Well, it'll be interesting to see what comes of this if anything. And how it will playout especially with the increase of videos footage with AI, CGI and who knows what else used to try and convince everyone. 🤔🤔🤔
When Courtney Brown said that humans are genetically predisposed to not believe in extraterrestrials – or anything esoteric – that really resonated. And most of us have been through the useless information education system to keep us that way, then programmed all over again through equally useless media and advertising BS.
Top that with the AI death trap posing as a godly light system that many people see when they leave their physical body, and the amnesia processing system thought to be a weaker version used by the Egyptian slave drivers, and here we are – dealing with wannabe slave drivers all over again. Now I have greater clarity as to why the American Indian culture also teaches people to not go to the light when they leave this earthly realm.
There are clearly intelligent life forms both inside and outside of this crazy world but the lying, tyrannical, secretive, violent dummies have had the upper hand for far too long. It is clearly time to boot them out.
I would like to see 6 prominent ET voices with lived experience, participate in a friendly forum where specific questions are put to them.
Well, it'll be interesting to see what comes of this if anything. And how it will playout especially with the increase of videos footage with AI, CGI and who knows what else used to try and convince everyone. 🤔🤔🤔
When Courtney Brown said that humans are genetically predisposed to not believe in extraterrestrials – or anything esoteric – that really resonated. And most of us have been through the useless information education system to keep us that way, then programmed all over again through equally useless media and advertising BS.
Top that with the AI death trap posing as a godly light system that many people see when they leave their physical body, and the amnesia processing system thought to be a weaker version used by the Egyptian slave drivers, and here we are – dealing with wannabe slave drivers all over again. Now I have greater clarity as to why the American Indian culture also teaches people to not go to the light when they leave this earthly realm.
There are clearly intelligent life forms both inside and outside of this crazy world but the lying, tyrannical, secretive, violent dummies have had the upper hand for far too long. It is clearly time to boot them out.
I would like to see 6 prominent ET voices with lived experience, participate in a friendly forum where specific questions are put to them.
Agree with you, would be something to see this in the flesh without smoke snd mirrors or the use of project blue beam. Appreciate your resonse.
Thank yoi