we use these modified techniques in a in a heavily populated place like Atlanta or Washington DC or something like that.
The UFOs are there in large numbers but they're all using Stealth Tech. They don't want you to see them, unless you use stuff that can circumvent that, which we're teaching people how to do.
Farsight boardroom meetings with good ETs
The invisibility thing is an aspect of all UFO stuff, so these boardroom meetings are fascinating because even though you can't see the ETs, you can hear the interactions. The people at Farsight have been trained for years, so we can see the ETs without any problems but when you hear the interactions, they're very believable because they're so natural. And you can hear the kind of conversations we're having and the conversations cover all types of topics.
We sometimes have our own things we want to ask about, other times, it's the ETs themselves that bring up things but then everybody hears the stuff at the same time and it's very convincing. So we're actually showing people what those board meetings are and that's starting this month…
Bad ETs don't want humanity to ask questions about extraterrestrials
We don't just deal with extraterrestrial stuff, we also deal with current day politics. The troubles that are happening in the world today, are 100% tied to activities that the bad ETs are doing in order to keep Humanity in a constant state of serious turmoil because when it's in chaos and turmoil, they don't ask questions about the extraterrestrials.
The whole disclosure movement was picking up steam for a while and that was threatening the secrecy agenda of the bad ETs and so now, no-one's asking about the disclosure stuff because everyone's asking, is it going be a war? Are people going to start dropping nukes? What kind of a war is going on with the with Israel and Hezbollah, and Hamas and Iran? And is Turkey getting involved and other countries getting involved? And how does that relate to the Ukraine? And then China and Taiwan may get kicked into starting.
This type of stuff is designed to be that way and the US elections are so heavily polarised, it looks like things are not going to be so easily settled here in the United States, either. This is the quickening. This is when things are actually picking up.
We have to be able to respond and explain to people on a more ongoing basis. Sometimes we'll be explaining to people by letting them watch our discussions that we have with extraterrestrials and other times we'll be doing it by showing them our projects, our Deep News projects, our Earth Mysteries projects and our Galactic projects and then other times, we're going to be dealing with questions…
Courtney Brown has been dealing with ETs his whole life
Audience Question from Lily Pond: Courtney, how do you know that you're dealing with the good ETs?
Courtney Brown: I've been dealing with them my whole life. I know these people personally. When I was growing up, as a child I had four ETs… they were Grays. Two on the right side of my bed and two on the left side of my bed. Almost every night, they were there. I guess they were guarding me. I don't know. I used to wonder.
And this isn't stuff I remembered through dream or hypnosis or anything.. there were two on the right and two on the left. They never did anything bad. I just assumed they were guarding me or protecting me. I used to think I should maybe tell my mother about it but then I decided no, she'll just worry. These people are okay. So, through my whole life I've been interacting with them. Whenever I needed something, I'd ask and I'd get information.
And I've been starting to expose, I have a daughter, for example, on one of the ships… when I go up there and I interact with her, she's sort of my liaison person. But I've been on the ships myself. I know these people personally. They're very nice people.
I was born here as a human, as a normal human. I was raised as a human and my mother and father were human and I went to the human educational system of the whole nine yards. But my memory wasn't affected, wasn't erased when I came here, so I sort of knew I didn't have that sort of amnesia processing that most people have.
Bad ETs do horrible things - reptilians are at the top of the food chain
The bad ETs, on the other hand, are different. They're completely different. They're the top of the food chain. We don't like to talk in terms of species but the reptilians are almost entirely part of the bad ETs. Not 100% but and they're the top of the food chain for the bad ETs and they do horrible things. I mean horrible things. They're the ones that are deeply involved… they themselves don't always personally do these things.
They work with mercenary forces. They work with other races that they control and who they control. They're very fascist. They're very authoritarian, totalitarian. They are running the largest human trafficking operation on the planet by far and what they end up doing to these people is absolutely horrible.
The whole planet is being run as a prison and they're the ones running the prison. So we know that group really well. It's not subtle. It's like Star Wars where you have the Sith and you have the Jedi. It's not hard to tell the difference between the Sith and the Jedi. You can tell the difference between Palpatine and Yoda.
The galaxy is the remnants of a holocaust that went on for a million years.
It's not like, how can I tell if they're the good ETs or not? It's not subtle. The bad ETs they lie, they manipulate, they do all types of things. They are hugely involved in the channeling community and they make themselves sound like they're the good guys. But the reality is, you're just spewing all types of lies in order to try to convince the public that everyone in the universe, everyone in the galaxy, is warm and friendly. Brothers and sisters waiting for Humanity to mature so they can embrace their warm brothers and sisters in the galaxy. Nothing could be farther from the truth.
The galaxy is the remnants of a holocaust that went on for like a million years. War, turmoil, struggle. That's what's been going on in the galaxy and the big war is basically over. But what we see on Earth is sort of a remnant of that and it runs the risk of expanding out into another war which would make the next holocaust even worse than the first.
The reptilians want the people because you can't expand across the galaxy unless you have a huge force. You need people to do that…you need everything that you can possibly imagine. They all have to be controlled from top down in an authoritarian manner and you're talking billions of people.
ETs call everybody ‘isbies’ but view humans on earth as zombies
You have to understand that both the good ETs and the bad ETs fully recognise that the human physical body is not who you are, that you are… we call everybody isbies - someone who is for the purpose of being. We don't use the word soul or spirit but the ETs, both the good and the bad, think of humans on Earth as essentially zombies, so Earth is essentially a whole planet full of zombies.
Editor's Note: Isby is a girl's name meaning ‘pledged to God’. Soul is a word of uncertain origin. Middle English soule, from Old English sawol - ‘spiritual and emotional part of a person’; Proto-Germanic saiwaz - ‘coming from or belonging to the sea’. Spirit from (12c) Latin spiritus ‘a breathing (of respiration, also of the wind), breath’, also ‘breath of a god’). Source: Etymology Online
And what are zombies? Zombies are people who are dead but not dead. They don't have any memory of who they are or where they came from and they go around hurting other people. That's humans. They've been Amnesia processed and they go around hurting people, and they have wars and struggles.
ETs good and bad are terrified of just coming down here undefended. I mean, this place is not easy and so what you have is a situation in which the zombies, or the planetary system here, the people that are in physical bodies here, they're actually isbies… and there's billions of others isbies that don't currently have physical bodies.
But … every person that's animated in the Universe has an isby inside of him or her, so the issue is, in order to expand out throughout the galaxy and carve out larger and larger realms that they control, they need a huge isby population.
In other places in the galaxy, you don't lose anything when you die
It doesn't matter if you have a body or not. They can give you bodies - bodies are easy to come by. In fact, in other places in the galaxy, especially the where the good ETs are, when you die, you don't even lose your stuff. They know you're not the body. You don't lose your bank account, you don't lose your spouse, you don't lose your friends, you don't lose your house, you don't lose your car, you don't lose anything. You're still there and you can get another body. So, the bodies are not a big thing.
But on Earth, in the zombie population, the bodies are considered everything, that you are the body and then you're hoping and praying that you have a soul. It's so crazy but that's what you get with the zombie population.
Good ETs don't want the secrecy - they would like to be open
And so, you can tell the difference between the good ETs and the bad ETs. The good ETs are trying to free the prison. They're trying to break the prison down and they have a plan, they have a strategy. Farsight is part of that, in the sense that we are a group that they interact with on a regular basis and they want people to see that they're not afraid of interacting, that they don't want the secrecy, that, in fact, they would like to be open.
We started showing some of these interactions on with the Conversations with Harvey series that we had and that has since expanded out to conversations that the other remote viewers have had with ETs and again, we have no trouble seeing them.
When they come down to meet with us, they come down with lots of people… they have like 200 or 300 security people, ships… they have to be well defended… they could be shot down just like anybody else.
But anyway, we're going to show these boardroom meetings so you can see the actual conversations and once you get full disclosure happening, and once the bad ET's can be removed, which is a huge deal, then they'd have no trouble having interactions that are visible to the physical eyes. But right now, they can't do it. Otherwise, there would be an immediate armed conflict, like, that second.
More fascinating disclosures
Planet Earth is a psychological prison and it's maintained by controlling the information that you have. That's why what Nathan Ciszek and Robert Kalil are doing, is really so important - reaching out and giving alternate pieces of information.
Once you get disclosure, which is really hard - the entire prison system breaks down. The whole thing. And it becomes completely unmanageable by the bad ETs because then, the cat is out of the bag. A plan is in place to break down the system.
The bad ETs control all human leadership. Political leadership, corporate leadership, media leadership. The reason you're lied to so much by the media is because it's all heavily controlled. The censorship, the lies, the falsehoods, the deception, it's all part of the control.
Humans are genetically predisposed to not believe anything about extraterrestrials
The situation is compounded because the human genotype, the actual genes, is such that certain types of questions are actually resistant genetically, so that you don't ask certain questions or you shy away from certain topics or certain questions.
So, there's some genetic predispositions, the media is heavily controlled and secrecy is a dominant form of control. Secrecy is probably 80% of everything. The goal of the good ETs is to end the secrecy because then you can deal with the genetic predispositions, the control of the leadership and so on but the secrecy has to end. So that's where disclosure happens.
Where did movies like Star Wars, Matrix and Star Trek come from?
The good ETs have been slowly trying to work with the hearts and minds of the masses to get them ready for a time that they can accept these things. One of the ways they've been doing that is by slipping ideas into the minds of authors and scriptwriters, so that when the when the people wake up in the morning they say, oh I've got this great new idea for a new show, a new episode or something and then they pursue it.
That's where Star Wars, Matrix and Star Trek movies came from. A whole host of stuff that's out there in the science fiction realm came from the good ETs planting ideas in the writers’ minds, so the population is basically ready now.
Right now, the bad ETs are triggering world crises to slow down the disclosure movement, but the good ETs are helping to compress them, so they all happen at the same time.
But it's going to get way, way worse and at some point, the good ETs are going to be forced to intervene in order to stop the the whole planet from blowing itself up.
When the good ETs have to intervene in order to stop planetary collapse, that's when the cold war between the good ETs and the bad ETs is going to change into a hot war and there's going to be a shootout.
There is a project on the shootout that will be visible to everybody. It's a big thing.
With disclosure, the secrecy ends
The bad ETs are going to be confronted with the following scenario. With disclosure, the secrecy ends. Their normal tricks to control the masses through secrecy psychological manipulation, they won't work anymore because everybody knows it. The beans have been spilled, so they're going to be confronted with a population they can't control anymore in the way they were controlling it.
They're also going to be confronted with a military presence of the good ETs that is actually superior in quantity than what the bad ETs have now. So, if the good ETs and the bad ETs fight it out, the bad ETs will lose ships, lose personnel and it's for a planet that they can't control anymore anyway. So that is what will get the bad ETs to withdraw because why shoot it out and lose personnel and ships if they can't control the planet in the first place?
So that's the plan. Disclosure has to happen because only then will you get Humanity rising up and openly stating that they want an alliance with the good ETs not the bad ETs. They're going to have to force their leadership to change and once they have a free will agreement among the masses to align themselves with the good, the good will defend them and the bad ETs are going to be faced with fighting for a planet they can't control anymore, against a numerically superior force with the good ETs.
It's a lose-lose situation and the theory is that they'll withdraw. Now this has apparently never been done exactly like this anywhere in the galaxy, so everybody in the galaxy is watching we want to see if this will work.
How the bad ETs morphed Christianity into something that's unrecognisable
The roots of this plan go back a few thousand years. For example, Jesus had a pretty simple message. He said, love is the force that flows through the universe, just forgive and forget… just chill out. And he said that within a context of Greek and Roman societies that were both slave based. The idea was to let those ideas percolate through the society for a few hundred years thousand years and it would change the way people think.
But the bad ETs, after a few hundred years, said, this is not good. We had a cash cow going with the Greek and the Roman gods and that was working great. This Christianity thing is disrupting that.
So they shifted, they pivoted. They made Saints out of all the Greek and Roman gods and switched everything over to Christianity. And that's when they morphed Christianity into something that's unrecognisable, based on the original ideas. Such as, if you want to avoid burning in the fires of hell forever, you have to get down on your knees and beg for forgiveness. But if you beg hard enough, we can grant you eternal life in heaven.
That stupid. You have eternity either way. Eternity in fires of hell or eternal life in heaven, so how can they grant eternal life if you’ve got eternal life either way? The other thing is, someone can say, but I didn't do anything and their response is, oh no, there's original sin. You don't have to do something, you've got original sin.
And that whole idea is to force obedience. Don't ask questions. That type of thing.
No one can grant you eternal life because no one can kill you
And the reality is, this is an absolute fact - no one in the universe has figured out how to kill an isby, so no one can grant you eternal life because no one can kill you.
Your body can be killed but that doesn't matter. That doesn't mean anything. That's going to die anyway but who you are, your real person, it's impossible to kill. You can trap an isby. You can give Amnesia to an isby, you can trick an isby, you can lie to an isby, you can do all types of bad things to an isby but you cannot kill an isby.
In the current time period, people like Martin Luther King and Jimmy Carter talked about Christian ideas such as human rights, which ultimately came from some of the influence that Jesus had long ago, so it did help to change the environment.
The good ETs are making the disclosure process happen fast
The bad ETs were able to control it, warp it and mess it up because those ideas were percolating through Humanity slowly. The good ETs are now trying to make the disclosure process happen fast, because that's the only way that the bad ETs can't control it. But they have had to wait until the technology of the planet was sufficient to be able to have instantaneous communication worldwide.
This could not have been done a hundred years ago. This is the moment in time, the earliest it could have been done. This plan has been enacted. It actually started a long time ago. A lot of pieces have been put in place but it is a very complicated plan and disclosure is key to it.
The bad ETs are trying desperately to slow down disclosure which is why you see all these crises happening. But the good ETs knew the crises were going to happen, they knew the chaos was going to happen. So, the idea is to compress it and amplify it so that the crises become uncontrollable and then they can get intervention. That's the plan.
Everybody is related to the same 2 to 10,000 pairs of people
Fundamentally, everybody has to leave the planet because this is a very unstable planet. This is not a planet that's normally desired for long-term civilization. Long-term civilizations need a million years of peace and quiet to mature but this planet turns basically upside down every 25,000, 30,000, 40,000 years.
For example, there was a major disaster that happened 70,000 years ago. They call it the Toba Catastrophe Theory but it had nothing to do with the volcano in Indonesia. Nonetheless, there was a major disaster and everybody on the planet got killed except for two to 10,000 surviving pairs of people.
That means everybody died except for 4 to 20,000 people and they know that because the geneticists have figured that out. Because absolutely everybody on the planet, from the Aborigines to the Europeans to the Native Americans or the Africans, everybody, they're all related to the same 2 to 10,000 pairs of people. There is nobody that's not related to those few people.
So, they know that they were only a few thousand people that survived 70,000 years ago. That's normal. That type of thing happens.
One of the reasons you have such great interest in Antarctica is there's tech underneath from past civilizations. There's tech underneath the ice and the governments want some of that tech and they don't want to announce it to everybody. That’s the secrecy stuff that goes on. Just like they don't want to announce the ET tech that they have, either. But nonetheless, you have a situation where the disclosure process has to be fully completed to end the prison planet system.
Mars vs Maldek - explosive origins of the asteroid belt
Nobody on the good side or the bad side is talking about eliminating humans from Earth. No-one's planning on trying to kill everybody. Sometimes that's threatened by the bad ETs, if you push us hard enough, we'll just blow up the whole place. And then, they can still keep everybody because they have ways to collect the isbies through the Amnesia processing system that normally takes place after death, so they could just move everything over to another place.
The planet that was where the asteroid belt is now, was called Maldek and that was destroyed by a war that happened between Mars and that planet. There were reptilians that lived on Maldek and more humanoid types living on Mars and Mars was losing the conflict and they shot some explosives into a nuclear weapon depot that had hundreds of nuclear weapons in it and it blew up the whole planet. It's easy to blow up a planet.
Some mainstream astronomers have argued that the asteroid belt was a result of the explosion but that's all pushed aside and shunted down by 99% of other mainstreamers that don't want to that don't want to (or can’t) go in that direction. So, there is resistance from the new age community, the channeling community and the scientific community.
Thomas Flander was one of the mainstream astronomers. He was the head of the Department of Celestial Mechanics at the Naval Observatory who tried to argue ferociously that the asteroid belt came from a planet that exploded but he ran into a wall of bricks.
It's obvious that the asteroid belt came from an exploded planet. The mainstream astronomers like to say, no, it was just leftover junk from the primordial solar nebula but that's crazy. The primordial solar nebula was dust and if you look at the asteroid belt, some of those asteroids are big, like Ceres asteroids, they're huge and you don't get big solid rocks like that unless you have a large gravity source to compress all of the dust to produce these large rocks.
Also, the asteroids show evidence of being exposed to extreme, searing heat, so there's a lot of evidence that the asteroid belt is a result of an explosion. In addition, half of Mars is completely pock marked with craters and the other half is relatively crater free. When the planet exploded, it was like a shotgun blast to one half of Mars and the other half didn't get it. That was the end of the good days, living days, for Mars. That was the beginning of the end when Mars no longer became habitable. Farsight has done a number of projects dealing with the consequences of that major war.
Why are prominent people saying all of the ETs are good?
How can you actually move forward if everyone is so resistant? If you look at the disclosure movement, even from within, you have prominent people saying all of the ETs are good. Sometimes they force people to sign agreements saying that, if you do this project with us, you have to state that all the ETs are good and that the only bad people are the military- industrial complex and that if you could just get rid of the military-industrial complex … the ETs would be here in a heartbeat and they'd give us free energy. Like they’re dangling a carrot in front of us for free energy. None of that stuff is true. It's As Above So Below.
Do you see any place on the planet Earth where absolutely everybody is living in peace and harmony? Just read the news. Everybody's fighting. Well, it's no different up there.
If you want to know an extraterrestrial, look in the mirror. You all came from some place else. Nobody started here on Earth…and the fact that you see so many people fighting, that's what was happening out there. So, it's just totally illogical to say that the entire galaxy of life is just living in peace and harmony and that if we could just accept that, we'd have free energy. It’s just stupid.
(Editor’s note: My research has led me to conclude that free energy exists and is used by the US military. Hundreds of patents for clever inventions that could solve problems like the energy crisis, are suppressed by the US government under the antiquated 1951 Invention Secrecy Act ).
Then you get some people saying that all the bad ETs have been chased off the planet by some valiant sheriff and his local deputy. I mean, it's so crazy. And the bad ETs are all gone. What? These people have had millions of years to figure out how to control a planet like that. You can't chase them away with a valiant sheriff and his deputy. This is a big deal. The bad ETs are still here in full force. There's no change.
Telepathy is the normal means of communication
The technology of dealing with isbies is very well known but the ignorant Earth population of zombies doesn't understand any of this. You combat this through education. You combat this by teaching people what is actually happening and you can teach people about what it is to be like as an isby. You teach people that telepathy is the normal means of communication in the galaxy.
When you fly those ET ships in the atmosphere, they fly 20,000 miles an hour - that's about 32,000 kilometers an hour. You can't fly that by just doing it with a normal biological being. You can't say, hey Joe, uh, make it turn to the right over there and go around the trees.
When you're dreaming at night, your isby detaches temporarily from your body and you have experiences. That what dreams are. You're always communicating in thought and the other people know exactly what you're saying and you don't have any trouble understanding what other people are saying.
When you wake up in the morning, your isby re-engages with the physical brain which is like a computer. It has a memory system in it, so everything that you experienced when you were sleeping, as an isby, was not registered in the memory of the physical brain. That's why it's hard to remember your dreams. When you re-engage the physical brain, the physical brain starts taking over and all those memories of what you did at night, just don't exist.
There's a brief period of time when the physical brain isn't completely awake that you can write down your dreams and then figure it out in the morning. That's a very useful approach to doing it.
Human are genetically predisposed to not believe in reality of ETs
You've got to force disclosure within a population that is very resistant to disclosure. 99% of them don't even believe anything, they don't want to believe anything. They're genetically predisposed to not believe anything about extraterrestrials and stuff so it's going to have to be a really big shock. That's why all these crises have to get pushed together. It's got to be a really big hammer blow to the head in order to get people to stop and say, what?
That's been the plan from the beginning. Saving the population with the conditions that the population presents itself with, which is very, very, difficult. They're asleep, they're like zombies. How do you wake up a zombie - a whole planet of zombies? It's a real question.
This has never been done exactly like this before and it's a huge thing. And the entire galaxy is watching. They're on the edges of their seats watching, wondering if this is going to happen. And it's in the context of all those problems, all the resistance to the disclosure process in the context of a prison society that's heavily controlled, heavily censored.
After death, avoid the light - The light is a tech trap
Seeing the light is a very common thing when you die. The light is technology. It's not God you're looking at.
There's lots of data to back up the idea of seeing the light when you die. There's been a lot of near-death experiences where people died on the operating table and saw the light.
There's nothing you're going to have happen to you that's not related to technology. It's like shining a light at a moth. The light that you see after you die produces a sense of warmth, love, good feelings and it draws the isby towards it. The closer you get to it and the more you try to resist it, you get stuck. It's like a fly trap… fly paper.
The more you struggle, the more you get trapped into it and then you're shocked with a very high voltage bolt - way higher voltage than lightning and that rattles you. Mind you, they can't kill an isby. Nobody can kill an isby. But you can shock it. You can rattle it. You can do all types of things. You can lie to it, you can trick it, all types of stuff.
And then after you get zapped, you lose your remote viewing capability, you lose your telepathy capability, you lose your memories and you're basically like an empty shell. That's why they like to think of humans as zombies.
Then an AI comes in and the AI is all computerised. So many people die per minute that it can't be handled by normal people. So, an AI comes in who looks like a normal person and says, we have been talking about your case with the Council of Elders. You see the Council of Elders sitting over there? Yeah, that Council of Elders. Well, we remember the arguments you used to have with your son or your daughter and your grandmother, remember the struggles you had with the grandmother and the mother. There was always a tension with your mother and father, so we think it would be best if you went back and worked on a few of those personality issues. But it's up to you. It's free will but we think it might be good if you went back and worked on these things.
Now, without memory, being zapped and not having any perceptual capabilities anymore, obviously everyone says, sounds good to me. Let me go back and work on a few of those personality wrinkles. And off they go. So, if they're resuscitated, they are brought back into the body. Otherwise, they become a baby again and then they go through the whole cycle and they don't have any memories of anything.
The light tech traps you in the Amnesia processing system
So, in order to avoid that, the very first thing you have to remember is when you die, you're not going to die, and secondly, you're going to see the light. Don't go towards the light. The light is technology. Think of a light in your backyard that's attracting moths. The light is tech and the moths don't know that, so they fly towards the light. Well, just don't go towards the light.
The Amnesia processing system is not the same as it used to be back in the ancient Egyptian pyramid building days. It's weaker now and so there are other people that you can meet when you die that can help you reorient yourself.
When the good ETs get shot down, they run into the risk of getting thrown into the whole Amnesia processing system as well. If their physical body dies suddenly, they could be jolted and disoriented. Jolted, like, what the heck happened? And if they see the light, they might get attracted and once you get even close to the light, you get sucked in and you get zapped.
So, they run the risk of being sucked into this prison also and once the people are in the prison, it's very, very hard for them to get out. The ETs just can't kidnap them because they don't remember who they are, so it's really hard to get them out. It's a risk. Anyone in this system is a risk.
Good ETs can assist us after death
The good ETs have an abundance of capacity to meet people after death and to bring them to safety. They have more of a capacity to do this than they're currently using. The trouble is, they can't do it to just anybody because most people when they die, don't remember who they are and if you go there and say, hey, I'm trying to help you - just follow me, they'll think they're being kidnapped.
When it's a choice between going towards somebody that they don't even know versus being sucked towards a nice warm light, they'll go towards a nice warm light. They'll say that's God. It feels great. So, it's a challenging thing but the good ETs do have the capacity to help people but the people have to be willing to do that and they have to be on the lookout for that type of assistance when it happens. They can't resist it. So that's why the disclosure process is necessary.
Earth is full of geniuses who must be made aware of disclosure
This planet has an enormously high concentration of geniuses on it because around the entire galaxy, civilizations have been around for a million years or so. They've invented everything that can be invented. There's no more inventions that can happen and the cash cow is there and everybody's really settled. Geniuses are creative people like artists and scientists and inventors. They are like the revolutionaries. They like to change things. They like to do things differently and that irritates a lot of societies.
But that's also why you have so many bad people like perverts and creeps and murderers and crazies like that here. This is a very convenient place to throw them. If you just kill them, their physical body, they'll just be born again and you get the whole problem all over again. So, you have to get rid of them. Throwing them into the Earth system is a convenient way of getting the bad guys out.
Disclosure process will lead to dismantling the death traps
So, with this planet, the goal is that once the disclosure process happens and people accept that the extraterrestrials are a real thing, you have an enormous concentration of geniuses here whose energy, intellectual power, can be directed towards dismantling the death traps, dismantling the light sources that people see when they die. They're very hard to detect and to dismantle. These things were created over millions of years. The technology involved is very advanced, even for the advanced ETs. They're hard to detect, they're hard to demobilize, they're hard to get rid of.
So, the geniuses of the earth have to work on that problem to completely dismantle that. And then there's going to be the issue of getting people off the planet because the planet is not a geologically stable place.
What we really need to have happen is to stop the Amnesia processing system. Stop it from reoccurring and let people move forward and work on getting their memories back.
Amnesia processing system doesn’t want us to remember who we really are
We do know that one of the reasons that people die early here; they only have like a 70-year lifespan. That was designed into the genes so that people would be processed through the memory Amnesia processing system more often because it is possible for the memories to start coming back.
And even among scientists, for example, Newton, he came up with all of calculus and classical physics all within a few short years of his life. It's not possible to do that. Nobody can do that. Those take thousands of years to figure out from raw principles.
In a few years, he came up with all of calculus and classical physics, so he wasn't actually thinking of this stuff all brand new. He was remembering. So, the memories can come. Newton may have thought he was figuring it out all brand new but really what he was doing was struggling to remember things.
So, the memories can come back but it's a work in progress. There's no easy switch to just do it and suddenly your memories are all back.
One part of the problem is getting rid of the bad ETs. The next part of the problem is recovering the billions of people that are here. That's just as hard as getting rid of, maybe that's even harder than getting rid of the bad ETs. It's a big problem but you can't even begin that until you get rid of the bad ETs. So, one day at a time.
Watch Part 1
UFO Evidence, Farsight Prime Remote Viewing - Dr Courtney Brown, Nathan Ciszek
Broadcast date: July 14, 2024 - Run time: 1 hr 52 mins
Public Negotiations With Extraterrestrials
This the history of Farsight's explorations into extraterrestrial activities. This is how it all began, and why we ended up supporting the idea of having public negotiations with extraterrestrials.
Farsight Institute
“Our full projects reinterpret the history of humanity. What you learn in school is not correct. We do not rely on what others tell us. We use only our own direct observation, using remote viewing and our cameras. We only ask that you look at the data yourself, and make up your own mind.” Farsight Institute
Farsight Institute conducts the highest quality remote-viewing studies available anywhere in the world. They investigate scientific questions and historical mysteries and also provide physical proof that what they are saying is correct.
They have also found a way to evade the stealth tech used by almost all extraterrestrial crafts to hide themselves, and show people how to make reliable video recordings of UAPs/UFOs with their own cameras.
“Don't let others control what you think. If you want to be free, you should watch our stuff.” Farsight Institute
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UAP/UFO video samples - visit Instagram: courtneybrownfarsight
Article (December 9, 2020): Former Israeli space security chief says extraterrestrials exist, and Trump knows about it
Haim Eshed, who oversaw the launch of numerous Israeli satellites into space, said he was only speaking out now because attitudes were changing and people seemed more receptive.
"If I had come up with what I'm saying today five years ago, I would have been hospitalized," he told Yediot. "Today, they're already talking differently. I have nothing to lose. I've received my degrees and awards, I am respected in universities abroad."
The Orion Lines
Congratulations to Ryushin Malone on the publication of his new book. I discovered Ryushin’s meticulous ET, human trafficking and human origins research in 2020 and wish him every success in his future endeavours.
Until next time.
Well, it'll be interesting to see what comes of this if anything. And how it will playout especially with the increase of videos footage with AI, CGI and who knows what else used to try and convince everyone. 🤔🤔🤔